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Commits on Source (977)
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Copyright (C) 2021 Revolt Communications
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
translations Copyright (C) 2021 Revolt Communications
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
[![Translation status](](
This repository holds all the translation files for REVOLT, feel free to help translate to new languages or fix existing translations at [our Weblate instance](
This repository holds all the translation files for Revolt, feel free to help translate to new languages or fix existing translations at [our Weblate instance](
### Coverage
......@@ -3,25 +3,681 @@
"about": "حول",
"tos": "بنود الخدمة",
"privacy": "سياسة الخصوصية",
"image_by": "تم انشاء الصورة بواسطة"
"image_by": "تم إنشاء الصورة بواسطة",
"loading": "جار التحميل…",
"on": "تشغيل",
"off": "ايقاف",
"unavailable": "غير متوفر",
"disabled": "معطل"
"login": {
"title": "تسجيل الدخول",
"email": "البريد الالكتروني",
"password": "كلمة المرور",
"email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"password": "كلمة السر",
"enter": {
"email": "ادخل البريد الالكتروني الخاص بك.",
"password": "ادخل كلمة المرور الخاصة بك."
"email": "ادخل البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك.",
"password": "ادخل كلمة السر الخاصة بك.",
"invite": "أدخل رمز الدعوة الخاص بك.",
"username": "أدخل اسم المستخدم.",
"current_password": "أدخل كلمة السر الخاصة بك."
"forgot": "هل نسيت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟",
"new": "هل انت جديد الى REVOLT؟",
"create": "انشاء حساب جديد."
"forgot": "هل نسيت كلمة السر الخاصة بك؟",
"new": "هل انت جديد الى Revolt؟",
"create": "انشاء حساب جديد.",
"current_password": "كلمة السر الحالية",
"existing": "هل لديك حساب؟",
"cancel": "إلغاء الطلب.",
"invite": "رمز الدعوة",
"username": "اسم المستخدم",
"register": "إنشاء حساب",
"check_mail": "راجع بريدك الالكتروني.",
"set_password": "تعيين كلمة سر جديدة.",
"missing_verification": "لا بريد الإلكتروني؟",
"resend": "اعادة ارسال التحقق.",
"successful_registration": "تم التسجيل بنجاح!",
"error": {
"create": "فشل التسجيل!",
"login": "فشل تسجيل الدخول!",
"reset": "خطأ في إعادة التعيين!",
"resend": "حدث خطأ في إعادة الإرسال!"
"reset": "إعادة تعيين كلمة السر.",
"remembered": "ارجع إلى شاشة تسجيل الدخول.",
"email_delay": "الرجاء السماح حتى ١٠ دقائق لوصول الرسالة.",
"check_spam": "الرجاء التحقق من البريد العشوائي (spam) إذا لم تجد الرسالة",
"open_mail_provider": "افتح {{provider}}"
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"message": "ارسل رسالة الى {{name}}"
"message": "ارسل رسالة الى {{name}}",
"system": {
"user_joined": "{{user}} انضم",
"user_left": "{{user}} غادر",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} انطرد",
"user_banned": "{{user}} انحظر",
"removed_by": "{{user}} أُزيلَ من قِبل {{other_user}}",
"added_by": "{{user}} أُضيف من قِبل {{other_user}}",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} غير اسم القناة إلى {{name}}",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} غير أيقونة القناة",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} غير وصف القناة"
"typing": {
"several": "العديد من الاشخاص يكتبون…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} و {{user}} يكتبون…",
"single": "{{user}} يكتب…"
"notifications": {
"default": "استخدم الإعداد الإفتراضي",
"all": "كل الرسائل",
"mention": "التنبيهات لوحدها",
"none": "لا شيء",
"muted": "مكتوم"
"unknown_user": "<مستخدم غير معروف>",
"search": {
"sort": {
"relevance": "الصلة",
"latest": "أحدث",
"oldest": "أقدم"
"title": "ابحث"
"failed_upload": "حدث خطأ في تحميل الملف!",
"attached_file": "المرفق {{filename}}",
"start": {
"group": "هذه هي بداية محادثتك."
"voice": {
"leave": "الخروج",
"connected": "الصوت متصل",
"mute": "كتم الصوت",
"unmute": "إزالة كتم الصوت"
"misc": {
"spoiler_attachment": "مخفي",
"jump_present": "اقفز إلى الحاضر",
"viewing_old": "تقوم بتصفح رسائل قديمة",
"sent_file": "أرسل مرفق",
"failed_load": "يتعذر تحميل الرسالة.",
"no_sending": "ليس لديك القدرة على إرسال رسائل في هذه القناة.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} رسائل محجوبة",
"blocked_user": "مستخدم محجوب",
"sent_multiple_files": "أرسل عدة مرفقات"
"edited": "(معدلة)",
"message_where": "راسل {{channel_name}}",
"message_who": "راسل {{person}}",
"uploading_file": "يتم رفع الملف…",
"nsfw": {
"confirm": "أنا أﺅكد أن عمري على الأقل ١٨ سنة.",
"channel": {
"marked": "هذه القناة معلّمة ك\"غير آمنة لبيئة العمل\" (NSFW).",
"confirm": "إدخل القناة"
"message_saved": "احفظ إلى الملحوظات",
"bot": "آلي"
"categories": {
"conversations": "المحادثات",
"channels": "قنوات",
"members": "اعضاء",
"participants": "المشاركين"
"servers": {
"channel_name": "اسم القناة",
"channel_description": "وصف القناة",
"description": "وصف السيرفر",
"create": "أنشئ خادم",
"name": "اسم السيرفر",
"custom_banner": "لافتة مخصصة",
"text_channel": "قناة نصية",
"voice_channel": "قناة صوتية",
"channel_type": "نوع القناة",
"owner": "مالك السيرفر"
"groups": {
"create": "كوِّن مجموعة",
"name": "اسم المجموعة",
"owner": "مالك المجموعة",
"description": "وصف المجموعة"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"dev": "مطور",
"saved": "الملاحظات المحفوظة",
"friends": "اصدقاء",
"unreads": "غير مقروءة",
"home": "الرئيسية"
"status": {
"online": "متصل",
"busy": "عدم الإزعاج",
"invisible": "مخفي",
"offline": "غير متصل",
"idle": "غير متوفر"
"context_menu": {
"open_group_settings": "إعدادات المجموعة",
"delete_message": "احذف الرساله",
"reply_message": "رد",
"create_channel": "اصنع قناة",
"cancel_message": "الغاء الارسال",
"add_friend": "اضف كصديق",
"save_file": "احفظ الملف",
"save_video": "احفظ الفيديو",
"open_link": "افتح الرابط",
"cancel_friend": "الغاء الطلب",
"ban_member": "اطرد العضو",
"block_user": "حظر",
"delete_channel": "احذف القناة",
"copy_message_link": "انسخ رابط الرساله",
"unblock_user": "الغاء الحظر",
"open_image": "افتح الصوره",
"retry_message": "ارسل مرة اخرى",
"close_dm": "اغلق المحادثه الخاصه",
"clear_status": "إزالة الحالة",
"set_custom_status": "ضع حالة خاصة",
"copy_id": "انسخ الID",
"save_image": "احفظ الصوره",
"open_video": "افتح الفيديو",
"copy_link": "انسخ الرابط",
"remove_friend": "ازالة الصديق",
"custom_status": "سمه خاصه",
"leave_group": "غادر المجموعه",
"leave_server": "غادر السيرفر",
"delete_server": "احذف السيرفر",
"edit_identity": "عدل الهويه",
"edit_message": "تعديل الرساله",
"remove_member": "ازل من المجموعه",
"kick_member": "ازل العضو",
"open_file": "افتح الملف",
"message_user": "رساله",
"copy_uid": "نسخ هوية المستخدم",
"copy_cid": "نسخ هوية القناة",
"quote_message": "اقتباس الرسالة",
"copy_text": "نسخ النص",
"copy_mid": "نسخ هوية الرسالة",
"create_invite": "إنشاء دعوة",
"open_server_settings": "إعدادات الخادم",
"copy_selection": "نسخ التحديد",
"copy_sid": "نسخ هوية الخادم",
"view_profile": "عرض الملف الشخصي",
"mark_as_read": "تحديد كمقروء",
"create_category": "إنشاء فئة",
"open_channel_settings": "إعدادات القناة",
"open_notification_options": "خيارات الإشعارات",
"mention": "ذِكر"
"settings": {
"pages": {
"sessions": {
"this_device": "هذا الجهاز",
"created": "أُنشئَ {{time_ago}}",
"active_sessions": "الجلسات النشطة",
"logout": "الخروج من جميع الجلسات",
"title": "الجلسات"
"account": {
"manage": {
"title": "إدارة الحساب",
"disable": "تعطيل الحساب",
"delete": "مسح الحساب",
"description": "يمكنك تعطيل أو مسح حسابك في أي وقت. هذا الاجراء سيقوم بتسجيل خروجك ومسح حسابك نهائياً، بما فيه من تاريخ رسائلك وأصدقائك."
"2fa": {
"add_auth": "اضافة موثق",
"title": "توثيق ذو عاملين (2FA)",
"description": "ضع طبقة اضافية من الأمان عن طريق تفعيل خدمة التوثيق ذو عاملين.",
"remove_auth": "إزالة موثق"
"title": "حسابي",
"change_field": "غير",
"unique_id": "هذا معرف مستخدم مخصص بحسابك."
"profile": {
"placeholder": "اكتب شيئاً عن نفسك…",
"profile_picture": "صورة الحساب",
"fetching": "يتم جلب ملفك الشخصي…",
"title": "الملف الشخصي",
"info": "المعلومات",
"custom_background": "خلفية مخصصة",
"edit_background": "تعديل الخلفية",
"edit_profile": "تعديل الملف الشخصي"
"appearance": {
"display": {
"default": "الإفتراضي",
"compact": "مضغوط",
"default_description": "جميل, أنيق وحديث.",
"compact_description": "نظام بروتوكول الدردشة عبر الإنترنت القديم."
"title": "المنظر",
"import": "استيراد سمة",
"theme": "السمة",
"emoji_pack": "حزمة الرموز التعبيرية",
"reset_overrides": "إعادة التجاوزات",
"mono_font": "محدد الخط الثابت",
"color": {
"light": "فاتح",
"dark": "مظلم"
"message_display": "عرض الرسالة",
"advanced": "خيارات متقدمة",
"accent_selector": "درجة اللون",
"overrides": "تجاوزات السمة",
"sync": "خيارات المزامنة",
"font": "الخط",
"ligatures": "أربطة الخط",
"theme_data": "معلومات السمة",
"import_theme": "إضافة سمة",
"ligatures_desc": "للخطوط المدعومة,و الأربطة قم بجمع الأحرف, كمثال, تحويل-> إلى سهم. إنتقل الى زر Enter واضغط على هذا الخيار.",
"custom_css": "أوراق الأنماط المتتالية المخصصة"
"audio": {
"title": "إعدادات الصوت",
"input_device": "الميكروفون",
"output_device": "مكبر الصوت / السماعة"
"experiments": {
"not_available": "لا تجارب متوفرة اللآن.",
"title": "التجارب",
"features": "المميزات المتاحة"
"source_code": "مصدر النظام",
"language": {
"title": "اللغة",
"select": "إختار اللغة",
"other": "خيارات لغة مختلفة",
"const": "اللغات المركبة"
"notifications": {
"sounds": "الأصوات",
"enable_desktop": "تفعيل إشعارات المكتب.",
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "ستستلم الإشعارات بينما البرنامج مفتوح.",
"enable_push": "تفعيل الإشعارات عندما تكون غير متصل."
"title": "إشعارات",
"push_notifications": "الإشعارات المباشرة",
"enable_push": "تفعيل الإشعارات المباشرة.",
"sound": {
"message": "تم إستلام الرسالة",
"outbound": "تم الإرسال",
"call_join": "مستخدم إنضم للإتصال",
"call_leave": "مستخدم غادر الإتصال"
"donate": {
"title": "تبرع"
"feedback": {
"bug": "تعقب البق",
"suggest": "أعرض علينا الأفكار",
"suggest_desc": "أعرض علينا أفكار جديدة على منصة GitHub للنقاشات.",
"issue": "أعرض فكرة جديدة",
"issue_desc": "لمساعدتنا على إستلام أفكارك بسهولة يرجى عرضها على GitHub.",
"bug_desc": "عرض تقريرات للبقات النشطة.",
"title": "التقييم"
"sync": {
"categories": "مزامنة التصنيفات",
"descriptions": {
"theme": "قم بمزامنة السمة المختارة, الألوان وأية أوراق الأنماط المتتالية المعدلة.",
"appearance": "قم بمزامنة الخيارات مثل حزمة الوجوه التعبيرية وكثافة الرسالة.",
"locale": "قم بمزامنة اللغة المستخدمة."
"title": "مزامنة"
"logOut": "الخروج",
"native": {
"title": "إعدادات المكتب"
"bots": {
"title": "الروبوتات",
"copy_invite": "نسخ رابط الدعوة",
"reserved": "ملاحظة: هذا الحقل محجوز للمستقبل."
"actions": {
"remove": "إزالة",
"upload": "رفع",
"max_filesize": "(الحد {{filesize}})"
"title": "الإعدادات",
"categories": {
"user_settings": "إعدادات المستخدم",
"client_settings": "إعدادات البرنامج"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"name": "إسم الخادم",
"description": "وصف القناة",
"system_messages": "قنوات رسائل النظام",
"title": "الملخص"
"invites": {
"invitor": "الداعي",
"title": "الدعوات",
"channel": "القناة",
"revoke": "فسخ",
"code": "رمز الدعوة"
"members": {
"title": "الأعضاء"
"bans": {
"user": "المستخدم",
"reason": "سبب الحظر",
"title": "المحظورين",
"revoke": "فسخ",
"no_reason": "لا يوجد سبب للحظر."
"roles": {
"title": "الأدوار"
"categories": {
"title": "التصنيفات"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"name": "إسم القناة",
"description": "وصف القناة",
"title": "ملخص"
"permissions": {
"title": "الصلاحيات"
"tips": {
"languages": {
"a": "لغة مفقودة تود إضافتها؟",
"b": "ساهم في الترجمة."
"account": {
"a": "هل تود تعديل ملفك العام؟",
"b": "إعدادات ملفك العام."
"sessions": {
"a": "إذا رأيت جلسة مجهولة في القائمة,",
"b": "قم بتأمين حسابك عن طريق تغيير كلمة السر الخاصة بك وتوظيف توثيق ذو عاملين (2FA)."
"permissions": {
"create_role": "إنشاء دور جديد",
"role_name": "إسم الدور",
"default_role": "افتراضي",
"server": "صلاحيات الخادم",
"channel": "صلاحيات القناة"
"special": {
"invite": {
"user_count": "{{member_count}} شخص",
"invited_by": "مدعو بواسطته {{user}}",
"login": "تسجيل الدخول إلى ريفولت",
"accept": "قبول الدعوة"
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"sub": {
"badges": "شارات",
"information": "معلومات",
"connections": "العلاقات"
"badges": {
"supporter": "مساعد",
"translator": "مترجم",
"early_adopter": "مُتبني مُبكر",
"responsible_disclosure": "كشف عن بق"
"profile": "الملف الشخصي",
"mutual_groups": "المجموعات المشتَركة",
"mutual_servers": "الخوادم المشتَركة",
"no_servers": "لا يوجد خوادم مشتَركة!",
"mutual_friends": "الأصدقاء المشتَركون",
"no_users": "لا يوجد أصدقاء مشتَركون!",
"no_groups": "لا يوجد مجموعات مشتَركة!",
"empty": "تبدو المساحة هنا فارغة…"
"user_picker": {
"select": "حدد أصدقاء لإضافتهم."
"requires_online": "يجب ان تكون اونلاين لترى هاذا.",
"status": {
"connecting": "يجري الإتصال…",
"offline": "غير متصل.",
"disconnected": "انقطع الاتصال.",
"reconnecting": "جارٍ إعادة الاتصال…"
"friends": {
"blocked": "محظور",
"from": {
"single": "من {{user}}",
"multiple": "من {{userlist}} و {{user}}",
"several": "من {{userlist}} و {{count}} المزيد…"
"incoming": "طلب صداقة وارد.",
"pending": "الطلبات المعلقة",
"outgoing": "طلب صداقة صادر.",
"nobody": "لا أحد هنا بعد!",
"sent": "خارج الخدمة"
"copy_username": "انقر لنسخ اسم المستخدم",
"copy": "انقر للنسخ",
"modals": {
"actions": {
"update": "تحديث",
"delete": "حذف",
"send_email": "إرسال بريد إلكتروني",
"remove": "إزالة",
"leave": "مغادرة",
"reload": "إعادة تحميل التطبيق",
"back": "العودة للخلف",
"ok": "حسناً",
"kick": "طرد",
"block": "حظر",
"reveal": "إظهار",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"continue": "متابعة",
"ban": "منع",
"save": "حفظ",
"hide": "إخفاء",
"close": "إغلاق",
"create": "إنشاء",
"preview": "معاينة",
"edit": "تعديل"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "مغادرة {{name}}؟",
"block_user": "حظر {{name}}؟",
"confirm_kick": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد طرد {{name}}؟",
"confirm_ban": "أنت على وشك حظر {{name}}",
"confirm_ban_reason": "سبب الحظر",
"confirm_leave_long": "لن تتمكن من الانضمام مجدداً ما لم تتم دعوتك مرة أُخرى.",
"confirm_close_dm": "أغلق المحادثة مع {{name}}؟",
"confirm_delete": "حذف {{name}}؟",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا؟",
"unfriend_user_long": "لن تتمكن من محادثتهم مجدداً حتى تُعيد إضافتهم.",
"block_user_long": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حظر {{name}}؟ سيتم إزالتهم من قائمة أصدقائك أيضاً.",
"unfriend_user": "إلغاء صداقة {{name}}؟",
"create_invite_generate": "جار إنشاء دعوة…",
"confirm_delete_long": "لا يمكن التراجع عن الحذف.",
"create_invite_created": "هذا هو رمز الدعوة الجديد الخاص بك:",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "يمكنك فتحها لاحقاً ولكنها ستختفي من كِلا الطرفين."
