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Snippets Groups Projects
owo.json 16.3 KiB
Newer Older
    "general": {
        "about": "Abouwt",
        "tos": "Tewms of sewvice",
        "privacy": "Pwivacy powicy",
        "image_by": "Image bwy",
        "loading": "Lyoading…"
    "app": {
        "special": {
            "status": {
                "connecting": "Cwowonnyecting…",
                "offline": "probably dead",
                "disconnected": "Discwonnected.",
                "reconnecting": "Wecwowonnyecting…"
            "friends": {
                "pending": "Pwending",
                "blocked": "Bwocked",
                "incoming": "Incoming fwiend wequwest.",
                "outgoing": "Ouwtgoing fwiend wequwest.",
                "nobody": "Nyobody here yet!"
            "modals": {
                "error": "We did a fwucky wucky owo",
                "clipboard": {
                    "unavailable": "Cwipboawd is uwnavaiwabwe! OwO",
                    "https": "fix your fucking browser you moron",
                    "copy": "Manuwaw copy:"
                "signed_out": "Youw wewe signed ouwt! OwO",
                "onboarding": {
                    "welcome": "Wewcome Mastew! OwO",
                    "pick": "What do u want me to caww u, mastew? UwU"
                "actions": {
                    "ok": "Ok",
                    "close": "Cwose",
                    "reload": "Rewoad app",
                    "continue": "Continuwe",
                    "cancel": "Cancew",
                    "send_email": "Swend Email",
                    "update": "Uwupdate",
                    "preview": "Pweview",
                    "save": "Syave"
                "prompt": {
                    "confirm_leave": "Go away fwom {{group_name}} (They'll pwobabwy miss u OmO)?",
                    "confirm_leave_long": "U can't come bacc unless ur invited in again."
                "account": {
                    "change": {
                        "username": "Chyange uw usewname",
                        "password": "Chyance uw passwowd",
                        "email": "Chyange uw email"
                    "failed": "Fwailed to chyange!"
            "requires_online": "Youw need to be onwine to view this.",
            "popovers": {
                "user_profile": {
                    "profile": "Pyofiwe",
                    "no_groups": "No mutual gwoups!",
                    "no_users": "No mutual fwiends!",
                    "mutual_groups": "Mutual Gwoups",
                    "mutual_friends": "Mutual Fwiends",
                    "badges": {
                        "translator": "Twanslatyor",
                        "early_adopter": "Eawwy adoptew",
                        "supporter": "Simp"
                    "sub": {
                        "connections": "Cyonnectwions",
                        "information": "Infyormwation",
                        "badges": "Byadges"
                    "empty": "It's a byit empwty in hyere..."
                "user_picker": {
                    "select": "Syelect fwiends tyo add."
            "copy_username": "Cwick to copy uwsewname"
        "status": {
            "online": "Onwine",
            "idle": "Idwe",
            "busy": "Bwusy",
            "invisible": "Invisibwe",
            "offline": "Offwine"
        "navigation": {
            "tabs": {
                "home": "Hwome",
                "dev": "Master",
                "friends": "Fwiends",
                "unreads": "Unweads",
                "saved": "Sawved nwotes"
        "main": {
            "categories": {
                "conversations": "Convewsations",
                "channels": "Channews",
                "members": "Kittens",
                "participants": "Pyarticipwants"
            "channel": {
                "message": "Messawge {{name}}",
                "message_where": "Speek in {{channel_name}}",
                "message_who": "Talk to {{person}}",
                "system": {
                    "removed_by": "ryemoved bwy",
                    "added_by": "addyed bwy",
                    "user_left": "lyeft.",
                    "user_joined": "jyoined.",
                    "channel_renamed": "ryenamwed the channyel two",
                    "channel_icon_changed": "chyanged the channyew icyon",
                    "channel_description_changed": "chyanged the channyew dyescrwiption"
                "typing": {
                    "several": "Panic Panic Panic…",
                    "multiple": "{{userlist}} and {{user}} awe mashing their kewwboard…",
                    "single": "{{user}} is mashing their kewwboard…"
                "attached_file": "Attyached {{filename}}",
                "failed_upload": "Fwailed to upwoad!",
                "uploading_file": "Upwoading fwile…",
                "message_saved": "Syawe to uw nyotes",
                "bot": "Senpai",
                "unknown_user": "<Unknywown Cunt>",
                "edited": "(edyited)",
                "start": {
                    "group": "Twis is thye styart of ye conversyation."
