{ "general": { "about": "About", "tos": "Terms of Service", "privacy": "Privacy Policy", "image_by": "Image by" }, "login": { "title": "Login", "register": "Register", "username": "Username", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "invite": "Invite Code", "current_password": "Current Password", "enter": { "username": "Enter a username.", "email": "Enter your email.", "password": "Enter your password.", "invite": "Enter your invite code.", "current_password": "Enter your current password." }, "forgot": "Forgot your password?", "reset": "Reset password.", "set_password": "Set new password.", "remembered": "Go back to login.", "new": "New to REVOLT?", "existing": "Already have an account?", "create": "Create a new account.", "missing_verification": "No email?", "resend": "Resend verification.", "cancel": "Cancel request.", "check_mail": "Check your mail.", "check_spam": "Be sure to check spam if you can't find it.", "open_mail_provider": "Open {{provider}}", "successful_registration": "Successfully registered!", "error": { "create": "Failed to register!", "login": "Failed to login!", "reset": "Failed to reset!", "resend": "Failed to resend!" } }, "app": { "status": { "online": "Online", "idle": "Idle", "busy": "Busy", "invisible": "Invisible", "offline": "Offline" }, "navigation": { "tabs": { "home": "Home", "dev": "Developer", "friends": "Friends", "unreads": "Unreads", "saved": "Saved Messages" } }, "main": { "categories": { "conversations": "Conversations", "channels": "Channels", "members": "Members" }, "channel": { "message_where": "Message {{channel_name}}", "message_who": "Message {{person}}", "message_saved": "Save to your messages", "uploading_file": "Uploading file...", "failed_upload": "Failed to upload!", "attached_file": "Attached {{filename}}", "typing": { "single": "{{user}} is typing…", "multiple": "{{userlist}} and {{user}} are typing…", "several": "Several people are typing…" }, "system": { "user_joined": "joined.", "user_left": "left.", "added_by": "added by", "removed_by": "removed by" }, "unknown_user": "<Unknown User>", "bot": "bot" }, "groups": { "create": "Create a group.", "name": "Group Name" } }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "categories": { "user_settings": "User Settings", "client_settings": "Client Settings" }, "pages": { "account": { "title": "My Account", "change_field": "Change" }, "sessions": { "title": "Sessions", "this_device": "This Device", "created": "Created {{time_ago}}" }, "appearance": { "title": "Appearance", "overrides": "Theme Overrides", "reset_overrides": "Reset overrides.", "export_clipboard": "Export to clipboard.", "import_clipboard": "Import from clipboard.", "import_manual": "Import manually.", "import_theme": "Import theme from string.", "theme_data": "Theme Data" }, "notifications": { "title": "Notifications", "enable_desktop": "Enable Desktop Notifications.", "enable_push": "Enable Push Notifications.", "enable_sound": "Play Sound on Message.", "enable_outgoing_sound": "Play Send Sound.", "descriptions": { "enable_desktop": "This will give you notifications while your app is open.", "enable_push": "Enable to receive notifications when you're offline.", "enable_sound": "Enable for incoming message sounds.", "enable_outgoing_sound": "Enable to play sound when you send a message." } }, "language": { "title": "Language" }, "donate": { "title": "Donate" }, "source_code": "Source", "feedback": "Feedback", "logOut": "Log Out" } }, "special": { "friends": { "pending": "Pending", "blocked": "Blocked", "incoming": "Incoming friend request.", "outgoing": "Outgoing friend request." }, "status": { "offline": "Offline.", "disconnected": "Disconnected.", "connecting": "Connecting…", "reconnecting": "Reconnecting…" }, "modals": { "error": "An error occurred!", "clipboard": { "unavailable": "Clipboard is unavailable!", "https": "You are not currently in a HTTPS context.", "copy": "Manual Copy:" }, "signed_out": "You were signed out!", "onboarding": { "welcome": "Welcome to", "pick": "Pick a username that you want people to be able to find you by, this can be changed later in settings." }, "prompt": { "confirm_leave": "Leave {{group_name}}?", "confirm_leave_long": "You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited." }, "account": { "change": { "username": "Change your username", "email": "Change your email", "password": "Change your password" }, "failed": "Failed to change!" }, "actions": { "ok": "Ok", "close": "Close", "update": "Update", "send_email": "Send Email", "reload": "Reload App", "continue": "Continue", "cancel": "Cancel" } }, "popovers": { "user_profile": { "profile": "Profile", "mutual_friends": "Mutual Friends", "mutual_groups": "Mutual Groups", "no_users": "No mutual friends!", "no_groups": "No mutual groups!" } }, "requires_online": "You need to be online to view this." }, "context_menu": { "copy_id": "Copy ID", "copy_text": "Copy Text", "copy_uid": "Copy User ID", "copy_cid": "Copy Channel ID", "copy_mid": "Copy Message ID", "mention": "Mention", "message_user": "Message", "mark_as_read": "Mark As Read", "retry_message": "Retry Send", "cancel_message": "Cancel Send", "quote_message": "Quote Message", "edit_message": "Edit Message", "delete_message": "Delete Message", "remove_member": "Remove From Group", "open_file": "Open File", "save_file": "Save File", "open_image": "Open Image", "save_image": "Save Image", "open_video": "Open Video", "save_video": "Save Video", "copy_link": "Copy Link", "open_link": "Open Link", "block_user": "Block User", "unblock_user": "Unblock User", "add_friend": "Add Friend", "remove_friend": "Remove Friend", "cancel_friend": "Cancel Request" } }, "quantities": { "members": { "one": "1 Member", "many": "{{count}} Members" } }, "dayjs": { "lastDay": "[Yesterday at] LT", "sameDay": "[Today at] LT", "nextDay": "[Tomorrow at] LT", "lastWeek": "[Last] dddd [at] LT", "nextWeek": "dddd [at] LT", "sameElse": "L" }, "notifications": { "sent_request": "@{{person}} sent you a friend request.", "now_friends": "You are now friends with @{{person}}!" }, "error": { "network_error": "Network error.", "unauthorized": "Unauthorized.", "unlabelled": "Something happened.", "failed_validation": "Failed to validate fields.", "database_error": "Database error.", "internal_error": "Internal error.", "missing_permission": "Missing permission.", "unknown_error": "See console.", "operation_failed": "Operation failed.", "render_fail": "Template rendering failed.", "missing_headers": "Missing headers.", "invalid_session": "Invalid session.", "unverified_account": "Unverified account.", "unknown_user": "Unknown user.", "email_in_use": "Email in use.", "email_failed": "Email failed to send.", "invalid_credentials": "Email or password is wrong.", "invalid_token": "Invalid token", "missing_invite": "Missing invite code in request.", "invalid_invite": "Invalid code", "already_onboarded": "Already finished onboarding.", "username_taken": "Username is taken.", "already_friends": "Already friends with this user.", "already_sent_request": "Already sent a request to this user.", "blocked": "You have blocked this user.", "blocked_other": "This user has blocked you.", "no_effect": "This request had no effect.", "required_field": "Required", "too_short": "Too short", "too_long": "Too long", "invalid_email": "Invalid email address", "unavailable": "Unavailable.", "file_too_large": "File is too large.", "failed_to_receive": "Server failed to receive your file.", "missing_data": "Request is missing data.", "probe_error": "Failed to get file metadata.", "io_error": "Server encountered an I/O error.", "unsupported_browser": "Browser is missing support for this feature.", "denied_notification": "You denied notification access, check page settings." } }