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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit da191c41 authored by nick's avatar nick Committed by Weblate
Browse files

Translated using Weblate (owo speak (owo))

Currently translated at 98.5% (417 of 423 strings)

Translation: Revolt/Web App
parent 8c2ec401
No related merge requests found
...@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ ...@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
"tos": "Tewms of sewvice", "tos": "Tewms of sewvice",
"privacy": "Pwivacy powicy", "privacy": "Pwivacy powicy",
"image_by": "Image bwy", "image_by": "Image bwy",
"loading": "Lyoading…" "loading": "Lyoading…",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"disabled": "Disabwed"
}, },
"app": { "app": {
"special": { "special": {
...@@ -15,17 +18,23 @@ ...@@ -15,17 +18,23 @@
"reconnecting": "Wecwowonnyecting…" "reconnecting": "Wecwowonnyecting…"
}, },
"friends": { "friends": {
"pending": "Pwending", "pending": "Pwending wequests",
"blocked": "Bwocked", "blocked": "Bwocked",
"incoming": "Incoming fwiend wequwest.", "incoming": "Incoming fwiend wequwest.",
"outgoing": "Ouwtgoing fwiend wequwest.", "outgoing": "Ouwtgoing fwiend wequwest.",
"nobody": "Nyobody here yet!" "nobody": "Nyobody here yet!",
"from": {
"several": "Fwom {{userlist}} and {{count}} mowe…",
"single": "Fwom {{user}}",
"multiple": "Fwom {{userlist}} and {{user}}"
"sent": "Outgoing"
}, },
"modals": { "modals": {
"error": "We did a fwucky wucky owo", "error": "We did a fwucky wucky owo",
"clipboard": { "clipboard": {
"unavailable": "Cwipboawd is uwnavaiwabwe! OwO", "unavailable": "Cwipboawd is uwnavaiwabwe! OwO",
"https": "fix your fucking browser you moron", "https": "You awe cuwwentwy nyot in a HTTPS context.",
"copy": "Manuwaw copy:" "copy": "Manuwaw copy:"
}, },
"signed_out": "Youw wewe signed ouwt! OwO", "signed_out": "Youw wewe signed ouwt! OwO",
...@@ -42,14 +51,33 @@ ...@@ -42,14 +51,33 @@
"send_email": "Swend Email", "send_email": "Swend Email",
"update": "Uwupdate", "update": "Uwupdate",
"preview": "Pweview", "preview": "Pweview",
"save": "Syave" "save": "Syave",
"reveal": "Weveal",
"kick": "Kick",
"create": "Cweate",
"remove": "Wemove",
"delete": "Dewete",
"ban": "Ban",
"block": "Bwock",
"leave": "Weave"
}, },
"prompt": { "prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "Go away fwom {{name}} (They'll pwobabwy miss u OmO)?", "confirm_leave": "Go away fwom {{name}} (They'll pwobabwy miss u OmO)?",
"confirm_leave_long": "U can't come bacc unless ur invited in again.", "confirm_leave_long": "U can't come bacc unless ur invited in again.",
"confirm_delete": "Dyelete {{name}}?", "confirm_delete": "Dyelete {{name}}?",
"confirm_close_dm": "Cwose cwonwersation with {{name}}?", "confirm_close_dm": "Cwose cwonwersation with {{name}}?",
"create_invite_generate": "Gyenewating Invyite…" "create_invite_generate": "Gyenewating Invyite…",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "You can we-open it watew but it wiww disappeaw on both sides.",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Awe you suwe you want to dewete this?",
"block_user_long": "Awe you suwe you want to bwock {{name}}? They wiww awso be wemuvd fwom youw fwiends wist.",
"unfriend_user": "Wemove {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user_long": "You may nyot be abwe to tawk to them again untiw you add them back.",
"block_user": "Bwock {{name}}?",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Ban weason",
"confirm_delete_long": "Once it's deweted, thewe's nyo going back.",
"confirm_kick": "Awe you suwe you want to kick {{name}}?",
"create_invite_created": "Hewe is youw nyew invite code:",
"confirm_ban": "You awe about to ban {{name}}"
}, },
"account": { "account": {
"change": { "change": {
...@@ -85,7 +113,8 @@ ...@@ -85,7 +113,8 @@
"select": "Syelect fwiends tyo add." "select": "Syelect fwiends tyo add."