                "misc": {
                    "viewing_old": "Viewing owdew messages",
                    "jump_present": "Juwmp to pwesent",
                    "spoiler_attachment": "Spoiwew"
                "voice": {
                    "unmute": "Unmuwte",
                    "mute": "Muwte",
                    "leave": "Lweavwe",
                    "connected": "Voice connyected"
            "groups": {
                "name": "Gwoup Name",
                "create": "Cweate a gwoup.",
                "owner": "Daddy"
        "context_menu": {
            "message_user": "Mwessage",
            "copy_id": "Cwopy ID",
            "block_user": "Bwock Usew",
            "edit_message": "Edit Mwessage",
            "cancel_friend": "Cancew Weqwest",
            "remove_friend": "Unfwend ÒmÓ",
            "add_friend": "Add Fwend OwO",
            "unblock_user": "Unbwock Usew",
            "remove_member": "Wemove Fwom Dis Gang",
            "delete_message": "Delet Dis",
            "mark_as_read": "Mawk As Wead",
            "copy_mid": "Steal Message ID",
            "copy_cid": "Steal Channew ID",
            "copy_uid": "Steal Usew ID",
            "mention": "Annoy",
            "save_video": "Swave Video",
            "open_video": "Owopen Video",
            "save_image": "Swave Image",
            "open_image": "Owopen Image",
            "save_file": "Swave Fwile",
            "open_file": "Open Fwile",
            "quote_message": "Qwuote Mwessage",
            "cancel_message": "Cyancel Swend",
            "retry_message": "Rwetry Swend",
            "copy_text": "Steal Text",
            "open_link": "Opwen Lyink",
            "copy_link": "Cwopy Lyink",
            "set_custom_status": "Syet a cyustom styatus",
            "clear_status": "Clear Styatus",
            "custom_status": "Cyustom Styatus",
            "open_channel_settings": "Chyannel Syettwings",
            "open_group_settings": "Gyoup Swettings",
            "copy_selection": "Copy sewection"
        "settings": {
            "pages": {
                "sessions": {
                    "title": "Seshions",
                    "this_device": "Dis Device",
                    "created": "Cweated {{time_ago}}",
                    "active_sessions": "Actyive Syessions"
                "logOut": "Log Out. See u latew uwu",
                "language": {
                    "title": "Wangwuage",
                    "select": "Syelect langwuage"
                "notifications": {
                    "enable_sound": "Pway Syound on Mwessage.",
                    "enable_desktop": "Enabwe Desktop Nowotifications.",
                    "title": "Nowotifcations",
                    "enable_push": "Enabwe Push Nowotifications.",
                    "descriptions": {
                        "enable_outgoing_sound": "Enyable to pway syound when you syend a mwessage.",
                        "enable_sound": "Enyable for incoming mwessage syounds.",
                        "enable_push": "Enyable to ryeceive nyotifications when ur'e offwine.",
                        "enable_desktop": "Tis' will gyive u nyotifications while ur app is opwen."
                    "enable_outgoing_sound": "Play Syend Swound.",
                    "sounds": "Syounds",
                    "push_notifications": "Pyush Nyotificwations"
                "appearance": {
                    "theme_data": "Theem Data",
                    "import_theme": "Impowt theem fwom stwing",
                    "import_clipboard": "Impowt fwom cwipboawd",
                    "export_clipboard": "Expowt to cwipboawd",
                    "reset_overrides": "Weset theem ovewwides",
                    "overrides": "Theem Ovewwides",
                    "title": "Appeawance",
                    "import_manual": "Impowt manuwally",
                    "sync": "Syinc Optyions",
                    "custom_css": "H#cker CSS",
                    "advanced": "Profesional H#cker Options",
                    "message_display": "Myessage Dyisplay",
                    "accent_selector": "Accyent Colouw",
                    "color": {
                        "dark": "dyark",
                        "light": "lyight"
                    "display": {
                        "compact_description": "Ye good ol' IRC.",
                        "default_description": "Byeautiful, sleek and modewn.",
                        "compact": "Cwompact",
                        "default": "Dyefault"
                    "theme": "Thyeme",
                    "emoji_pack": "Emyoji Pwack"
                "account": {
                    "title": "Mah Account",
                    "change_field": "Chyange"
                "feedback": {
                    "title": "Fyeedbwack",
                    "send": "Syend Fweedback",
                    "describe": "Dyeswibe teh issyue.",
                    "other": "Othew",
                    "feature": "Fyeature Wequest",
                    "bug": "Config Issue",
                    "report": "Wyat do u wyant to wepowt?"
                "source_code": "Sauce",
                "donate": {
                    "title": "Giiw Monye"
                "profile": {
                    "placeholder": "Wyite syomething abwout uwself…",
                    "fetching": "Stealing uw pyowife…",
                    "info": "Informyation",
                    "title": "Pyofiwe",
                    "profile_picture": "Pwofiwe pictuwwe",
                    "custom_background": "Cuwstom backgwouwnd",
                    "edit_background": "Edit backgwouwnd"
            "categories": {
                "user_settings": "Usew Settings",
                "client_settings": "Uwuser Configuwations"
            "title": "Configuwation",
            "channel_pages": {
                "overview": {
                    "description": "Chyannel Dyescwiption",
                    "name": "Channyel Nwame",
                    "title": "Owervyuw",
                    "icon": "Gwoup Icwon"
            "tips": {
                "sessions": {
                    "b": "syecuwe uw accwount by chyanging uw passwowd and usying 2FA.",
                    "a": "Else if you see an unkwown syession on teh lyist,"
                "languages": {
                    "b": "Hyelp cyontribyute moar tyanslations.",
                    "a": "Myissing a lyanguage u wyant?"
