This repository holds all the translation files for REVOLT, feel free to help translate to new languages or fix existing translations.

## Languages

Table of currently supported languages.

 Language | Support | Maintainer
English (International) | Up-to-date | insert
Polish | Up-to-date | insert
Lithuanian | Up-to-date | Wait What
Czech | Up-to-date | Fatalerrorcoded
Russian | Up-to-date | Wait What
Hungarian | Pending. | Organic Coke
French | Up-to-date | JetBoxOne
Swedish | Up-to-date | Yann Seeker
Macedonian | Up-to-date | Bloectasy

## Coverage

By running `process.js` all language files will be compared to `en.json` and a coverage table will be generated below.

 File | Coverage | Missing keys | Extraneous keys
cz.json | `100.00%` |  | 
en.json | `100.00%` |  | 
fr.json | `100.00%` |  | 
hu.json | `0.00%` | `general.about`<br>`general.tos`<br>`general.privacy`<br>`general.image_by`<br>`login.title`<br>``<br>`login.password`<br>``<br>`login.enter.password`<br>`login.forgot`<br>``<br>`login.create`<br>`` | 
lt.json | `100.00%` |  | 
mk.json | `100.00%` |  | 
pl.json | `100.00%` |  | 
ru.json | `100.00%` |  | 
se.json | `100.00%` |  |