diff --git a/src/database/channel.rs b/src/database/channel.rs
index a49d0f0d6e940a001160b0786403213f2f74784d..ac35285b3ee33ae65e629540f207cbc5c759c8ec 100644
--- a/src/database/channel.rs
+++ b/src/database/channel.rs
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct Channel {
     #[serde(rename = "_id")]
     pub id: String,
     #[serde(rename = "type")]
-	pub channel_type: u8,
+    pub channel_type: u8,
-	pub last_message: Option<String>,
-	// for Direct Messages
-	pub recipients: Option<Vec<String>>,
+    pub last_message: Option<String>,
+    // for Direct Messages
+    pub recipients: Option<Vec<String>>,
     pub active: Option<bool>,
     // for Guilds
     pub name: Option<String>,
diff --git a/src/database/guild.rs b/src/database/guild.rs
index a3ffa0e0f1c39fd5a6e7284511d7c7e21484ecdc..c9254d2393af8dba9d9b4fda192ef06daddc2076 100644
--- a/src/database/guild.rs
+++ b/src/database/guild.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct Member {
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pub struct Invite {
 pub struct Guild {
     #[serde(rename = "_id")]
     pub id: String,
-	// pub nonce: String, used internally
+    // pub nonce: String, used internally
     pub name: String,
     pub description: String,
     pub owner: String,
diff --git a/src/database/message.rs b/src/database/message.rs
index 5bb6992b8e1e74cfb16e615e7fc4629c379d7d39..0e18d23e88ad533873b24e4d8f0518cb6835010e 100644
--- a/src/database/message.rs
+++ b/src/database/message.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
-use bson::{ UtcDateTime };
+use bson::UtcDateTime;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct PreviousEntry {
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ pub struct PreviousEntry {
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct Message {
     #[serde(rename = "_id")]
-	pub id: String,
-	// pub nonce: String, used internally
-	pub channel: String,
-	pub author: String,
+    pub id: String,
+    // pub nonce: String, used internally
+    pub channel: String,
+    pub author: String,
-	pub content: String,
+    pub content: String,
     pub edited: Option<UtcDateTime>,
-    pub previous_content: Option<Vec<PreviousEntry>>
+    pub previous_content: Option<Vec<PreviousEntry>>,
diff --git a/src/database/mod.rs b/src/database/mod.rs
index d425bd1c8e55e6495f004773e871c8693678e6b7..6e9222f188bdfd4d8f01985a018b16a02ac7ff66 100644
--- a/src/database/mod.rs
+++ b/src/database/mod.rs
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-use mongodb::{ Client, Collection, Database };
+use mongodb::{Client, Collection, Database};
 use std::env;
 use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
 static DBCONN: OnceCell<Client> = OnceCell::new();
 pub fn connect() {
-	let client = Client::with_uri_str(
-			&env::var("DB_URI").expect("DB_URI not in environment variables!"))
-		.expect("Failed to init db connection.");
+    let client =
+        Client::with_uri_str(&env::var("DB_URI").expect("DB_URI not in environment variables!"))
+            .expect("Failed to init db connection.");
-	DBCONN.set(client).unwrap();
+    DBCONN.set(client).unwrap();
 pub fn get_connection() -> &'static Client {
-	DBCONN.get().unwrap()
+    DBCONN.get().unwrap()
 pub fn get_db() -> Database {
-	get_connection().database("revolt")
+    get_connection().database("revolt")
 pub fn get_collection(collection: &str) -> Collection {
-	get_db().collection(collection)
+    get_db().collection(collection)
-pub mod user;
 pub mod channel;
-pub mod message;
 pub mod guild;
+pub mod message;
+pub mod user;
diff --git a/src/database/user.rs b/src/database/user.rs
index 1e869e2af8082d5e5e7e764eb373142655d50de8..56eff95c8dc7265d5a1a4f5faa3ac02ac5483e63 100644
--- a/src/database/user.rs
+++ b/src/database/user.rs
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
 use bson::UtcDateTime;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct UserEmailVerification {
-	pub verified: bool,
-	pub target: Option<String>,
-	pub expiry: Option<UtcDateTime>,
-	pub rate_limit: Option<UtcDateTime>,
-	pub code: Option<String>,
+    pub verified: bool,
+    pub target: Option<String>,
+    pub expiry: Option<UtcDateTime>,
+    pub rate_limit: Option<UtcDateTime>,
+    pub code: Option<String>,
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
 pub struct UserRelationship {
-	pub id: String,
-	pub status: u8,
+    pub id: String,
+    pub status: u8,
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ pub struct User {
     #[serde(rename = "_id")]
     pub id: String,
     pub email: String,
-	pub username: String,
-	pub password: String,
-	pub access_token: Option<String>,
-	pub email_verification: UserEmailVerification,
-	pub relations: Option<Vec<UserRelationship>>,
+    pub username: String,
+    pub password: String,
+    pub access_token: Option<String>,
+    pub email_verification: UserEmailVerification,
+    pub relations: Option<Vec<UserRelationship>>,
diff --git a/src/email.rs b/src/email.rs
index 6b218588417f8f96d31aa5fc072a7349abf4c579..3b1d5eb349bda061e6add6ac609962826b23fe6e 100644
--- a/src/email.rs
+++ b/src/email.rs
@@ -3,40 +3,48 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::env;
 pub fn send_email(target: String, subject: String, body: String, html: String) -> Result<(), ()> {
-	let mut map = HashMap::new();
-	map.insert("target", target.clone());
-	map.insert("subject", subject);
-	map.insert("body", body);
-	map.insert("html", html);
+    let mut map = HashMap::new();
+    map.insert("target", target.clone());
+    map.insert("subject", subject);
+    map.insert("body", body);
+    map.insert("html", html);
-	let client = Client::new();
-	match client.post("")
-		.json(&map)
-		.send() {
-			Ok(_) => Ok(()),
-			Err(_) => Err(())
-		}
+    let client = Client::new();
+    match client
+        .post("")
+        .json(&map)
+        .send()
+    {
+        Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+        Err(_) => Err(()),
+    }
 fn public_uri() -> String {
-	env::var("PUBLIC_URI").expect("PUBLIC_URI not in environment variables!")
+    env::var("PUBLIC_URI").expect("PUBLIC_URI not in environment variables!")
 pub fn send_verification_email(email: String, code: String) -> bool {
-	let url = format!("{}/api/account/verify/{}", public_uri(), code);
-	send_email(
-		email,
-		"Verify your email!".to_string(),
-		format!("Verify your email here: {}", url),
-		format!("<a href=\"{}\">Click to verify your email!</a>", url)
-	).is_ok()
+    let url = format!("{}/api/account/verify/{}", public_uri(), code);
+    send_email(
+        email,
+        "Verify your email!".to_string(),
+        format!("Verify your email here: {}", url),
+        format!("<a href=\"{}\">Click to verify your email!</a>", url),
+    )
+    .is_ok()
 pub fn send_welcome_email(email: String, username: String) -> bool {
-	send_email(
-		email,
-		"Welcome to REVOLT!".to_string(),
-		format!("Welcome, {}! You can now use REVOLT.", username.clone()),
-		format!("<b>Welcome, {}!</b><br/>You can now use REVOLT.<br/><a href=\"{}\">Go to REVOLT</a>", username.clone(), public_uri())
-	).is_ok()
+    send_email(
+        email,
+        "Welcome to REVOLT!".to_string(),
+        format!("Welcome, {}! You can now use REVOLT.", username.clone()),
+        format!(
+            "<b>Welcome, {}!</b><br/>You can now use REVOLT.<br/><a href=\"{}\">Go to REVOLT</a>",
+            username.clone(),
+            public_uri()
+        ),
+    )
+    .is_ok()
diff --git a/src/guards/auth.rs b/src/guards/auth.rs
index 7c3b2bc128c978ca55024efe32915193336c3139..c9381f18166d20b3fd40dd1d1f15f5ac5aa2cc63 100644
--- a/src/guards/auth.rs
+++ b/src/guards/auth.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+use rocket::http::{RawStr, Status};
+use rocket::request::{self, FromParam, FromRequest, Request};
 use rocket::Outcome;
-use rocket::http::{ Status, RawStr };
-use rocket::request::{ self, Request, FromRequest, FromParam };
-use bson::{ bson, doc, from_bson };
+use bson::{bson, doc, from_bson};
 use crate::database;
 use database::user::User;
@@ -20,18 +20,20 @@ impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for User {
     fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
         let keys: Vec<_> = request.headers().get("x-auth-token").collect();
         match keys.len() {
-			0 => Outcome::Failure((Status::Forbidden, AuthError::Missing)),
-			1 => {
-				let key = keys[0];
-				let col = database::get_db().collection("users");
-				let result = col.find_one(doc! { "access_token": key }, None).unwrap();
-				if let Some(user) = result {
-					Outcome::Success(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(user)).expect("Failed to unwrap user."))
