import { Redirect, useParams } from "react-router"; import { ChannelButton } from "../items/ButtonItem"; import { Channels } from "revolt.js/dist/api/objects"; import { Unreads } from "../../../redux/reducers/unreads"; import { WithDispatcher } from "../../../redux/reducers"; import { useChannels, useForceUpdate, useServer } from "../../../context/revoltjs/hooks"; import { mapChannelWithUnread, useUnreads } from "./common"; import ConnectionStatus from '../items/ConnectionStatus'; import { connectState } from "../../../redux/connector"; import PaintCounter from "../../../lib/PaintCounter"; import styled from "styled-components"; import { attachContextMenu } from 'preact-context-menu'; import ServerHeader from "../../common/ServerHeader"; import { useEffect } from "preact/hooks"; import Category from "../../ui/Category"; import ConditionalLink from "../../../lib/ConditionalLink"; interface Props { unreads: Unreads; } const ServerBase = styled.div` height: 100%; width: 240px; display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; flex-direction: column; background: var(--secondary-background); border-start-start-radius: 8px; `; const ServerList = styled.div` padding: 6px; flex-grow: 1; overflow-y: scroll; > svg { width: 100%; } `; function ServerSidebar(props: Props & WithDispatcher) { const { server: server_id, channel: channel_id } = useParams<{ server?: string, channel?: string }>(); const ctx = useForceUpdate(); const server = useServer(server_id, ctx); if (!server) return <Redirect to="/" />; const channels = (useChannels(server.channels, ctx) .filter(entry => typeof entry !== 'undefined') as Readonly<Channels.TextChannel | Channels.VoiceChannel>[]) .map(x => mapChannelWithUnread(x, props.unreads)); const channel = channels.find(x => x?._id === channel_id); if (channel_id && !channel) return <Redirect to={`/server/${server_id}`} />; if (channel) useUnreads({ ...props, channel }, ctx); useEffect(() => { if (!channel_id) return; props.dispatcher({ type: 'LAST_OPENED_SET', parent: server_id!, child: channel_id! }); }, [ channel_id ]); let uncategorised = new Set(server.channels); let elements = []; function addChannel(id: string) { const entry = channels.find(x => x._id === id); if (!entry) return; const active = channel?._id === entry._id; return ( <ConditionalLink active={active} to={`/server/${server!._id}/channel/${entry._id}`}> <ChannelButton key={entry._id} channel={entry} active={active} alert={entry.unread} compact /> </ConditionalLink> ); } if (server.categories) { for (let category of server.categories) { elements.push(<Category text={category.title} />); for (let id of category.channels) { uncategorised.delete(id); elements.push(addChannel(id)); } } } for (let id of uncategorised) { elements.unshift(addChannel(id)); } return ( <ServerBase> <ServerHeader server={server} ctx={ctx} /> <ConnectionStatus /> <ServerList onContextMenu={attachContextMenu('Menu', { server_list: server._id })}> { elements } </ServerList> <PaintCounter small /> </ServerBase> ) }; export default connectState( ServerSidebar, state => { return { unreads: state.unreads }; }, true );