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export const emojiDictionary = {
100: "💯",
1234: "🔢",
grinning: "😀",
smiley: "😃",
smile: "😄",
grin: "😁",
laughing: "😆",
satisfied: "😆",
sweat_smile: "😅",
rofl: "🤣",
joy: "😂",
slightly_smiling_face: "🙂",
upside_down_face: "🙃",
wink: "😉",
blush: "😊",
innocent: "😇",
smiling_face_with_three_hearts: "🥰",
heart_eyes: "😍",
star_struck: "🤩",
kissing_heart: "😘",
kissing: "😗",
relaxed: "☺️",
kissing_closed_eyes: "😚",
kissing_smiling_eyes: "😙",
smiling_face_with_tear: "🥲",
yum: "😋",
stuck_out_tongue: "😛",
stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: "😜",
zany_face: "🤪",
stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: "😝",
money_mouth_face: "🤑",
hugs: "🤗",
hand_over_mouth: "🤭",
shushing_face: "🤫",
thinking: "🤔",
zipper_mouth_face: "🤐",
raised_eyebrow: "🤨",
neutral_face: "😐",
expressionless: "😑",
no_mouth: "😶",
smirk: "😏",
unamused: "😒",
roll_eyes: "🙄",
grimacing: "😬",
lying_face: "🤥",
relieved: "😌",
pensive: "😔",
sleepy: "😪",
drooling_face: "🤤",
sleeping: "😴",
mask: "😷",
face_with_thermometer: "🤒",
face_with_head_bandage: "🤕",
nauseated_face: "🤢",
vomiting_face: "🤮",
sneezing_face: "🤧",
hot_face: "🥵",
cold_face: "🥶",
woozy_face: "🥴",
dizzy_face: "😵",
exploding_head: "🤯",
cowboy_hat_face: "🤠",
partying_face: "🥳",
disguised_face: "🥸",
sunglasses: "😎",
nerd_face: "🤓",
monocle_face: "🧐",
confused: "😕",
worried: "😟",
slightly_frowning_face: "🙁",
frowning_face: "☹️",
open_mouth: "😮",
hushed: "😯",
astonished: "😲",
flushed: "😳",
pleading_face: "🥺",
frowning: "😦",
anguished: "😧",
fearful: "😨",
cold_sweat: "😰",
disappointed_relieved: "😥",
cry: "😢",
sob: "😭",
scream: "😱",
confounded: "😖",
persevere: "😣",
disappointed: "😞",
sweat: "😓",
weary: "😩",
tired_face: "😫",
yawning_face: "🥱",
triumph: "😤",
rage: "😡",
pout: "😡",
angry: "😠",
cursing_face: "🤬",
smiling_imp: "😈",
imp: "👿",
skull: "💀",
skull_and_crossbones: "☠️",
hankey: "💩",
poop: "💩",
shit: "💩",
clown_face: "🤡",
japanese_ogre: "👹",
japanese_goblin: "👺",
ghost: "👻",
alien: "👽",
space_invader: "👾",
robot: "🤖",
smiley_cat: "😺",
smile_cat: "😸",
joy_cat: "😹",
heart_eyes_cat: "😻",
smirk_cat: "😼",
kissing_cat: "😽",
scream_cat: "🙀",
crying_cat_face: "😿",
pouting_cat: "😾",
see_no_evil: "🙈",
hear_no_evil: "🙉",
speak_no_evil: "🙊",
kiss: "💋",
love_letter: "💌",
cupid: "💘",
gift_heart: "💝",
sparkling_heart: "💖",
heartpulse: "💗",
heartbeat: "💓",
revolving_hearts: "💞",
two_hearts: "💕",
heart_decoration: "💟",
heavy_heart_exclamation: "❣️",
broken_heart: "💔",
heart: "❤️",
orange_heart: "🧡",
yellow_heart: "💛",
green_heart: "💚",
blue_heart: "💙",
purple_heart: "💜",
brown_heart: "🤎",
black_heart: "🖤",
white_heart: "🤍",
anger: "💢",
boom: "💥",
collision: "💥",
dizzy: "💫",
sweat_drops: "💦",
dash: "💨",
hole: "🕳️",
bomb: "💣",
speech_balloon: "💬",
eye_speech_bubble: "👁️‍🗨️",
left_speech_bubble: "🗨️",
right_anger_bubble: "🗯️",
thought_balloon: "💭",
zzz: "💤",
wave: "👋",
raised_back_of_hand: "🤚",
raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: "🖐️",
hand: "",
raised_hand: "",
vulcan_salute: "🖖",
ok_hand: "👌",
pinched_fingers: "🤌",
pinching_hand: "🤏",
v: "✌️",
crossed_fingers: "🤞",
love_you_gesture: "🤟",
metal: "🤘",
call_me_hand: "🤙",
point_left: "👈",
point_right: "👉",
point_up_2: "👆",
middle_finger: "🖕",
fu: "🖕",
point_down: "👇",
point_up: "☝️",
"+1": "👍",
thumbsup: "👍",
"-1": "👎",
thumbsdown: "👎",
fist_raised: "",
fist: "",
fist_oncoming: "👊",
facepunch: "👊",
punch: "👊",
fist_left: "🤛",
fist_right: "🤜",
clap: "👏",
raised_hands: "🙌",
open_hands: "👐",
palms_up_together: "🤲",
handshake: "🤝",
pray: "🙏",
writing_hand: "✍️",
nail_care: "💅",
selfie: "🤳",
muscle: "💪",
mechanical_arm: "🦾",
mechanical_leg: "🦿",
leg: "🦵",
foot: "🦶",
ear: "👂",
ear_with_hearing_aid: "🦻",
nose: "👃",
brain: "🧠",
anatomical_heart: "🫀",
lungs: "🫁",
tooth: "🦷",
bone: "🦴",
eyes: "👀",
eye: "👁️",
tongue: "👅",
lips: "👄",
baby: "👶",
child: "🧒",
boy: "👦",
girl: "👧",
adult: "🧑",
blond_haired_person: "👱",
man: "👨",
bearded_person: "🧔",
red_haired_man: "👨‍🦰",
curly_haired_man: "👨‍🦱",
white_haired_man: "👨‍🦳",
bald_man: "👨‍🦲",
woman: "👩",
red_haired_woman: "👩‍🦰",
person_red_hair: "🧑‍🦰",
curly_haired_woman: "👩‍🦱",
person_curly_hair: "🧑‍🦱",
white_haired_woman: "👩‍🦳",
person_white_hair: "🧑‍🦳",
bald_woman: "👩‍🦲",
person_bald: "🧑‍🦲",
blond_haired_woman: "👱‍♀️",
blonde_woman: "👱‍♀️",
blond_haired_man: "👱‍♂️",
older_adult: "🧓",
older_man: "👴",
older_woman: "👵",
frowning_person: "🙍",
frowning_man: "🙍‍♂️",
frowning_woman: "🙍‍♀️",
pouting_face: "🙎",
pouting_man: "🙎‍♂️",
pouting_woman: "🙎‍♀️",
no_good: "🙅",
no_good_man: "🙅‍♂️",
ng_man: "🙅‍♂️",
no_good_woman: "🙅‍♀️",
ng_woman: "🙅‍♀️",
ok_person: "🙆",
ok_man: "🙆‍♂️",
ok_woman: "🙆‍♀️",
tipping_hand_person: "💁",
information_desk_person: "💁",
tipping_hand_man: "💁‍♂️",
sassy_man: "💁‍♂️",
tipping_hand_woman: "💁‍♀️",
sassy_woman: "💁‍♀️",
raising_hand: "🙋",
raising_hand_man: "🙋‍♂️",
raising_hand_woman: "🙋‍♀️",
deaf_person: "🧏",
deaf_man: "🧏‍♂️",
deaf_woman: "🧏‍♀️",
bow: "🙇",
bowing_man: "🙇‍♂️",
bowing_woman: "🙇‍♀️",
facepalm: "🤦",
man_facepalming: "🤦‍♂️",
woman_facepalming: "🤦‍♀️",
shrug: "🤷",
man_shrugging: "🤷‍♂️",
woman_shrugging: "🤷‍♀️",
health_worker: "🧑‍⚕️",
man_health_worker: "👨‍⚕️",
woman_health_worker: "👩‍⚕️",
student: "🧑‍🎓",
man_student: "👨‍🎓",
woman_student: "👩‍🎓",
teacher: "🧑‍🏫",
man_teacher: "👨‍🏫",
woman_teacher: "👩‍🏫",
judge: "🧑‍⚖️",
man_judge: "👨‍⚖️",
woman_judge: "👩‍⚖️",
farmer: "🧑‍🌾",
man_farmer: "👨‍🌾",
woman_farmer: "👩‍🌾",
cook: "🧑‍🍳",
man_cook: "👨‍🍳",
woman_cook: "👩‍🍳",
mechanic: "🧑‍🔧",
man_mechanic: "👨‍🔧",
woman_mechanic: "👩‍🔧",
factory_worker: "🧑‍🏭",
man_factory_worker: "👨‍🏭",
woman_factory_worker: "👩‍🏭",
office_worker: "🧑‍💼",
man_office_worker: "👨‍💼",
woman_office_worker: "👩‍💼",
scientist: "🧑‍🔬",
man_scientist: "👨‍🔬",
woman_scientist: "👩‍🔬",
technologist: "🧑‍💻",
man_technologist: "👨‍💻",
woman_technologist: "👩‍💻",
singer: "🧑‍🎤",
man_singer: "👨‍🎤",
woman_singer: "👩‍🎤",
artist: "🧑‍🎨",
man_artist: "👨‍🎨",