} }
}, },
"copy_username": "Cwick to copy uwsewname" "copy_username": "Cwick to copy uwsewname",
"copy": "Cwick to copy"
}, },
"status": { "status": {
"online": "Onwine", "online": "Onwine",
...@@ -115,13 +144,13 @@ ...@@ -115,13 +144,13 @@
"message_where": "Speek in {{channel_name}}", "message_where": "Speek in {{channel_name}}",
"message_who": "Talk to {{person}}", "message_who": "Talk to {{person}}",
"system": { "system": {
"removed_by": "ryemoved bwy", "removed_by": "{{user}} was ryemoved bwy {{other_user}}",
"added_by": "addyed bwy", "added_by": "{{user}} was addyed bwy {{other_user}}",
"user_left": "{{user}} lyeft", "user_left": "{{user}} lyeft",
"user_joined": "{{user}} jyoined.", "user_joined": "{{user}} jyoined.",
"channel_renamed": "ryenamwed the channyel two", "channel_renamed": "{{user}} ryenamwed the channyel two {{name}}",
"channel_icon_changed": "chyanged the channyew icyon", "channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} chyanged the channyew icyon",
"channel_description_changed": "chyanged the channyew dyescrwiption", "channel_description_changed": "{{user}} chyanged the channyew dyescrwiption",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} wuss kyicked", "user_kicked": "{{user}} wuss kyicked",
"user_banned": "{{user}} wyas ejected" "user_banned": "{{user}} wyas ejected"
}, },
...@@ -143,29 +172,42 @@ ...@@ -143,29 +172,42 @@
"misc": { "misc": {
"viewing_old": "Viewing owdew messages", "viewing_old": "Viewing owdew messages",
"jump_present": "Juwp to pwesent", "jump_present": "Juwp to pwesent",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiwew" "spoiler_attachment": "Spoiwew",
"failed_load": "Couwdn't woad message.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} bwocked messages",
"no_sending": "You don't have pewmission to send messages in this channyew."
}, },
"voice": { "voice": {
"unmute": "Unmuwte", "unmute": "Unmuwte",
"mute": "Muwte", "mute": "Muwte",
"leave": "Lweavwe", "leave": "Lweavwe",
"connected": "Voice connyected" "connected": "Voice connyected"
"notifications": {
"default": "Use defauwlt",
"mention": "Mentions onwy",
"none": "Nyonye",
"muted": "Muted",
"all": "Aww messages"
} }
}, },
"groups": { "groups": {
"name": "Gwoup Name", "name": "Gwoup Name",
"create": "Cweate a gwoup.", "create": "Cweate a gwoup",
"owner": "Daddy", "owner": "Daddy",
"description": "Gwoup Desqwiption" "description": "Gwoup Desqwiption"
}, },
"servers": { "servers": {
"create": "Crewate a serwer.", "create": "Cweate a sewvew",
"name": "Serwer Name", "name": "Serwer Name",
"owner": "Serwer Owner", "owner": "Serwer Owner",
"channel_name": "Channel Namew", "channel_name": "Channel Namew",
"description": "Syerver Dyescwiption", "description": "Syerver Dyescwiption",
"channel_description": "Chyannel Dyescwiption", "channel_description": "Chyannel Dyescwiption",
"custom_banner": "Cyustom Bannew" "custom_banner": "Cyustom Bannew",
"voice_channel": "Voice channyew",
"channel_type": "Channyew type",
"text_channel": "Text channyew"
} }
}, },
"context_menu": { "context_menu": {
...@@ -201,7 +243,21 @@ ...@@ -201,7 +243,21 @@
"custom_status": "Cyustom Styatus", "custom_status": "Cyustom Styatus",
"open_channel_settings": "Chyannel Syettwings", "open_channel_settings": "Chyannel Syettwings",
"open_group_settings": "Gyoup Swettings", "open_group_settings": "Gyoup Swettings",
"copy_selection": "Copy sewection" "copy_selection": "Copy sewection",