-				} else {
-					Outcome::Failure((Status::Forbidden, AuthError::Invalid))
-				}
-			},
+            0 => Outcome::Failure((Status::Forbidden, AuthError::Missing)),
+            1 => {
+                let key = keys[0];
+                let col = database::get_db().collection("users");
+                let result = col.find_one(doc! { "access_token": key }, None).unwrap();
+                if let Some(user) = result {
+                    Outcome::Success(
+                        from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(user)).expect("Failed to unwrap user."),
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    Outcome::Failure((Status::Forbidden, AuthError::Invalid))
+                }
+            }
             _ => Outcome::Failure((Status::BadRequest, AuthError::BadCount)),
@@ -41,13 +43,15 @@ impl<'r> FromParam<'r> for User {
     type Error = &'r RawStr;
     fn from_param(param: &'r RawStr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-		let col = database::get_db().collection("users");
-		let result = col.find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None).unwrap();
-		if let Some(user) = result {
-			Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(user)).expect("Failed to unwrap user."))
-		} else {
-			Err(param)
-		}
+        let col = database::get_db().collection("users");
+        let result = col
+            .find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None)
+            .unwrap();
+        if let Some(user) = result {
+            Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(user)).expect("Failed to unwrap user."))
+        } else {
+            Err(param)
+        }
diff --git a/src/guards/channel.rs b/src/guards/channel.rs
index daa277d5ced8aefd760ab31e77571414f47e1c99..ee42bf4ea667f2e59cd8566cd28a379e1533623d 100644
--- a/src/guards/channel.rs
+++ b/src/guards/channel.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-use rocket::http::{ RawStr };
-use rocket::request::{ FromParam };
-use bson::{ bson, doc, from_bson };
+use bson::{bson, doc, from_bson};
+use rocket::http::RawStr;
+use rocket::request::FromParam;
 use crate::database;
@@ -11,14 +11,16 @@ impl<'r> FromParam<'r> for Channel {
     type Error = &'r RawStr;
     fn from_param(param: &'r RawStr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-		let col = database::get_db().collection("channels");
-		let result = col.find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None).unwrap();
-		if let Some(channel) = result {
-			Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(channel)).expect("Failed to unwrap channel."))
-		} else {
-			Err(param)
-		}
+        let col = database::get_db().collection("channels");
+        let result = col
+            .find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None)
+            .unwrap();
+        if let Some(channel) = result {
+            Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(channel)).expect("Failed to unwrap channel."))
+        } else {
+            Err(param)
+        }
@@ -26,13 +28,15 @@ impl<'r> FromParam<'r> for Message {
     type Error = &'r RawStr;
     fn from_param(param: &'r RawStr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-		let col = database::get_db().collection("messages");
-		let result = col.find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None).unwrap();
-		if let Some(message) = result {
-			Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(message)).expect("Failed to unwrap message."))
-		} else {
-			Err(param)
-		}
+        let col = database::get_db().collection("messages");
+        let result = col
+            .find_one(doc! { "_id": param.to_string() }, None)
+            .unwrap();
+        if let Some(message) = result {
+            Ok(from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(message)).expect("Failed to unwrap message."))
+        } else {
+            Err(param)
+        }
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 1a27d934733632ea6ea0de442108bf25338c92de..13ade671775a1f5cd645fc2fb053c6769e6ad989 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
 #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]
-#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
-#[macro_use] extern crate rocket_contrib;
+extern crate rocket;
+extern crate rocket_contrib;
-pub mod websocket;
 pub mod database;
+pub mod email;
 pub mod guards;
 pub mod routes;
-pub mod email;
+pub mod websocket;
 use dotenv;
-use std::thread;
 use rocket_cors::AllowedOrigins;
+use std::thread;
 fn main() {
-	dotenv::dotenv().ok();
-	database::connect();
+    dotenv::dotenv().ok();
+    database::connect();
-	thread::spawn(|| {
-		websocket::launch_server();
-	});
+    thread::spawn(|| {
+        websocket::launch_server();
+    });
     let cors = rocket_cors::CorsOptions {
         allowed_origins: AllowedOrigins::All,
-    }.to_cors().unwrap();
+    }
+    .to_cors()
+    .unwrap();
-	routes::mount(rocket::ignite())
-		.attach(cors)
-		.launch();
+    routes::mount(rocket::ignite()).attach(cors).launch();
diff --git a/src/routes/account.rs b/src/routes/account.rs
index 41d4a1ab9a9193ad04d8fbb1e61a59943a2c5a2f..487ce52b22820ff1d39c6eb40770ea2e6530b9d4 100644
--- a/src/routes/account.rs
+++ b/src/routes/account.rs
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
 use crate::database;
 use crate::email;
-use bson::{ bson, doc, Bson::UtcDatetime, from_bson };
-use rand::{ Rng, distributions::Alphanumeric };
-use rocket_contrib::json::{ Json, JsonValue };
-use serde::{ Serialize, Deserialize };
-use validator::validate_email;
-use bcrypt::{ hash, verify };
-use database::user::User;
+use bcrypt::{hash, verify};
+use bson::{bson, doc, from_bson, Bson::UtcDatetime};
 use chrono::prelude::*;
+use database::user::User;
+use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng};
+use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use ulid::Ulid;
+use validator::validate_email;
 fn gen_token(l: usize) -> String {
-	rand::thread_rng()
-		.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric)
-		.take(l)
-		.collect::<String>()
+    rand::thread_rng()
+        .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric)
+        .take(l)
+        .collect::<String>()
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Create {
-	username: String,
-	password: String,
-	email: String,
+    username: String,
+    password: String,
+    email: String,
 /// create a new Revolt account
@@ -34,73 +34,79 @@ pub struct Create {
 /// (3) add user and send email verification
 #[post("/create", data = "<info>")]
 pub fn create(info: Json<Create>) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	if info.username.len() < 2 || info.username.len() > 32 {
-		return json!({
-			"success": false,
-			"error": "Username requirements not met! Must be between 2 and 32 characters.",
-		})
-	}
-	if info.password.len() < 8 || info.password.len() > 72 {
-		return json!({
-			"success": false,
-			"error": "Password requirements not met! Must be between 8 and 72 characters.",
-		})
-	}
-	if !validate_email(info.email.clone()) {
-		return json!({
-			"success": false,
-			"error": "Invalid email provided!",
-		})
-	}
-	if let Some(_) = col.find_one(doc! { "email": info.email.clone() }, None).expect("Failed user lookup") {
-		return json!({
-			"success": false,
-			"error": "Email already in use!",
-		})
-	}
-	if let Ok(hashed) = hash(info.password.clone(), 10) {
-		let access_token = gen_token(92);
-		let code = gen_token(48);
-		match col.insert_one(doc! {
-			"_id": Ulid::new().to_string(),
-			"email": info.email.clone(),
-			"username": info.username.clone(),
-			"password": hashed,
-			"access_token": access_token,
-			"email_verification": {
-				"verified": false,
-				"target": info.email.clone(),
-				"expiry": UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::days(1)),
-				"rate_limit": UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::minutes(1)),
-				"code": code.clone(),
-			}
-		}, None) {
-			Ok(_) => {
-				let sent = email::send_verification_email(info.email.clone(), code);
-				json!({
-					"success": true,
-					"email_sent": sent,
-				})
-			},
-			Err(_) => json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Failed to create account!",
-			})
-		}
-	} else {
-		json!({
-			"success": false,
-			"error": "Failed to hash password!",
-		})
-	}
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    if info.username.len() < 2 || info.username.len() > 32 {
+        return json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Username requirements not met! Must be between 2 and 32 characters.",
+        });
+    }
+    if info.password.len() < 8 || info.password.len() > 72 {
+        return json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Password requirements not met! Must be between 8 and 72 characters.",
+        });
+    }
+    if !validate_email(info.email.clone()) {
+        return json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Invalid email provided!",