"signed_out": "لقد تم تسجيل خروجك!",
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "مرحباً بك في",
"pick": "اختر اسم مستخدم تريد أن يتمكن الأشخاص من العثور عليك بواسطته، يمكنك تغييره لاحقاً في الإعدادات."
"account": {
"change": {
"password": "تغيير كلمة السر الخاصة بك",
"username": "تغيير اسم المستخدم",
"email": "تغيير عنوان البريد الخاص بك"
"failed": "فشل التغيير!"
"clipboard": {
"copy": "نسخ يدوي:",
"unavailable": "الحافظة غير متوفرة!",
"https": "لست في سياق الHTTPS."
"error": "حدث خطأ!",
"external_links": {
"title": "يمكن أن تكون الروابط الخارجية خطيرة!"
"permissions": {
"required": "مطلوب إذن وصول"
"error": {
"Blocked": "لقد حظرت هذا الشخص.",
"BlockedOther": "لقد حظرك هذا الشخص.",
"InvalidEmail": "ايميل غير صالح",
"FileTooLarge": "الملف كبير جداً.",
"TooShort": "قصير للغاية",
"TooLong": "طويل للغاية",
"FailedToReceive": "فشل الخادم في استقبال الملف الخاص بك.",
"RequiredField": "مطلوب",
"Unavailable": "غير متوفر.",
"NoEffect": "هذا الطلب ليس له أي تأثير.",
"NetworkError": "خطأ في الشبكة.",
"UnknownUser": "مستخدم مجهول.",
"UsernameTaken": "اسم المستخدم ماخوذ.",
"AlreadyFriends": "بالفعل انت صديق مع هذا الشخص.",
"OperationFailed": "فشلت العمليه.",
"InternalError": "خطأ داخلي.",
"Unauthorized": "غير مصرّح.",
"FailedValidation": "فشل التحقق من صحة الحقول.",
"DatabaseError": "خطأ في قاعدة البيانات.",
"MissingPermission": "إذن مفقود.",
"UnknownError": "انظر إلى الكونسول.",
"InvalidSession": "جلسة غير صالحة.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "حساب لم يتم التحقق منه.",
"InvalidCredentials": "البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة السر خاطئة.",
"InvalidToken": "رمز غير صالح",
"InvalidInvite": "رمز غير صالح",
"ProbeError": "فشل الحصول على البيانات الوصفية للملف.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "المتصفح يفتقد دعم هذه الميزة.",
"Unlabelled": "حدث شيء ما.",
"EmailInUse": "البريد الإلكتروني قيد الاستخدام.",
"EmailFailed": "فشل إرسال البريد الإلكتروني.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "تم إرسال طلب إلى هذا المستخدم بالفعل.",
"IoError": "واجه الخادم خطأ في الإدخال / الإخراج (I/O).",
"DeniedNotification": "لقد قمت بمنع وصول الاشعارات , تحقق من صفحة الإعدادات.",
"MissingHeaders": "الترويسة مفقودة.",
"CompromisedPassword": "كلمة السر مخترقة.",
"MissingInvite": "لا يمكن العثور على رمز الدعوة المطلوب.",
"MissingData": "يفتقد الطلب بعض البيانات.",
"RenderFail": "فشل في معالجة القالب.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "تم الإنتهاء من الدمج بالفعل."
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "التحكم بالقنوات",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإنشاء ، تعديل ، و حذف القنوات."
"ChangeNickname": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بتغيير الاسم المستعار الخاص بهم في هذا السيرفر.",
"t": "تغيير الاسم المستعار"
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "التحكم بالأسماء المستعارة",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بتغيير الأسماء المستعارة للأعضاء الآخرين."
"KickMembers": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإزالة أعضاء آخرين من هذا الخادم. يمكن للأعضاء المطرودين إعادة الانضمام من خلال دعوة.",
"t": "طرد الأعضاء"
"ManageRoles": {
"t": "التحكم بالرتب",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإنشاء ، تعديل و حذف الأدوار الأقل منزلة. ايضاً السماح لهم بتعديل صلاحيات الأدوار على القنوات."
"ManageServer": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بتغيير اسم الخادم ، وصفه ، صورته ، و بعض الامور الاخرى المتعلقة به.",
"t": "التحكم بالخادم"
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "تغيير الصورة",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بتغيير الصورة الخاصة بهم في هذا السيرفر."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "إزالة الصور",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإزالة الصور الرمزية الخاصة بأعضاء آخرين في هذا الخادم."
"BanMembers": {
"t": "حظر الأعضاء",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإزالة أعضاء من الخادم بشكل نهائي."
"channel": {
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بتعديل او حذف القناة.",
"t": "طرد الأعضاء"
"UploadFiles": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء برفع ملفات في القنوات الكتابية.",
"t": "رفع الملفات"
"ManageMessages": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بحذف الرسائل المرسلة بواسطة اعضاء آخرين.",
"t": "التحكم بالرسائل"
"SendMessage": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بإرسائل رسائل في القنوات الكتابية.",
"t": "ارسال الرسائل"
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "مكالمة صوتية",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بدخول الغرف الصوتية."
"View": {
"t": "عرض القناة",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بالإطلاع على أي قناة يملكون فيها هذا الإذن."
"InviteOthers": {
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بدعوة مستخدمين آخرين إلى القناة.",
"t": "تغيير الاسم المستعار"
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "تضمين روابط",
"d": "السماح للأعضاء بعرض المحتويات المضمّنة في الروابط التي ارسلوها في القنوات النصيّة."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "نسخ"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "عضو واحد",
"many": "{{count}} أعضاء"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "أنت الآن صديق مع @{{person}}!",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} أرسل لك طلب صداقة."
"dayjs": {
"lastDay": "[الأمس عند] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "traditional",
"twelvehour": "yes"
"lastWeek": "[السابق] dddd [عند] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[اليوم عند] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[غداً عند] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [عند] {{time}}"
"login": {
"cancel": "İstəyi ləğv edin.",
"resend": "Doğrulamayı dəyişdirin.",
"missing_verification": "E-poçt yoxdur?",
"create": "Yeni hesab yarat.",
"existing": "Artıq hesabınız var?",
"new": "Revolt üçün yenisiniz?",
"remembered": "Giriş üçün geri qayıt",
"set_password": "Yeni parol seçin.",
"reset": "Parolu sıfırlamak",
"forgot": "Şifrəni unutmusan?",
"enter": {
"current_password": "Cari parolunuzu daxil edin",
"invite": "Dəvət kodunu daxil edin",
"password": "Şifrənizi daxil edin",
"email": "Elektron poçtunuzu daxil edin.",
"username": "İstifadəçi adı daxil edin."
"current_password": "Hazırkı şifrə",
"invite": "Dəvət kodu",
"password": "Şifrə",
"email": "Elektron poçt",
"username": "İstifadəçi adı",
"register": "Qeydiyyatdan keçin",
"title": "Daxil ol",
"check_mail": "Poçtunuzu yoxlayın.",
"check_spam": "Xahiş edirəm tapa bilmirsinizsə spamı yoxlayın.",
"open_mail_provider": "{{provider}} açıq",
"successful_registration": "Uğurla qeydiyyatdan keçdi!",
"error": {
"create": "Qeydiyyatdan keçmədi!",
"reset": "Sıfırlamaq alınmadı!",
"resend": "Yenidən göndərmək alınmadı!",
"login": "Giriş alınmadı!"
"email_delay": "Xahiş edirəm çatması üçün 10 dəqiqəyə qədər vaxt verin."
"general": {
"loading": "Yüklənir…",
"image_by": "Fotoşəkil çəkən şəxs",
"privacy": "Gizlilik Siyasəti",
"tos": "Xidmət Şərtləri",
"about": "Haqqında",
"on": "Açıq",
"off": "Qapalı",
"disabled": "Sifarişdən kənar",
"unavailable": "Əlçatan deyil"
"app": {
"status": {
"online": "Onlayn",
"idle": "Boş",
"busy": "Narahat Etməyin",
"invisible": "Görünməz",
"offline": "Oflayn"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"home": "Ana səhifə",
"dev": "İnkişaf etdirici",
"friends": "Dostlar",
"unreads": "Oxunmamış",
"saved": "Saxlanılan qeydlər"
"main": {
"categories": {
"participants": "İştirakçılar",
"channels": "Kanallar",
"members": "Üzvlər",
"conversations": "Söhbətlər"
"channel": {
"message_where": "{{channel_name}} kanala mesaj göndərin",
"message_who": "{{person}} kanala mesaj göndərin",
"message_saved": "Qeydlərinizə yazın",
"failed_upload": "Yükləmək alınmadı!",
"attached_file": "Əlavə edildi {{filename}}",
"typing": {
"single": "{{user}} yazır…",
"several": "Bir neçə nəfər yazır…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} və {{user}} yazırlar…"
"system": {
"user_joined": "{{user}} qatıldı",
"user_left": "{{user}} sol",
"added_by": "{{user}}, {{other_user}} tərəfindən əlavə edilmişdir.",
"removed_by": "{{user}}, {{other_user}} tərəfindən qaldırıldı.",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}}, kanalın adı {{name}} ilə dəyişdirildi",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} kanal şəklini dəyişdirdi",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} kanal təsvirini dəyişdirdi",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} qovuldu",
"user_banned": "{{user}} qadağandır"
"start": {
"group": "Bu söhbətinizin başlanğıcıdır."
"voice": {
"connected": "Səs bağlantısı quruldu",
"leave": "Buraxın",
"mute": "Səssiz",
"unmute": "Səssizliyi çıxarın"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Köhnə mesajlar göstərilir",
"jump_present": "Bu günə qayıdın",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoyler",
"blocked_user": "Bloklanmış İstifadəçi",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} bloklanmış mesaj",
"no_sending": "Bu kanalda mesaj göndərmək üçün icazəniz yoxdur.",
"failed_load": "Mesaj yüklənə bilmədi."
"unknown_user": "<Naməlum istifadəçi>",
"bot": "bot",
"uploading_file": "Yüklənir…",
"edited": "(düzəltdi)",
"notifications": {
"default": "Varsayılan istifadə edin",
"all": "Bütün mesajlar",
"mention": "Yalnız qeydlər",
"none": "Yoxdur",
"muted": "Səssiz"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "Bu kanal NSFW olaraq qeyd edilmişdir.",
"confirm": "Kanala daxil olun"
"confirm": "Ən azı 18 yaşım olduğunu təsdiqləyirəm."
"groups": {
"create": "Qrup yaradın",
"name": "Qrup adı",
"owner": "Qrup sahibi",
"description": "Qrup Təsviri"
"servers": {
"create": "Bir server yaradın",
"name": "Server Adı",
"custom_banner": "Xüsusi Banner",
"description": "Server Təsviri",
"channel_name": "Kanal Adı",
"owner": "Server Sahibi",
"channel_description": "Kanal Təsviri",
"channel_type": "Kanal növü",
"text_channel": "Mətn Kanalı",
"voice_channel": "Səs kanalı"
"settings": {
"title": "Parametrlər",
"categories": {
"user_settings": "İstifadəçi parametrləri",
"client_settings": "Müştəri parametrləri"
"actions": {
"remove": "Sil",
"upload": "Yüklə",
"max_filesize": "(maksimum {{filesize}})"
"pages": {
"account": {
"title": "Mənim Hesabım",
"change_field": "Dəyişdirin",
"unique_id": "Bu hesabınız üçün unikal istifadəçi identifikatorudur.",
"2fa": {
"title": "İki faktorlu Doğrulama",
"description": "Hesabınızda 2FD-ı aktivləşdirərək əlavə bir təhlükəsizlik qatı əlavə edin.",
"remove_auth": "Doğrulayıcıyı silin",
"add_auth": "Doğrulayıcı əlavə edin"
"manage": {
"title": "Hesab İdarəetmə",
"description": "Hesabınızı istənilən vaxt söndürün və ya silin. Bu hərəkət sizi çıxardacaq və söhbət tarixçəsi və dostlarınız daxil olmaqla hesabınızı tamamilə siləcəkdir.",
"delete": "Hesabı silin",
"disable": "Hesabı deaktiv edin"
"profile": {
"title": "Profil",
"info": "Haqqında",
"fetching": "Profiliniz alınır…",
"placeholder": "Özünüz haqqında bir şey yazın…",
"profile_picture": "Profil şəkili",
"custom_background": "Xüsusi arxa plan",
"edit_background": "Arxa planı redaktə edin"
"sessions": {
"title": "İclaslar",
"active_sessions": "Aktiv iclaslar",
"created": "{{time_ago}}",
"this_device": "Bu cihaz",
"logout": "Bütün digər iclaslardan çıxın"
"appearance": {
"title": "Görünüş",
"theme": "Mövzu",
"display": {
"default": "Defolt",
"compact": "Yığcam",
"compact_description": "Yaxşı köhnə IRC.",
"default_description": "Gözəl, zərif və müasirdir."
"color": {
"light": "açıq",
"dark": "qaranlıq"
"accent_selector": "Vurğu rəngi",
"emoji_pack": "Emoji paketi",
"advanced": "Təkmilləşmiş Seçimlər",
"reset_overrides": "Mövzunu sıfırlayın",
"export_clipboard": "Panoya ixrac et",
"import_clipboard": "Panodan idxal edin",
"import_manual": "Əl ilə idxal edin",
"message_display": "Mesaj ekranı",
"overrides": "Tema parametrləri",
"import_theme": "Mövzunu simdən idxal edin",
"theme_data": "Tema məlumatları",
"custom_css": "Xüsusi CSS",
"sync": "Sinxronizasiya seçimləri",
"import": "Mövzunu idxal edin",
"mono_font": "Monoscape Font Seçici",
"font": "Şrift",
"ligatures": "Şriftin xüsusiyyətləri",
"ligatures_desc": "Dəstəklənən şriftlər üçün işarələr simvolları birləşdirir, məsələn -> oxa çevirərək. Interə keçin və bu seçimi dəyişdirməyə çalışın."
"notifications": {
"enable_push": "Push Bildirişlərini aktiv edin.",
"title": "Bildirişlər",
"push_notifications": "Push Bildirişlər",
"enable_desktop": "Masaüstü Bildirişləri aktivləşdirin.",
"sounds": "Səslər",
"enable_sound": "Mesajda səs çalın.",
"descriptions": {
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Mesaj göndərdiyiniz zaman səsin səsləndirilməsini təmin edin.",
"enable_desktop": "Bu, tətbiqiniz açıq olduqda bildirişlər verəcəkdir.",
"enable_push": "Oflayn olduğunuz zaman bildiriş almağa imkan verin.",
"enable_sound": "Gələn mesaj səsləri üçün aktivləşdirin."
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Səslə göndər",
"sound": {
"message": "Mesaj alındı",
"call_join": "İstifadəçi Zəngə qatıldı",
"call_leave": "İstifadəçi Sol Axtarış",
"outbound": "Mesaj göndərildi"
"feedback": {
"send": "Rəy göndərin",
"title": "Əlaqə",
"report": "Nəyi bildirmək istəyirsən?",
"bug": "Hata",
"feature": "Xüsusiyyət İstəyi",
"other": "Digər",
"describe": "Xahiş edirəm məsələni təsvir edin."
"language": {
"title": "Dil",
"select": "Dilinizi seçin",
"other": "Alternativ dillər"
"donate": {
"title": "Bağış edin"
"source_code": "Mənbə kodu",
"logOut": "Çıxış",
"experiments": {
"title": "Təcrübələr",
"features": "Mövcud xüsusiyyətlər",
"titles": {
"servers": "Serverlər"
"descriptions": {
"servers": "Bu, kanallar, dəvətnamələr, qadağalar, moderasiya və daha çoxu olan serverlər yaratmağa imkan verəcəkdir."
"not_available": "Hazırda heç bir təcrübə mövcud deyil."
"sync": {
"descriptions": {
"locale": "Bu, hazırda seçdiyiniz dili sinxronlaşdıracaq.",
"appearance": "Bu, emoji paketləri və mesaj sıxlığı kimi seçimləri sinxronlaşdıracaq.",
"theme": "Bu seçdiyiniz mövzunu, rəngləri və istənilən xüsusi CSS sinxronlaşdıracaq."
"categories": "Kateqoriyalarları sinxronlaşdırın",
"title": "Sinxronizasiya"
"tips": {
"account": {
"a": "İctimai profilinizi fərdiləşdirmək istəyirsiniz?",
"b": "Profil ayarlarınıza keçin."