woman_artist: "👩‍🎨",
pilot: "🧑‍✈️",
man_pilot: "👨‍✈️",
woman_pilot: "👩‍✈️",
astronaut: "🧑‍🚀",
man_astronaut: "👨‍🚀",
woman_astronaut: "👩‍🚀",
firefighter: "🧑‍🚒",
man_firefighter: "👨‍🚒",
woman_firefighter: "👩‍🚒",
police_officer: "👮",
cop: "👮",
policeman: "👮‍♂️",
policewoman: "👮‍♀️",
detective: "🕵️",
male_detective: "🕵️‍♂️",
female_detective: "🕵️‍♀️",
guard: "💂",
guardsman: "💂‍♂️",
guardswoman: "💂‍♀️",
ninja: "🥷",
construction_worker: "👷",
construction_worker_man: "👷‍♂️",
construction_worker_woman: "👷‍♀️",
prince: "🤴",
princess: "👸",
person_with_turban: "👳",
man_with_turban: "👳‍♂️",
woman_with_turban: "👳‍♀️",
man_with_gua_pi_mao: "👲",
woman_with_headscarf: "🧕",
person_in_tuxedo: "🤵",
man_in_tuxedo: "🤵‍♂️",
woman_in_tuxedo: "🤵‍♀️",
person_with_veil: "👰",
man_with_veil: "👰‍♂️",
woman_with_veil: "👰‍♀️",
bride_with_veil: "👰‍♀️",
pregnant_woman: "🤰",
breast_feeding: "🤱",
woman_feeding_baby: "👩‍🍼",
man_feeding_baby: "👨‍🍼",
person_feeding_baby: "🧑‍🍼",
angel: "👼",
santa: "🎅",
mrs_claus: "🤶",
mx_claus: "🧑‍🎄",
superhero: "🦸",
superhero_man: "🦸‍♂️",
superhero_woman: "🦸‍♀️",
supervillain: "🦹",
supervillain_man: "🦹‍♂️",
supervillain_woman: "🦹‍♀️",
mage: "🧙",
mage_man: "🧙‍♂️",
mage_woman: "🧙‍♀️",
fairy: "🧚",
fairy_man: "🧚‍♂️",
fairy_woman: "🧚‍♀️",
vampire: "🧛",
vampire_man: "🧛‍♂️",
vampire_woman: "🧛‍♀️",
merperson: "🧜",
merman: "🧜‍♂️",
mermaid: "🧜‍♀️",
elf: "🧝",
elf_man: "🧝‍♂️",
elf_woman: "🧝‍♀️",
genie: "🧞",
genie_man: "🧞‍♂️",
genie_woman: "🧞‍♀️",
zombie: "🧟",
zombie_man: "🧟‍♂️",
zombie_woman: "🧟‍♀️",
massage: "💆",
massage_man: "💆‍♂️",
massage_woman: "💆‍♀️",
haircut: "💇",
haircut_man: "💇‍♂️",
haircut_woman: "💇‍♀️",
walking: "🚶",
walking_man: "🚶‍♂️",
walking_woman: "🚶‍♀️",
standing_person: "🧍",
standing_man: "🧍‍♂️",
standing_woman: "🧍‍♀️",
kneeling_person: "🧎",
kneeling_man: "🧎‍♂️",
kneeling_woman: "🧎‍♀️",
person_with_probing_cane: "🧑‍🦯",
man_with_probing_cane: "👨‍🦯",
woman_with_probing_cane: "👩‍🦯",
person_in_motorized_wheelchair: "🧑‍🦼",
man_in_motorized_wheelchair: "👨‍🦼",
woman_in_motorized_wheelchair: "👩‍🦼",
person_in_manual_wheelchair: "🧑‍🦽",
man_in_manual_wheelchair: "👨‍🦽",
woman_in_manual_wheelchair: "👩‍🦽",
runner: "🏃",
running: "🏃",
running_man: "🏃‍♂️",
running_woman: "🏃‍♀️",
woman_dancing: "💃",
dancer: "💃",
man_dancing: "🕺",
business_suit_levitating: "🕴️",
dancers: "👯",
dancing_men: "👯‍♂️",
dancing_women: "👯‍♀️",
sauna_person: "🧖",
sauna_man: "🧖‍♂️",
sauna_woman: "🧖‍♀️",
climbing: "🧗",
climbing_man: "🧗‍♂️",
climbing_woman: "🧗‍♀️",
person_fencing: "🤺",
horse_racing: "🏇",
skier: "⛷️",
snowboarder: "🏂",
golfing: "🏌️",
golfing_man: "🏌️‍♂️",
golfing_woman: "🏌️‍♀️",
surfer: "🏄",
surfing_man: "🏄‍♂️",
surfing_woman: "🏄‍♀️",
rowboat: "🚣",
rowing_man: "🚣‍♂️",
rowing_woman: "🚣‍♀️",
swimmer: "🏊",
swimming_man: "🏊‍♂️",
swimming_woman: "🏊‍♀️",
bouncing_ball_person: "⛹️",
bouncing_ball_man: "⛹️‍♂️",
basketball_man: "⛹️‍♂️",
bouncing_ball_woman: "⛹️‍♀️",
basketball_woman: "⛹️‍♀️",
weight_lifting: "🏋️",
weight_lifting_man: "🏋️‍♂️",
weight_lifting_woman: "🏋️‍♀️",
bicyclist: "🚴",
biking_man: "🚴‍♂️",
biking_woman: "🚴‍♀️",
mountain_bicyclist: "🚵",
mountain_biking_man: "🚵‍♂️",
mountain_biking_woman: "🚵‍♀️",
cartwheeling: "🤸",
man_cartwheeling: "🤸‍♂️",
woman_cartwheeling: "🤸‍♀️",
wrestling: "🤼",
men_wrestling: "🤼‍♂️",
women_wrestling: "🤼‍♀️",
water_polo: "🤽",
man_playing_water_polo: "🤽‍♂️",
woman_playing_water_polo: "🤽‍♀️",
handball_person: "🤾",
man_playing_handball: "🤾‍♂️",
woman_playing_handball: "🤾‍♀️",
juggling_person: "🤹",
man_juggling: "🤹‍♂️",
woman_juggling: "🤹‍♀️",
lotus_position: "🧘",
lotus_position_man: "🧘‍♂️",
lotus_position_woman: "🧘‍♀️",
bath: "🛀",
sleeping_bed: "🛌",
people_holding_hands: "🧑‍🤝‍🧑",
two_women_holding_hands: "👭",
couple: "👫",
two_men_holding_hands: "👬",
couplekiss: "💏",
couplekiss_man_woman: "👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨",
couplekiss_man_man: "👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨",
couplekiss_woman_woman: "👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩",
couple_with_heart: "💑",
couple_with_heart_woman_man: "👩‍❤️‍👨",
couple_with_heart_man_man: "👨‍❤️‍👨",
couple_with_heart_woman_woman: "👩‍❤️‍👩",
family: "👪",
family_man_woman_boy: "👨‍👩‍👦",
family_man_woman_girl: "👨‍👩‍👧",
family_man_woman_girl_boy: "👨‍👩‍👧‍👦",
family_man_woman_boy_boy: "👨‍👩‍👦‍👦",
family_man_woman_girl_girl: "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧",
family_man_man_boy: "👨‍👨‍👦",
family_man_man_girl: "👨‍👨‍👧",
family_man_man_girl_boy: "👨‍👨‍👧‍👦",
family_man_man_boy_boy: "👨‍👨‍👦‍👦",
family_man_man_girl_girl: "👨‍👨‍👧‍👧",
family_woman_woman_boy: "👩‍👩‍👦",
family_woman_woman_girl: "👩‍👩‍👧",
family_woman_woman_girl_boy: "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦",
family_woman_woman_boy_boy: "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦",
family_woman_woman_girl_girl: "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧",
family_man_boy: "👨‍👦",
family_man_boy_boy: "👨‍👦‍👦",
family_man_girl: "👨‍👧",
family_man_girl_boy: "👨‍👧‍👦",
family_man_girl_girl: "👨‍👧‍👧",
family_woman_boy: "👩‍👦",
family_woman_boy_boy: "👩‍👦‍👦",
family_woman_girl: "👩‍👧",
family_woman_girl_boy: "👩‍👧‍👦",
family_woman_girl_girl: "👩‍👧‍👧",
speaking_head: "🗣️",
bust_in_silhouette: "👤",
busts_in_silhouette: "👥",
people_hugging: "🫂",
footprints: "👣",
monkey_face: "🐵",
monkey: "🐒",
gorilla: "🦍",
orangutan: "🦧",
dog: "🐶",
dog2: "🐕",
guide_dog: "🦮",
service_dog: "🐕‍🦺",
poodle: "🐩",
wolf: "🐺",
fox_face: "🦊",
raccoon: "🦝",
cat: "🐱",
cat2: "🐈",
black_cat: "🐈‍⬛",
lion: "🦁",
tiger: "🐯",
tiger2: "🐅",
leopard: "🐆",
horse: "🐴",
racehorse: "🐎",
unicorn: "🦄",
zebra: "🦓",
deer: "🦌",
bison: "🦬",
cow: "🐮",
ox: "🐂",
water_buffalo: "🐃",
cow2: "🐄",
pig: "🐷",
pig2: "🐖",
boar: "🐗",
pig_nose: "🐽",
ram: "🐏",
sheep: "🐑",
goat: "🐐",
dromedary_camel: "🐪",
camel: "🐫",
llama: "🦙",
giraffe: "🦒",
elephant: "🐘",
mammoth: "🦣",
rhinoceros: "🦏",
hippopotamus: "🦛",
mouse: "🐭",
mouse2: "🐁",
rat: "🐀",
hamster: "🐹",
rabbit: "🐰",
rabbit2: "🐇",