+        });
+    }
+    if let Some(_) = col
+        .find_one(doc! { "email": info.email.clone() }, None)
+        .expect("Failed user lookup")
+    {
+        return json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Email already in use!",
+        });
+    }
+    if let Ok(hashed) = hash(info.password.clone(), 10) {
+        let access_token = gen_token(92);
+        let code = gen_token(48);
+        match col.insert_one(
+            doc! {
+                "_id": Ulid::new().to_string(),
+                "email": info.email.clone(),
+                "username": info.username.clone(),
+                "password": hashed,
+                "access_token": access_token,
+                "email_verification": {
+                    "verified": false,
+                    "target": info.email.clone(),
+                    "expiry": UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::days(1)),
+                    "rate_limit": UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::minutes(1)),
+                    "code": code.clone(),
+                }
+            },
+            None,
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => {
+                let sent = email::send_verification_email(info.email.clone(), code);
+                json!({
+                    "success": true,
+                    "email_sent": sent,
+                })
+            }
+            Err(_) => json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Failed to create account!",
+            }),
+        }
+    } else {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Failed to hash password!",
+        })
+    }
 /// verify an email for a Revolt account
@@ -109,57 +115,57 @@ pub fn create(info: Json<Create>) -> JsonValue {
 /// (3) set account as verified
 pub fn verify_email(code: String) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	if let Some(u) =
-		col.find_one(doc! { "email_verification.code": code.clone() }, None).expect("Failed user lookup") {
-			let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
-			let ev = user.email_verification;
-			if Utc::now() > *ev.expiry.unwrap() {
-				json!({
-					"success": false,
-					"error": "Token has expired!",
-				})
-			} else {
-				let target = ev.target.unwrap();
-				col.update_one(
-					doc! { "_id": user.id },
-					doc! {
-						"$unset": {
-							"email_verification.code": "",
-							"email_verification.expiry": "",
-							"email_verification.target": "",
-							"email_verification.rate_limit": "",
-						},
-						"$set": {
-							"email_verification.verified": true,
-							"email": target.clone(),
-						},
-					},
-					None,
-				).expect("Failed to update user!");
-				email::send_welcome_email(
-					target.to_string(),
-					user.username
-				);
-				json!({
-					"success": true
-				})
-			}
-		} else {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Invalid code!",
-			})
-		}
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    if let Some(u) = col
+        .find_one(doc! { "email_verification.code": code.clone() }, None)
+        .expect("Failed user lookup")
+    {
+        let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
+        let ev = user.email_verification;
+        if Utc::now() > *ev.expiry.unwrap() {
+            json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Token has expired!",
+            })
+        } else {
+            let target = ev.target.unwrap();
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! { "_id": user.id },
+                doc! {
+                    "$unset": {
+                        "email_verification.code": "",
+                        "email_verification.expiry": "",
+                        "email_verification.target": "",
+                        "email_verification.rate_limit": "",
+                    },
+                    "$set": {
+                        "email_verification.verified": true,
+                        "email": target.clone(),
+                    },
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed to update user!");
+            email::send_welcome_email(target.to_string(), user.username);
+            json!({
+                "success": true
+            })
+        }
+    } else {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Invalid code!",
+        })
+    }
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Resend {
-	email: String,
+    email: String,
 /// resend a verification email
@@ -168,36 +174,41 @@ pub struct Resend {
 /// (3) resend the email
 #[post("/resend", data = "<info>")]
 pub fn resend_email(info: Json<Resend>) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	if let Some(u) =
-		col.find_one(doc! { "email_verification.target": info.email.clone() }, None).expect("Failed user lookup") {
-			let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
-			let ev = user.email_verification;
-			let expiry = ev.expiry.unwrap();
-			let rate_limit = ev.rate_limit.unwrap();
-			if Utc::now() < *rate_limit {
-				json!({
-					"success": false,
-					"error": "Hit rate limit! Please try again in a minute or so.",
-				})
-			} else {
-				let mut new_expiry = UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::days(1));
-				if info.email.clone() != user.email {
-					if Utc::now() > *expiry {
-						return json!({
-							"success": "false",
-							"error": "For security reasons, please login and change your email again.",
-						})
-					}
-					new_expiry = UtcDatetime(*expiry);
-				}
-				let code = gen_token(48);
-				col.update_one(
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    if let Some(u) = col
+        .find_one(
+            doc! { "email_verification.target": info.email.clone() },
+            None,
+        )
+        .expect("Failed user lookup")
+    {
+        let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
+        let ev = user.email_verification;
+        let expiry = ev.expiry.unwrap();
+        let rate_limit = ev.rate_limit.unwrap();
+        if Utc::now() < *rate_limit {
+            json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Hit rate limit! Please try again in a minute or so.",
+            })
+        } else {
+            let mut new_expiry = UtcDatetime(Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::days(1));
+            if info.email.clone() != user.email {
+                if Utc::now() > *expiry {
+                    return json!({
+                        "success": "false",
+                        "error": "For security reasons, please login and change your email again.",
+                    });
+                }
+                new_expiry = UtcDatetime(*expiry);
+            }
+            let code = gen_token(48);
+            col.update_one(
 					doc! { "_id": user.id },
 					doc! {
 						"$set": {
@@ -209,31 +220,28 @@ pub fn resend_email(info: Json<Resend>) -> JsonValue {
 				).expect("Failed to update user!");
-				match email::send_verification_email(
-					info.email.to_string(),
-					code,
-				) {
-					true => json!({
-						"success": true,
-					}),
-					false => json!({
-						"success": false,
-						"error": "Failed to send email! Likely an issue with the backend API.",
-					})
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Email not pending verification!",
-			})
-		}
+            match email::send_verification_email(info.email.to_string(), code) {
+                true => json!({
+                    "success": true,
+                }),
+                false => json!({
+                    "success": false,
+                    "error": "Failed to send email! Likely an issue with the backend API.",
+                }),
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Email not pending verification!",
+        })
+    }
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Login {
-	email: String,
-	password: String,
+    email: String,
+    password: String,
 /// login to a Revolt account
@@ -242,69 +250,73 @@ pub struct Login {
 /// (3) return access token
 #[post("/login", data = "<info>")]
 pub fn login(info: Json<Login>) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	if let Some(u) =
-		col.find_one(doc! { "email": info.email.clone() }, None).expect("Failed user lookup") {
-			let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
-			match verify(info.password.clone(), &user.password)
-				.expect("Failed to check hash of password.") {
-					true => {
-						let token =
-							match user.access_token {
-								Some(t) => t.to_string(),
-								None => {
-									let token = gen_token(92);
-									col.update_one(
-										doc! { "_id": &user.id },
-										doc! { "$set": { "access_token": token.clone() } },
-										None
-									).expect("Failed to update user object");
-									token
-								}
-							};
-						json!({
-							"success": true,
-							"access_token": token,
-							"id": user.id
-						})
-					},
-					false => json!({
-						"success": false,
-						"error": "Invalid password."