"create_invite": "Cweate invite",
"leave_group": "Weave gwoup",
"leave_server": "Weave sewvew",
"delete_server": "Dewete sewvew",
"delete_channel": "Dewete channyew",
"open_notification_options": "Nyotification options",
"open_server_settings": "Sewvew settings",
"reply_message": "Wepwy",
"kick_member": "Kick membew",
"close_dm": "Cwose DM",
"create_channel": "Cweate channyew",
"copy_sid": "Copy sewvew ID",
"view_profile": "View pwofiwe",
"ban_member": "Ban membew"
}, },
"settings": { "settings": {
"pages": { "pages": {
...@@ -230,7 +286,13 @@ ...@@ -230,7 +286,13 @@
}, },
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Play Syend Swound.", "enable_outgoing_sound": "Play Syend Swound.",
"sounds": "Syounds", "sounds": "Syounds",
"push_notifications": "Pyush Nyotificwations" "push_notifications": "Pyush Nyotificwations",
"sound": {
"outbound": "Message sent",
"call_join": "Usew joinyed caww",
"call_leave": "Usew weft caww",
"message": "Message weceived"
}, },
"appearance": { "appearance": {
"theme_data": "Theem Data", "theme_data": "Theem Data",
...@@ -257,11 +319,28 @@ ...@@ -257,11 +319,28 @@
"default": "Dyefault" "default": "Dyefault"
}, },
"theme": "Thyeme", "theme": "Thyeme",
"emoji_pack": "Emyoji Pwack" "emoji_pack": "Emyoji Pwack",
"font": "Font",
"ligatures_desc": "Fow suppowted fonts, wigatuwes combinye chawactews togethew, fow exampwe, tuwnying -> into an awwow. Switch to Intew and twy toggwing this option.",
"ligatures": "Font wigatuwes",
"mono_font": "Monyospace font sewectow"
}, },
"account": { "account": {
"title": "Mah Account", "title": "Mah Account",
"change_field": "Chyange" "change_field": "Chyange",
"unique_id": "This is a unyique usew identifiew fow youw account.",
"2fa": {
"title": "Two-factow authentication",
"description": "Add an extwa wayew of secuwity by enyabwing 2FA on youw account.",
"add_auth": "Add authenticatow",
"remove_auth": "Wemuv authenticatow"
"manage": {
"title": "Account manyagement",
"description": "Disabwe ow dewete youw account at any time. This action wiww wog you out and fuwwy dewete youw account, incwuding youw chat histowy and fwiends.",
"disable": "Disabwe account",
"delete": "Dewete account"
}, },
"feedback": { "feedback": {
"title": "Fyeedbwack", "title": "Fyeedbwack",
...@@ -317,6 +396,9 @@ ...@@ -317,6 +396,9 @@
"name": "Channyel Nwame", "name": "Channyel Nwame",
"title": "Owervyuw", "title": "Owervyuw",
"icon": "Gwoup Icwon" "icon": "Gwoup Icwon"
"permissions": {
"title": "Pewmissions"
} }
}, },
"tips": { "tips": {
...@@ -342,7 +424,8 @@ ...@@ -342,7 +424,8 @@
"overview": { "overview": {
"title": "Ovyurview", "title": "Ovyurview",
"name": "Syervur Nyame", "name": "Syervur Nyame",
"description": "Chyannel Dyescwiption" "description": "Chyannel Dyescwiption",
"system_messages": "System message channyews"
}, },
"members": { "members": {
"title": "Myembews" "title": "Myembews"
...@@ -352,8 +435,21 @@ ...@@ -352,8 +435,21 @@
}, },
"bans": { "bans": {
"title": "Imposters" "title": "Imposters"
"roles": {
"title": "Wowes"
} }
"permissions": {
"server": "Sewvew pewmissions",
"channel": "Channew pewmissions",
"create_role": "Cweate a nyew wowe",
"role_name": "Rowe nyame",
"default_role": "Defauwt"
} }
"permissions": {
"required": "Pewmissions wequiwed"
} }
}, },
"login": { "login": {
...@@ -394,12 +490,17 @@ ...@@ -394,12 +490,17 @@