chipmunk: "🐿️",
beaver: "🦫",
hedgehog: "🦔",
bat: "🦇",
bear: "🐻",
polar_bear: "🐻‍❄️",
koala: "🐨",
panda_face: "🐼",
sloth: "🦥",
otter: "🦦",
skunk: "🦨",
kangaroo: "🦘",
badger: "🦡",
feet: "🐾",
paw_prints: "🐾",
turkey: "🦃",
chicken: "🐔",
rooster: "🐓",
hatching_chick: "🐣",
baby_chick: "🐤",
hatched_chick: "🐥",
bird: "🐦",
penguin: "🐧",
dove: "🕊️",
eagle: "🦅",
duck: "🦆",
swan: "🦢",
owl: "🦉",
dodo: "🦤",
feather: "🪶",
flamingo: "🦩",
peacock: "🦚",
parrot: "🦜",
frog: "🐸",
crocodile: "🐊",
turtle: "🐢",
lizard: "🦎",
snake: "🐍",
dragon_face: "🐲",
dragon: "🐉",
sauropod: "🦕",
"t-rex": "🦖",
whale: "🐳",
whale2: "🐋",
dolphin: "🐬",
flipper: "🐬",
seal: "🦭",
fish: "🐟",
tropical_fish: "🐠",
blowfish: "🐡",
shark: "🦈",
octopus: "🐙",
shell: "🐚",
snail: "🐌",
butterfly: "🦋",
bug: "🐛",
ant: "🐜",
bee: "🐝",
honeybee: "🐝",
beetle: "🪲",
lady_beetle: "🐞",
cricket: "🦗",
cockroach: "🪳",
spider: "🕷️",
spider_web: "🕸️",
scorpion: "🦂",
mosquito: "🦟",
fly: "🪰",
worm: "🪱",
microbe: "🦠",
bouquet: "💐",
cherry_blossom: "🌸",
white_flower: "💮",
rosette: "🏵️",
rose: "🌹",
wilted_flower: "🥀",
hibiscus: "🌺",
sunflower: "🌻",
blossom: "🌼",
tulip: "🌷",
seedling: "🌱",
potted_plant: "🪴",
evergreen_tree: "🌲",
deciduous_tree: "🌳",
palm_tree: "🌴",
cactus: "🌵",
ear_of_rice: "🌾",
herb: "🌿",
shamrock: "☘️",
four_leaf_clover: "🍀",
maple_leaf: "🍁",
fallen_leaf: "🍂",
leaves: "🍃",
grapes: "🍇",
melon: "🍈",
watermelon: "🍉",
tangerine: "🍊",
orange: "🍊",
mandarin: "🍊",
lemon: "🍋",
banana: "🍌",
pineapple: "🍍",
mango: "🥭",
apple: "🍎",
green_apple: "🍏",
pear: "🍐",
peach: "🍑",
cherries: "🍒",
strawberry: "🍓",
blueberries: "🫐",
kiwi_fruit: "🥝",
tomato: "🍅",
olive: "🫒",
coconut: "🥥",
avocado: "🥑",
eggplant: "🍆",
potato: "🥔",
carrot: "🥕",
corn: "🌽",
hot_pepper: "🌶️",
bell_pepper: "🫑",
cucumber: "🥒",
leafy_green: "🥬",
broccoli: "🥦",
garlic: "🧄",
onion: "🧅",
mushroom: "🍄",
peanuts: "🥜",
chestnut: "🌰",
bread: "🍞",
croissant: "🥐",
baguette_bread: "🥖",
flatbread: "🫓",
pretzel: "🥨",
bagel: "🥯",
pancakes: "🥞",
waffle: "🧇",
cheese: "🧀",
meat_on_bone: "🍖",
poultry_leg: "🍗",
cut_of_meat: "🥩",
bacon: "🥓",
hamburger: "🍔",
fries: "🍟",
pizza: "🍕",
hotdog: "🌭",
sandwich: "🥪",
taco: "🌮",
burrito: "🌯",
tamale: "🫔",
stuffed_flatbread: "🥙",
falafel: "🧆",
egg: "🥚",
fried_egg: "🍳",
shallow_pan_of_food: "🥘",
stew: "🍲",
fondue: "🫕",
bowl_with_spoon: "🥣",
green_salad: "🥗",
popcorn: "🍿",
butter: "🧈",
salt: "🧂",
canned_food: "🥫",
bento: "🍱",
rice_cracker: "🍘",
rice_ball: "🍙",
rice: "🍚",
curry: "🍛",
ramen: "🍜",
spaghetti: "🍝",
sweet_potato: "🍠",
oden: "🍢",
sushi: "🍣",
fried_shrimp: "🍤",
fish_cake: "🍥",
moon_cake: "🥮",
dango: "🍡",
dumpling: "🥟",
fortune_cookie: "🥠",
takeout_box: "🥡",
crab: "🦀",
lobster: "🦞",
shrimp: "🦐",
squid: "🦑",
oyster: "🦪",
icecream: "🍦",
shaved_ice: "🍧",
ice_cream: "🍨",
doughnut: "🍩",
cookie: "🍪",
birthday: "🎂",
cake: "🍰",
cupcake: "🧁",
pie: "🥧",
chocolate_bar: "🍫",
candy: "🍬",
lollipop: "🍭",
custard: "🍮",
honey_pot: "🍯",
baby_bottle: "🍼",
milk_glass: "🥛",
coffee: "",
teapot: "🫖",
tea: "🍵",
sake: "🍶",
champagne: "🍾",
wine_glass: "🍷",
cocktail: "🍸",
tropical_drink: "🍹",
beer: "🍺",
beers: "🍻",
clinking_glasses: "🥂",
tumbler_glass: "🥃",
cup_with_straw: "🥤",
bubble_tea: "🧋",
beverage_box: "🧃",
mate: "🧉",
ice_cube: "🧊",
chopsticks: "🥢",
plate_with_cutlery: "🍽️",
fork_and_knife: "🍴",
spoon: "🥄",
hocho: "🔪",
knife: "🔪",
amphora: "🏺",
earth_africa: "🌍",
earth_americas: "🌎",
earth_asia: "🌏",
globe_with_meridians: "🌐",
world_map: "🗺️",
japan: "🗾",
compass: "🧭",
mountain_snow: "🏔️",
mountain: "⛰️",
volcano: "🌋",
mount_fuji: "🗻",
camping: "🏕️",
beach_umbrella: "🏖️",
desert: "🏜️",
desert_island: "🏝️",
national_park: "🏞️",
stadium: "🏟️",
classical_building: "🏛️",
building_construction: "🏗️",
bricks: "🧱",
rock: "🪨",
wood: "🪵",
hut: "🛖",
houses: "🏘️",
derelict_house: "🏚️",
house: "🏠",
house_with_garden: "🏡",
office: "🏢",
post_office: "🏣",
european_post_office: "🏤",
hospital: "🏥",
bank: "🏦",
hotel: "🏨",
love_hotel: "🏩",
convenience_store: "🏪",
school: "🏫",
department_store: "🏬",
factory: "🏭",
japanese_castle: "🏯",
european_castle: "🏰",
wedding: "💒",
tokyo_tower: "🗼",
statue_of_liberty: "🗽",
church: "",
mosque: "🕌",
hindu_temple: "🛕",
synagogue: "🕍",
shinto_shrine: "⛩️",
kaaba: "🕋",
fountain: "",
tent: "",
foggy: "🌁",
night_with_stars: "🌃",
cityscape: "🏙️",
sunrise_over_mountains: "🌄",
sunrise: "🌅",
city_sunset: "🌆",
city_sunrise: "🌇",
bridge_at_night: "🌉",
hotsprings: "♨️",
carousel_horse: "🎠",
ferris_wheel: "🎡",
roller_coaster: "🎢",
barber: "💈",
circus_tent: "🎪",
steam_locomotive: "🚂",
railway_car: "🚃",
bullettrain_side: "🚄",
bullettrain_front: "🚅",
train2: "🚆",
metro: "🚇",
light_rail: "🚈",
station: "🚉",
tram: "🚊",
monorail: "🚝",
mountain_railway: "🚞",
train: "🚋",
bus: "🚌",
oncoming_bus: "🚍",
trolleybus: "🚎",
minibus: "🚐",
ambulance: "🚑",
fire_engine: "🚒",
police_car: "🚓",
oncoming_police_car: "🚔",
taxi: "🚕",
oncoming_taxi: "🚖",
car: "🚗",
red_car: "🚗",
oncoming_automobile: "🚘",
blue_car: "🚙",
pickup_truck: "🛻",
truck: "🚚",
articulated_lorry: "🚛",
tractor: "🚜",
racing_car: "🏎️",
motorcycle: "🏍️",
motor_scooter: "🛵",
manual_wheelchair: "🦽",
motorized_wheelchair: "🦼",
auto_rickshaw: "🛺",
bike: "🚲",
kick_scooter: "🛴",
skateboard: "🛹",
roller_skate: "🛼",
busstop: "🚏",
motorway: "🛣️",
railway_track: "🛤️",
oil_drum: "🛢️",
fuelpump: "",
rotating_light: "🚨",
traffic_light: "🚥",
vertical_traffic_light: "🚦",
stop_sign: "🛑",
construction: "🚧",
anchor: "",
boat: "",
sailboat: "",
canoe: "🛶",
speedboat: "🚤",
passenger_ship: "🛳️",
ferry: "⛴️",
motor_boat: "🛥️",
ship: "🚢",
airplane: "✈️",
small_airplane: "🛩️",
flight_departure: "🛫",
flight_arrival: "🛬",
parachute: "🪂",
seat: "💺",
helicopter: "🚁",
suspension_railway: "🚟",
mountain_cableway: "🚠",
aerial_tramway: "🚡",
artificial_satellite: "🛰️",
rocket: "🚀",
flying_saucer: "🛸",
bellhop_bell: "🛎️",
luggage: "🧳",
hourglass: "",
hourglass_flowing_sand: "",
watch: "",
alarm_clock: "",
stopwatch: "⏱️",
timer_clock: "⏲️",
mantelpiece_clock: "🕰️",
clock12: "🕛",