-					})
-				}
-		} else {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Email is not registered.",
-			})
-		}
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    if let Some(u) = col
+        .find_one(doc! { "email": info.email.clone() }, None)
+        .expect("Failed user lookup")
+    {
+        let user: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(u)).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
+        match verify(info.password.clone(), &user.password)
+            .expect("Failed to check hash of password.")
+        {
+            true => {
+                let token = match user.access_token {
+                    Some(t) => t.to_string(),
+                    None => {
+                        let token = gen_token(92);
+                        col.update_one(
+                            doc! { "_id": &user.id },
+                            doc! { "$set": { "access_token": token.clone() } },
+                            None,
+                        )
+                        .expect("Failed to update user object");
+                        token
+                    }
+                };
+                json!({
+                    "success": true,
+                    "access_token": token,
+                    "id": user.id
+                })
+            }
+            false => json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Invalid password."
+            }),
+        }
+    } else {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Email is not registered.",
+        })
+    }
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Token {
-	token: String,
+    token: String,
 /// login to a Revolt account via token
 #[post("/token", data = "<info>")]
 pub fn token(info: Json<Token>) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	if let Some(u) =
-		col.find_one(doc! { "access_token": info.token.clone() }, None).expect("Failed user lookup") {
-			json!({
-				"success": true,
-				"id": u.get_str("_id").unwrap(),
-			})
-		} else {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Invalid token!",
-			})
-		}
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    if let Some(u) = col
+        .find_one(doc! { "access_token": info.token.clone() }, None)
+        .expect("Failed user lookup")
+    {
+        json!({
+            "success": true,
+            "id": u.get_str("_id").unwrap(),
+        })
+    } else {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Invalid token!",
+        })
+    }
diff --git a/src/routes/channel.rs b/src/routes/channel.rs
index f518cc1a56b0a279d252f47f01cca5e2aa7553b4..eacd68c8720c971f29124c69e6b66f9338c0f45c 100644
--- a/src/routes/channel.rs
+++ b/src/routes/channel.rs
@@ -1,62 +1,59 @@
-use crate::database::{ self, user::User, channel::Channel, message::Message };
+use crate::database::{self, channel::Channel, message::Message, user::User};
 use crate::websocket;
-use bson::{ bson, doc, from_bson, Bson::UtcDatetime };
-use rocket_contrib::json::{ JsonValue, Json };
-use serde::{ Serialize, Deserialize };
-use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
+use bson::{bson, doc, from_bson, Bson::UtcDatetime};
 use chrono::prelude::*;
+use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
+use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use ulid::Ulid;
 #[derive(Debug, TryFromPrimitive)]
 pub enum ChannelType {
-	DM = 0,
-	GROUPDM = 1,
+    DM = 0,
+    GROUPDM = 1,
 fn has_permission(user: &User, target: &Channel) -> bool {
-	match target.channel_type {
-		0..=1 => {
-			if let Some(arr) = &target.recipients {
-				for item in arr {
-					if item == &user.id {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			false
-		},
-		2 =>
-			false,
-		_ =>
-			false
-	}
+    match target.channel_type {
+        0..=1 => {
+            if let Some(arr) = &target.recipients {
+                for item in arr {
+                    if item == &user.id {
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            false
+        }
+        2 => false,
+        _ => false,
+    }
 fn get_recipients(target: &Channel) -> Vec<String> {
-	match target.channel_type {
-		0..=1 => target.recipients.clone().unwrap(),
-		_ => vec![]
-	}
+    match target.channel_type {
+        0..=1 => target.recipients.clone().unwrap(),
+        _ => vec![],
+    }
 /// fetch channel information
 pub fn channel(user: User, target: Channel) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	Some(
-		json!({
-			"id": target.id,
-			"type": target.channel_type,
-			"recipients": get_recipients(&target),
-		}
-	))
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
+    Some(json!({
+            "id": target.id,
+            "type": target.channel_type,
+            "recipients": get_recipients(&target),
+        }
+    ))
 /// delete channel
@@ -64,152 +61,153 @@ pub fn channel(user: User, target: Channel) -> Option<JsonValue> {
 /// or close DM conversation
 pub fn delete(user: User, target: Channel) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	let col = database::get_collection("channels");
-	Some(match target.channel_type {
-		0 => {
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! { "_id": target.id },
-				doc! { "$set": { "active": false } },
-				None
-			).expect("Failed to update channel.");
-			json!({
-				"success": true
-			})
-		},
-		1 => {
-			// ? TODO: group dm
-			json!({
-				"success": true
-			})
-		},
-		2 => {
-			// ? TODO: guild
-			json!({
-				"success": true
-			})
-		},
-		_ => 
-			json!({
-				"success": false
-			})
-	})
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
+    let col = database::get_collection("channels");
+    Some(match target.channel_type {
+        0 => {
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! { "_id": target.id },
+                doc! { "$set": { "active": false } },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed to update channel.");
+            json!({
+                "success": true
+            })
+        }
+        1 => {
+            // ? TODO: group dm
+            json!({
+                "success": true
+            })
+        }
+        2 => {
+            // ? TODO: guild
+            json!({
+                "success": true
+            })
+        }
+        _ => json!({
+            "success": false
+        }),
+    })
 /// fetch channel messages
 pub fn messages(user: User, target: Channel) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	let col = database::get_collection("messages");
-	let result = col.find(
-		doc! { "channel": target.id },
-		None
-	).unwrap();
-	let mut messages = Vec::new();
-	for item in result {
-		let message: Message = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap message.");
-		messages.push(
-			json!({
-				"id": message.id,
-				"author": message.author,
-				"content": message.content,
-				"edited": if let Some(t) = message.edited { Some(t.timestamp()) } else { None }
-			})
-		);
-	}
-	Some(json!(messages))
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
+    let col = database::get_collection("messages");
+    let result = col.find(doc! { "channel": target.id }, None).unwrap();
+    let mut messages = Vec::new();
+    for item in result {
+        let message: Message =
+            from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap message.");
+        messages.push(json!({
+            "id": message.id,
+            "author": message.author,
+            "content": message.content,
+            "edited": if let Some(t) = message.edited { Some(t.timestamp()) } else { None }
+        }));
+    }
+    Some(json!(messages))
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct SendMessage {
-	content: String,
-	nonce: String,
+    content: String,
+    nonce: String,
 /// send a message to a channel
 #[post("/<target>/messages", data = "<message>")]
 pub fn send_message(user: User, target: Channel, message: Json<SendMessage>) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	let content: String = message.content.chars().take(2000).collect();
-	let nonce: String = message.nonce.chars().take(32).collect();
-	let col = database::get_collection("messages");
-	if let Some(_) = col.find_one(doc! { "nonce": nonce.clone() }, None).unwrap() {
-		return Some(
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Message already sent!"
-			})
-		)
-	}
-	let id = Ulid::new().to_string();
-	Some(if col.insert_one(
-		doc! {
-			"_id": id.clone(),
-			"nonce": nonce.clone(),
-			"channel": target.id.clone(),
-			"author": user.id.clone(),
-			"content": content.clone(),
-		},
-		None
-	).is_ok() {
-        if target.channel_type == ChannelType::DM as u8 {
-            let col = database::get_collection("channels");
-            col.update_one(
-                doc! { "_id": target.id.clone() },
-                doc! { "$set": { "active": true } },
-                None
-            ).unwrap();
-        }
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
-        websocket::queue_message(
-            get_recipients(&target),
-            json!({
-                "type": "message",
-                "data": {
-                    "id": id.clone(),
-                    "nonce": nonce,
-                    "channel": target.id,
-                    "author": user.id,
-                    "content": content,
-                },
-            }).to_string()
-        );
+    let content: String = message.content.chars().take(2000).collect();
+    let nonce: String = message.nonce.chars().take(32).collect();
-        json!({
-            "success": true,
-            "id": id
-        })
-    } else {
-        json!({
+    let col = database::get_collection("messages");
+    if let Some(_) = col.find_one(doc! { "nonce": nonce.clone() }, None).unwrap() {
+        return Some(json!({
             "success": false,
-            "error": "Failed database query."