"sessions": {
"b": "parolunuzu dəyişdirərək və iki mərhələli yoxlama istifadə edərək hesabınızı qoruyun.",
"a": "Siyahıda naməlum bir iclas görürsənsə,"
"languages": {
"a": "İstədiyiniz bir dili unutmusunuz?",
"b": "Daha çox tərcüməyə kömək edin."
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Baxış",
"name": "Kanal adı",
"description": "Kanal təsviri"
"permissions": {
"title": "İcazələr"
"server_pages": {
"bans": {
"title": "Qadağalar"
"members": {
"title": "Üzvlər"
"invites": {
"title": "Dəvətlər"
"overview": {
"title": "Baxış",
"name": "Server Adı",
"description": "Kanal Təsviri",
"system_messages": "Sistem Mesaj Kanalları"
"roles": {
"title": "Rollar"
"permissions": {
"server": "Server icazələri",
"default_role": "Defolt",
"channel": "Kanal İcazələri",
"create_role": "Yeni bir rol yaradın",
"role_name": "Rol adı"
"special": {
"friends": {
"outgoing": "Giden dost xahişi.",
"pending": "Gözlənilən sorğular",
"blocked": "Blok edildi",
"incoming": "Gələn dost xahişi.",
"nobody": "Hələ burada heç kim yoxdur!",
"from": {
"several": "{{userlist}} və {{count}} daha çox …",
"single": "müəllif: {{user}}",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} və {{user}} tərəfindən"
"sent": "Gedən"
"modals": {
"clipboard": {
"unavailable": "Panoya əlçatmazdır!",
"https": "Hal-hazırda bir HTTPS kontekstində deyilsiniz.",
"copy": "Əl surəti:"
"onboarding": {
"pick": "İnsanların sizi tapa bilməsini istədiyiniz bir istifadəçi adı seçin, bu daha sonra ayarlarda dəyişdirilə bilər.",
"welcome": "Xoş gəlmisiniz"
"account": {
"change": {
"email": "E-poçtunuzu dəyişdirin",
"username": "İstifadəçi adınızı dəyişdirin",
"password": "Şifrənizi dəyişin"
"failed": "Dəyişdirmək alınmadı!"
"actions": {
"send_email": "E-poçt göndər",
"ok": "Tamam",
"save": "Yadda saxla",
"close": "Yaxın",
"update": "Yeniləyin",
"preview": "Önizləmə",
"reload": "Tətbiqi yenidən yükləyin",
"continue": "Davam edin",
"cancel": "Ləğv et",
"ban": "qadağa",
"kick": "At",
"delete": "Sil",
"create": "Yaradın",
"reveal": "Göstər",
"back": "Geri dönün",
"block": "Blok",
"remove": "Sil",
"leave": "Buraxın"
"error": "Xəta baş verdi!",
"signed_out": "Hesabdan çıxdınız!",
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "Tərk et {{name}}?",
"confirm_leave_long": "Yenidən dəvət edilmədikdə yenidən qoşula bilməyəcəksiniz.",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Daha sonra yenidən aça bilərsiniz, lakin hər iki tərəfdə yox olacaq.",
"confirm_kick": "{{name}} Atmaq istədiyinizə əminsiniz?",
"confirm_close_dm": "{{name}} ilə söhbət yaxın?",
"confirm_delete": "{{name}} silinsin?",
"confirm_ban": "{{name}} qadağan etmək üzrəsiniz",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Səbəb qadağandır",
"confirm_delete_long": "Silinəndən sonra geri qayıtmaq olmaz.",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Bunu silmək istədiyinizə əminsiniz?",
"create_invite_generate": "Dəvət hazırlanır…",
"create_invite_created": "Budur yeni dəvət kodunuz:",
"block_user": "{{name}} bloklansın?",
"block_user_long": "{{name}} bloklamaq istədiyinizə əminsiniz? Onlar həmçinin dostlarınız siyahısından silinəcəkdir.",
"unfriend_user": "{{name}} silinsin?",
"unfriend_user_long": "Yenidən əlavə etməyincə onlarla yenidən danışa bilməyəcəksiniz."
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"no_groups": "Qarşılıqlı qrup yoxdur!",
"profile": "Profil",
"mutual_friends": "Qarşılıqlı Dostlar",
"mutual_groups": "Qarşılıqlı Qruplar",
"empty": "Bura bir az boşdur…",
"no_users": "Qarşılıqlı dostlar yoxdur!",
"sub": {
"badges": "Nişanlar",
"information": "Məlumat",
"connections": "Əlaqələr"
"badges": {
"translator": "Tərcüməçi",
"early_adopter": "Erkən Adopter",
"supporter": "Dəstəkçi",
"responsible_disclosure": "Məsuliyyətlə açıqlanan səhv(lər)"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Əlavə etmək üçün dost seçin."
"copy_username": "İstifadəçi adını kopyalamaq üçün vurun",
"status": {
"offline": "Oflayn.",
"disconnected": "Bağlıdır.",
"connecting": "Qoşulur …",
"reconnecting": "Yenidən qoşulur …"
"requires_online": "Buna baxmaq üçün onlayn olmalısınız.",
"copy": "Kopyalamaq üçün vurun"
"context_menu": {
"copy_id": "Şəxsiyyət sənədini kopyalayın",
"copy_selection": "Seçimi kopyalayın",
"copy_text": "Mətni kopyalayın",
"quote_message": "Sitat Mesajı",
"edit_message": "Mesajı redaktə edin",
"delete_message": "Mesajı silin",
"open_video": "Video açın",
"save_video": "Videonu saxla",
"save_image": "Şəkli saxla",
"copy_mid": "Mesaj kimliyini kopyalayın",
"copy_uid": "İstifadəçi identifikatorunu kopyalayın",
"cancel_message": "Göndərməyi ləğv edin",
"mention": "Bəhs edin",
"message_user": "Mesaj",
"copy_link": "Linki kopyalayın",
"open_link": "Linki açın",
"block_user": "İstifadəçini blok edin",
"unblock_user": "İstifadəçini blokdan çıxarın",
"add_friend": "Dost əlavə edin",
"remove_friend": "Dostunu sil",
"cancel_friend": "İstəyi ləğv edin",
"custom_status": "Xüsusi Status",
"clear_status": "Statusu silin",
"set_custom_status": "Xüsusi bir status təyin edin",
"open_channel_settings": "Kanal parametrləri",
"open_group_settings": "Qrup parametrləri",
"copy_cid": "Kanal kimliyini kopyalayın",
"mark_as_read": "Oxuduğunu qeyd edin",
"open_file": "Faylı açın",
"save_file": "Fayl saxlamaq",
"retry_message": "Yenidən göndərin",
"remove_member": "Qrupdan çıxarın",
"open_image": "Şəkli açın",
"ban_member": "Üzv qadağandır",
"delete_channel": "Kanalı silin",
"leave_server": "Serverdən ayrılın",
"kick_member": "Üzvü vurun",
"delete_server": "Serveri silin",
"view_profile": "Profilə bax",
"create_invite": "Kanal yaradın",
"open_server_settings": "Server parametrləri",
"create_channel": "Kanal yaradın",
"copy_sid": "Server kimliyini kopyalayın",
"leave_group": "qrupu tərk etmək",
"close_dm": "Dm'yi yaxın et",
"reply_message": "Cavab ver",
"open_notification_options": "Bildiriş parametrləri"
"permissions": {
"required": "Tələb olunan icazələr"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "1 Üzv",
"many": "{{count}} Üzvlər"
"dayjs": {
"sameDay": "[Bu gün saat] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Sabah saat] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Son] dddd [saat] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[dünən vaxt] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [saat] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "ənənəvi",
"twelvehour": "yox"
"error": {
"FailedToReceive": "Server sənədinizi ala bilmədi.",
"InvalidInvite": "Yararsız Şifrə",
"InvalidEmail": "Yalnış email ünvanı",
"TooLong": "Çox uzun",
"NetworkError": "Şəbəkə xətası.",
"UnknownError": "Konsola baxın.",
"OperationFailed": "Əməliyyat alınmadı.",
"RenderFail": "Şablon göstərmə uğursuz oldu.",
"EmailInUse": "E-poçt istifadə olunur.",
"EmailFailed": "E-poçt göndərilmədi.",
"UnknownUser": "Naməlum istifadəçi.",
"InvalidCredentials": "E-poçt və ya parol səhvdir.",
"InvalidToken": "Yanlış Token",
"InvalidSession": "Yanlış seans.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Yoxlanılmamış hesab.",
"MissingInvite": "İstədiyiniz dəvət kodu yoxdur.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Artıq təyyarəyə minməyi başa vurduq.",
"UsernameTaken": "İstifadəçi adı götürülür.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Bu istifadəçi ilə artıq dostlar.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Artıq bu istifadəçiyə sorğu göndərdi.",
"Blocked": "Bu istifadəçini bloklamısınız.",
"NoEffect": "Bu istəyin heç bir təsiri olmadı.",
"BlockedOther": "Bu istifadəçi sizi blok edib.",
"RequiredField": "Tələb olunur",
"Unavailable": "Əlçatan deyil",
"FileTooLarge": "Fayl çox böyükdür.",
"DatabaseError": "Verilənlər bazası xətası.",
"MissingData": "İstəkdə məlumat yoxdur.",
"Unlabelled": "Nə isə baş verdi.",
"ProbeError": "Fayl metadatası alınmadı.",
"FailedValidation": "Sahələri təsdiqləmək alınmadı.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Brauzerdə bu xüsusiyyət üçün dəstək yoxdur.",
"DeniedNotification": "Bildiriş girişini rədd etdiniz, səhifə parametrlərini yoxlayın.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Bu parol pozulub.",
"MissingPermission": "İcazə yoxdur.",
"Unauthorized": "İcazəsiz.",
"InternalError": "Daxili səhv.",
"TooShort": "Çox qısa",
"IoError": "Server giriş/çıxma xətası ilə qarşılaşdı.",
"MissingHeaders": "Yarımçıq başlıqlar."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"notifications": {
"sent_request": "@{{person}} sizə bir dost sorğusu göndərdi.",
"now_friends": "İndi @{{person}} ilə dost oldunuz!"
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "Üzvlərə bir kanalı düzəltməyə və ya silməyə imkan verir.",
"t": "At Üzvləri"
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Mesajları idarə edin",
"d": "Üzvlərə digər üzvlər tərəfindən göndərilən mesajları silmək imkanı verir."
"VoiceCall": {
"d": "Üzvlərin səs kanallarına qoşulmasına imkan verir.",
"t": "Səsli zəng"
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "istifadəçi adını dəyişdirin",
"d": "Üzvlərə digər istifadəçiləri bir kanala dəvət etməyə imkan verir."
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "əlaqələri yerləşdirin",
"d": "Üzvlərə mətn kanallarına göndərdikləri bağlantılarda yerləşmiş məzmunu göstərməyə imkan verir."
"UploadFiles": {
"d": "Üzvlərə mətn kanallarına fayl yükləməyə imkan verir.",
"t": "Faylları yükləyin"
"View": {
"t": "Kanala baxın",
"d": "Üzvlərə bu icazəsi olan kanalları izləməyə imkan verir."
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Mesaj göndər",
"d": "Üzvlərə mətn kanallarında mesaj göndərmək imkanı verir."
"server": {
"ChangeAvatar": {
"d": "Üzvlərə bu serverdəki server avatarlarını dəyişdirmək imkanı verir.",
"t": "Dəyişdirmək Avatar"
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "istifadəçi adını dəyişdirin",
"d": "Üzvlərə bu serverdəki ləqəblərini dəyişdirməyə imkan verir."
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Üzvlərin özlərindən daha aşağı dərəcə olan rollar yaratmasına, redaktə etməsinə və silməsinə imkan verir. Kanallardakı rol icazələrini dəyişdirmələrinə də imkan verir.",
"t": "Rolları idarə edin"
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "Kanalları idarə edin",
"d": "Üzvlərə kanallar yaratmaq, düzəliş etmək və silmək imkanı verir."
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Üzvləri qadağan edin",
"d": "Üzvlərə üzvləri bu serverdən həmişəlik silmək imkanı verir."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "İstifadəçi adlarını idarə edin",
"d": "Üzvlərə digər üzvlərin istifadəçi adlarını dəyişdirməyə imkan verir."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Avatarları silin",
"d": "Üzvlərə bu serverdəki digər üzvlərin server avatarlarını silmək imkanı verir."
"ManageServer": {
"d": "Üzvlərə bu serverin adını, təsvirini, işarəsini və digər əlaqəli məlumatları dəyişdirməyə imkan verir.",
"t": "Serveri idarə edin"
"KickMembers": {
"d": "Üzvlərin üzvlərini bu serverdən çıxartmasına imkan verir. Çıxarılan üzvlər dəvətnamə ilə yenidən üzv ola bilərlər.",
"t": "At Üzvləri"
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"system": {
"removed_by": "{{user}} бе премахнат/а от {{other_user}}",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} бе изгонен/а",
"user_banned": "{{user}} бе баннат/а",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} промени иконката на канала",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} промени описанието на канала",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} преименува името на канала на {{name}}",
"user_left": "{{user}} напусна",
"user_joined": "{{user}} се присъедини",
"added_by": "{{other_user}} добави {{user}}"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "Маркиране на канала като NSFW (неподходящ за работно условие).",
"confirm": "Влизане в канала"
"confirm": "Аз съм над 18 години."
"search": {
"sort": {
"oldest": "Най-стари",
"latest": "Най-нови",
"relevance": "По съответствие"
"title": "Търсене"
"notifications": {
"muted": "Заглуши",
"none": "Няма",
"mention": "Само споменавания",
"all": "Всички съобщения",
"default": "Използване на настройките по подразбиране"
"bot": "робот",
"edited": "(редактирано)",
"unknown_user": "<Непознат потребител>",
"misc": {
"sent_multiple_files": "Пратете няколко прикачвания",
"jump_present": "Прескачане към настоящето",
"sent_file": "Прати прикачване",
"blocked_user": "Блокиран потребител",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} блокирани съобщения",
"no_sending": "Вие нямате право да пращате съобщения в този канал.",
"failed_load": "Съобщението не можа да се зареди.",
"spoiler_attachment": "Спойлер",
"viewing_old": "Преглед на по-стари съобщения"
"voice": {
"unmute": "Отменете заглушаването",
"mute": "Заглуши",
"leave": "Напусни",
"connected": "Свързан към гласовия канал"
"start": {
"group": "Това е началото на разговора ви."
"typing": {
"several": "Няколко човека пишат…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} и {{user}} пишат…",
"single": "{{user}} пише…"
"attached_file": "Прикачен файл {{filename}}",
"failed_upload": "Качването се провали!",
"uploading_file": "Качване…",
"message_saved": "Запази нещо в бележките си...",
"message_who": "Пиши на {{person}}",
"message_where": "Прати съобщение в {{channel_name}}"
"servers": {
"custom_banner": "Персонализиран банер",
"voice_channel": "Гласов канал",
"text_channel": "Текстов канал",
"owner": "Собственик на сървъра",
"channel_description": "Описание на канала",
"channel_type": "Тип на канала",
"channel_name": "Име на канала",
"description": "Описание на сървъра",
"name": "Име на сървъра",
"create": "Създаване на сървър"
"groups": {
"owner": "Собственик на групата",
"name": "Име на групата",
"description": "Описание на групата",
"create": "Създаване на група"
"categories": {
"members": "Потребители",
"channels": "Канали",
"participants": "Участници",
"conversations": "Разговори"
"permissions": {
"required": "Липсват права"
"context_menu": {
"open_group_settings": "Настройки на групата",
"open_server_settings": "Настройки на сървъра",
"open_channel_settings": "Настройки на канала",
"open_notification_options": "Опции за известията",
"create_invite": "Създаване на покана",
"create_channel": "Създаване на канала",
"delete_channel": "Изтриване на канала",
"edit_identity": "Редактиране на идентичността",
"delete_server": "Изтриване на сървъра",
"close_dm": "Затваряне на личните съобщения",
"leave_server": "Излизане от сървъра",
"leave_group": "Излизане от групата",
"set_custom_status": "Задай персонализиран статус",
"clear_status": "Изчистване на статуса",
"custom_status": "Персонализиран статус",
"cancel_friend": "Отмяна на заявката",
"remove_friend": "Премахване на приятел",
"add_friend": "Добавяне на приятел",
"unblock_user": "Отмяна на блокирането на потребител",
"block_user": "Блокиране на потребител",
"open_link": "Отваряне на линк",
"copy_link": "Копиране на линк",
"save_video": "Запазване на видео",
"open_video": "Отваряне на видео",
"save_image": "Запазване на снимка",
"open_image": "Отваряне на снимка",
"save_file": "Запазване на файл",
"open_file": "Отваряне на файл",
"ban_member": "Бан на потребител",
"kick_member": "Изгонване на потребител",
"remove_member": "Премахване от група",
"delete_message": "Изтриване на съобщението",
"edit_message": "Редакция на съобщението",
"quote_message": "Цитат на съобщението",
"reply_message": "Отговор",
"cancel_message": "Отмяна на пращането",
"retry_message": "Повторно изпращане",
"mark_as_read": "Маркиране като прочетено",
"view_profile": "Преглед на профил",
"message_user": "Прати съобщение",
"mention": "Спомени",
"copy_message_link": "Копиране на линка към съобщението",
"copy_cid": "Копиране на идентификатора на канала",
"copy_mid": "Копиране на идентификатора на съобщението",
"copy_sid": "Копиране на идентификатора на сървъра",
"copy_uid": "Копиране на потребителския идентификатор",
"copy_text": "Копиране на текст",
"copy_selection": "Копиране на селекция",
"copy_id": "Копиране на идентификатор",
"create_category": "Създаване на категория"
"special": {
"invite": {
"user_count": "{{member_count}} потребители",
"accept": "Приемане на покана",
"login": "Впишете се в Revolt",
"invited_by": "Поканен от {{user}}"
"requires_online": "За да видите това, трябва да сте онлайн.",
"popovers": {
"user_picker": {
"select": "Изберете приятели, които да добавите."