clock1230: "🕧",
clock1: "🕐",
clock130: "🕜",
clock2: "🕑",
clock230: "🕝",
clock3: "🕒",
clock330: "🕞",
clock4: "🕓",
clock430: "🕟",
clock5: "🕔",
clock530: "🕠",
clock6: "🕕",
clock630: "🕡",
clock7: "🕖",
clock730: "🕢",
clock8: "🕗",
clock830: "🕣",
clock9: "🕘",
clock930: "🕤",
clock10: "🕙",
clock1030: "🕥",
clock11: "🕚",
clock1130: "🕦",
new_moon: "🌑",
waxing_crescent_moon: "🌒",
first_quarter_moon: "🌓",
moon: "🌔",
waxing_gibbous_moon: "🌔",
full_moon: "🌕",
waning_gibbous_moon: "🌖",
last_quarter_moon: "🌗",
waning_crescent_moon: "🌘",
crescent_moon: "🌙",
new_moon_with_face: "🌚",
first_quarter_moon_with_face: "🌛",
last_quarter_moon_with_face: "🌜",
thermometer: "🌡️",
sunny: "☀️",
full_moon_with_face: "🌝",
sun_with_face: "🌞",
ringed_planet: "🪐",
star: "",
star2: "🌟",
stars: "🌠",
milky_way: "🌌",
cloud: "☁️",
partly_sunny: "",
cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: "⛈️",
sun_behind_small_cloud: "🌤️",
sun_behind_large_cloud: "🌥️",
sun_behind_rain_cloud: "🌦️",
cloud_with_rain: "🌧️",
cloud_with_snow: "🌨️",
cloud_with_lightning: "🌩️",
tornado: "🌪️",
fog: "🌫️",
wind_face: "🌬️",
cyclone: "🌀",
rainbow: "🌈",
closed_umbrella: "🌂",
open_umbrella: "☂️",
umbrella: "",
parasol_on_ground: "⛱️",
zap: "",
snowflake: "❄️",
snowman_with_snow: "☃️",
snowman: "",
comet: "☄️",
fire: "🔥",
droplet: "💧",
ocean: "🌊",
jack_o_lantern: "🎃",
christmas_tree: "🎄",
fireworks: "🎆",
sparkler: "🎇",
firecracker: "🧨",
sparkles: "",
balloon: "🎈",
tada: "🎉",
confetti_ball: "🎊",
tanabata_tree: "🎋",
bamboo: "🎍",
dolls: "🎎",
flags: "🎏",
wind_chime: "🎐",
rice_scene: "🎑",
red_envelope: "🧧",
ribbon: "🎀",
gift: "🎁",
reminder_ribbon: "🎗️",
tickets: "🎟️",
ticket: "🎫",
medal_military: "🎖️",
trophy: "🏆",
medal_sports: "🏅",
"1st_place_medal": "🥇",
"2nd_place_medal": "🥈",
"3rd_place_medal": "🥉",
soccer: "",
baseball: "",
softball: "🥎",
basketball: "🏀",
volleyball: "🏐",
football: "🏈",
rugby_football: "🏉",
tennis: "🎾",
flying_disc: "🥏",
bowling: "🎳",
cricket_game: "🏏",
field_hockey: "🏑",
ice_hockey: "🏒",
lacrosse: "🥍",
ping_pong: "🏓",
badminton: "🏸",
boxing_glove: "🥊",
martial_arts_uniform: "🥋",
goal_net: "🥅",
golf: "",
ice_skate: "⛸️",
fishing_pole_and_fish: "🎣",
diving_mask: "🤿",
running_shirt_with_sash: "🎽",
ski: "🎿",
sled: "🛷",
curling_stone: "🥌",
dart: "🎯",
yo_yo: "🪀",
kite: "🪁",
"8ball": "🎱",
crystal_ball: "🔮",
magic_wand: "🪄",
nazar_amulet: "🧿",
video_game: "🎮",
joystick: "🕹️",
slot_machine: "🎰",
game_die: "🎲",
jigsaw: "🧩",
teddy_bear: "🧸",
pinata: "🪅",
nesting_dolls: "🪆",
spades: "♠️",
hearts: "♥️",
diamonds: "♦️",
clubs: "♣️",
chess_pawn: "♟️",
black_joker: "🃏",
mahjong: "🀄",
flower_playing_cards: "🎴",
performing_arts: "🎭",
framed_picture: "🖼️",
art: "🎨",
thread: "🧵",
sewing_needle: "🪡",
yarn: "🧶",
knot: "🪢",
eyeglasses: "👓",
dark_sunglasses: "🕶️",
goggles: "🥽",
lab_coat: "🥼",
safety_vest: "🦺",
necktie: "👔",
shirt: "👕",
tshirt: "👕",
jeans: "👖",
scarf: "🧣",
gloves: "🧤",
coat: "🧥",
socks: "🧦",
dress: "👗",
kimono: "👘",
sari: "🥻",
one_piece_swimsuit: "🩱",
swim_brief: "🩲",
shorts: "🩳",
bikini: "👙",
womans_clothes: "👚",
purse: "👛",
handbag: "👜",
pouch: "👝",
shopping: "🛍️",
school_satchel: "🎒",
thong_sandal: "🩴",
mans_shoe: "👞",
shoe: "👞",
athletic_shoe: "👟",
hiking_boot: "🥾",
flat_shoe: "🥿",
high_heel: "👠",
sandal: "👡",
ballet_shoes: "🩰",
boot: "👢",
crown: "👑",
womans_hat: "👒",
tophat: "🎩",
mortar_board: "🎓",
billed_cap: "🧢",
military_helmet: "🪖",
rescue_worker_helmet: "⛑️",
prayer_beads: "📿",
lipstick: "💄",
ring: "💍",
gem: "💎",
mute: "🔇",
speaker: "🔈",
sound: "🔉",
loud_sound: "🔊",
loudspeaker: "📢",
mega: "📣",
postal_horn: "📯",
bell: "🔔",
no_bell: "🔕",
musical_score: "🎼",
musical_note: "🎵",
notes: "🎶",
studio_microphone: "🎙️",
level_slider: "🎚️",
control_knobs: "🎛️",
microphone: "🎤",
headphones: "🎧",
radio: "📻",
saxophone: "🎷",
accordion: "🪗",
guitar: "🎸",
musical_keyboard: "🎹",
trumpet: "🎺",
violin: "🎻",
banjo: "🪕",
drum: "🥁",
long_drum: "🪘",
iphone: "📱",
calling: "📲",
phone: "☎️",
telephone: "☎️",
telephone_receiver: "📞",
pager: "📟",
fax: "📠",
battery: "🔋",
electric_plug: "🔌",
computer: "💻",
desktop_computer: "🖥️",
printer: "🖨️",
keyboard: "⌨️",
computer_mouse: "🖱️",
trackball: "🖲️",
minidisc: "💽",
floppy_disk: "💾",
cd: "💿",
dvd: "📀",
abacus: "🧮",
movie_camera: "🎥",
film_strip: "🎞️",
film_projector: "📽️",
clapper: "🎬",
tv: "📺",
camera: "📷",
camera_flash: "📸",
video_camera: "📹",
vhs: "📼",
mag: "🔍",
mag_right: "🔎",
candle: "🕯️",
bulb: "💡",
flashlight: "🔦",
izakaya_lantern: "🏮",
lantern: "🏮",
diya_lamp: "🪔",
notebook_with_decorative_cover: "📔",
closed_book: "📕",
book: "📖",
open_book: "📖",
green_book: "📗",
blue_book: "📘",
orange_book: "📙",
books: "📚",
notebook: "📓",
ledger: "📒",
page_with_curl: "📃",
scroll: "📜",
page_facing_up: "📄",
newspaper: "📰",
newspaper_roll: "🗞️",
bookmark_tabs: "📑",
bookmark: "🔖",
label: "🏷️",
moneybag: "💰",
coin: "🪙",
yen: "💴",
dollar: "💵",
euro: "💶",
pound: "💷",
money_with_wings: "💸",
credit_card: "💳",
receipt: "🧾",
chart: "💹",
envelope: "✉️",
email: "📧",
"e-mail": "📧",
incoming_envelope: "📨",
envelope_with_arrow: "📩",
outbox_tray: "📤",
inbox_tray: "📥",
package: "📦",
mailbox: "📫",
mailbox_closed: "📪",
mailbox_with_mail: "📬",
mailbox_with_no_mail: "📭",
postbox: "📮",
ballot_box: "🗳️",
pencil2: "✏️",
black_nib: "✒️",
fountain_pen: "🖋️",
pen: "🖊️",
paintbrush: "🖌️",
crayon: "🖍️",
memo: "📝",
pencil: "📝",
briefcase: "💼",
file_folder: "📁",
open_file_folder: "📂",
card_index_dividers: "🗂️",
date: "📅",
calendar: "📆",
spiral_notepad: "🗒️",
spiral_calendar: "🗓️",
card_index: "📇",
chart_with_upwards_trend: "📈",
chart_with_downwards_trend: "📉",
bar_chart: "📊",
clipboard: "📋",
pushpin: "📌",
round_pushpin: "📍",
paperclip: "📎",
paperclips: "🖇️",
straight_ruler: "📏",
triangular_ruler: "📐",
scissors: "✂️",
card_file_box: "🗃️",
file_cabinet: "🗄️",
wastebasket: "🗑️",
lock: "🔒",
unlock: "🔓",
lock_with_ink_pen: "🔏",
closed_lock_with_key: "🔐",
key: "🔑",
old_key: "🗝️",
hammer: "🔨",
axe: "🪓",
pick: "⛏️",
hammer_and_pick: "⚒️",
hammer_and_wrench: "🛠️",