-        })
-    })
+            "error": "Message already sent!"
+        }));
+    }
+    let id = Ulid::new().to_string();
+    Some(
+        if col
+            .insert_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": id.clone(),
+                    "nonce": nonce.clone(),
+                    "channel": target.id.clone(),
+                    "author": user.id.clone(),
+                    "content": content.clone(),
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .is_ok()
+        {
+            if target.channel_type == ChannelType::DM as u8 {
+                let col = database::get_collection("channels");
+                col.update_one(
+                    doc! { "_id": target.id.clone() },
+                    doc! { "$set": { "active": true } },
+                    None,
+                )
+                .unwrap();
+            }
+            websocket::queue_message(
+                get_recipients(&target),
+                json!({
+                    "type": "message",
+                    "data": {
+                        "id": id.clone(),
+                        "nonce": nonce,
+                        "channel": target.id,
+                        "author": user.id,
+                        "content": content,
+                    },
+                })
+                .to_string(),
+            );
+            json!({
+                "success": true,
+                "id": id
+            })
+        } else {
+            json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Failed database query."
+            })
+        },
+    )
 /// get a message
 pub fn get_message(user: User, target: Channel, message: Message) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
     let prev =
         if let Some(previous) = message.previous_content {
@@ -226,132 +224,127 @@ pub fn get_message(user: User, target: Channel, message: Message) -> Option<Json
-	Some(
-		json!({
-			"id": message.id,
-			"author": message.author,
-			"content": message.content,
-            "edited": if let Some(t) = message.edited { Some(t.timestamp()) } else { None },
-            "previous_content": prev,
-		})
-	)
+    Some(json!({
+        "id": message.id,
+        "author": message.author,
+        "content": message.content,
+        "edited": if let Some(t) = message.edited { Some(t.timestamp()) } else { None },
+        "previous_content": prev,
+    }))
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct EditMessage {
-	content: String,
+    content: String,
 /// edit a message
 #[patch("/<target>/messages/<message>", data = "<edit>")]
-pub fn edit_message(user: User, target: Channel, message: Message, edit: Json<EditMessage>) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	Some(
-		if message.author != user.id {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "You did not send this message."
-			})
-		} else {
-			let col = database::get_collection("messages");
-            let time =
-                if let Some(edited) = message.edited {
-                    edited.0
-                } else {
-                    Ulid::from_string(&message.id).unwrap().datetime()
-                };
-			let edited = Utc::now();
-			match col.update_one(
-				doc! { "_id": message.id.clone() },
-				doc! {
-					"$set": {
-						"content": edit.content.clone(),
-						"edited": UtcDatetime(edited.clone())
-                    },
-                    "$push": {
-                        "previous_content": {
-                            "content": message.content,
-                            "time": time,
-                        }
-                    },
-				},
-				None
-			) {
-				Ok(_) => {
-					websocket::queue_message(
-						get_recipients(&target),
-						json!({
-							"type": "message_update",
-							"data": {
-								"id": message.id,
-								"channel": target.id,
-								"content": edit.content.clone(),
-								"edited": edited.timestamp()
-							},
-						}).to_string()
-					);
-					json!({
-						"success": true
-					})
-				},
-				Err(_) =>
-					json!({
-						"success": false,
-						"error": "Failed to update message."
-					})
-				}
-		}
-	)
+pub fn edit_message(
+    user: User,
+    target: Channel,
+    message: Message,
+    edit: Json<EditMessage>,
+) -> Option<JsonValue> {
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
+    Some(if message.author != user.id {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "You did not send this message."
+        })
+    } else {
+        let col = database::get_collection("messages");
+        let time = if let Some(edited) = message.edited {
+            edited.0
+        } else {
+            Ulid::from_string(&message.id).unwrap().datetime()
+        };
+        let edited = Utc::now();
+        match col.update_one(
+            doc! { "_id": message.id.clone() },
+            doc! {
+                "$set": {
+                    "content": edit.content.clone(),
+                    "edited": UtcDatetime(edited.clone())
+                },
+                "$push": {
+                    "previous_content": {
+                        "content": message.content,
+                        "time": time,
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            None,
+        ) {
+            Ok(_) => {
+                websocket::queue_message(
+                    get_recipients(&target),
+                    json!({
+                        "type": "message_update",
+                        "data": {
+                            "id": message.id,
+                            "channel": target.id,
+                            "content": edit.content.clone(),
+                            "edited": edited.timestamp()
+                        },
+                    })
+                    .to_string(),
+                );
+                json!({
+                    "success": true
+                })
+            }
+            Err(_) => json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Failed to update message."
+            }),
+        }
+    })
 /// delete a message
 pub fn delete_message(user: User, target: Channel, message: Message) -> Option<JsonValue> {
-	if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
-		return None
-	}
-	Some(
-		if message.author != user.id {
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "You did not send this message."
-			})
-		} else {
-			let col = database::get_collection("messages");
-			match col.delete_one(
-				doc! { "_id": message.id.clone() },
-				None
-			) {
-				Ok(_) => {
-					websocket::queue_message(
-						get_recipients(&target),
-						json!({
-							"type": "message_delete",
-							"data": {
-								"id": message.id,
-								"channel": target.id
-							},
-						}).to_string()
-					);
-					json!({
-						"success": true
-					})
-				},
-				Err(_) =>
-					json!({
-						"success": false,
-						"error": "Failed to delete message."
-					})
-				}
-		}
-	)
+    if !has_permission(&user, &target) {
+        return None;
+    }
+    Some(if message.author != user.id {
+        json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "You did not send this message."
+        })
+    } else {
+        let col = database::get_collection("messages");
+        match col.delete_one(doc! { "_id": message.id.clone() }, None) {
+            Ok(_) => {
+                websocket::queue_message(
+                    get_recipients(&target),
+                    json!({
+                        "type": "message_delete",
+                        "data": {
+                            "id": message.id,
+                            "channel": target.id
+                        },
+                    })
+                    .to_string(),
+                );
+                json!({
+                    "success": true
+                })
+            }
+            Err(_) => json!({
+                "success": false,
+                "error": "Failed to delete message."
+            }),
+        }
+    })
diff --git a/src/routes/guild.rs b/src/routes/guild.rs
index 8bf22db84b8f188970bfae1f2595c7bc075d708c..478b76116a6ea3e3fa7d74b1b12b38adaf816657 100644
--- a/src/routes/guild.rs
+++ b/src/routes/guild.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-use crate::database::{ self, user::User };
+use crate::database::{self, user::User};
-use bson::{ bson, doc };
-use rocket_contrib::json::{ JsonValue, Json };
-use serde::{ Serialize, Deserialize };
+use bson::{bson, doc};
+use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use ulid::Ulid;
 use super::channel::ChannelType;
@@ -25,16 +25,22 @@ pub fn create_guild(user: User, info: Json<CreateGuild>) -> JsonValue {
     let name: String = info.name.chars().take(32).collect();
-    let description: String = info.description.clone().unwrap_or("No description.".to_string()).chars().take(255).collect();
+    let description: String = info
+        .description
+        .clone()
+        .unwrap_or("No description.".to_string())
+        .chars()
+        .take(255)
+        .collect();
     let nonce: String = info.nonce.chars().take(32).collect();
-	let channels = database::get_collection("channels");
-	let col = database::get_collection("guilds");
-	if let Some(_) = col.find_one(doc! { "nonce": nonce.clone() }, None).unwrap() {
-		return json!({
-			"success": false,
-		    "error": "Guild already created!"
-		})
+    let channels = database::get_collection("channels");
+    let col = database::get_collection("guilds");
+    if let Some(_) = col.find_one(doc! { "nonce": nonce.clone() }, None).unwrap() {
+        return json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Guild already created!"
