use log::warn;
pub static ref MONGO_URI: String =
env::var("REVOLT_MONGO_URI").expect("Missing REVOLT_MONGO_URI environment variable.");
pub static ref PUBLIC_URL: String =
env::var("REVOLT_PUBLIC_URL").expect("Missing REVOLT_PUBLIC_URL environment variable.");
pub static ref HCAPTCHA_KEY: String =
env::var("REVOLT_HCAPTCHA_KEY").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
pub static ref WS_HOST: String =
env::var("REVOLT_WS_HOST").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
// Application Flags
pub static ref DISABLE_REGISTRATION: bool = env::var("REVOLT_DISABLE_REGISTRATION").map_or(false, |v| v == "*1");
pub static ref USE_EMAIL: bool = env::var("REVOLT_USE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION").map_or(
&& env::var("REVOLT_SMTP_USERNAME").is_ok()
&& env::var("REVOLT_SMTP_PASSWORD").is_ok()
&& env::var("REVOLT_SMTP_FROM").is_ok(),
|v| v == *"1"
pub static ref USE_HCAPTCHA: bool = env::var("REVOLT_HCAPTCHA_KEY").is_ok();
pub static ref SMTP_HOST: String =
env::var("REVOLT_SMTP_HOST").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
pub static ref SMTP_USERNAME: String =
env::var("SMTP_USERNAME").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
pub static ref SMTP_PASSWORD: String =
env::var("SMTP_PASSWORD").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
pub static ref SMTP_FROM: String = env::var("SMTP_FROM").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string());
pub fn preflight_checks() {
if *USE_EMAIL == false {
if !env::var("REVOLT_UNSAFE_NO_EMAIL")
.map_or(false, |v| v == *"1") {
"Not letting you run this in production, set REVOLT_UNSAFE_NO_EMAIL=1 to run."
warn!("No SMTP settings specified! Remember to configure email.");
if *USE_HCAPTCHA == false {
.map_or(false, |v| v == *"1") {
panic!("Not letting you run this in production, set REVOLT_UNSAFE_NO_CAPTCHA=1 to run.");
warn!("No Captcha key specified! Remember to add hCaptcha key.");