"user_profile": {
"badges": {
"early_adopter": "Ранен осиновател",
"responsible_disclosure": "Отговорно оповести бъг",
"supporter": "Поддръжник",
"translator": "Преводач"
"sub": {
"connections": "Връзки",
"information": "Информация",
"badges": "Значки"
"no_servers": "Нямате взаимни сървъри!",
"no_groups": "Нямате взаимни групи!",
"no_users": "Нямате взаимни приятели!",
"empty": "Малко е празно тук…",
"mutual_servers": "Взаимни сървъри",
"mutual_groups": "Взаимни групи",
"mutual_friends": "Взаимни приятели",
"profile": "Профил"
"modals": {
"actions": {
"send_email": "Пращане на имейл",
"continue": "Продължаване",
"reload": "Презареди програмата",
"preview": "Предварителен преглед",
"cancel": "Отмени",
"update": "Обнови",
"reveal": "Покажи",
"create": "Създаване",
"delete": "Изтрий",
"back": "Върни",
"remove": "Премахни",
"leave": "Напусни",
"close": "Затвори",
"block": "Блокирай",
"hide": "Скрий",
"save": "Запази",
"kick": "Изгони",
"ban": "Бан",
"ok": "Продължаване"
"account": {
"failed": "Неуспешна промяна!",
"change": {
"password": "Промяна на паролата ви",
"email": "Промяна на имейла ви",
"username": "Промяна на потребителското ви име"
"prompt": {
"block_user_long": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да блокирате {{name}}? Този потребител също така ще бъде премахнат от списъка ви с приятели.",
"block_user": "Блокиране на {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user_long": "Възможно е да не можете да говорите с тях отново, докато не ги добавите отново.",
"unfriend_user": "Премахване на {{name}}?",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Причина за бан",
"confirm_ban": "Вие сте на път да баннете {{name}}",
"confirm_kick": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изгоните {{name}}?",
"create_invite_created": "Тук е новият ви код за покана:",
"create_invite_generate": "Генериране на покана…",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да го изтриете?",
"confirm_delete_long": "След изтриването му няма връщане назад.",
"confirm_delete": "Изтриване на {{name}}?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Можете да го отворите отново по-късно, но той ще изчезне и от двете страни.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Искате да затворите разговора с {{name}}?",
"confirm_leave_long": "Няма да можете да се присъедините отново, освен ако не бъдете поканени отново.",
"confirm_leave": "Излизане от {{name}}?"
"onboarding": {
"pick": "Изберете потребителско име, по което искате хората да ви намират, което може да бъде променено по-късно в настройките.",
"welcome": "Добре дошли в"
"signed_out": "Бяхте отписани!",
"clipboard": {
"copy": "Ръчно копиране:",
"https": "В момента не сте в HTTPS контекст.",
"unavailable": "Клипбордът е недостъпен!"
"error": "Възникна грешка!"
"status": {
"reconnecting": "Повторно свързване…",
"connecting": "Свързване…",
"disconnected": "Прекъсната връзка.",
"offline": "Извън линия."
"friends": {
"from": {
"several": "От {{userlist}} и {{count}} повече…",
"multiple": "От {{userlist}} и {{user}}",
"single": "От {{user}}"
"nobody": "Все още няма никой тук!",
"outgoing": "Изходяща заявка за приятелство.",
"incoming": "Входяща заявка за приятелство.",
"blocked": "Блокирани",
"sent": "Пратени",
"pending": "Заявки за приятелство"
"copy": "Натиснете да копирате",
"copy_username": "Натиснете, за да копирате потребителското име"
"settings": {
"server_pages": {
"invites": {
"code": "Код за покана",
"title": "Покани",
"revoke": "Изтриване",
"channel": "Канал",
"invitor": "Поканващ"
"members": {
"title": "Потребители"
"overview": {
"system_messages": "Канали за системни съобщения",
"description": "Описание на канала",
"name": "Име на сървъра",
"title": "Общ преглед"
"categories": {
"title": "Категории"
"roles": {
"title": "Роли"
"bans": {
"no_reason": "Няма причина за бан.",
"revoke": "Отмени",
"reason": "Причина за бан",
"user": "Потребител",
"title": "Банове"
"channel_pages": {
"permissions": {
"title": "Права"
"overview": {
"description": "Описание на канала",
"name": "Име на канала",
"title": "Общ преглед"
"pages": {
"logOut": "Отпишете се",
"feedback": {
"bug_desc": "Напревете преглед на активните в момента доклади за бъгове тук.",
"bug": "Преследвач на бъгове",
"issue_desc": "За да ни помогнете по-лесно да разрешим проблемите в програмата ни, можете да създадете пост в GitHub.",
"issue": "Създаване на нов issue в GitHub",
"suggest_desc": "Предложете нови функции за Revolt в GitHub дискусиите.",
"suggest": "Предложете нова функция",
"title": "Обратна връзка"
"bots": {
"title": "Моите ботове"
"source_code": "Изходен код",
"donate": {
"title": "Дарете"
"experiments": {
"not_available": "Понастоящем няма налични експерименти.",
"features": "Налични експерименти",
"title": "Експерименти"
"native": {
"title": "Настройки на работния плот"
"sync": {
"descriptions": {
"locale": "Това ще синхронизира текущия език.",
"theme": "Това ще синхронизира избраната от вас тема, цветовете и всичкият ви персонализиран CSS.",
"appearance": "Това ще синхронизира опции като пакетите ви с емотикони и плътността на съобщенията."
"categories": "Категории на синхронизиране",
"title": "Синхронизиране"
"language": {
"other": "Други опции на езика",
"const": "Конструирани езици",
"select": "Изберете езика си",
"title": "Език"
"notifications": {
"sound": {
"call_leave": "Потребител напуска гласов канал",
"call_join": "Потребител се пресъединява в гласов канал",
"outbound": "Пратено съобщение",
"message": "Получено съобщение"
"descriptions": {
"enable_push": "Активирайте за да получите възможността да получавате известия, когато сте офлайн.",
"enable_desktop": "Това ще ви даде известия, докато приложението ви е отворено."
"sounds": "Звуци",
"enable_push": "Разрешаване на известията на началния екран на мобилните ви устройства.",
"enable_desktop": "Разрешаване на известията на работния плот.",
"push_notifications": "Уведомления",
"title": "Известия"
"appearance": {
"ligatures_desc": "При поддържаните шрифтове лигатурите комбинират символи, например превръщат -> в стрелка. Превключете на Интер и опитайте да превключите тази опция.",
"ligatures": "Лигатури на шрифта",
"mono_font": "Избор на моноспейс шрифт",
"font": "Шрифт",
"sync": "Опции за синхронизиране",
"custom_css": "Персонализиран CSS",
"theme_data": "Данни на темата",
"import_theme": "Импортиране на тема от текст",
"import": "Импортиране на тема",
"reset_overrides": "Премахване на надхвърлянията",
"overrides": "Надхвърляния на текущата темата",
"advanced": "Разширени опции",
"message_display": "Вид на съобщенията",
"emoji_pack": "Пакет емотикони",
"accent_selector": "Цвят на акцента",
"color": {
"dark": "тъмна",
"light": "светла"
"display": {
"compact_description": "Като добрият стар IRC.",
"default_description": "Красива, елегантна и модерна.",
"compact": "Компактна",
"default": "По подразбиране"
"theme": "Тема",
"title": "Външен вид"
"sessions": {
"logout": "Изтриване на всички други сесии",
"created": "Сесия създадена {{time_ago}}",
"this_device": "Това устройство",
"active_sessions": "Активни сесии",
"title": "Сесии"
"profile": {
"edit_profile": "Редактиране на профила ви",
"edit_background": "Промяна на персонализирания фон",
"custom_background": "Персонализиран фон",
"profile_picture": "Профилна снимка",
"placeholder": "Напишете нещо за себе си…",
"fetching": "Изтегляне на профила ви…",
"info": "Информация",
"title": "Профил"
"account": {
"manage": {
"delete": "Изтриване на акаунта ви",
"disable": "Деактивиране на акаунта ви",
"description": "Вие може да деактивирате или да изтриете профила си по всяко време. Това действие ще ви отпише от акаунта ви и ще изтрие напълно профила ви, включително историята на чата и приятелите ви.",
"title": "Управление на акаунта"
"2fa": {
"remove_auth": "Премахване на автентификатор",
"add_auth": "Добавяне на автентификатор",
"description": "Добавете допълнително ниво на сигурност, като активирате 2FA в акаунта си.",
"title": "Двуфакторно удостоверяване на автентичността"
"unique_id": "Това е уникалния потребителски идентификатор за вашия акаунт.",
"change_field": "Променете",
"title": "Моят акаунт"
"audio": {
"title": "Гласови настройки",
"output_device": "Високоговорител / Слушалки",
"input_device": "Микрофон"
"actions": {
"max_filesize": "(максимумът е {{filesize}})",
"upload": "Качване",
"remove": "Премахнете"
"categories": {
"client_settings": "Настройки на програмата",
"user_settings": "Потребителски настройки"
"title": "Настройки",
"permissions": {
"role_name": "Име на роля",
"create_role": "Създаване на нова роля",
"channel": "Права в канала",
"server": "Права в сървъра",
"default_role": "Роля по подразбиране"
"tips": {
"sessions": {
"b": "защитете профила си, като промените паролата си и включите 2FA.",
"a": "Ако видите непозната сесия в списъка,"
"languages": {
"b": "Помогнете ни като направите повече преводи.",
"a": "Липсва желаният от вас език?"
"account": {
"b": "Отидете в профилните си настройки.",
"a": "Искате да персонализирате публичния си профил?"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"saved": "Запазени бележки",
"unreads": "Непрочетени съобщения",
"friends": "Приятели",
"dev": "Програмист",
"home": "Начална страница"
"status": {
"offline": "Извън линия",
"invisible": "Невидим",
"busy": "Не ме безпокой",
"idle": "Бездейства",
"online": "На линия"
"error": {
"InvalidToken": "„Токенът“ не е валиден",
"CompromisedPassword": "Тази парола е компрометирана.",
"DeniedNotification": "Отказали сте достъп до известията, проверете настройките на страницата.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Браузъра ви не поддържа тази функция.",
"IoError": "Сървърът се сблъска с I/O грешка.",
"ProbeError": "Неуспешно получаване на метаданните на файла.",
"MissingData": "В заявката липсват данни.",
"FailedToReceive": "Сървърът не успя да получи вашия файл.",
"FileTooLarge": "Файлът е прекалено голям.",
"Unavailable": "Недостъпно.",
"InvalidEmail": "Имейл адресът не е валиден",
"TooLong": "Твърде дълго",
"TooShort": "Твърде кратко",
"RequiredField": "Това поле се изисква",
"NoEffect": "Тази заявка нямаше ефект.",
"BlockedOther": "Този потребител ви е блокирал.",
"Blocked": "Блокирали сте този потребител.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Вече е изпратена заявка до този потребител.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Вече сте приятели с този потребител.",
"UsernameTaken": "Потребителското име е взето.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Вече сте приключили с въвеждането в системата.",
"InvalidInvite": "Кодът не е валиден",
"MissingInvite": "Липсва кода за покана в заявката.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Имейлът или паролата са грешни.",
"EmailFailed": "Имейлът не можа да се прати.",
"EmailInUse": "Имейлът вече е в употреба.",
"UnknownUser": "Непознат потребител.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Непотвърден акаунт.",
"InvalidSession": "Сесията не е валидна.",
"MissingHeaders": "Липсващи хедъри.",
"RenderFail": "Предаването на шаблона бе неуспешно.",
"OperationFailed": "Операцията се провали.",
"UnknownError": "Вижте конзолата.",
"MissingPermission": "Липсващи права.",
"InternalError": "Вътрешна грешка.",
"DatabaseError": "Грешка в базата данни.",
"FailedValidation": "Неуспешно валидиране на полетата.",
"Unlabelled": "Нещо се случи.",
"Unauthorized": "Неоторизиран.",
"NetworkError": "Грешка с мрежата."
"login": {
"error": {
"resend": "Не успяхме да пратим имейла отново!",
"create": "Не успяхте да се регистрирате!",
"reset": "Неуспешна промяна!",
"login": "Неуспешен вход!"
"existing": "Вече имате акаунт?",
"successful_registration": "Успешнa регистрация!",
"open_mail_provider": "Отваряне на {{provider}}",
"check_spam": "Проверете „спам“ папката си ако не може да намерите имейла",
"email_delay": "Имейла може да отнеме до 10 минути за да пристигне.",
"check_mail": "Проверете входната си поща.",
"cancel": "Отменяне на заявката.",
"resend": "Пратете отново имейла за потвърждаване.",
"missing_verification": "Имейла липсва?",
"create": "Създавайте нов акаунт.",
"new": "Нови сте към Revolt?",
"remembered": "Върнете се към входната страница.",
"set_password": "Въведете нова парола.",
"reset": "Променете паролата си.",
"forgot": "Забравили сте паролата си?",
"enter": {
"current_password": "Въведете текущата си парола.",
"invite": "Въведете кода за достъп.",
"email": "Въведете имейл си.",
"password": "Въведете паролата си.",
"username": "Въведете потребителско си име."
"current_password": "Текуща парола",
"invite": "Код за достъп",
"password": "Парола",
"email": "Имейл",
"username": "Потребителско име",
"register": "Регистриране",
"title": "Вход"
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"UploadFiles": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да качват файлове в текстовите канали в този сървър.",
"t": "Качване на файлове"
"InviteOthers": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да канят други потребители в канала.",
"t": "Покани други хора"
"ManageChannel": {
"t": "Управление на канал",
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да редактират или изтрият даден канал."
"VoiceCall": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да се присъединят към гласовите канали в този сървър.",
"t": "Присъединяване в гласов канал"
"ManageMessages": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да изтриват съобщения, изпратени от други потребители.",
"t": "Управление на съобщенията"
"SendMessage": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да изпращат съобщения в текстовите канали.",
"t": "Пращане на съобщения"
"View": {
"d": "Позволява на потребилите да преглеждат всички канали, в които имат това право.",
"t": "Преглед на канал"
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Позволява на членовете да показват вградено съдържание във връзките, които публикуват в текстовите канали в този сървър.",
"t": "Вграждане на връзки"
"server": {
"RemoveAvatars": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да премахват сървърните аватари на други потребители в този сървър.",
"t": "Премахване на профилни снимки"
"ChangeAvatar": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да променят своята сървърна снимка в този сървър.",
"t": "Промяна на профилна снимка"
"ManageNicknames": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да променят прякорите на други потребители.",
"t": "Управление на прякори"
"ChangeNickname": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да променят прякора си в този сървър.",
"t": "Промяна на прякора"
"BanMembers": {
"d": "Позволява на потребилите да премахват за постоянно време други потребилите от този сървър.",
"t": "Бан на потребители"
"KickMembers": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да премахват други потребители от този сървър. Изхвърлените потребители могат да се присъединят отново с покана.",
"t": "Изгонване на потребители"
"ManageServer": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да променят името, описанието, иконката и тн. на този сървър.",
"t": "Управление на сървъра"
"ManageChannels": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да създават, редактират и изтриват канали.",
"t": "Управление на каналите"
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Позволява на потребителите да създават, редактират и изтриват роли с по-нисък ранг от техния. Също така им позволява да променят разрешенията на ролите в каналите.",
"t": "Управление на ролите"
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Сега сте приятели с @{{person}}!",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} ви прати заявка за приятелство."
"dayjs": {
"defaults": {
"twelvehour": "no",
"date_format": "traditional",
"date_separator": "."