+        });
     let channel_id = Ulid::new().to_string();
@@ -44,37 +50,43 @@ pub fn create_guild(user: User, info: Json<CreateGuild>) -> JsonValue {
             "channel_type": ChannelType::GUILDCHANNEL as u32,
             "name": "general",
-        None) {
+        None,
+    ) {
         return json!({
             "success": false,
             "error": "Failed to create guild channel."
-        })
+        });
-	let id = Ulid::new().to_string();
-    if col.insert_one(
-		doc! {
-			"_id": id.clone(),
-			"nonce": nonce,
-			"name": name,
-			"description": description,
-            "owner": user.id.clone(),
-            "channels": [
-                channel_id.clone()
-            ],
-            "members": [
-                user.id
-            ],
-            "invites": [],
-		},
-		None
-	).is_ok() {
+    let id = Ulid::new().to_string();
+    if col
+        .insert_one(
+            doc! {
+                "_id": id.clone(),
+                "nonce": nonce,
+                "name": name,
+                "description": description,
+                "owner": user.id.clone(),
+                "channels": [
+                    channel_id.clone()
+                ],
+                "members": [
+                    user.id
+                ],
+                "invites": [],
+            },
+            None,
+        )
+        .is_ok()
+    {
             "success": true,
             "id": id,
     } else {
-        channels.delete_one(doc! { "_id": channel_id }, None).expect("Failed to delete the channel we just made.");
+        channels
+            .delete_one(doc! { "_id": channel_id }, None)
+            .expect("Failed to delete the channel we just made.");
             "success": false,
diff --git a/src/routes/mod.rs b/src/routes/mod.rs
index 1865b089da3b2b73d9c4a502a5566b48d223d425..b6e409e87987e87ba11c9ac5e7c9b1e8141e9dbe 100644
--- a/src/routes/mod.rs
+++ b/src/routes/mod.rs
@@ -1,16 +1,49 @@
 use rocket::Rocket;
-pub mod root;
 pub mod account;
-pub mod user;
 pub mod channel;
 pub mod guild;
+pub mod root;
+pub mod user;
 pub fn mount(rocket: Rocket) -> Rocket {
-	rocket
-		.mount("/api", routes![ root::root ])
-		.mount("/api/account", routes![ account::create, account::verify_email, account::resend_email, account::login, account::token ])
-		.mount("/api/users", routes![ user::me, user::user, user::lookup, user::dms, user::dm, user::get_friends, user::get_friend, user::add_friend, user::remove_friend ])
-		.mount("/api/channels", routes![ channel::channel, channel::delete, channel::messages, channel::get_message, channel::send_message, channel::edit_message, channel::delete_message ])
-		.mount("/api/guild", routes![ guild::create_guild ])
+    rocket
+        .mount("/api", routes![root::root])
+        .mount(
+            "/api/account",
+            routes![
+                account::create,
+                account::verify_email,
+                account::resend_email,
+                account::login,
+                account::token
+            ],
+        )
+        .mount(
+            "/api/users",
+            routes![
+                user::me,
+                user::user,
+                user::lookup,
+                user::dms,
+                user::dm,
+                user::get_friends,
+                user::get_friend,
+                user::add_friend,
+                user::remove_friend
+            ],
+        )
+        .mount(
+            "/api/channels",
+            routes![
+                channel::channel,
+                channel::delete,
+                channel::messages,
+                channel::get_message,
+                channel::send_message,
+                channel::edit_message,
+                channel::delete_message
+            ],
+        )
+        .mount("/api/guild", routes![guild::create_guild])
diff --git a/src/routes/root.rs b/src/routes/root.rs
index 112f05cc5d92b5cf3605feae2471da70f9545931..14aa560cce962242d18ae7109dfb33a66e3abbd7 100644
--- a/src/routes/root.rs
+++ b/src/routes/root.rs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-use rocket_contrib::json::{ JsonValue };
-use bson::{ doc };
+use bson::doc;
+use rocket_contrib::json::JsonValue;
 /// root
 pub fn root() -> JsonValue {
-	json!({
-		"revolt": "0.0.1"
-	})
+    json!({
+        "revolt": "0.0.1"
+    })
diff --git a/src/routes/user.rs b/src/routes/user.rs
index 2f9d89abcb6ba32311f5ad18fa5e2b0d6a6f6e44..bf94bf30b1847516e7bfae7cbb1be41fd2151258 100644
--- a/src/routes/user.rs
+++ b/src/routes/user.rs
@@ -1,107 +1,109 @@
-use crate::database::{ self, user::User, channel::Channel };
+use crate::database::{self, channel::Channel, user::User};
 use crate::routes::channel;
-use rocket_contrib::json::{ Json, JsonValue };
-use serde::{ Serialize, Deserialize };
-use bson::{ bson, doc, from_bson };
+use bson::{bson, doc, from_bson};
 use mongodb::options::FindOptions;
+use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use ulid::Ulid;
 /// retrieve your user information
 pub fn me(user: User) -> JsonValue {
-	json!({
-		"id": user.id,
-		"username": user.username,
-		"email": user.email,
-		"verified": user.email_verification.verified,
-	})
+    json!({
+        "id": user.id,
+        "username": user.username,
+        "email": user.email,
+        "verified": user.email_verification.verified,
+    })
 /// retrieve another user's information
 pub fn user(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
-	json!({
-		"id": target.id,
-		"username": target.username,
-		"relationship": get_relationship(&user, &target) as u8
-	})
+    json!({
+        "id": target.id,
+        "username": target.username,
+        "relationship": get_relationship(&user, &target) as u8
+    })
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Query {
-	username: String,
+    username: String,
 /// lookup a user on Revolt
 /// currently only supports exact username searches
 #[post("/lookup", data = "<query>")]
 pub fn lookup(user: User, query: Json<Query>) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	let users = col.find(
-		doc! { "username": query.username.clone() },
-		FindOptions::builder().limit(10).build()
-	).expect("Failed user lookup");
+    let users = col
+        .find(
+            doc! { "username": query.username.clone() },
+            FindOptions::builder().limit(10).build(),
+        )
+        .expect("Failed user lookup");
-	let mut results = Vec::new();
-	for item in users {
-		let u: User = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
-		results.push(
-			json!({
-				"id": u.id,
-				"username": u.username,
-				"relationship": get_relationship(&user, &u) as u8
-			})
-		);
-	}
+    let mut results = Vec::new();
+    for item in users {
+        let u: User =
+            from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap user.");
+        results.push(json!({
+            "id": u.id,
+            "username": u.username,
+            "relationship": get_relationship(&user, &u) as u8
+        }));
+    }
-	json!(results)
+    json!(results)
 /// retrieve all of your DMs
 pub fn dms(user: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("channels");
+    let col = database::get_collection("channels");
-	let results = col.find(
-		doc! {
-			"$or": [
-				{
-					"type": channel::ChannelType::DM as i32
-				},
-				{
-					"type": channel::ChannelType::GROUPDM as i32
-				}
-			],
-			"recipients": user.id
-		},
-		None
-	).expect("Failed channel lookup");
+    let results = col
+        .find(
+            doc! {
+                "$or": [
+                    {
+                        "type": channel::ChannelType::DM as i32
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "type": channel::ChannelType::GROUPDM as i32
+                    }
+                ],
+                "recipients": user.id
+            },
+            None,
+        )
+        .expect("Failed channel lookup");
-	let mut channels = Vec::new();
-	for item in results {
-		let channel: Channel = from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap channel.");
-		channels.push(
-			json!({
-				"id": channel.id,
-				"type": channel.channel_type,
-				"recipients": channel.recipients,
-				"active": channel.active.unwrap()
-			})
-		);
-	}
+    let mut channels = Vec::new();
+    for item in results {
+        let channel: Channel =
+            from_bson(bson::Bson::Document(item.unwrap())).expect("Failed to unwrap channel.");
+        channels.push(json!({
+            "id": channel.id,
+            "type": channel.channel_type,
+            "recipients": channel.recipients,
+            "active": channel.active.unwrap()
+        }));
+    }
-	json!(channels)
+    json!(channels)
 /// open a DM with a user
 pub fn dm(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("channels");
+    let col = database::get_collection("channels");
-	match col.find_one(
+    match col.find_one(
 		doc! { "type": channel::ChannelType::DM as i32, "recipients": { "$all": [ user.id.clone(), target.id.clone() ] } },
 	).expect("Failed channel lookup") {
@@ -132,231 +134,215 @@ pub fn dm(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
 enum Relationship {
-	FRIEND = 0,
-	BLOCKED = 3,
-	NONE = 5,
-	SELF = 6,
+    FRIEND = 0,
+    OUTGOING = 1,
+    INCOMING = 2,
+    BLOCKED = 3,
+    NONE = 5,
+    SELF = 6,
 fn get_relationship(a: &User, b: &User) -> Relationship {
-	if a.id == b.id {
-		return Relationship::SELF
-	}
+    if a.id == b.id {
+        return Relationship::SELF;
+    }
-	if let Some(arr) = &b.relations {
-		for entry in arr {
-			if entry.id == a.id {
-				match entry.status {
-					0 => {
-						return Relationship::FRIEND
-					},
-					1 => {
-						return Relationship::INCOMING
-					},
-					2 => {
-						return Relationship::OUTGOING
