const { gcc, gpp, gnucc, OPTIMISATION, STAGES, WARN } = require('../'); const { existsSync, mkdirSync, unlinkSync } = require('fs'); const glob = require("glob"); (async() => { // ensure we have a build folder existsSync('./out') || mkdirSync('./out'); // test gcc await gcc('src/main.c', 'out/main_c'); // test g++ await gpp('src/main.cpp', 'out/main_cpp'); // test gnucc auto-select await gnucc('src/main.c'); // use options await gnucc({ input: 'src/head.cpp', output: 'out/head', includes: [ 'src/headers' ], optimisation: OPTIMISATION.HIGH, warning: [WARN.ALL] }); console.log(''); /** * You can also compile files seperately and then link together */ await gpp({ input: 'src/', output: 'out/example.o', includes: [ 'src/headers' ], until: STAGES.COMPILE }); await gpp({ input: 'src/', output: 'out/tester.o', includes: [ 'src/headers' ], until: STAGES.COMPILE }); await gpp({ input: [ 'out/example.o', 'out/tester.o' ], output: 'out/multitest', includes: [ 'src/headers' ] }); console.log(''); /** * Or you can let gnucc do this for you * ? This keeps track of timestamps to only compile required files. * ? Compiles to .o first to speed up future compile times. * ? Ensures the correct compilers are used. */ await gnucc({ project: true, input: [ 'src/', 'src/' ], objOut: 'out/', output: 'out/projecttest', includes: [ 'src/headers' ] }); // clean up glob.sync('*.exe').forEach(x => unlinkSync(x)); })();