"nextWeek": "dddd [в] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Последния/ата] dddd [в] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Утре в] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Днес в] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Вчера в] {{time}}"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"many": "{{count}} потребители",
"one": "1 потребител"
"general": {
"unavailable": "Недостъпно",
"disabled": "Деактивирано",
"off": "Изкл.",
"on": "Вкл.",
"loading": "Зареждане…",
"image_by": "Снимката е от",
"privacy": "Декларация за поверителност",
"tos": "Условия за ползване",
"about": "За нас"
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,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨✨🥺,👉👈","confirm_delete_message_long":"💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖✨,,,👉👈","create_invite_generate":"💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈🫂✨✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖💖✨🥺,👉👈","create_invite_created":"💖✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖🥺,,,👉👈","confirm_kick":"💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖✨,,,👉👈","confirm_ban":"💖✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈","confirm_ban_reason":"💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈","unfriend_user":"💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖✨,,,👉👈","unfriend_user_long":"💖✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨✨🥺,👉👈","block_user":"💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖✨,,,👉👈","block_user_long":"💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖✨,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨✨🥺,👉👈"},"account":{"change":{"username":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","email":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈","password":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖👉👈"},"failed":"💖✨✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,,👉👈"},"actions":{"ok":"💖✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈","ban":"💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈","kick":"💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈","save":"💖✨✨✨,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","hide":"💖✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖,👉👈","block":"💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈","close":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈","leave":"💖✨✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","back":"💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈","remove":"💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","delete":"💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","create":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","reveal":"💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈","update":"💖✨✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈💖💖👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","cancel":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈","preview":"💖✨✨✨👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈","reload":"💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈","continue":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","send_email":"💖✨✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈"}},"popovers":{"user_profile":{"profile":"💖✨✨✨👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","mutual_friends":"💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","mutual_groups":"💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","mutual_servers":"💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","empty":"💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺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💖💖✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈","block_user":"💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈","unblock_user":"💖✨✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈","add_friend":"💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖👉👈","remove_friend":"💖✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖👉👈","cancel_friend":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈","custom_status":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","clear_status":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","set_custom_status":"💖✨✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","leave_group":"💖✨✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈","leave_server":"💖✨✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈","close_dm":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈","delete_server":"💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈","edit_identity":"💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨✨,👉👈","delete_channel":"💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈","create_channel":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈","create_invite":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖,👉👈","open_notification_options":"💖✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","open_channel_settings":"💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","open_server_settings":"💖✨✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈","open_group_settings":"💖✨✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈"},"permissions":{"required":"💖✨✨✨👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖🥺👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖👉👈"}},"quantities":{"members":{"one":"✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈","many":"💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖💖✨✨,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖✨👉👈💖💖✨🥺,👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈💖💖✨✨🥺👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖✨✨🥺,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,,👉👈💖✨✨✨✨🥺,,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺👉👈"}},"dayjs":{"lastDay":"[Yesterday at] {{time}}","sameDay":"[Today at] {{time}}","nextDay":"[Tomorrow at] {{time}}","lastWeek":"[Last] dddd [at] {{time}}","nextWeek":"dddd [at] {{time}}","defaults":{"date_separator":"/","date_format":"traditional","twelvehour":"no"}},"notifications":{"sent_request":"@{{person}} sent you a friend request.","now_friends":"You are now friends with @{{person}}!"},"error":{"NetworkError":"Network error.","Unauthorized":"Unauthorized.","Unlabelled":"Something happened.","FailedValidation":"Failed to validate fields.","DatabaseError":"Database error.","InternalError":"Internal error.","MissingPermission":"Missing permission.","UnknownError":"See console.","OperationFailed":"Operation failed.","RenderFail":"Template rendering failed.","MissingHeaders":"Missing headers.","InvalidSession":"Invalid session.","UnverifiedAccount":"Unverified account.","UnknownUser":"Unknown user.","EmailInUse":"Email in use.","EmailFailed":"Email failed to send.","InvalidCredentials":"Email or password is wrong.","InvalidToken":"Invalid token","MissingInvite":"Missing invite code in request.","InvalidInvite":"Invalid code","AlreadyOnboarded":"Already finished onboarding.","UsernameTaken":"Username is taken.","AlreadyFriends":"Already friends with this user.","AlreadySentRequest":"Already sent a request to this user.","Blocked":"You have blocked this user.","BlockedOther":"This user has blocked you.","NoEffect":"This request had no effect.","RequiredField":"Required","TooShort":"Too short","TooLong":"Too long","InvalidEmail":"Invalid email address","Unavailable":"Unavailable.","FileTooLarge":"File is too large.","FailedToReceive":"Server failed to receive your file.","MissingData":"Request is missing data.","ProbeError":"Failed to get file metadata.","IoError":"Server encountered an I/O error.","UnsupportedBrowser":"Browser is missing support for this feature.","DeniedNotification":"You denied notification access, check page settings.","CompromisedPassword":"This password is compromised."},"shortcuts":{"ctrlc":"Ctrl + C"},"permissions":{"server":{"ManageRoles":{"t":"Manage Roles","d":"Allows members to create, edit and delete roles with a lower rank than theirs. Also allows them to modify role permissions on channels."},"ManageChannels":{"t":"Manage Channels","d":"Allows members to create, edit and delete channels."},"ManageServer":{"t":"Manage Server","d":"Allows members to change this server's name, description, icon and other related information."},"KickMembers":{"t":"Kick Members","d":"Allows members to remove members from this server. Kicked members may rejoin with an invite."},"BanMembers":{"t":"Ban Members","d":"Allows members to permanently remove members from this server."},"ChangeNickname":{"t":"Change Nickname","d":"Allows members to change their nickname on this server."},"ManageNicknames":{"t":"Manage Nicknames","d":"Allows members to change the nicknames of other members."},"ChangeAvatar":{"t":"Change Avatar","d":"Allows members to change their server avatar on this server."},"RemoveAvatars":{"t":"Remove Avatars","d":"Allows members to remove the server avatars of other members on this server."}},"channel":{"View":{"t":"View Channel","d":"Allows members to view any channels they have this permission on."},"SendMessage":{"t":"Send Messages","d":"Allows members to send messages in text channels."},"ManageMessages":{"t":"Manage Messages","d":"Allows members to delete messages sent by other members."},"ManageChannel":{"t":"Kick Members","d":"Allows members to edit or delete a channel."},"VoiceCall":{"t":"Voice Call","d":"Allows members to join voice channels."},"InviteOthers":{"t":"Change Nickname","d":"Allows members to invite other users to a channel."},"EmbedLinks":{"t":"Embed Links","d":"Allows members to show embedded content on links they post in text channels."},"UploadFiles":{"t":"Upload Files","d":"Allows members to upload files in text channels."}}}}
\ No newline at end of file
// bottom.json generator
// deno run --allow-read --allow-write bottomify.ts
import { encode } from "";
const text = await Deno.readTextFile("./en.json");
const data = JSON.parse(text);
function recurse(obj: { [key: string]: any }) {
for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
if (key === 'dayjs') return;
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
} else {
obj[key] = encode(obj[key]);
await Deno.writeTextFile("./bottom.json", JSON.stringify(data));
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
"about": "O nás",
"tos": "Podmínky",
"privacy": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů",
"image_by": "Fotografie od"
"image_by": "Fotografie od",
"loading": "Načítání…"
"login": {
"title": "Přihlášení",
......@@ -12,35 +13,81 @@
"enter": {
"email": "Vložte svůj e-mail.",
"password": "Vložte svoje heslo.",
"username": "Zadejte uživatelské jméno."
"username": "Zadejte uživatelské jméno.",
"current_password": "Vložte své současné heslo.",
"invite": "Zadejte Váš přístupový kód."
"forgot": "Zapomenuté heslo?",
"new": "Nově u REVOLT?",
"new": "Nově u Revolt?",
"create": "Vytvořte nový účet.",
"reset": "Resetovat heslo.",
"remembered": "Vrátit se k přihlášení.",
"cancel": "Zrušit žádost.",
"register": "Registrovat",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"open_mail_provider": "Otevřete {{provider}}",
"set_password": "Nastavit nové heslo."
"open_mail_provider": "Otevřít {{provider}}",
"set_password": "Nastavit nové heslo.",
"error": {
"create": "Registrace selhala!"
"successful_registration": "Úspěšně zaregistrováno!",
"current_password": "Současné Heslo",
"existing": "Už máte účet?",
"check_mail": "Zkontrolujte si Váš e-mail.",
"invite": "Přístupový kód"
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"message": "Odešli zprávu {{name}}",
"uploading_file": "Uploaduji soubor..."
"uploading_file": "Nahrávám soubor…",
"bot": "bot",
"unknown_user": "<Neznámý Uživatel>",
"failed_upload": "Nahrávání selhalo!",
"attached_file": "Příloha {{filename}}",
"typing": {
"single": "{{user}} píše…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} a {{user}} píšou…",
"several": "Několik lidí píše…"
"message_where": "Zpráva v {{channel_name}}",
"message_who": "Zpráva {{person}}",
"edited": "(upraveno)",
"start": {
"group": "Toto je začátek vaše konverzace."
"system": {
"channel_renamed": "přejmenovali kanál na",
"removed_by": "byli odebráni",
"added_by": "byly přidáni",
"user_joined": "se připojili.",
"user_left": "odešli.",
"user_kicked": "byli vyhozeni."
"categories": {
"members": "Členové",
"channels": "Kanály",
"conversations": "Konverzace"
"conversations": "Konverzace",
"participants": "Účastníci"
"groups": {
"create": "Vytvořte skupinu.",
"name": "Název skupiny",
"owner": "Vlastník skupiny"
"servers": {
"description": "Popis serveru",
"channel_description": "Popis kanálu",
"name": "Název serveru",
"create": "Vytvořit server.",
"channel_name": "Název kanálu"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"home": "Domů",
"unreads": "Nepřečteno",
"unreads": "Nepřečtené",
"friends": "Přátelé",
"dev": "Vývojář",
"saved": "Uložené Zprávy"
......@@ -49,7 +96,7 @@
"status": {
"offline": "Offline",
"invisible": "Neviditelný",
"busy": "Zaneprázdněn",
"busy": "Zaneprázdněný",
"idle": "Neaktivní",
"online": "Online"
......@@ -68,25 +115,183 @@
"ok": "Ok",
"close": "Zavřít",
"reload": "Přenačíst aplikaci",
"preview": "Náhled",
"continue": "Pokračovat",
"cancel": "Zrušit"
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"update": "Aktualizovat",
"send_email": "Poslat E-mail",
"save": "Uložit"
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "Vítejte v",
"pick": "Vyberte si uživatelské jméno."
"error": "Vyskytla se chyba!"
"error": "Vyskytla se chyba!",
"account": {
"failed": "Změna selhala!",
"change": {
"username": "Změňte svoje uživatelské jméno",
"email": "Změňte svůj E-mail",
"password": "Změňte svoje heslo"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "Odejít z {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete": "Smazat {{name}}?"
"status": {
"offline": "Offline.",
"disconnected": "Odpojen.",
"connecting": "Připojování…"
"requires_online": "Musíte být online aby jste toto zobrazili."
"requires_online": "Musíte být online pro zobrazení obsahu.",
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"profile": "Profil",
"no_users": "Žádní vzájemní přátelé!",
"mutual_friends": "Vzájemní Přátelé",
"mutual_groups": "Vzájemné Skupiny",
"no_groups": "Žádné vzájemné skupiny!",
"empty": "Je tu trošku prázdno…",
"sub": {
"connections": "Propojení",
"information": "Informace",
"badges": "Odznaky"
"badges": {
"translator": "Překladač"
"copy_username": "Kliknutím zkopírujete uživatelské jméno"
"context_menu": {
"copy_id": "Zkopírovat ID",
"block_user": "Zablokovat Uživatele"
"copy_id": "Kopírovat ID",
"block_user": "Zablokovat uživatele",
"copy_text": "Kopírovat text",
"delete_message": "Smazat zprávu",
"edit_message": "Upravit zprávu",
"cancel_message": "Zrušit odeslání",
"copy_uid": "Zkopírovat ID uživatele",
"copy_cid": "Zkopírovat ID kanálu",
"copy_mid": "Zkopírovat ID zprávy",
"save_image": "Uložit obrázek",
"open_image": "Otevřít obrázek",
"save_file": "Uložit soubor",
"open_file": "Otevřít soubor",
"remove_member": "Odebrat ze skupiny",
"quote_message": "Citovat zprávu",
"mark_as_read": "Označit jako přečtené",
"message_user": "Zpráva",
"mention": "Zmínka",
"save_video": "Uložit video",
"open_video": "Otevřít video",
"open_group_settings": "Nastavení Skupiny",
"open_channel_settings": "Nastavení Kanálu",
"copy_link": "Kopírovat Odkaz",
"open_server_settings": "Nastavení Serveru",
"open_link": "Otevřít Odkaz"
"settings": {
"pages": {
"account": {
"change_field": "Změnit",
"title": "Můj účet"
"profile": {
"title": "Profil",
"info": "Informace",
"fetching": "Načítání profilu…",
"placeholder": "Napiš něco o sobě…",
"edit_background": "Upravit tapetu",
"custom_background": "Vlastní tapeta",
"profile_picture": "Profilový obrázek"
"sessions": {
"title": "Relace",
"active_sessions": "Aktivní relace",
"this_device": "Tohle zařízení",
"created": "Vytvořeno {{time_ago}}"
"appearance": {
"title": "Vzhled",
"theme": "Téma",
"color": {
"light": "Světlé",
"dark": "Tmavé"
"advanced": "Pokročilá nastavení",
"message_display": "Zobrazení zpráv",
"overrides": "Přepsání motivu",
"import_clipboard": "Importovat ze schránky",
"export_clipboard": "Exportovat do schránky",
"import_manual": "Importovat ručně",
"custom_css": "Vlastní CSS",
"sync": "Synchronizovat",
"import_theme": "Importovat styl z textu",
"display": {
"compact_description": "Staré dobré IRC.",
"compact": "Kompaktní",
"default": "Výchozí",
"default_description": "Krásné, moderní a příjemné na oči."
"emoji_pack": "Sada emoji"
"source_code": "Zdrojový kód",
"feedback": {
"title": "Zpětná vazba"
"notifications": {
"title": "Oznámení",
"enable_desktop": "Povolit oznámení na ploše.",
"enable_sound": "Přehrát zvuk při příchozí zprávě."
"language": {
"title": "Jazyk",
"select": "Vybrat jazyk"
"logOut": "Odhlásit se",
"donate": {
"title": "Podpořte nás"
"sync": {
"descriptions": {
"locale": "Tato možnost synchronizuje vaše nastavení jazyka"
"title": "Synchronizace",
"categories": "Synchronizace kategorií"
"tips": {
"account": {
"a": "Hledáte možnost si upravit váš veřejný profil?",
"b": "Přejděte do nastavení vašeho profilu."
"languages": {
"a": "Chybí nám v seznamu nějaký jazyk?",
"b": "Pomožte nám překládat."
"sessions": {
"a": "Jestli uvidíte neznámé připojení na seznamu aktivních relací,",
"b": "zabezpečte si účet změnou hesla a zapnutím dvoufázového ověřování."
"categories": {
"user_settings": "Uživatelská Nastavení",
"client_settings": "Nastavení Aplikace"
"title": "Nastavení",
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Přehled"
"server_pages": {
"roles": {
"title": "Role"
"dayjs": {
......@@ -98,25 +303,30 @@
"sameElse": "L",
"nextWeek": "dddd [v] LT"
"error": {
"unlabelled": "Něco se stalo.",
"internal_error": "Vnitřní chyba.",
"username_taken": "Jméno je zabrané.",
"operation_failed": "Operace selhala.",
"unverified_account": "Neověřený účet.",
"unknown_user": "Neznámý uživatel.",
"wrong_password": "Špatné heslo.",
"database_error": "Chyba databáze.",
"file_too_large": "Soubor je moc velký.",
"too_long": "Moc dlouhé",
"too_short": "Moc krátké",
"required_field": "Požadované",
"unknown_error": "Otevřít konzoli."
"quantities": {
"members": {
"many": "{{count}} Členů",
"one": "1 Člen"
"notifications": {
"sent_request": "@{{person}} ti poslal(a) žádost o přátelství."
"error": {
"Unlabelled": "Něco se stalo.",
"InternalError": "Vnitřní chyba.",
"UsernameTaken": "Jméno je zabrané.",
"OperationFailed": "Operace selhala.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Neověřený účet.",
"UnknownUser": "Neznámý uživatel.",
"WrongPassword": "Špatné heslo.",
"DatabaseError": "Chyba databáze.",
"FileTooLarge": "Soubor je moc velký.",
"TooLong": "Moc dlouhé",
"TooShort": "Moc krátké",
"RequiredField": "Požadované",
"UnknownError": "Otevřít konzoli.",
"NetworkError": "Chyba připojení.",
"MissingPermission": "Chybějící povolení."
......@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
"about": "Über",
"tos": "Geschäftsbedingungen",
"privacy": "Datenschutzerklärung",
"image_by": "Bild von"
"image_by": "Bild von",
"loading": "Ladevorgang…",
"on": "An",
"off": "Aus",
"disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"unavailable": "Nicht verfügbar"
"login": {
"title": "Login",
......@@ -12,83 +17,147 @@
"email": "E-Mail",
"password": "Passwort",
"enter": {
"username": "Gebe einen Nutzernamen an.",
"email": "Gebe eine E-Mail an.",
"password": "Gebe ein Passwort an.",
"current_password": "Gebe dein aktuelles Passwort ein.",
"invite": "Gebe deinen Einladungscode ein."
"username": "Gib einen Nutzernamen an.",
"email": "Gib eine E-Mail-Adresse an.",
"password": "Gib ein Passwort an.",
"current_password": "Gib dein aktuelles Passwort ein.",
"invite": "Gib deinen Einladungscode ein."
"forgot": "Passwort vergessen?",
"reset": "Passwort zurücksetzen.",
"remembered": "Zum Login zurückgehen.",
"new": "Neu zu REVOLT?",
"existing": "Du hast bereits einen Account?",
"remembered": "Zum Login zurückkehren.",
"new": "Neu bei Revolt?",
"existing": "Hast du bereits einen Account?",
"create": "Neuen Account erstellen.",
"cancel": "Anfrage abbrechen.",
"successful_registration": "Erfolgreich registriert!",
"open_mail_provider": "{{provider}} öffnen",
"check_mail": "Schaue in deiner Mail nach.",
"check_mail": "Schaue in deinem E-Mail Postfach nach.",
"error": {
"resend": "Konnte nicht erneut senden!",
"reset": "Konnte nicht zurücksetzen!",
"login": "Konnte nicht anmelden!",
"create": "Konnte Account nicht erstellen!"