-					},
-					3 => {
-						return Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER
-					},
-					4 => {
-						return Relationship::BLOCKED
-					},
-					_ => {
-						return Relationship::NONE
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    if let Some(arr) = &b.relations {
+        for entry in arr {
+            if entry.id == a.id {
+                match entry.status {
+                    0 => return Relationship::FRIEND,
+                    1 => return Relationship::INCOMING,
+                    2 => return Relationship::OUTGOING,
+                    3 => return Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER,
+                    4 => return Relationship::BLOCKED,
+                    _ => return Relationship::NONE,
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-	Relationship::NONE
+    Relationship::NONE
 /// retrieve all of your friends
 pub fn get_friends(user: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let mut results = Vec::new();
-	if let Some(arr) = user.relations {
-		for item in arr {
-			results.push(
-				json!({
-					"id": item.id,
-					"status": item.status
-				})
-			)
-		}
-	}
-	json!(results)
+    let mut results = Vec::new();
+    if let Some(arr) = user.relations {
+        for item in arr {
+            results.push(json!({
+                "id": item.id,
+                "status": item.status
+            }))
+        }
+    }
+    json!(results)
 /// retrieve friend status with user
 pub fn get_friend(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
+    let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
-	json!({
-		"id": target.id,
-		"status": relationship as u8
-	})
+    json!({
+        "id": target.id,
+        "status": relationship as u8
+    })
 /// create or accept a friend request
 pub fn add_friend(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
-	match relationship {
-		Relationship::FRIEND =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Already friends."
-			}),
-		Relationship::OUTGOING =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Already sent a friend request."
-			}),
-		Relationship::INCOMING => {
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": user.id.clone(),
-					"relations.id": target.id.clone()
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$set": {
-						"relations.$.status": Relationship::FRIEND as i32
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": target.id,
-					"relations.id": user.id
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$set": {
-						"relations.$.status": Relationship::FRIEND as i32
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
+    match relationship {
+        Relationship::FRIEND => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Already friends."
+        }),
+        Relationship::OUTGOING => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Already sent a friend request."
+        }),
+        Relationship::INCOMING => {
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": user.id.clone(),
+                    "relations.id": target.id.clone()
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$set": {
+                        "relations.$.status": Relationship::FRIEND as i32
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
-			json!({
-				"success": true,
-				"status": Relationship::FRIEND as u8,
-			})
-		},
-		Relationship::BLOCKED =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "You have blocked this person."
-			}),
-		Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "You have been blocked by this person."
-			}),
-		Relationship::NONE => {
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": user.id.clone()
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$push": {
-						"relations": {
-							"id": target.id.clone(),
-							"status": Relationship::OUTGOING as i32
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": target.id
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$push": {
-						"relations": {
-							"id": user.id,
-							"status": Relationship::INCOMING as i32
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": target.id,
+                    "relations.id": user.id
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$set": {
+                        "relations.$.status": Relationship::FRIEND as i32
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
-			json!({
-				"success": true,
-				"status": Relationship::OUTGOING as u8,
-			})
-		},
-		Relationship::SELF =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "Cannot add yourself as a friend."
-			})
-	}
+            json!({
+                "success": true,
+                "status": Relationship::FRIEND as u8,
+            })
+        }
+        Relationship::BLOCKED => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "You have blocked this person."
+        }),
+        Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "You have been blocked by this person."
+        }),
+        Relationship::NONE => {
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": user.id.clone()
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$push": {
+                        "relations": {
+                            "id": target.id.clone(),
+                            "status": Relationship::OUTGOING as i32
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": target.id
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$push": {
+                        "relations": {
+                            "id": user.id,
+                            "status": Relationship::INCOMING as i32
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
+            json!({
+                "success": true,
+                "status": Relationship::OUTGOING as u8,
+            })
+        }
+        Relationship::SELF => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "Cannot add yourself as a friend."
+        }),
+    }
 /// remove a friend or deny a request
 pub fn remove_friend(user: User, target: User) -> JsonValue {
-	let col = database::get_collection("users");
-	let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
-	match relationship {
-		Relationship::FRIEND |
-		Relationship::OUTGOING |
-		Relationship::INCOMING => {
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": user.id.clone()
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$pull": {
-						"relations": {
-							"id": target.id.clone()
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
+    let col = database::get_collection("users");
+    let relationship = get_relationship(&user, &target);
-			col.update_one(
-				doc! {
-					"_id": target.id
-				},
-				doc! {
-					"$pull": {
-						"relations": {
-							"id": user.id
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				None
-			).expect("Failed update query.");
+    match relationship {
+        Relationship::FRIEND | Relationship::OUTGOING | Relationship::INCOMING => {
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": user.id.clone()
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$pull": {
+                        "relations": {
+                            "id": target.id.clone()
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
-			json!({
-				"success": true
-			})
-		},
-		Relationship::BLOCKED |
-		Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER |
-		Relationship::NONE |
-		Relationship::SELF =>
-			json!({
-				"success": false,
-				"error": "This has no effect."
-			})
-	}
+            col.update_one(
+                doc! {
+                    "_id": target.id
+                },
+                doc! {
+                    "$pull": {
+                        "relations": {
+                            "id": user.id
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                None,
+            )
+            .expect("Failed update query.");
+            json!({
+                "success": true
+            })
+        }
+        Relationship::BLOCKED
+        | Relationship::BLOCKEDOTHER
+        | Relationship::NONE
+        | Relationship::SELF => json!({
+            "success": false,
+            "error": "This has no effect."
+        }),
+    }
diff --git a/src/websocket/mod.rs b/src/websocket/mod.rs
index d0fbdf51bc04729963a15a0f8737d4a5b369a6b9..f162361f8c474a0c3eece29ced2a88ba5c10b9bf 100644
--- a/src/websocket/mod.rs
+++ b/src/websocket/mod.rs
@@ -2,138 +2,147 @@ extern crate ws;
 use crate::database;
-use ulid::Ulid;
-use std::sync::RwLock;
 use hashbrown::HashMap;
+use std::sync::RwLock;
+use ulid::Ulid;
-use bson::{ bson, doc };
-use serde_json::{ Value, from_str, json };
+use bson::{bson, doc};
+use serde_json::{from_str, json, Value};
-use ws::{ listen, Handler, Sender, Result, Message, Handshake, CloseCode, Error };
+use ws::{listen, CloseCode, Error, Handler, Handshake, Message, Result, Sender};
 struct Cell {
-	id: String,
-	out: Sender,
+    id: String,
+    out: Sender,
 use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
 static mut CLIENTS: OnceCell<RwLock<HashMap<String, Vec<Cell>>>> = OnceCell::new();
 struct Server {
-	out: Sender,
-	id: Option<String>,
-	internal: String,
+    out: Sender,
+    id: Option<String>,
+    internal: String,
 impl Handler for Server {
     fn on_open(&mut self, _: Handshake) -> Result<()> {
-		Ok(())
+        Ok(())
     fn on_message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<()> {
-		if let Message::Text(text) = msg {
-			let data: Value = from_str(&text).unwrap();
-			if let Value::String(packet_type) = &data["type"] {
-				match packet_type.as_str() {
-					"authenticate" => {
-						if let Some(_) = self.id {
-							self.out.send(
-								json!({
-									"type": "authenticate",
-									"success": false,
-									"error": "Already authenticated!"