                "account": {
                    "b": "Hyead ovew to uw pwofiwe syettings.",
                    "a": "Lyooking two cyustomwise uw pwublic pwofiwe?"
            "actions": {
                "remove": "Remowe",
                "upload": "Upwoad (max {{filesize}})"
    "login": {
        "title": "Lwogin",
        "register": "Registew",
        "username": "Usewname",
        "email": "Emaiw",
        "password": "Passwowd",
        "enter": {
            "email": "Entew uw emaiw.",
            "password": "Entew uw passwowd.",
            "username": "Entew a uwsewname.",
            "current_password": "Ewnter uw cuwwent passwowd.",
            "invite": "Ewnter uw inwite cwode."
        "forgot": "Fowgot uw passwowd UwU?",
        "reset": "Ryeset passwowd.",
        "new": "New to REWOLT?",
        "create": "Cweate a new accouwnt.",
        "cancel": "Cancew wequwest.",
        "remembered": "Go bwack to wogin.",
        "existing": "Awweady have an accouwnt? UwU",
        "successful_registration": "You hawwe wegistewd!",
        "open_mail_provider": "Notices youw {{provider}}",
        "check_mail": "Peek youw maiwl owo rawr",
        "error": {
            "create": "Fwailed to ryegister!",
            "resend": "Fwailed to rwesend!",
            "reset": "Fwailed to rweset!",
            "login": "Fwailed to login!"
        "check_spam": "Bye sure to chyeck spwam if you cyan't fwind it",
        "resend": "Rwesend werification.",
        "missing_verification": "Nyo email?",
        "set_password": "Set nyeww passwowd.",
        "current_password": "Cwurrent Passwowd",
        "invite": "Inwite Cwode"
    "dayjs": {
        "lastDay": "[Yestewday at] LT",
        "sameDay": "[Twoday at] LT",
        "nextDay": "[Tomowwow at] LT",
        "lastWeek": "[Lwast] dddd [at] LT",
        "nextWeek": "dddd [at] LT",
        "sameElse": "L"
    "quantities": {
        "members": {
            "many": "{{count}} Kittens",
            "one": "1 Kitten"
    "notifications": {
        "now_friends": "Uwe awnd @{{person}} awe now mwarried!",
        "sent_request": "@{{person}} wants to be yuww fwiend."
    "error": {
        "Unlabelled": "Swomething got fwucked.",
        "FailedValidation": "Faiwed to vawidate fiewds.",
        "DatabaseError": "Database ewwow.",
        "UnknownError": "See consowe.",
        "OperationFailed": "Opewation faiwed.",
        "MissingHeaders": "Your browser is stupid.",
        "InvalidSession": "Invawid session.",
        "UnverifiedAccount": "Unvewified accouwnt.",
        "UnknownUser": "Unknown uwsew.",
        "EmailInUse": "Emaiw in uwse.",
        "AlreadyOnboarded": "Awweady finished onboawding.",
        "UsernameTaken": "Usewname is tawken.",
        "AlreadyFriends": "Awweady fwiends with this uwsew.",
        "AlreadySentRequest": "Awweady sent a wequwest to this uwsew.",
        "Blocked": "Youw have bwocked this uwsew.",
        "BlockedOther": "This uwsew has bwocked u.",
        "NoEffect": "This wequwest had no effect.",
        "RequiredField": "Requwiwed",
        "TooShort": "Too showt",
        "TooLong": "Dong too long",
        "InvalidEmail": "Invawid emaiw addwess",
        "InternalError": "Intewnaw ewwow.",
        "WrongPassword": "Wwong passwowd.",
        "Unavailable": "Not Awaiwabwe.",
        "IoError": "Swerver encyountered an I/O ewwow.",
        "ProbeError": "Fwailed to gyet fwile myetadata.",
        "MissingData": "Rwequest is myissing dyata.",
        "FailedToReceive": "Swerver fwailed to rweveceiv uw fwile.",
        "FileTooLarge": "Dong too big.",
        "InvalidInvite": "wInwawid cwode",
        "MissingInvite": "Mwissing inwite cwode in wequest.",
        "InvalidToken": "Inwavid twoken",
        "InvalidCredentials": "Email or passwowd is wong.",
        "EmailFailed": "Email fwailed to syend.",
        "RenderFail": "Tyemplate rwendering fwailed.",
        "MissingPermission": "Myissing pwermission.",
        "DeniedNotification": "Yuw denyied nyotyification access, check pwage syettings.",
        "UnsupportedBrowser": "Byowser is myissing suppowt fow this featuwe.",
        "Unauthorized": "Unyauthowized.",
        "NetworkError": "Network config issue.",
        "CompromisedPassword": "Tyis passwowowd is cyompwomised."