"resend": "Erneutes senden fehlgeschlagen!",
"reset": "Zurücksetzen fehlgeschlagen!",
"login": "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen!",
"create": "Account konnte nicht erstellt werden!"
"check_spam": "Gucke im Spamordner nach, wenn du sie nicht finden kannst.",
"check_spam": "Schaue bitte in deinem Spamordner nach, wenn du sie nicht finden kannst",
"resend": "Bestätigung erneut senden.",
"missing_verification": "Keine E-Mail?",
"set_password": "Neues Passwort setzen.",
"set_password": "Neues Passwort festlegen.",
"current_password": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"invite": "Einladungscode"
"invite": "Einladungscode",
"email_delay": "Es kann bis zu 10 Minuten dauern, bis du die E-Mail erreichst."
"app": {
"status": {
"online": "Online",
"idle": "Abwesend",
"busy": "Beschäftigt",
"busy": "Bitte nicht Stören",
"invisible": "Unsichtbar",
"offline": "Offline"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"home": "Hauptseite",
"friends": "Freunde",
"home": "Startseite",
"friends": "Freundesliste",
"unreads": "Ungelesen",
"dev": "Entwickler",
"saved": "Gespeicherte Nachrichten"
"dev": "Entwicklung",
"saved": "Notizen"
"main": {
"categories": {
"conversations": "Besprechungen",
"conversations": "Unterhaltungen",
"channels": "Kanäle",
"members": "Mitglieder"
"members": "Mitglieder:innen",
"participants": "Teilnehmer:innen"
"channel": {
"message": "Nachricht an {{name}}",
"message_who": "Nachricht an {{person}}",
"message_where": "Nachricht an {{channel_name}}",
"system": {
"removed_by": "entfernt von",
"added_by": "hinzugefügt von",
"user_left": "hat verlassen.",
"user_joined": "ist beigetreten."
"removed_by": "{{user}} wurde entfernt von {{other_user}}",
"added_by": "{{user}} wurde hinzugefügt von {{other_user}}",
"user_left": "{{user}} hat verlassen",
"user_joined": "{{user}} ist beigetreten",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} hat den Channel umbenannt zu {{name}}",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} has das Channelsymbol geändert",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} hat die Channelbeschreibung geändert",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} wurde gekickt",
"user_banned": "{{user}} wurde gebannt"
"typing": {
"several": "Mehrere Personen schreiben…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} und {{user}} schreiben…",
"single": "{{user}} schreibt…"
"attached_file": "{{filename}} angegt",
"failed_upload": "Konnte nicht hochladen!",
"uploading_file": "Datei wird hochgeladen...",
"message_saved": "In deine Nachrichten speichern",
"attached_file": "{{filename}} angehängt",
"failed_upload": "Hochladen fehlgeschlagen!",
"uploading_file": "Wird hochgeladen",
"message_saved": "In Notizen speichern",
"bot": "Bot",
"unknown_user": "<Unbekannter Nutzer>"
"unknown_user": "<Unbekannt>",
"edited": "(bearbeitet)",
"start": {
"group": "Das ist der Anfang deiner Konversation."
"misc": {
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"jump_present": "Zu den neuen Nachrichten springen",
"viewing_old": "Du schaust dir ältere Nachrichten an",
"failed_load": "Konnte Nachricht nicht laden.",
"no_sending": "Du hast nicht die nötige Berechtigung dazu, Nachrichten in diesem Kanal zu senden.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} blockierte Nachrichten",
"blocked_user": "Blockierter Nutzer",
"sent_file": "Anhang",
"sent_multiple_files": "Anhänge"
"voice": {
"unmute": "Stummschaltung aufheben",
"mute": "Stummschalten",
"leave": "Trennen",
"connected": "Sprachchat verbunden"
"notifications": {
"default": "Standardeinstellung nutzen",
"all": "Alle Nachrichten",
"mention": "Nur Erwähnungen",
"none": "Keine",
"muted": "Stumm"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "Dieser Kanal ist als NSFW markiert.",
"confirm": "Kanal betreten"
"confirm": "Ich bestätige, dass ich mindestens 18 Jahre alt bin."
"search": {
"title": "Suche",
"sort": {
"relevance": "Relevanz",
"latest": "Neueste",
"oldest": "Älteste"
"groups": {
"name": "Gruppenname",
"create": "Eine Gruppe erstellen."
"create": "Gruppe erstellen",
"owner": "Gruppenbesitzer:in",
"description": "Gruppenbeschreibung"
"servers": {
"create": "Erstelle einen Server",
"name": "Servername",
"owner": "Besitzer:in",
"channel_name": "Kanalname",
"description": "Serverbeschreibung",
"channel_description": "Kanalbeschreibung",
"custom_banner": "Benutzerdefiniertes Banner",
"channel_type": "Kanaltyp",
"text_channel": "Textkanal",
"voice_channel": "Sprachkanal"
"context_menu": {
......@@ -98,7 +167,7 @@
"cancel_friend": "Anfrage abbrechen",
"remove_friend": "Freund entfernen",
"add_friend": "Freund hinzufügen",
"unblock_user": "Blockierung des Nutzers aufheben",
"unblock_user": "Blockierung aufheben",
"delete_message": "Nachricht löschen",
"edit_message": "Nachricht bearbeiten",
"mark_as_read": "Als gelesen markieren",
......@@ -118,14 +187,44 @@
"mention": "Erwähnen",
"copy_text": "Text kopieren",
"open_link": "Link öffnen",
"copy_link": "Link kopieren"
"copy_link": "Link kopieren",
"set_custom_status": "Einen benutzerdefinierten Status setzen",
"clear_status": "Status entfernen",
"custom_status": "Benutzerdefinierter Status",
"open_group_settings": "Gruppeneinstellungen",
"open_channel_settings": "Kanaleinstellungen",
"copy_selection": "Auswahl kopieren",
"leave_group": "Gruppe verlassen",
"leave_server": "Server verlassen",
"close_dm": "Direktnachricht schließen",
"delete_server": "Server löschen",
"create_channel": "Kanal erstellen",
"open_server_settings": "Servereinstellungen",
"copy_sid": "Server-ID kopieren",
"delete_channel": "Kanal löschen",
"create_invite": "Einladung erstellen",
"view_profile": "Profil öffnen",
"kick_member": "Nutzer kicken",
"ban_member": "Nutzer bannen",
"reply_message": "Antworten",
"open_notification_options": "Benachrichtigungsoptionen",
"copy_message_link": "Nachrichten-Link kopieren",
"edit_identity": "Identität bearbeiten",
"create_category": "Kategorie erstellen"
"special": {
"friends": {
"outgoing": "Ausgehende Freundschaftsanfrage.",
"incoming": "Eingehende Freundschaftsanfrage.",
"blocked": "Blockiert",
"pending": "Ausstehend"
"pending": "Ausstehende Anfragen",
"nobody": "Noch ist niemand hier!",
"sent": "Ausgehend",
"from": {
"single": "Von {{user}}",
"multiple": "Von {{userlist}} und {{user}}",
"several": "Von {{userlist}} und {{count}} mehr…"
"requires_online": "Du musst online sein, um dies anzuschauen.",
"modals": {
......@@ -136,7 +235,20 @@
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"continue": "Weiter",
"send_email": "E-Mail senden",
"update": "Aktualisieren"
"update": "Aktualisieren",
"preview": "Vorschau",
"save": "Speichern",
"ban": "Ban",
"kick": "Kicken",
"delete": "Löschen",
"create": "Erstellen",
"block": "Blockieren",
"leave": "Verlassen",
"remove": "Entfernen",
"reveal": "Anzeigen",
"back": "Zurück",
"hide": "Verbergen",
"edit": "Bearbeiten"
"signed_out": "Du wurdest ausgeloggt!",
"clipboard": {
......@@ -147,20 +259,40 @@
"error": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!",
"onboarding": {
"pick": "Wähle einen Nutzernamen, mit dem dich Leute finden können, er kann später in den Einstellungen geändert werden.",
"welcome": "Willkommen zu"
"welcome": "Willkommen bei"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave_long": "Du wirst nicht erneut beitreten können, es sei denn, du wirst erneut eingeladen.",
"confirm_leave": "{{group_name}} verlassen?"
"confirm_leave_long": "Du wirst nicht erneut beitreten können, außer du wirst wieder eingeladen.",
"confirm_leave": "{{name}} verlassen?",
"confirm_close_dm": "Besprechung mit {{name}} schließen?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Du kannst sie später wieder öffnen, aber sie wird auf beiden Seiten verschwinden.",
"confirm_delete": "{{name}} löschen?",
"confirm_delete_long": "Wenn es gelöscht wird, kann der Löschprozess nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"create_invite_generate": "Einladung wird generiert…",
"create_invite_created": "Hier ist dein Einladungslink:",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das löschen willst?",
"confirm_kick": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du {{name}} kicken willst?",
"confirm_ban": "Du bist kurz davor, {{name}} zu bannen",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Bangrund",
"unfriend_user": "{{name}} entfernen?",
"unfriend_user_long": "Du wirst mit dem:der Nutzer:in nicht sprechen können, bis du den:die Nutzer:in wieder hinzufügst.",
"block_user": "{{name}} blockieren?",
"block_user_long": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du {{name}} blockieren willst? Der Nutzer wird dann auch von deiner Freundesliste entfernt."
"account": {
"failed": "Konnte nicht ändern!",
"failed": "Konnte nicht geändert werden!",
"change": {
"password": "Ändere dein Passwort",
"email": "Ändere deine E-Mail",
"username": "Ändere deinen Nutzernamen"
"password": "Passwort ändern",
"email": "E-Mail-Adresse ändern",
"username": "Nutzername ändern"
"external_links": {
"title": "Externe Links können gefährlich sein!",
"short": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du hierhin willst: ",
"trust_domain": "Dieser Domäne vertrauen"
"token_reveal": "Token von {{name}}"
"status": {
"reconnecting": "Erneut verbinden…",
......@@ -174,34 +306,105 @@
"no_users": "Keine gemeinsamen Freunde!",
"mutual_groups": "Gemeinsame Gruppen",
"mutual_friends": "Gemeinsame Freunde",
"profile": "Profil"
"profile": "Profil",
"badges": {
"translator": "Übersetzer:in",
"early_adopter": "Frühzeitiger Tester",
"supporter": "Unterstützer:in",
"responsible_disclosure": "Verantwortliche:r Melder:in von Sicherheitsbugs"
"empty": "Es ist etwas leer hier…",
"sub": {
"connections": "Verbindungen",
"information": "Information",
"badges": "Abzeichen"
"mutual_servers": "Gemeinsame Server",
"no_servers": "Keine gemeinsamen Server!"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Zu hinzufügende Freunde auswählen."
"create_bot": {
"title": "Einen neuen Bot erstellen",
"failed": "Fehler beim Erstellen eines Bots!"
"copy_username": "Klicken, um den Nutzernamen zu kopieren",
"copy": "Klick hier zum kopieren",
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Eingeladen von {{user}}",
"login": "Bei Revolt anmelden",
"accept": "Einladung annehmen",
"user_count": "{{member_count}} Mitglieder",
"invalid": "Ungültige Einladung!",
"invalid_desc": "Die Einladung existiert möglicherweise nicht oder du bist nicht berechtigt beizutreten."
"settings": {
"pages": {
"logOut": "Abmelden",
"appearance": {
"import_manual": "Manuell importieren.",
"import_clipboard": "Aus der Zwischenablage importieren.",
"export_clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage exportieren.",
"reset_overrides": "Überschreibungen zurücksetzen.",
"import_manual": "Manuell importieren",
"import_clipboard": "Aus der Zwischenablage importieren",
"export_clipboard": "In Zwischenablage speichern",
"reset_overrides": "Überschreibungen zurücksetzen",
"overrides": "Überschreibungen des Themas",
"title": "Aussehen",
"theme_data": "Themadaten",
"import_theme": "Thema aus Zeichenkette importieren."
"import_theme": "Thema aus Zeichenkette importieren",
"sync": "Synchronisierungseinstellungen",
"custom_css": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
"message_display": "Nachrichtenanzeige",
"color": {
"dark": "dunkel",
"light": "hell"
"theme": "Thema",
"advanced": "Erweiterte Optionen",
"accent_selector": "Akzentfarbe",
"display": {
"compact_description": "Gutes altes IRC.",
"default_description": "Schön, elegant und modern.",
"compact": "Kompakt",
"default": "Standard"
"emoji_pack": "Emoji-Paket",
"mono_font": "Nicht proportionale Schrift",
"ligatures": "Ligaturen",
"font": "Schrift",
"ligatures_desc": "Für unterstützte Schriften werden Ligaturen bewirken, dass einige Zeichen kombiniert werden. So wird -> beispielweise zu einem Pfeil. Wechsle die Schrift zu Inter und probiere aus, diese Einstellung umzuschalten.",
"import": "Thema importieren"
"sessions": {
"created": "{{time_ago}} erstellt",
"this_device": "Dieses Gerät",
"title": "Sitzungen"
"title": "Sitzungen",
"active_sessions": "Aktive Sitzungen",
"logout": "Aus allen anderen Sitzungen abmelden"
"account": {
"title": "Mein Account",
"change_field": "Ändern"
"change_field": "Ändern",
"unique_id": "Das ist deine einzigartige Nutzer-ID.",
"2fa": {
"title": "Zweifaktorenauthentifizierung",
"description": "Füge eine weitere Sicherheitsebene für deinen Account hinzu, indem du die Zweifaktorauthentifizierung nutzt.",
"add_auth": "Authenticator hinzufügen",
"remove_auth": "Authenticator entfernen"
"manage": {
"title": "Accountverwaltung",
"description": "Deaktiviere oder lösche deinen Account jederzeit. Dadurch wirst du ausgeloggt und dein Account wird vollständig gelöscht, inklusive deiner Chatlogs und Freunde.",
"disable": "Account deaktivieren",
"delete": "Account löschen"
"language": {
"title": "Sprache"
"title": "Sprache",
"select": "Sprache auswählen",
"other": "Andere Sprachen",
"const": "Plansprachen"
"notifications": {
"enable_sound": "Bei einer Nachricht einen Ton abspielen.",
......@@ -212,72 +415,178 @@
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Aktivieren, um ein Geräusch abzuspielen, wenn du eine Nachricht sendest.",
"enable_sound": "Für Geräusche von eingehenden Nachrichten aktivieren.",
"enable_push": "Aktivieren, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, während du offline bist.",
"enable_desktop": "Dies wird dir Benachrichtigungen geben, solang deine App offen ist."
"enable_desktop": "Erhalte Benachrichtigungen, solange die App geöffnet ist."
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Sendegeräusch abspielen."
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Sendegeräusch abspielen.",
"sounds": "Töne",
"push_notifications": "Push-Benachrichtigungen",
"sound": {
"message": "Nachricht empfangen",
"outbound": "Nachricht gesendet",
"call_join": "Nutzer ist dem Sprachkanal beigetreten",
"call_leave": "Nutzer hat den Sprachkanal verlassen"
"feedback": {
"title": "Rückmeldung",
"bug": "Bug-Tracker",
"send": "Rückmeldung senden",
"describe": "Bitte beschreibe das Problem.",
"other": "Etwas anderes",
"feature": "Vorschlag für ein fehlendes Feature",
"report": "Über was willst du berichten?",
"suggest": "Funktionsvorschlag einreichen",
"suggest_desc": "Schlage neue Revolt-Funktionen in GitHub Discussions vor.",
"issue": "Neues Issue erstellen",
"issue_desc": "Damit wir Probleme leichter einordnen können, kannst du ein Issue auf GitHub erstellen.",
"bug_desc": "Zeige aktuell aktive Bugmeldungen hier an."
"feedback": "Rückmeldung",
"source_code": "Quellcode",
"donate": {
"title": "Spenden"
"profile": {
"placeholder": "Erzähle etwas über dich selbst…",
"fetching": "Dein Profil wird geladen…",
"info": "Information",
"title": "Profil",
"edit_background": "Hintergrund ändern",
"custom_background": "Profilhintergrund",
"profile_picture": "Profilbild",
"edit_profile": "Profil bearbeiten"
"sync": {
"title": "Synchronisation",
"categories": "Kategorien",
"descriptions": {
"appearance": "Dadurch werden Optionen wie das Emojipaket oder die Dichte von Nachrichten synchronisiert.",
"theme": "Dadurch werden Optionen wie das ausgewählte Thema oder die benutzerdefiniertes CSS synchronisiert.",
"locale": "Dadurch wird die aktuell ausgewählte Sprache synchronisiert."
"experiments": {
"title": "Experimente",
"features": "Verfügbare Funktionen",
"titles": {
"servers": "Server"
"descriptions": {
"servers": "Dies erlaubt dir, Server zu erstellen. Sie haben Kanäle, Einladungen, Bans, Moderation und mehr."
"not_available": "Aktuell sind keine Experimente verfügbar."