"email_delay": "Pwease awwow up twowo 10 minyutes fwowow it two awwiwe" "email_delay": "Pwease awwow up twowo 10 minyutes fwowow it two awwiwe"
}, },
"dayjs": { "dayjs": {
"lastDay": "[Yestewday at] LT", "lastDay": "[Yestewday at] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Twoday at] LT", "sameDay": "[Twoday at] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Tomowwow at] LT", "nextDay": "[Tomowwow at] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Lwast] dddd [at] LT", "lastWeek": "[Lwast] dddd [at] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [at] LT", "nextWeek": "dddd [at] {{time}}",
"sameElse": "L" "sameElse": "L",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "traditional",
"twelvehour": "no"
}, },
"quantities": { "quantities": {
"members": { "members": {
...@@ -453,5 +554,82 @@ ...@@ -453,5 +554,82 @@
"Unauthorized": "Unyauthowized.", "Unauthorized": "Unyauthowized.",
"NetworkError": "Network config issue.", "NetworkError": "Network config issue.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Tyis passwowowd is cyompwomised." "CompromisedPassword": "Tyis passwowowd is cyompwomised."
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Manyage sewvew",
"d": "Awwows membews to change this sewvew's nyame, descwiption, icon and othew wewated infowmation."
"ManageChannels": {
"d": "Awwows membews to cweate, edit and dewete channyews.",
"t": "Manyage channyews"
"KickMembers": {
"t": "Kick membews",
"d": "Awwows membews to wemuv membews fwom this sewvew. Kicked membews may wejoin with an invite."
"BanMembers": {
"d": "Awwows membews to pewmanyentwy wemuv membews fwom this sewvew.",
"t": "Ban membews"
"ChangeAvatar": {
"d": "Awwows membews to change theiw sewvew avataw on this sewvew.",
"t": "Change avataw"
"RemoveAvatars": {
"d": "Awwows membews to wemuv the sewvew avataws of othew membews on this sewvew.",
"t": "Wemove avataws"
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Awwows membews to cweate, edit and dewete wowes with a wowew wank than theiws. Awso awwows them to modify wowe pewmissions on channyews.",
"t": "Manyage wowes"
"ChangeNickname": {
"d": "Awwows membews to change theiw nyicknyame on this sewvew.",
"t": "Change nyicknyame"
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Manyage nyicknyames",
"d": "Awwows membews to change the nyicknyames of othew membews."
"channel": {
"View": {
"t": "View channyew",
"d": "Awwows membews to view any channyews they have this pewmission on."
"SendMessage": {
"d": "Awwows membews to send messages in text channyews.",
"t": "Send messages"
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Upwoad fiwes",
"d": "Awwows membews to upwoad fiwes in text channyews."
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Awwows membews to show embedded content on winks they post in text channyews.",
"t": "Embed winks"
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "Voice caww",
"d": "Awwows membews to join voice channyews."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Change nyicknyame",
"d": "Awwows membews to invite othew usews to a channyew."
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "Awwows membews to edit ow dewete a channyew.",
"t": "Kick membews"
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Manage messages",
"d": "Awwows membews to dewete messages sent by othew membews."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
} }
} }
0% or .
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