-								})
-								.to_string()
-							)
-						} else if let Value::String(token) = &data["token"] {
-							let col = database::get_collection("users");
-							match col.find_one(
-								doc! { "access_token": token },
-								None
-							).unwrap() {
-								Some(u) => {
-									let id = u.get_str("_id").expect("Missing id.");
-									unsafe {
-										let mut map = CLIENTS.get_mut().unwrap().write().unwrap();
-										let cell = Cell { id: self.internal.clone(), out: self.out.clone() };
-										if map.contains_key(&id.to_string()) {
-											map.get_mut(&id.to_string())
-												.unwrap()
-												.push(cell);
-										} else {
-											map.insert(id.to_string(), vec![cell]);
-										}
-									}
-									println!("Websocket client connected. [ID: {} // {}]", id.to_string(), self.internal);
-									self.id = Some(id.to_string());
-									self.out.send(
-										json!({
-											"type": "authenticate",
-											"success": true
-										})
-										.to_string()
-									)
-								},
-								None =>
-									self.out.send(
-										json!({
-											"type": "authenticate",
-											"success": false,
-											"error": "Invalid authentication token."
-										})
-										.to_string()
-									)
-							}
-						} else {
-							self.out.send(
-								json!({
-									"type": "authenticate",
-									"success": false,
-									"error": "Missing authentication token."
-								})
-								.to_string()
-							)
-						}
-					},
-					_ => Ok(())
-				}
-			} else {
-				Ok(())
-			}
-		} else {
-			Ok(())
-		}
+        if let Message::Text(text) = msg {
+            let data: Value = from_str(&text).unwrap();
+            if let Value::String(packet_type) = &data["type"] {
+                match packet_type.as_str() {
+                    "authenticate" => {
+                        if let Some(_) = self.id {
+                            self.out.send(
+                                json!({
+                                    "type": "authenticate",
+                                    "success": false,
+                                    "error": "Already authenticated!"
+                                })
+                                .to_string(),
+                            )
+                        } else if let Value::String(token) = &data["token"] {
+                            let col = database::get_collection("users");
+                            match col.find_one(doc! { "access_token": token }, None).unwrap() {
+                                Some(u) => {
+                                    let id = u.get_str("_id").expect("Missing id.");
+                                    unsafe {
+                                        let mut map = CLIENTS.get_mut().unwrap().write().unwrap();
+                                        let cell = Cell {
+                                            id: self.internal.clone(),
+                                            out: self.out.clone(),
+                                        };
+                                        if map.contains_key(&id.to_string()) {
+                                            map.get_mut(&id.to_string()).unwrap().push(cell);
+                                        } else {
+                                            map.insert(id.to_string(), vec![cell]);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    println!(
+                                        "Websocket client connected. [ID: {} // {}]",
+                                        id.to_string(),
+                                        self.internal
+                                    );
+                                    self.id = Some(id.to_string());
+                                    self.out.send(
+                                        json!({
+                                            "type": "authenticate",
+                                            "success": true
+                                        })
+                                        .to_string(),
+                                    )
+                                }
+                                None => self.out.send(
+                                    json!({
+                                        "type": "authenticate",
+                                        "success": false,
+                                        "error": "Invalid authentication token."
+                                    })
+                                    .to_string(),
+                                ),
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            self.out.send(
+                                json!({
+                                    "type": "authenticate",
+                                    "success": false,
+                                    "error": "Missing authentication token."
+                                })
+                                .to_string(),
+                            )
+                        }
+                    }
+                    _ => Ok(()),
+                }
+            } else {
+                Ok(())
+            }
+        } else {
+            Ok(())
+        }
     fn on_close(&mut self, code: CloseCode, reason: &str) {
         match code {
             CloseCode::Normal => println!("The client is done with the connection."),
-            CloseCode::Away   => println!("The client is leaving the site."),
-            CloseCode::Abnormal => println!(
-                "Closing handshake failed! Unable to obtain closing status from client."),
+            CloseCode::Away => println!("The client is leaving the site."),
+            CloseCode::Abnormal => {
+                println!("Closing handshake failed! Unable to obtain closing status from client.")
+            }
             _ => println!("The client encountered an error: {}", reason),
-		if let Some(id) = &self.id {
-			println!("Websocket client disconnected. [ID: {} // {}]", id, self.internal);
-			unsafe {
-				let mut map = CLIENTS.get_mut().unwrap().write().unwrap();
-				let arr = map.get_mut(&id.clone()).unwrap();
-				if arr.len() == 1 {
-					map.remove(&id.clone());
-				} else {
-					let index = arr.iter().position(|x| x.id == self.internal).unwrap();
-					arr.remove(index);
-					println!("User [{}] is still connected {} times", self.id.as_ref().unwrap(), arr.len());
-				}
-			}
-		}
+        if let Some(id) = &self.id {
+            println!(
+                "Websocket client disconnected. [ID: {} // {}]",
+                id, self.internal
+            );
+            unsafe {
+                let mut map = CLIENTS.get_mut().unwrap().write().unwrap();
+                let arr = map.get_mut(&id.clone()).unwrap();
+                if arr.len() == 1 {
+                    map.remove(&id.clone());
+                } else {
+                    let index = arr.iter().position(|x| x.id == self.internal).unwrap();
+                    arr.remove(index);
+                    println!(
+                        "User [{}] is still connected {} times",
+                        self.id.as_ref().unwrap(),
+                        arr.len()
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+        }
     fn on_error(&mut self, err: Error) {
@@ -142,37 +151,43 @@ impl Handler for Server {
 pub fn launch_server() {
-	unsafe {
-		if let Err(_) = CLIENTS.set(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())) {
-			panic!("Failed to set CLIENTS map!");
-		}
-	}
+    unsafe {
+        if let Err(_) = CLIENTS.set(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())) {
+            panic!("Failed to set CLIENTS map!");
+        }
+    }
-	listen("", |out| { Server { out: out, id: None, internal: Ulid::new().to_string() } }).unwrap()
+    listen("", |out| Server {
+        out: out,
+        id: None,
+        internal: Ulid::new().to_string(),
+    })
+    .unwrap()
 pub fn send_message(id: String, message: String) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> {
-	unsafe {
-		let map = CLIENTS.get().unwrap().read().unwrap();
-		if map.contains_key(&id) {
-			let arr = map.get(&id).unwrap();
-			for item in arr {
-				if let Err(_) = item.out.send(message.clone()) {
-					return Err(());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		Ok(())
-	}
+    unsafe {
+        let map = CLIENTS.get().unwrap().read().unwrap();
+        if map.contains_key(&id) {
+            let arr = map.get(&id).unwrap();
+            for item in arr {
+                if let Err(_) = item.out.send(message.clone()) {
+                    return Err(());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
 pub fn queue_message(ids: Vec<String>, message: String) {
-	for id in ids {
-		send_message(id, message.clone()).expect("uhhhhhhhhhh can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mcdonald cheese burger with fries");
-	}
+    for id in ids {
+        send_message(id, message.clone())
+            .expect("uhhhhhhhhhh can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mcdonald cheese burger with fries");
+    }