dagger: "🗡️",
crossed_swords: "⚔️",
gun: "🔫",
boomerang: "🪃",
bow_and_arrow: "🏹",
shield: "🛡️",
carpentry_saw: "🪚",
wrench: "🔧",
screwdriver: "🪛",
nut_and_bolt: "🔩",
gear: "⚙️",
clamp: "🗜️",
balance_scale: "⚖️",
probing_cane: "🦯",
link: "🔗",
chains: "⛓️",
hook: "🪝",
toolbox: "🧰",
magnet: "🧲",
ladder: "🪜",
alembic: "⚗️",
test_tube: "🧪",
petri_dish: "🧫",
dna: "🧬",
microscope: "🔬",
telescope: "🔭",
satellite: "📡",
syringe: "💉",
drop_of_blood: "🩸",
pill: "💊",
adhesive_bandage: "🩹",
stethoscope: "🩺",
door: "🚪",
elevator: "🛗",
mirror: "🪞",
window: "🪟",
bed: "🛏️",
couch_and_lamp: "🛋️",
chair: "🪑",
toilet: "🚽",
plunger: "🪠",
shower: "🚿",
bathtub: "🛁",
mouse_trap: "🪤",
razor: "🪒",
lotion_bottle: "🧴",
safety_pin: "🧷",
broom: "🧹",
basket: "🧺",
roll_of_paper: "🧻",
bucket: "🪣",
soap: "🧼",
toothbrush: "🪥",
sponge: "🧽",
fire_extinguisher: "🧯",
shopping_cart: "🛒",
smoking: "🚬",
coffin: "⚰️",
headstone: "🪦",
funeral_urn: "⚱️",
moyai: "🗿",
placard: "🪧",
atm: "🏧",
put_litter_in_its_place: "🚮",
potable_water: "🚰",
wheelchair: "",
mens: "🚹",
womens: "🚺",
restroom: "🚻",
baby_symbol: "🚼",
wc: "🚾",
passport_control: "🛂",
customs: "🛃",
baggage_claim: "🛄",
left_luggage: "🛅",
warning: "⚠️",
children_crossing: "🚸",
no_entry: "",
no_entry_sign: "🚫",
no_bicycles: "🚳",
no_smoking: "🚭",
do_not_litter: "🚯",
"non-potable_water": "🚱",
no_pedestrians: "🚷",
no_mobile_phones: "📵",
underage: "🔞",
radioactive: "☢️",
biohazard: "☣️",
arrow_up: "⬆️",
arrow_upper_right: "↗️",
arrow_right: "➡️",
arrow_lower_right: "↘️",
arrow_down: "⬇️",
arrow_lower_left: "↙️",
arrow_left: "⬅️",
arrow_upper_left: "↖️",
arrow_up_down: "↕️",
left_right_arrow: "↔️",
leftwards_arrow_with_hook: "↩️",
arrow_right_hook: "↪️",
arrow_heading_up: "⤴️",
arrow_heading_down: "⤵️",
arrows_clockwise: "🔃",
arrows_counterclockwise: "🔄",
back: "🔙",
end: "🔚",
on: "🔛",
soon: "🔜",
top: "🔝",
place_of_worship: "🛐",
atom_symbol: "⚛️",
om: "🕉️",
star_of_david: "✡️",
wheel_of_dharma: "☸️",
yin_yang: "☯️",
latin_cross: "✝️",
orthodox_cross: "☦️",
star_and_crescent: "☪️",
peace_symbol: "☮️",
menorah: "🕎",
six_pointed_star: "🔯",
aries: "",
taurus: "",
gemini: "",
cancer: "",
leo: "",
virgo: "",
libra: "",
scorpius: "",
sagittarius: "",
capricorn: "",
aquarius: "",
pisces: "",
ophiuchus: "",
twisted_rightwards_arrows: "🔀",
repeat: "🔁",
repeat_one: "🔂",
arrow_forward: "▶️",
fast_forward: "",
next_track_button: "⏭️",
play_or_pause_button: "⏯️",
arrow_backward: "◀️",
rewind: "",
previous_track_button: "⏮️",
arrow_up_small: "🔼",
arrow_double_up: "",
arrow_down_small: "🔽",
arrow_double_down: "",
pause_button: "⏸️",
stop_button: "⏹️",
record_button: "⏺️",
eject_button: "⏏️",
cinema: "🎦",
low_brightness: "🔅",
high_brightness: "🔆",
signal_strength: "📶",
vibration_mode: "📳",
mobile_phone_off: "📴",
female_sign: "♀️",
male_sign: "♂️",
transgender_symbol: "⚧️",
heavy_multiplication_x: "✖️",
heavy_plus_sign: "",
heavy_minus_sign: "",
heavy_division_sign: "",
infinity: "♾️",
bangbang: "‼️",
interrobang: "⁉️",
question: "",
grey_question: "",
grey_exclamation: "",
exclamation: "",
heavy_exclamation_mark: "",
wavy_dash: "〰️",
currency_exchange: "💱",
heavy_dollar_sign: "💲",
medical_symbol: "⚕️",
recycle: "♻️",
fleur_de_lis: "⚜️",
trident: "🔱",
name_badge: "📛",
beginner: "🔰",
o: "",
white_check_mark: "",
ballot_box_with_check: "☑️",
heavy_check_mark: "✔️",
x: "",
negative_squared_cross_mark: "",
curly_loop: "",
loop: "",
part_alternation_mark: "〽️",
eight_spoked_asterisk: "✳️",
eight_pointed_black_star: "✴️",
sparkle: "❇️",
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six: "6️⃣",
seven: "7️⃣",
eight: "8️⃣",
nine: "9️⃣",
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abc: "🔤",
a: "🅰️",
ab: "🆎",
b: "🅱️",
cl: "🆑",
cool: "🆒",
free: "🆓",
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id: "🆔",
m: "Ⓜ️",
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ng: "🆖",
o2: "🅾️",
ok: "🆗",
parking: "🅿️",
sos: "🆘",
up: "🆙",
vs: "🆚",
koko: "🈁",
sa: "🈂️",
u6708: "🈷️",
u6709: "🈶",
u6307: "🈯",
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u7121: "🈚",
u7981: "🈲",
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u7533: "🈸",
u5408: "🈴",
u7a7a: "🈳",
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secret: "㊙️",
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u6e80: "🈵",
red_circle: "🔴",
orange_circle: "🟠",
yellow_circle: "🟡",
green_circle: "🟢",
large_blue_circle: "🔵",
purple_circle: "🟣",
brown_circle: "🟤",
black_circle: "",
white_circle: "",
red_square: "🟥",
orange_square: "🟧",
yellow_square: "🟨",
green_square: "🟩",
blue_square: "🟦",
purple_square: "🟪",
brown_square: "🟫",
black_large_square: "",
white_large_square: "",
black_medium_square: "◼️",
white_medium_square: "◻️",
black_medium_small_square: "",
white_medium_small_square: "",
black_small_square: "▪️",
white_small_square: "▫️",
large_orange_diamond: "🔶",
large_blue_diamond: "🔷",
small_orange_diamond: "🔸",
small_blue_diamond: "🔹",
small_red_triangle: "🔺",
small_red_triangle_down: "🔻",
diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: "💠",
radio_button: "🔘",
white_square_button: "🔳",
black_square_button: "🔲",
checkered_flag: "🏁",
triangular_flag_on_post: "🚩",
crossed_flags: "🎌",
black_flag: "🏴",
white_flag: "🏳️",
rainbow_flag: "🏳️‍🌈",
transgender_flag: "🏳️‍⚧️",
pirate_flag: "🏴‍☠️",
ascension_island: "🇦🇨",
andorra: "🇦🇩",
united_arab_emirates: "🇦🇪",
afghanistan: "🇦🇫",
antigua_barbuda: "🇦🇬",
anguilla: "🇦🇮",
albania: "🇦🇱",
armenia: "🇦🇲",
angola: "🇦🇴",
antarctica: "🇦🇶",
argentina: "🇦🇷",
american_samoa: "🇦🇸",
austria: "🇦🇹",
australia: "🇦🇺",
aruba: "🇦🇼",
aland_islands: "🇦🇽",
azerbaijan: "🇦🇿",
bosnia_herzegovina: "🇧🇦",
barbados: "🇧🇧",
bangladesh: "🇧🇩",
belgium: "🇧🇪",
burkina_faso: "🇧🇫",
bulgaria: "🇧🇬",
bahrain: "🇧🇭",
burundi: "🇧🇮",
benin: "🇧🇯",
st_barthelemy: "🇧🇱",
bermuda: "🇧🇲",
brunei: "🇧🇳",
bolivia: "🇧🇴",
caribbean_netherlands: "🇧🇶",
brazil: "🇧🇷",
bahamas: "🇧🇸",
bhutan: "🇧🇹",
bouvet_island: "🇧🇻",
botswana: "🇧🇼",
belarus: "🇧🇾",
