import classNames from 'classnames'; import EmbedMedia from './EmbedMedia'; import styles from "./Embed.module.scss"; import { useContext } from 'preact/hooks'; import { Embed as EmbedRJS } from "revolt.js/dist/api/objects"; import { useIntermediate } from '../../../../context/intermediate/Intermediate'; import { MessageAreaWidthContext } from '../../../../pages/channels/messaging/MessageArea'; interface Props { embed: EmbedRJS; } const MAX_EMBED_WIDTH = 480; const MAX_EMBED_HEIGHT = 640; const CONTAINER_PADDING = 24; const MAX_PREVIEW_SIZE = 150; export default function Embed({ embed }: Props) { // ! FIXME: temp code // ! add proxy function to client function proxyImage(url: string) { return '' + encodeURIComponent(url); } const { openScreen } = useIntermediate(); const maxWidth = Math.min(useContext(MessageAreaWidthContext) - CONTAINER_PADDING, MAX_EMBED_WIDTH); function calculateSize(w: number, h: number): { width: number, height: number } { let limitingWidth = Math.min( maxWidth, w ); let limitingHeight = Math.min( MAX_EMBED_HEIGHT, h ); // Calculate smallest possible WxH. let width = Math.min( limitingWidth, limitingHeight * (w / h) ); let height = Math.min( limitingHeight, limitingWidth * (h / w) ); return { width, height }; } switch (embed.type) { case 'Website': { // ! FIXME: move this to january /*if (embed.url && YOUTUBE_RE.test(embed.url)) { embed.color = '#FF424F'; } if (embed.url && TWITCH_RE.test(embed.url)) { embed.color = '#7B68EE'; } if (embed.url && SPOTIFY_RE.test(embed.url)) { embed.color = '#1ABC9C'; } if (embed.url && SOUNDCLOUD_RE.test(embed.url)) { embed.color = '#FF7F50'; }*/ // Determine special embed size. let mw, mh; let largeMedia = (embed.special && embed.special.type !== 'None') || embed.image?.size === 'Large'; switch (embed.special?.type) { case 'YouTube': case 'Bandcamp': { mw = ?? 1280; mh = ?? 720; break; } case 'Twitch': { mw = 1280; mh = 720; break; } default: { if (embed.image?.size === 'Preview') { mw = MAX_EMBED_WIDTH; mh = Math.min(embed.image.height ?? 0, MAX_PREVIEW_SIZE); } else { mw = embed.image?.width ?? MAX_EMBED_WIDTH; mh = embed.image?.height ?? 0; } } } let { width, height } = calculateSize(mw, mh); return ( <div className={classNames(styles.embed,} style={{ borderInlineStartColor: embed.color ?? 'var(--tertiary-background)', width: width + CONTAINER_PADDING }}> <div> { embed.site_name && <div className={styles.siteinfo}> { embed.icon_url && <img className={styles.favicon} src={proxyImage(embed.icon_url)} draggable={false} onError={e => = 'none'} /> } <div className={}>{ embed.site_name } </div> </div> } {/*<span><a href={embed.url} target={"_blank"} className={}>Author</a></span>*/} { embed.title && <span><a href={embed.url} target={"_blank"} className={styles.title}>{ embed.title }</a></span> } { embed.description && <div className={styles.description}>{ embed.description }</div> } { largeMedia && <EmbedMedia embed={embed} height={height} /> } </div> { !largeMedia && <div> <EmbedMedia embed={embed} width={height * ((embed.image?.width ?? 0) / (embed.image?.height ?? 0))} height={height} /> </div> } </div> ) } case 'Image': { return ( <img className={classNames(styles.embed, styles.image)} style={calculateSize(embed.width, embed.height)} src={proxyImage(embed.url)} type="text/html" frameBorder="0" onClick={() => openScreen({ id: "image_viewer", embed }) } onMouseDown={ev => ev.button === 1 &&, "_blank") } /> ) } default: return null; } }