Node.js library for GCC and G++ compilers
- Simplified options and usage
- Types and intellisense support
- Supports compilation of C and C++ files through
- Also can be easily used with emscripten.
Quick Start
This method passes files directly, it is recommended you pass options as shown below.
import { gnucc, gcc, gpp } from 'gnucc';
gnucc('file.cpp'); // compiles to executable
gnucc(input: string, output?: string, log?: boolean); // uses gcc or g++
gcc(input: string, ...); // uses gcc
gpp(input: string, ...); // uses g++
Advanced Usage
This example shows how to manually set some options.
import { gnucc, OPTIMISATION, WARN } from 'gnucc';
await gnucc({
input: 'src/head.cpp',
output: 'out/head',
includes: [
binaries: {
"gcc": 'gcc',
"g++": 'g++'
optimisation: OPTIMISATION.HIGH,
warning: [WARN.ALL]
Automatic Project Compilation
By enabling project mode gnucc handles a lot of the heavy lifting for you.
- Compiles to .o to reduce compile times in the future.
- Keeps track of timestamps to only compile required files.
- Ensures the correct compilers are used.
import { gnucc } from 'gnucc';
await gnucc({
project: true,
input: [
objOut: 'out/',
output: 'out/projecttest',
includes: [