belize: "🇧🇿",
canada: "🇨🇦",
cocos_islands: "🇨🇨",
congo_kinshasa: "🇨🇩",
central_african_republic: "🇨🇫",
congo_brazzaville: "🇨🇬",
switzerland: "🇨🇭",
cote_divoire: "🇨🇮",
cook_islands: "🇨🇰",
chile: "🇨🇱",
cameroon: "🇨🇲",
cn: "🇨🇳",
colombia: "🇨🇴",
clipperton_island: "🇨🇵",
costa_rica: "🇨🇷",
cuba: "🇨🇺",
cape_verde: "🇨🇻",
curacao: "🇨🇼",
christmas_island: "🇨🇽",
cyprus: "🇨🇾",
czech_republic: "🇨🇿",
de: "🇩🇪",
diego_garcia: "🇩🇬",
djibouti: "🇩🇯",
denmark: "🇩🇰",
dominica: "🇩🇲",
dominican_republic: "🇩🇴",
algeria: "🇩🇿",
ceuta_melilla: "🇪🇦",
ecuador: "🇪🇨",
estonia: "🇪🇪",
egypt: "🇪🇬",
western_sahara: "🇪🇭",
eritrea: "🇪🇷",
es: "🇪🇸",
ethiopia: "🇪🇹",
eu: "🇪🇺",
european_union: "🇪🇺",
finland: "🇫🇮",
fiji: "🇫🇯",
falkland_islands: "🇫🇰",
micronesia: "🇫🇲",
faroe_islands: "🇫🇴",
fr: "🇫🇷",
gabon: "🇬🇦",
gb: "🇬🇧",
uk: "🇬🇧",
grenada: "🇬🇩",
georgia: "🇬🇪",
french_guiana: "🇬🇫",
guernsey: "🇬🇬",
ghana: "🇬🇭",
gibraltar: "🇬🇮",
greenland: "🇬🇱",
gambia: "🇬🇲",
guinea: "🇬🇳",
guadeloupe: "🇬🇵",
equatorial_guinea: "🇬🇶",
greece: "🇬🇷",
south_georgia_south_sandwich_islands: "🇬🇸",
guatemala: "🇬🇹",
guam: "🇬🇺",
guinea_bissau: "🇬🇼",
guyana: "🇬🇾",
hong_kong: "🇭🇰",
heard_mcdonald_islands: "🇭🇲",
honduras: "🇭🇳",
croatia: "🇭🇷",
haiti: "🇭🇹",
hungary: "🇭🇺",
canary_islands: "🇮🇨",
indonesia: "🇮🇩",
ireland: "🇮🇪",
israel: "🇮🇱",
isle_of_man: "🇮🇲",
india: "🇮🇳",
british_indian_ocean_territory: "🇮🇴",
iraq: "🇮🇶",
iran: "🇮🇷",
iceland: "🇮🇸",
it: "🇮🇹",
jersey: "🇯🇪",
jamaica: "🇯🇲",
jordan: "🇯🇴",
jp: "🇯🇵",
kenya: "🇰🇪",
kyrgyzstan: "🇰🇬",
cambodia: "🇰🇭",
kiribati: "🇰🇮",
comoros: "🇰🇲",
st_kitts_nevis: "🇰🇳",
north_korea: "🇰🇵",
kr: "🇰🇷",
kuwait: "🇰🇼",
cayman_islands: "🇰🇾",
kazakhstan: "🇰🇿",
laos: "🇱🇦",
lebanon: "🇱🇧",
st_lucia: "🇱🇨",
liechtenstein: "🇱🇮",
sri_lanka: "🇱🇰",
liberia: "🇱🇷",
lesotho: "🇱🇸",
lithuania: "🇱🇹",
luxembourg: "🇱🇺",
latvia: "🇱🇻",
libya: "🇱🇾",
morocco: "🇲🇦",
monaco: "🇲🇨",
moldova: "🇲🇩",
montenegro: "🇲🇪",
st_martin: "🇲🇫",
madagascar: "🇲🇬",
marshall_islands: "🇲🇭",
macedonia: "🇲🇰",
mali: "🇲🇱",
myanmar: "🇲🇲",
mongolia: "🇲🇳",
macau: "🇲🇴",
northern_mariana_islands: "🇲🇵",
martinique: "🇲🇶",
mauritania: "🇲🇷",
montserrat: "🇲🇸",
malta: "🇲🇹",
mauritius: "🇲🇺",
maldives: "🇲🇻",
malawi: "🇲🇼",
mexico: "🇲🇽",
malaysia: "🇲🇾",
mozambique: "🇲🇿",
namibia: "🇳🇦",
new_caledonia: "🇳🇨",
niger: "🇳🇪",
norfolk_island: "🇳🇫",
nigeria: "🇳🇬",
nicaragua: "🇳🇮",
netherlands: "🇳🇱",
norway: "🇳🇴",
nepal: "🇳🇵",
nauru: "🇳🇷",
niue: "🇳🇺",
new_zealand: "🇳🇿",
oman: "🇴🇲",
panama: "🇵🇦",
peru: "🇵🇪",
french_polynesia: "🇵🇫",
papua_new_guinea: "🇵🇬",
philippines: "🇵🇭",
pakistan: "🇵🇰",
poland: "🇵🇱",
st_pierre_miquelon: "🇵🇲",
pitcairn_islands: "🇵🇳",
puerto_rico: "🇵🇷",
palestinian_territories: "🇵🇸",
portugal: "🇵🇹",
palau: "🇵🇼",
paraguay: "🇵🇾",
qatar: "🇶🇦",
reunion: "🇷🇪",
romania: "🇷🇴",
serbia: "🇷🇸",
ru: "🇷🇺",
rwanda: "🇷🇼",
saudi_arabia: "🇸🇦",
solomon_islands: "🇸🇧",
seychelles: "🇸🇨",
sudan: "🇸🇩",
sweden: "🇸🇪",
singapore: "🇸🇬",
st_helena: "🇸🇭",
slovenia: "🇸🇮",
svalbard_jan_mayen: "🇸🇯",
slovakia: "🇸🇰",
sierra_leone: "🇸🇱",
san_marino: "🇸🇲",
senegal: "🇸🇳",
somalia: "🇸🇴",
suriname: "🇸🇷",
south_sudan: "🇸🇸",
sao_tome_principe: "🇸🇹",
el_salvador: "🇸🇻",
sint_maarten: "🇸🇽",
syria: "🇸🇾",
swaziland: "🇸🇿",
tristan_da_cunha: "🇹🇦",
turks_caicos_islands: "🇹🇨",
chad: "🇹🇩",
french_southern_territories: "🇹🇫",
togo: "🇹🇬",
thailand: "🇹🇭",
tajikistan: "🇹🇯",
tokelau: "🇹🇰",
timor_leste: "🇹🇱",
turkmenistan: "🇹🇲",
tunisia: "🇹🇳",
tonga: "🇹🇴",
tr: "🇹🇷",
trinidad_tobago: "🇹🇹",
tuvalu: "🇹🇻",
taiwan: "🇹🇼",
tanzania: "🇹🇿",
ukraine: "🇺🇦",
uganda: "🇺🇬",
us_outlying_islands: "🇺🇲",
united_nations: "🇺🇳",
us: "🇺🇸",
uruguay: "🇺🇾",
uzbekistan: "🇺🇿",
vatican_city: "🇻🇦",
st_vincent_grenadines: "🇻🇨",
venezuela: "🇻🇪",
british_virgin_islands: "🇻🇬",
us_virgin_islands: "🇻🇮",
vietnam: "🇻🇳",
vanuatu: "🇻🇺",
wallis_futuna: "🇼🇫",
samoa: "🇼🇸",
kosovo: "🇽🇰",
yemen: "🇾🇪",
mayotte: "🇾🇹",
south_africa: "🇿🇦",
zambia: "🇿🇲",
zimbabwe: "🇿🇼",
england: "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿",
scotland: "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿",
wales: "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿",
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7.38 KiB

import call_join from "./call_join.mp3";
import call_leave from "./call_leave.mp3";
import message from "./message.mp3";
import outbound from "./outbound.mp3";
const SoundMap: { [key in Sounds]: string } = {
export type Sounds = "message" | "outbound" | "call_join" | "call_leave";
export const SOUNDS_ARRAY: Sounds[] = [
export function playSound(sound: Sounds) {
const file = SoundMap[sound];
const el = new Audio(file);
try {;
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to play audio file", file, err);
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="193.733" height="37.438" viewBox="0 0 193.733 37.438">
<path d="M23.393,1.382c0,2.787-1.52,4.46-4.764,4.46H13.258V-2.977H18.63C21.873-2.977,23.393-1.254,23.393,1.382Zm-24-11.555,5.2,7.213V25.4h8.666V11.973h2.078l7.4,13.43h9.781l-8.21-14.089A10.355,10.355,0,0,0,32.212,1.027c0-6.183-4.358-11.2-13.075-11.2Zm60.035,0H37.634V25.4H59.426V18.46H46.3v-7.8H57.906V3.966H46.3V-2.969H59.426Zm20.981,26.86-8.818-26.86H62.365L74.984,25.4H85.83L98.449-10.173H89.276Zm56.659-9.173c0-10.693-8.058-18.194-18.194-18.194-10.085,0-18.3,7.5-18.3,18.194a17.9,17.9,0,0,0,18.3,18.244A17.815,17.815,0,0,0,137.066,7.514Zm-27.62,0c0-6.335,3.649-10.338,9.426-10.338,5.676,0,9.376,4,9.376,10.338,0,6.233-3.7,10.338-9.376,10.338C113.095,17.852,109.446,13.747,109.446,7.514ZM141.88-10.173V25.4H161.9v-6.95H150.545V-10.173Zm22.248,7.2h9.426V25.4h8.666V-2.975h9.426v-7.2H164.128Z" transform="translate(1.586 11.18)" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1"/>
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { Channel } from "revolt.js/dist/maps/Channels";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { Text } from "preact-i18n";
import { useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { dispatch, getState } from "../../redux";