"native": {
"title": "Desktopeinstellungen"
"bots": {
"title": "Meine Bots",
"create_bot": "Erstelle einen Bot",
"copy_invite": "Einladungslink kopieren",
"add": "Bot hinzufügen",
"token": "Token",
"public_bot_tip": "Der Bot ist öffentlich. Jeder kann ihn einladen.",
"private_bot_tip": "Der Bot ist privat. Nur du kannst ihn einladen.",
"public_bot": "Öffentlicher Bot",
"public_bot_desc": "Ob andere Benutzer diesen Bot einladen dürfen.",
"interactions_url": "Interaktions-URL",
"reserved": "Hinweis: Dieses Feld ist für die Zukunft reserviert."
"audio": {
"title": "Spracheinstellungen",
"output_device": "Ausgabegerät",
"input_device": "Eingabegerät"
"categories": {
"client_settings": "Clienteinstellungen",
"user_settings": "Nutzereinstellungen"
"title": "Einstellungen"
"title": "Einstellungen",
"tips": {
"sessions": {
"b": "sichere deinen Account, indem du dein Passwort änderst und Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung nutzt.",
"a": "Falls du auf dieser Liste eine unbekannte Sitzung findest,"
"languages": {
"b": "Hilf dabei, neue Übersetzungen zu erstellen.",
"a": "Es fehlt eine Sprache?"
"account": {
"b": "Gehe zu deinen Profileinstellungen.",
"a": "Du suchst nach einem Weg, dein öffentliches Profil anzupassen?"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"description": "Kanalbeschreibung",
"name": "Kanalname",
"title": "Überblick",
"icon": "Gruppenbild"
"permissions": {
"title": "Berechtigungen"
"actions": {
"upload": "Hochladen",
"remove": "Entfernen",
"max_filesize": "(bis zu {{filesize}})"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Übersicht",
"name": "Servername",
"description": "Kanalbeschreibung",
"system_messages": "Kanäle für Systemnachrichten"
"members": {
"title": "Mitglieder"
"invites": {
"title": "Einladungen",
"invitor": "Einladender",
"channel": "Kanal",
"code": "Einladungscode",
"revoke": "Widerrufen"
"bans": {
"title": "Banliste",
"user": "Benutzer",
"reason": "Bangrund",
"no_reason": "Kein Bangrund angegeben.",
"revoke": "Widerrufen"
"roles": {
"title": "Rollen"
"categories": {
"title": "Kategorien"
"permissions": {
"channel": "Kanalberechtigungen",
"default_role": "Jeder",
"server": "Serverberechtigungen",
"create_role": "Neue Rolle erstellen",
"role_name": "Rollenname"
"permissions": {
"required": "Keine Berechtigung"
"dayjs": {
"lastDay": "[Gestern um] LT",
"sameDay": "[Heute um] LT",
"nextDay": "[Morgen um] LT",
"lastWeek": "[Letzten] dddd [um] LT",
"nextWeek": "dddd [um] LT",
"sameElse": "L"
"error": {
"invalid_email": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"too_long": "Zu lang",
"too_short": "Zu kurz",
"required_field": "Erforderlich",
"no_effect": "Diese Anfrage hat nichts bewirkt.",
"blocked_other": "Dieser Nutzer hat dich blockiert.",
"blocked": "Du hast diesen Nutzer blockiert.",
"already_sent_request": "Bereits eine Anfrage an diesen Nutzer gesendet.",
"already_friends": "Bereits Freunde mit diesem Nutzer.",
"username_taken": "Nutzername wird bereits benutzt.",
"already_onboarded": "Onboarding bereits beendet.",
"wrong_password": "Falsches Passwort.",
"email_in_use": "E-Mail bereits in Benutzung.",
"unknown_user": "Unbekannter Nutzer.",
"unverified_account": "Unverifizierter Account.",
"invalid_session": "Ungültige Sitzung.",
"missing_headers": "Fehlende Header.",
"operation_failed": "Operation fehlgeschlagen.",
"unknown_error": "Siehe Konsole.",
"internal_error": "Interner Fehler.",
"database_error": "Datenbankfehler.",
"failed_validation": "Konnte Felder nicht überprüfen.",
"unlabelled": "Etwas ist schiefgelaufen.",
"unavailable": "Nicht erreichbar.",
"io_error": "Der Server hat einen Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler.",
"probe_error": "Konnte Dateimetadaten nicht bekommen.",
"missing_data": "In der Anfrage fehlen Daten.",
"failed_to_receive": "Der Server konnte deine Datei nicht bekommen.",
"file_too_large": "Zu große Datei.",
"invalid_invite": "Ungültiger Code",
"missing_invite": "Fehlender Einladungscode in der Anfrage.",
"invalid_token": "Ungültiger Token",
"invalid_credentials": "Inkorrekte Anmeldedaten.",
"email_failed": "Konnte E-Mail nicht senden.",
"render_fail": "Rendern des Templates fehlgeschlagen.",
"missing_permission": "Keine Berechtigung.",
"denied_notification": "Du hast die Benachrichtigungsberechtigung verweigert, bitte die Seiteneinstellungen überprüfen.",
"unsupported_browser": "Browser unterstützt dieses Feature nicht.",
"unauthorized": "Unautorisiert.",
"network_error": "Netzwerkfehler."
"lastDay": "[Gestern um] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Heute um] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Morgen um] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Letzten] dddd [um] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [um] {{time}}",
"sameElse": "L",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": ".",
"date_format": "traditionell",
"twelvehour": "no"
"quantities": {
"members": {
......@@ -286,7 +595,128 @@
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Du bist nun Freunde mit {{person}}!",
"now_friends": "Du bist nun mit @{{person}} befreundet!",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} hat dir eine Freundschaftsanfrage gesendet."
"error": {
"InvalidEmail": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"TooLong": "Zu lang",
"TooShort": "Zu kurz",
"RequiredField": "Erforderlich",
"NoEffect": "Diese Anfrage hat nichts bewirkt.",
"BlockedOther": "Der:die Nutzer:in hat dich blockiert.",
"Blocked": "Du hast diese:n Nutzer:in blockiert.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Du hast bereits eine Anfrage an diese:n Nutzer:in gesendet.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Du bist bereits mit dieser:diesem Nutzer:in befreundet.",
"UsernameTaken": "Nutzername bereits in Verwendung.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Einrichtung bereits beendet.",
"WrongPassword": "Falsches Passwort.",
"EmailInUse": "E-Mail-Adresse bereits in Verwendung.",
"UnknownUser": "Diese:r Nutzer:in ist unbekannt.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Unverifizierter Account.",
"InvalidSession": "Ungültige Sitzung.",
"MissingHeaders": "Fehlende Header.",
"OperationFailed": "Operation fehlgeschlagen.",
"UnknownError": "Siehe Konsole.",
"InternalError": "Interner Fehler.",
"DatabaseError": "Datenbankfehler.",
"FailedValidation": "Konnte Felder nicht überprüfen.",
"Unlabelled": "Etwas ist schiefgelaufen.",
"Unavailable": "Nicht verfügbar.",
"IoError": "Der Server hat einen Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler.",
"ProbeError": "Dateimetadaten konnten nicht geladen werden.",
"MissingData": "In der Anfrage fehlen Daten.",
"FailedToReceive": "Der Server konnte deine Datei nicht empfangen.",
"FileTooLarge": "Die Datei ist zu groß.",
"InvalidInvite": "Ungültiger Code",
"MissingInvite": "Fehlender Einladungscode in der Anfrage.",
"InvalidToken": "Ungültiger Token",
"InvalidCredentials": "Inkorrekte Anmeldedaten.",
"EmailFailed": "Konnte E-Mail nicht senden.",
"RenderFail": "Rendern des Templates fehlgeschlagen.",
"MissingPermission": "Keine Berechtigung.",
"DeniedNotification": "Du hast die Benachrichtigungsberechtigung verweigert, überprüfe die Seiteneinstellungen.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Dein Browser unterstützt dieses Feature nicht.",
"Unauthorized": "Nicht angemeldet.",
"NetworkError": "Netzwerkfehler.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Dieses Passwort ist nicht vertrauenswürdig.",
"ReachedMaximumBots": "Du hast die maximale Anzahl von Bots erreicht."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Strg + C"
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageRoles": {
"t": "Rollen verwalten",
"d": "Erlaube Nutzern, Rollen mit einer niedrigeren Position zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und zu löschen. Es erlaubt ihnen außerdem, die Berechtigungen für einen Kanal zu verwalten."
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "Kanäle verwalten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Kanäle zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und zu löschen."
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Server verwalten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, die Beschreibung, den Namen, das Icon und weitere zusammenhängende Informationen zu ändern."
"KickMembers": {
"t": "Nutzer Kicken",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Nutzer aus dem Server zu entfernen. Gekickte Nutzer können mit einer Einladung erneut beitreten."
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Nutzer bannen",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Nutzer permanent aus dem Server zu entfernen."
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "Nickname ändern",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, ihren eigenen Nicknamen auf dem Server zu ändern."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Nicknames verwalten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, die Nicknames anderer Nutzer zu ändern, zu entfernen, oder hinzuzufügen."
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "Avatar ändern",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, ihren serverspezifischen Avatar zu ändern."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Avatar entfernen",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, den serverspezifischen Avatar anderer Nutzer zu entfernen."
"channel": {
"View": {
"t": "Kanal ansehen",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, jeden Kanal anzusehen, auf dem sie diese Berechtigung haben."
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Nachrichten senden",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Nachrichten in Textkanälen zu senden."
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Nachrichten verwalten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, die Nachrichten anderer zu löschen."
"ManageChannel": {
"t": "Kanal verwalten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, einen Kanal zu ändern oder zu löschen."
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "Sprachanruf",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Sprachkanälen beizutreten."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Einladungen erstellen",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Einladungen zu einem Kanal zu erstellen."
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "Links einbetten",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, die Links die sie Posten einbetten zu lassen."
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Dateien hochladen",
"d": "Erlaubt Nutzern, Dateien in Textkanälen hochzuladen."
"error": {
"MissingPermission": "Λείπει άδεια.",
"InternalError": "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα.",
"DatabaseError": "Σφάλμα βάσης δεδομένων.",
"FailedValidation": "Αποτυχία επικύρωσης πεδίων.",
"Unlabelled": "Κάτι συνέβη.",
"Unauthorized": "Ανεξουσιοδότητος.",
"NetworkError": "Σφάλμα δικτύου.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Αυτός ο κωδικός πρόσβασης έχει παραβιαστεί.",
"DeniedNotification": "Αρνήσατε την πρόσβαση ειδοποιήσεων, ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις σελίδας.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης δεν διαθέτει υποστήριξη για αυτήν τη δυνατότητα.",
"IoError": "Ο διακομιστής αντιμετώπισε σφάλμα I / O.",
"ProbeError": "Αποτυχία λήψης μεταδεδομένων αρχείων.",
"MissingData": "Στο αίτημα λείπουν δεδομένα.",
"FailedToReceive": "Ο διακομιστής απέτυχε να λάβει το αρχείο σας.",
"FileTooLarge": "Το αρχείο είναι πολύ μεγάλο.",
"Unavailable": "Μη διαθέσιμο.",
"InvalidEmail": "Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση e-mail",
"TooLong": "Πολύ μακρύ",
"TooShort": "-Πολύ μικρό",
"RequiredField": "Απαιτείται",
"NoEffect": "Αυτό το αίτημα δεν είχε αποτέλεσμα.",
"BlockedOther": "Αυτός ο χρήστης σας έχει αποκλείσει.",
"Blocked": "Έχετε αποκλείσει αυτόν τον χρήστη.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Έστειλε ήδη ένα αίτημα σε αυτόν τον χρήστη.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Ήδη φίλοι με αυτόν τον χρήστη.",
"UsernameTaken": "Το όνομα χρήστη έχει ληφθεί.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Ολοκληρώθηκε ήδη η επιβίβαση.",
"InvalidInvite": "Μη έγκυρος κωδικός",
"MissingInvite": "Λείπει ο κωδικός πρόσκλησης στο αίτημα.",
"InvalidToken": "Μη έγκυρο διακριτικό",
"InvalidCredentials": "Το email ή ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι λάθος.",
"EmailFailed": "Η αποστολή του email απέτυχε.",
"EmailInUse": "Σε χρήση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.",
"UnknownUser": "Αγνωστος χρήστης.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Μη επαληθευμένος λογαριασμός.",
"InvalidSession": "Μη έγκυρη περίοδος σύνδεσης.",
"MissingHeaders": "Λείπουν κεφαλίδες.",
"RenderFail": "Η απόδοση προτύπου απέτυχε.",
"OperationFailed": "“Η λειτουργία απέτυχε.",
"UnknownError": "Δείτε την κονσόλα."
"dayjs": {
"nextWeek": "dddd [στις] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"twelvehour": "no",
"date_format": "simplified",
"date_separator": "/"
"lastWeek": "[Τελευταία] dddd [at] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Αύριο στις] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Σήμερα στις] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Χθες στις] {{time}}"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Τώρα είστε φίλοι με το @ {{person}}!",
"sent_request": "Ο χρήστης @ {{person}} σας έστειλε ένα αίτημα φιλίας."
"quantities": {
"members": {
"many": "{{count}} Μέλη",
"one": "1 μέλος"
"app": {
"permissions": {
"required": "Απαιτούνται δικαιώματα"
"context_menu": {
"open_group_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις ομάδας",
"open_server_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή",
"open_channel_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις καναλιού",
"open_notification_options": "Επιλογές ειδοποίησης",
"create_invite": "Δημιουργία πρόσκλησης",
"create_channel": "Δημιουργία καναλιού",
"delete_channel": "Διαγραφή καναλιού",
"delete_server": "Διαγραφή διακομιστή",
"close_dm": "Κλείσιμο DM",
"leave_server": "Αποχώρηση από διακομιστή",
"leave_group": "Αφήνω την ομάδα",
"set_custom_status": "Ορίστε μια προσαρμοσμένη κατάσταση",
"clear_status": "Εκκαθάριση κατάστασης",
"custom_status": "Προσαρμοσμένη κατάσταση",
"cancel_friend": "Ακύρωση αιτήματος",
"remove_friend": "Κατάργηση φίλου",
"add_friend": "Προσθήκη φίλου",
"unblock_user": "Ξεμπλοκάρισμα χρήστη",
"block_user": "Αποκλεισμός χρήστη",
"open_link": "Ανοίξτε σύνδεσμο",
"copy_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου",
"save_video": "Αποθήκευση βίντεο",
"open_video": "Ανοιξε το βίντεο",
"save_image": "Αποθήκευση εικόνας",
"open_image": "Άνοιγμα εικόνας",
"save_file": "Αποθηκεύσετε το αρχείο",
"open_file": "Ανοιγμα αρχείου",
"ban_member": "Απαγόρευση μέλους",
"kick_member": "Διωγμός Μέλους",
"remove_member": "Αφαίρεση από ομάδα",
"delete_message": "Διαγραφή μηνύματος",
"edit_message": "Επεξεργασία μηνύματος",
"quote_message": "Παράθεση μηνύματος",
"reply_message": "Απάντηση",
"cancel_message": "Ακύρωση αποστολής",
"retry_message": "Επαναπροσπάθεια αποστολής",
"mark_as_read": "Σήμανση ως αναγνωσμένο",
"view_profile": "Προβολή προφίλ",
"message_user": "Μήνυμα",
"mention": "Αναφέρω",
"copy_mid": "Αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού μηνύματος",
"copy_cid": "Αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού καναλιού",
"copy_sid": "Αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού διακομιστή",
"copy_uid": "Αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού χρήστη",
"copy_text": "Αντιγραφή κειμένου",
"copy_selection": "Αντιγραφή επιλογής",
"copy_id": "Αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού",
"copy_message_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου μηνύματος"
"special": {
"requires_online": "Πρέπει να είστε συνδεδεμένοι για να το δείτε.",
"popovers": {
"user_picker": {
"select": "Επιλέξτε φίλους για προσθήκη."
"user_profile": {
"badges": {
"early_adopter": "Πρώιμη υιοθεσία",
"responsible_disclosure": "Σφάλμα (εις) με υπευθυνότητα",
"supporter": "Υποστηρικτής",
"translator": "Μεταφράστης"
"sub": {
"connections": "Συνδέσεις",
"information": "Πληροφορίες",
"badges": "Διακριτικά"
"no_groups": "Χωρίς αμοιβαίες ομάδες!",
"no_users": "Χωρίς αμοιβαίους φίλους!",
"empty": "Είναι λίγο άδειο εδώ …",
"mutual_groups": "Κοινές ομάδες",
"mutual_friends": "Κοινοί φίλοι",
"profile": "Προφίλ",
"mutual_servers": "Κοινοί Διακομιστές",
"no_servers": "Χωρίς κοινούς διακομιστές!"
