# Revite

## Description

This is the web client for Revolt, which is also available live at [app.revolt.chat](https://app.revolt.chat).

## Stack

-   [Preact](https://preactjs.com/)
-   [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/)

## Submodule Hint

This project contains submodules. Run `git submodule init` after you clone this repository to initialize the submodules.
It is also recommended to run `git submodule update` after you pull from upstream.

## Resources

### Revite

-   [Revite Issue Board](https://github.com/revoltchat/revite/issues)
-   [Google Drive Folder with Screenshots](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ckhl7_9OTTaKzyisrWHzZw1hHj55JwhD)

### Revolt

-   [Revolt Project Board](https://github.com/revoltchat/revolt/discussions) (Submit feature requests here)
-   [Revolt Testers Server](https://app.revolt.chat/invite/Testers)
-   [Contribution Guide](https://developers.revolt.chat/contributing)

## CLI Commands

| Command          | Description                                  |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `yarn dev`       | Start the Revolt client in development mode. |
| `yarn build`     | Build the Revolt client.                     |
| `yarn preview`   | Start a local server with the built client.  |
| `yarn lint`      | Run ESLint on the client.                    |
| `yarn fmt`       | Run Prettier on the client.                  |
| `yarn typecheck` | Run TypeScript type checking on the client.  |

## License

Revite is licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://github.com/revoltchat/revite/blob/master/LICENSE).