import Button from "../ui/Button";
import Checkbox from "../ui/Checkbox";
import { Children } from "../../types/Preact";
const Base = styled.div`
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
user-select: none;
padding: 12px;
img {
height: 150px;
.subtext {
color: var(--secondary-foreground);
margin-bottom: 12px;
font-size: 14px;
.actions {
margin-top: 20px;
display: flex;
gap: 12px;
type Props = {
gated: boolean;
children: Children;
} & {
type: "channel";
channel: Channel;
export default observer((props: Props) => {
const history = useHistory();
const [consent, setConsent] = useState(
getState().sectionToggle["nsfw"] ?? false,
const [ageGate, setAgeGate] = useState(false);
if (ageGate || !props.gated) {
return <>{props.children}</>;
if (
!( === "Group" || === "TextChannel"
return <>{props.children}</>;
return (
<span className="subtext">
<Text id={`${props.type}.marked`} />{" "}
<a href="#">
<Text id={``} />
onChange={(v) => {
if (v) {
id: "nsfw",
state: true,
} else {
dispatch({ type: "SECTION_TOGGLE_UNSET", id: "nsfw" });
<Text id="" />
<div className="actions">
<Button contrast onClick={() => history.goBack()}>
<Text id="app.special.modals.actions.back" />
<Button contrast onClick={() => consent && setAgeGate(true)}>
<Text id={`${props.type}.confirm`} />
import { SYSTEM_USER_ID } from "revolt.js";
import { Channel } from "revolt.js/dist/maps/Channels";
import { User } from "revolt.js/dist/maps/Users";
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
import { StateUpdater, useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { useClient } from "../../context/revoltjs/RevoltClient";
import { emojiDictionary } from "../../assets/emojis";
import ChannelIcon from "./ChannelIcon";
import Emoji from "./Emoji";
import UserIcon from "./user/UserIcon";
export type AutoCompleteState =
| { type: "none" }
| ({ selected: number; within: boolean } & (
| {
type: "emoji";
matches: string[];
| {
type: "user";
matches: User[];
| {
type: "channel";
matches: Channel[];
export type SearchClues = {
users?: { type: "channel"; id: string } | { type: "all" };
channels?: { server: string };
export type AutoCompleteProps = {
detached?: boolean;
state: AutoCompleteState;
setState: StateUpdater<AutoCompleteState>;
onKeyUp: (ev: KeyboardEvent) => void;
onKeyDown: (ev: KeyboardEvent) => boolean;
onChange: (ev: JSX.TargetedEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement, Event>) => void;
onClick: JSX.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>;
onFocus: JSX.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
onBlur: JSX.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
export function useAutoComplete(
setValue: (v?: string) => void,
searchClues?: SearchClues,
): AutoCompleteProps {
const [state, setState] = useState<AutoCompleteState>({ type: "none" });
const [focused, setFocused] = useState(false);
const client = useClient();
function findSearchString(
el: HTMLTextAreaElement,
): ["emoji" | "user" | "channel", string, number] | undefined {
if (el.selectionStart === el.selectionEnd) {
const cursor = el.selectionStart;
const content = el.value.slice(0, cursor);
const valid = /\w/;
let j = content.length - 1;
if (content[j] === "@") {
return ["user", "", j];
} else if (content[j] === "#") {
return ["channel", "", j];
while (j >= 0 && valid.test(content[j])) {
if (j === -1) return;
const current = content[j];
if (current === ":" || current === "@" || current === "#") {
const search = content.slice(j + 1, content.length);
if (search.length > 0) {
return [
current === "#"
? "channel"
: current === ":"
? "emoji"
: "user",
j + 1,
function onChange(ev: JSX.TargetedEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement, Event>) {
const el = ev.currentTarget;
const result = findSearchString(el);
if (result) {
const [type, search] = result;
const regex = new RegExp(search, "i");
if (type === "emoji") {
// ! TODO: we should convert it to a Binary Search Tree and use that
const matches = Object.keys(emojiDictionary)
.filter((emoji: string) => emoji.match(regex))
.splice(0, 5);
if (matches.length > 0) {
const currentPosition =
state.type !== "none" ? state.selected : 0;
type: "emoji",
selected: Math.min(currentPosition, matches.length - 1),
within: false,
if (type === "user" && searchClues?.users) {
let users: User[] = [];
switch (searchClues.users.type) {
case "all":
users = [...client.users.values()];
case "channel": {
const channel = client.channels.get(,
switch (channel?.channel_type) {
case "Group":
case "DirectMessage":
users = channel.recipients!.filter(
(x) => typeof x !== "undefined",
) as User[];
case "TextChannel":
const server = channel.server_id;
users = [...client.members.keys()]
.map((x) => JSON.parse(x))
.filter((x) => x.server === server)
.map((x) => client.users.get(x.user))
(x) => typeof x !== "undefined",
) as User[];
users = users.filter((x) => x._id !== SYSTEM_USER_ID);
const matches = (
search.length > 0
? users.filter((user) =>
: users
.splice(0, 5)
.filter((x) => typeof x !== "undefined");
if (matches.length > 0) {
const currentPosition =
state.type !== "none" ? state.selected : 0;
type: "user",
selected: Math.min(currentPosition, matches.length - 1),
within: false,
if (type === "channel" && searchClues?.channels) {
const channels = client.servers
(x) => typeof x !== "undefined",
) as Channel[];
const matches = (
search.length > 0
? channels.filter((channel) =>!.toLowerCase().match(regex),
: channels
.splice(0, 5)
.filter((x) => typeof x !== "undefined");
if (matches.length > 0) {
const currentPosition =
state.type !== "none" ? state.selected : 0;
type: "channel",
selected: Math.min(currentPosition, matches.length - 1),
within: false,
if (state.type !== "none") {
setState({ type: "none" });
function selectCurrent(el: HTMLTextAreaElement) {
if (state.type !== "none") {
const result = findSearchString(el);
if (result) {
const [_type, search, index] = result;
