cd "$(dirname "$0")" version=2020.04 # get orxporter to do its thing echo "creating images..." ./orxporter/ -m manifest/out.orx -i ../input -C cache -q 32x32 -r rendersvg -o out/final/shortcode -f %f/%d/%s -t 4 -F svgo,pngc-32,pngc-128,pngc-512,webp-32,webp-128 && ./orxporter/ -m manifest/out.orx -i ../input -C cache -q 32x32 -r rendersvg -o out/final/codepoint -f %f/%u -t 4 -F svgo,pngc-32,pngc-128,pngc-512,webp-32,webp-128 && ./orxporter/ -m manifest/out.orx -i ../input -C cache -q 32x32 -r rendersvg -o out/final/mastodon -f ms_%s -t 4 -F pngc-128 && ./orxporter/ -m manifest/out.orx -i ../input -C cache -q 32x32 -r rendersvg -o out/final/font_sources -f png-%z/%u -t 4 -l -F pngc-32,pngc-64,pngc-128 && # export fonts echo "compiling fonts..." python3 ./forc/ -m manifest/font/manifest.json -a manifest/font/aliases.json -i out/final/font_sources -o out/final/font -F sbixOT,sbixOTiOS --afsc # packages! # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "compiling package folders..." mkdir -p out/final-pkg && ./orxporter/ -m manifest/out.orx -j out/final-pkg/mtnt_${version}_data.json function make_pkg { out_folder="out/final-pkg/mtnt_${version}_${2}" cp -R texts out/final-pkg && mv out/final-pkg/texts "$out_folder" && mv "out/final/${1}" "$out_folder/emoji" # you can't compress folders right now because of .DS_STORE. #zip -r -q "${out_folder}.zip" "$out_folder" #tar -zcf "${out_folder}.tar.gz" "$out_folder" } function make_pkg_font { file_name="${1}" out_folder="out/final-pkg/mtnt_${version}_${2}" cp -R texts out/final-pkg && mv out/final-pkg/texts "$out_folder" && mkdir -p "${out_folder}/font" && mv "out/final/font/${1}" "${out_folder}/font/${file_name}" #zip -r -q "${out_folder}.zip" "$out_folder" } make_pkg shortcode/svgo short_svg make_pkg shortcode/pngc-32 short_png32 make_pkg shortcode/pngc-128 short_png128 make_pkg shortcode/pngc-512 short_png512 make_pkg shortcode/webp-32 short_webp32 make_pkg shortcode/webp-128 short_webp128 make_pkg mastodon masto make_pkg codepoint/svgo code_svg make_pkg codepoint/pngc-32 code_png32 make_pkg codepoint/pngc-128 code_png128 make_pkg codepoint/pngc-512 code_png512 make_pkg codepoint/webp-32 code_webp32 make_pkg codepoint/webp-128 code_webp128 make_pkg_font MutantStandardEmoji-sbixOT.ttf font_sbixot make_pkg_font MutantStandardEmoji-sbixOT-iOS.mobileconfig font_sbixotios echo "Mutant Standard export complete!"