const content = el.value.split("");
if (state.type === "emoji") {
": ",
} else if (state.type === "user") {
index - 1,
search.length + 1,
"> ",
} else {
index - 1,
search.length + 1,
"> ",
function onClick(ev: JSX.TargetedMouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) {
function onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (focused && state.type !== "none") {
if (e.key === "ArrowUp") {
if (state.selected > 0) {
selected: state.selected - 1,
return true;
if (e.key === "ArrowDown") {
if (state.selected < state.matches.length - 1) {
selected: state.selected + 1,
return true;
if (e.key === "Enter" || e.key === "Tab") {
selectCurrent(e.currentTarget as HTMLTextAreaElement);
return true;
return false;
function onKeyUp(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.currentTarget !== null) {
// @ts-expect-error Type mis-match.
function onFocus(ev: JSX.TargetedFocusEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) {
function onBlur() {
if (state.type !== "none" && state.within) return;
return {
state: focused ? state : { type: "none" },
const Base = styled.div<{ detached?: boolean }>`
position: relative;
> div {
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
background: var(--primary-header);
button {
gap: 8px;
margin: 4px;
padding: 6px;
border: none;
display: flex;
font-size: 1em;
cursor: pointer;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;
font-family: inherit;
background: transparent;
color: var(--foreground);
width: calc(100% - 12px);
border-radius: var(--border-radius);
span {
display: grid;
place-items: center;
&.active {
background: var(--primary-background);
${(props) =>
props.detached &&
bottom: 8px;
> div {
border-radius: var(--border-radius);
export default function AutoComplete({
}: Pick<AutoCompleteProps, "detached" | "state" | "setState" | "onClick">) {
return (
<Base detached={detached}>
{state.type === "emoji" &&, i) => (
className={i === state.selected ? "active" : ""}
onMouseEnter={() =>
(i !== state.selected || !state.within) &&
selected: i,
within: true,
onMouseLeave={() =>
state.within &&
within: false,
(emojiDictionary as Record<string, string>)[
{state.type === "user" &&, i) => (
className={i === state.selected ? "active" : ""}
onMouseEnter={() =>
(i !== state.selected || !state.within) &&
selected: i,
within: true,
onMouseLeave={() =>
state.within &&
within: false,
<UserIcon size={24} target={match} status={true} />
{state.type === "channel" &&, i) => (
className={i === state.selected ? "active" : ""}
onMouseEnter={() =>
(i !== state.selected || !state.within) &&
selected: i,
within: true,
onMouseLeave={() =>
state.within &&
within: false,
<ChannelIcon size={24} target={match} />
import { Hash, VolumeFull } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-regular";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";
import { Channel } from "revolt.js/dist/maps/Channels";
import { useContext } from "preact/hooks";
import { AppContext } from "../../context/revoltjs/RevoltClient";
import { ImageIconBase, IconBaseProps } from "./IconBase";
import fallback from "./assets/group.png";
interface Props extends IconBaseProps<Channel> {
isServerChannel?: boolean;
export default observer(
props: Props &
keyof Props | "children" | "as"
) => {
const client = useContext(AppContext);
const {
isServerChannel: server,
} = props;
const iconURL = client.generateFileURL(
target?.icon ?? attachment,
{ max_side: 256 },
const isServerChannel =
server ||
(target &&
(target.channel_type === "TextChannel" ||
target.channel_type === "VoiceChannel"));
if (typeof iconURL === "undefined") {
if (isServerChannel) {
if (target?.channel_type === "VoiceChannel") {
return <VolumeFull size={size} />;
return <Hash size={size} />;
return (
// ! TODO: replace fallback with <picture /> + <source />
src={iconURL ?? fallback}
import { ChevronDown } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-regular";
import { State, store } from "../../redux";
import { Action } from "../../redux/reducers";
import Details from "../ui/Details";
import { Children } from "../../types/Preact";
interface Props {
id: string;
defaultValue: boolean;
sticky?: boolean;
large?: boolean;
summary: Children;
children: Children;
export default function CollapsibleSection({
}: Props) {
const state: State = store.getState();
function setState(state: boolean) {
if (state === defaultValue) {
} as Action);
} else {
} as Action);
return (
open={state.sectionToggle[id] ?? defaultValue}
onToggle={(e) => setState(}
<div class="padding">
<ChevronDown size={20} />
import { EmojiPacks } from "../../redux/reducers/settings";
let EMOJI_PACK = "mutant";
const REVISION = 3;
export function setEmojiPack(pack: EmojiPacks) {
EMOJI_PACK = pack;
// Originally taken from Twemoji source code,
// re-written by bree to be more readable.
function codePoints(rune: string) {
const pairs = [];
let low = 0;
let i = 0;
while (i < rune.length) {
const charCode = rune.charCodeAt(i++);
if (low) {
pairs.push(0x10000 + ((low - 0xd800) << 10) + (charCode - 0xdc00));
low = 0;
} else if (0xd800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xdbff) {
low = charCode;
} else {
return pairs;
// Taken from Twemoji source code.
// scripts/build.js#344
// grabTheRightIcon(rawText);
const UFE0Fg = /\uFE0F/g;
const U200D = String.fromCharCode(0x200d);
function toCodePoint(rune: string) {
return codePoints(rune.indexOf(U200D) < 0 ? rune.replace(UFE0Fg, "") : rune)
.map((val) => val.toString(16))
function parseEmoji(emoji: string) {
const codepoint = toCodePoint(emoji);
return `${EMOJI_PACK}/${codepoint}.svg?rev=${REVISION}`;
export default function Emoji({
}: {
emoji: string;
size?: number;
}) {
return (
size ? { width: `${size}px`, height: `${size}px` } : undefined
export function generateEmoji(emoji: string) {
return `<img loading="lazy" class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="${emoji}" src="${parseEmoji(
)}" />`;