"modals": {
"actions": {
"send_email": "Αποστολή ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
"continue": "Συνέχεια",
"reload": "Επαναφορά εφαρμογής",
"preview": "Προβολή",
"cancel": "Ακύρωση",
"update": "Ενημέρωση",
"reveal": "Αποκάλυψη",
"create": "Δημιουργία",
"delete": "Διαγραφή",
"remove": "Αφαίρεση",
"back": "Επιστροφή",
"leave": "Φύγε",
"close": "Κλείσε",
"block": "Αποκλεισμός",
"save": "Αποθήκευση",
"kick": "Λάκτισμα",
"ban": "Απαγόρευση",
"ok": "Εντάξει",
"hide": "Κρύψιμο"
"prompt": {
"block_user_long": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αποκλείσετε το {{name}}; Θα καταργηθούν επίσης από τη λίστα φίλων σας.",
"block_user": "Αποκλεισμός {{name}};",
"unfriend_user_long": "Ενδέχεται να μην μπορείτε να μιλήσετε ξανά μαζί τους έως ότου τα προσθέσετε ξανά.",
"unfriend_user": "Κατάργηση {{name}};",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Απαγόρευση λόγου",
"confirm_ban": "Πρόκειται να απαγορεύσετε το {{name}}",
"confirm_kick": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να κλωτσήσετε το {{name}};",
"create_invite_created": "Εδώ είναι ο νέος σας κωδικός πρόσκλησης:",
"create_invite_generate": "Δημιουργία πρόσκλησης…",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να το διαγράψετε;",
"confirm_delete_long": "Μόλις διαγραφεί, δεν θα επιστρέψουμε.",
"confirm_delete": "Διαγραφή {{name}};",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Μπορείτε να το ανοίξετε ξανά αργότερα, αλλά θα εξαφανιστεί και από τις δύο πλευρές.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Κλείσιμο συνομιλίας με {{name}};",
"confirm_leave_long": "Δεν θα μπορείτε να συμμετάσχετε ξανά εκτός εάν σας προσκληθούν ξανά.",
"confirm_leave": "Αποχώρηση από {{name}};"
"onboarding": {
"pick": "Επιλέξτε ένα όνομα χρήστη από το οποίο θέλετε να μπορούν να σας βρίσκουν οι άλλοι, αυτό μπορεί να αλλάξει αργότερα στις ρυθμίσεις.",
"welcome": "Καλωσόρισες στο"
"signed_out": "Αποσυνδεθήκατε!",
"clipboard": {
"copy": "Μη αυτόματο αντίγραφο:",
"https": "Αυτήν τη στιγμή δεν βρίσκεστε σε περιβάλλον HTTPS.",
"unavailable": "Το πρόχειρο δεν είναι διαθέσιμο!"
"error": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα!",
"account": {
"failed": "Αποτυχία αλλαγής!",
"change": {
"password": "Αλλάξτε τον κωδικό σας",
"email": "Αλλάξτε το email σας",
"username": "Αλλάξτε το όνομα χρήστη σας"
"status": {
"reconnecting": "Επανασύνδεση…",
"connecting": "Γίνεται Σύνδεση…",
"disconnected": "Ασύνδετος.",
"offline": "Εκτός σύνδεσης."
"friends": {
"from": {
"several": "Από τον χρήστη {{userlist}} και {{count}} ακόμη…",
"multiple": "Από τον χρήστη {{userlist}} και τον χρήστη {{user}}",
"single": "Από τον {{user}}"
"nobody": "Κανείς δεν είναι ακόμη εδώ!",
"outgoing": "Εξερχόμενο αίτημα φίλου.",
"incoming": "Εισερχόμενο αίτημα φίλου.",
"blocked": "Αποκλείστηκε",
"sent": "Εξερχόμενος",
"pending": "Εκκρεμείς αιτήσεις"
"copy": "Κάντε κλικ για αντιγραφή",
"copy_username": "Κάντε κλικ για να αντιγράψετε το όνομα χρήστη",
"invite": {
"user_count": "{{member_count}} χρήστες",
"login": "Σύνδεση στο Revolt",
"accept": "Αποδοχή Πρόσκλησης",
"invited_by": "Προσκεκλημένος/-η από {{user}}"
"settings": {
"permissions": {
"role_name": "Όνομα ρόλου",
"create_role": "Δημιουργήστε έναν νέο ρόλο",
"channel": "Δικαιώματα καναλιού",
"server": "Δικαιώματα διακομιστή",
"default_role": "Προκαθορισμένο"
"tips": {
"sessions": {
"b": "ασφαλίστε τον λογαριασμό σας αλλάζοντας τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας και χρησιμοποιώντας το 2FA.",
"a": "Εάν δείτε μια άγνωστη συνεδρία στη λίστα,"
"languages": {
"b": "Βοηθήστε να συνεισφέρετε περισσότερες μεταφράσεις.",
"a": "Λείπει μια γλώσσα που θέλετε;"
"account": {
"b": "Προχωρήστε στις ρυθμίσεις του προφίλ σας.",
"a": "Θέλετε να προσαρμόσετε το δημόσιο προφίλ σας;"
"server_pages": {
"roles": {
"title": "Ρόλοι"
"bans": {
"title": "Απαγορεύσεις",
"user": "Χρήστης",
"revoke": "Ανακάλεση",
"no_reason": "Χωρίς αιτία απαγόρευσης.",
"reason": "Αιτία Απαγόρευσης"
"invites": {
"title": "Προσκαλεί",
"code": "Κώδικας Πρόσκλησης",
"channel": "Κανάλι",
"invitor": "Προσκλητής",
"revoke": "Ανακάλεση"
"members": {
"title": "Μέλη"
"overview": {
"system_messages": "Κανάλια μηνυμάτων συστήματος",
"description": "Περιγραφή καναλιού",
"name": "Όνομα διακομιστή",
"title": "Προεπισκόπηση"
"categories": {
"title": "Κατηγορίες"
"channel_pages": {
"permissions": {
"title": "Άδειες"
"overview": {
"description": "Περιγραφή καναλιού",
"name": "Όνομα Καναλιού",
"title": "Προεπισκόπηση"
"pages": {
"logOut": "Αποσύνδεση",
"feedback": {
"send": "Στείλετε τα σχόλιά σας",
"describe": "Περιγράψτε το πρόβλημα.",
"other": "Αλλα",
"feature": "Αίτημα λειτουργιών",
"bug": "Ανιχνευτής Bug",
"report": "Τι θέλετε να αναφέρετε;",
"title": "Ανατροφοδότηση",
"suggest_desc": "Προτείνετε νέα χαρακτηριστικά του Revolt σε συζητήσεις στο GitHub.",
"issue_desc": "Για να μας βοηθήσετε να αντιμετωπίσουμε θέματα πιο εύκολα, μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε ένα θέμα στο GitHub.",
"suggest": "Υποβολή πρότασης χαρακτηριστικού",
"bug_desc": "Δείτε ενεργές επί του παρόντος αναφορές bug εδώ.",
"issue": "Δημιουργείστε ένα νέο θέμα"
"source_code": "Πηγαίος κώδικας",
"donate": {
"title": "Κάντε προσφορά"
"experiments": {
"not_available": "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα πειράματα αυτήν τη στιγμή.",
"descriptions": {
"servers": "Αυτό θα σας επιτρέψει να δημιουργήσετε διακομιστές με κανάλια, προσκλήσεις, απαγορεύσεις, εποπτεία και άλλα."
"titles": {
"servers": "Διακομιστές"
"features": "Διαθέσιμα χαρακτηριστικά",
"title": "Πειράματα"
"sync": {
"descriptions": {
"locale": "Αυτό θα συγχρονίσει την τρέχουσα επιλεγμένη γλώσσα σας.",
"theme": "Αυτό θα συγχρονίσει το επιλεγμένο θέμα, τα χρώματα και οποιοδήποτε προσαρμοσμένο CSS.",
"appearance": "Αυτό θα συγχρονίσει επιλογές όπως πακέτα emoji και πυκνότητα μηνυμάτων."
"categories": "Κατηγορίες συγχρονισμού",
"title": "Συγχρονισμός"
"language": {
"other": "Άλλες επιλογές γλώσσας",
"select": "Επιλέξτε την Γλώσσα σας",
"title": "Γλώσσα",
"const": "Κατασκευασμένες γλώσσες"
"notifications": {
"sound": {
"call_leave": "Ο χρήστης έφυγε απ'την κλήση",
"call_join": "Ο χρήστης συμμετείχε στην κλήση",
"outbound": "Το μήνυμα στάλθηκε",
"message": "Το μήνυμα ελήφθη"
"descriptions": {
"enable_push": "«Ενεργοποίηση λήψης ειδοποιήσεων όταν είστε εκτός σύνδεσης.",
"enable_desktop": "Αυτό θα σας ειδοποιήσει ενώ η εφαρμογή σας είναι ανοιχτή."
"sounds": "Ήχοι",
"enable_push": "“Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων push.",
"enable_desktop": "Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων επιφάνειας εργασίας.",
"push_notifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις προώθησης",
"title": "Ειδοποιήσεις"
"appearance": {
"ligatures_desc": "Για υποστηριζόμενες γραμματοσειρές, οι σύνδεσμοι συνδυάζουν χαρακτήρες μαζί, για παράδειγμα, μετατρέποντας -> σε βέλος. Μεταβείτε στο Inter και δοκιμάστε να αλλάξετε αυτήν την επιλογή.",
"ligatures": "Γραμματοσειρές",
"mono_font": "Επιλογέας γραμματοσειρών Monospace",
"font": "Γραμματοσειρά",
"sync": "Επιλογές συγχρονισμού",
"custom_css": "Προσαρμοσμένο CSS",
"theme_data": "Δεδομένα θέματος",
"import_theme": "Εισαγωγή θέματος από συμβολοσειρά",
"import": "Εισαγάγετε ένα θέμα",
"reset_overrides": "Επαναφορά παρακάμψεων",
"overrides": "Παράκαμψη θέματος",
"advanced": "Προχωρημένες επιλογές",
"message_display": "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων",
"emoji_pack": "Πακέτο Emoji",
"accent_selector": "Χρώμα έμφασης",
"color": {
"dark": "Σκούρο",
"light": "Φωτεινό"
"display": {
"compact_description": "Καλό παλιό IRC.",
"default_description": "Όμορφο, κομψό και μοντέρνο.",
"compact": "Συμπαγής",
"default": "Προκαθορισμένο"
"theme": "Θέμα",
"title": "Εμφάνιση"
"sessions": {
"logout": "Αποσυνδεθείτε από όλες τις άλλες συνεδρίες",
"created": "Δημιουργήθηκε {{time_ago}}",
"this_device": "Αυτή η συσκευή",
"active_sessions": "Ενεργές Συνεδρίες",
"title": "Συνεδρίες"
"profile": {
"edit_background": "Επεξεργασία φόντου",
"custom_background": "Προσαρμοσμένο φόντο",
"profile_picture": "Εικόνα προφίλ",
"placeholder": "Γράψτε κάτι για τον εαυτό σας…",
"fetching": "Ανάκτηση του προφίλ σας…",
"info": "Πληροφορίες",
"title": "Προφίλ",
"edit_profile": "Επεξεργασία Προφίλ"
"account": {
"manage": {
"delete": "Διαγραφή Λογαριασμού",
"disable": "Απενεργοποίηση Λογαριασμού",
"description": "Απενεργοποιήστε ή διαγράψτε τον λογαριασμό σας ανά πάσα στιγμή. Αυτή η ενέργεια θα σας αποσυνδέσει και θα διαγράψει πλήρως τον λογαριασμό σας, μαζί με τις συνομιλίες και τους φίλους σας.",
"title": "Διαχείριση Λογαριασμού"
"2fa": {
"remove_auth": "Κατάργηση ελέγχου ταυτότητας",
"add_auth": "Προσθήκη επαληθευτή",
"description": "Προσθέστε ένα επιπλέον επίπεδο ασφάλειας ενεργοποιώντας το 2FA στον λογαριασμό σας.",
"title": "Έλεγχος ταυτότητας δύο παραγόντων"
"unique_id": "Αυτό είναι ένα μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό χρήστη για τον λογαριασμό σας.",
"change_field": "Αλλαγή",
"title": "Ο λογαριασμός μου"
"native": {
"title": "Ρυθμίσεις Επιφάνειας Εργασίας"
"bots": {
"title": "Τα Ρομπότ μου"
"actions": {
"max_filesize": "(μέγιστο μέγεθος αρχείου: {{filesize}})",
"upload": "Μεταφόρτωση",
"remove": "Αφαίρεση"
"categories": {
"client_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Εφαρμογής",
"user_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις χρήστη"
"title": "Ρυθμίσεις"
"main": {
"servers": {
"voice_channel": "Φωνητικό Κανάλι",
"text_channel": "Κανάλι κειμένου",
"owner": "Ιδιοκτήτης διακομιστή",
"custom_banner": "Προσαρμοσμένη ταπετσαρία",
"channel_description": "Περιγραφή καναλιού",
"channel_type": "Τύπος καναλιού",
"channel_name": "Όνομα καναλιού",
"description": "Περιγραφή διακομιστή",
"name": "Ονομα διακομιστή",
"create": "Δημιουργήστε έναν διακομιστή"
"groups": {
"owner": "Ιδιοκτήτης Ομάδας",
"description": "Περιγραφή Ομάδας",
"name": "Ονομασία Ομάδας",
"create": "Δημιουργία ομάδας"
"channel": {
"notifications": {
"muted": "Σιγασμένος",
"none": "Τίποτα",
"mention": "Μόνο Αναφορές",
"all": "Όλα τα μηνύματα",
"default": "Χρησιμοποίηση Προεπιλογής"
"bot": "ρομπότ",
"edited": "(επεξεργασμένο)",
"unknown_user": "<Άγνωστος Χρήστης>",
"nsfw": {
"confirm": "Είμαι τουλάχιστον 18 έτων.",
"channel": {
"confirm": "Είσοδος στο κανάλι",
"marked": "Αυτό το κανάλι είναι ακατάλληλο για ανηλίκους."
"misc": {
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} αποκλεισμένα μυνήματα",
"no_sending": "Δεν έχετε άδεια αποστολής μηνυμάτων σε αυτό το κανάλι.",
"failed_load": "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης μηνύματος.",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"jump_present": "Επιστροφή στα νέα μηνύματα",
"viewing_old": "Βλέπεις παλαιότερα μηνύματα",
"blocked_user": "Αποκλεισμένος Χρήστης",
"sent_multiple_files": "Στάλθηκαν πολλαπλά αρχεία",
"sent_file": "Στάλθηκε ένα αρχείο"
"voice": {
"unmute": "Άρση Σίγασης",
"mute": "Σίγαση",
"leave": "Αποχώρηση",
"connected": "Συνδέθηκες"
"start": {
"group": "Αυτή είναι η αρχή της συζήτησης."
"system": {
"channel_icon_changed": "Ο/Η {{user}} άλλαξε το εικονίδιο του καναλιού",
"channel_description_changed": "Ο/Η {{user}} άλλαξε την περιγραφή του καναλιού",
"channel_renamed": "Ο/Η {{user}} μετονόμασε το κανάλι σε {{name}}",
"removed_by": "Ο/Η {{user}} αφαιρέθηκε από τον/την {{other_user}}",
"added_by": "Ο/Η {{user}} πρόσθεσε τον/την {{other_user}}",
"user_banned": "Ο/Η {{user}} απαγορεύτηκε",
"user_kicked": "Ο/Η {{user}} διώχθηκε",
"user_left": "Ο/Η {{user}} αποχώρησε",
"user_joined": "Ο/Η {{user}} εισήλθε"
"typing": {
"several": "Πολλαπλά άτομα πληκτρολογούν…",
"multiple": "Οι {{userlist}} και {{user}} πληκτρολογούν…",
"single": "Ο/Η {{user}} πληκτρολογεί…"
"attached_file": "Συννημένο {{filename}}",
"failed_upload": "Αποτυχία μεταφόρτωσης!",
"uploading_file": "Μεταφόρτωση …",
"message_saved": "Αποθήκευσε στις σημειώσεις",
"message_who": "Στείλε μήνυμα στον χρήστη {{person}}",
"message_where": "Στείλε μήνυμα στο {{channel_name}}",
"search": {
"sort": {
"latest": "Πιο πρόσφατο",
"oldest": "Πιο παλιό",
"relevance": "Σχετικότητα"
"title": "Αναζήτηση"
"categories": {
"members": "Μέλη",
"channels": "Κανάλια",
"participants": "Συμμετέχοντες",
"conversations": "Συνομιλίες"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"saved": "Αποθηκευμένες Σημειώσεις",
"unreads": "Αδιάβαστα",
"friends": "Φίλοι",
"dev": "Προγραμματιστής",
"home": "Αρχική Σελίδα"
"status": {
"offline": "Αποσυνδεδεμένος/-η",
"invisible": "Αόρατος/-η",
"busy": "Μην Ενοχλείτε",
"idle": "Αδρανής",
"online": "Συνδεδεμένος/-η"
"login": {
"error": {
"resend": "Αποτυχία επαναποστολής!",
"reset": "Αποτυχία επαναφοράς!",
"login": "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης!",
"create": "Αποτυχία εγγραφής!"
"successful_registration": "Επιτυχής καταχώρηση!",
"open_mail_provider": "Άνοιγμα {{provider}}",
"check_spam": "Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε στα ανεπιθύμητα αν δεν μπορείτε να το βρείτε",
"email_delay": "Παρακαλώ επιτρέψτε εώς και 10 λεπτά για την παραλαβή.",
"check_mail": "Ελέγξτε τα mail σας.",
"cancel": "Ακύρωση αιτήματος.",
"resend": "Επαναποστολή επαλήθευσης.",
"missing_verification": "Δεν έχετε email;",
"create": "Δημιουργία καινούργιου λογαριασμού.",
"existing": "Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό;",
"new": "Νέος στο Revolt?",
"remembered": "Επιστρέψτε στην σύνδεση.",
"set_password": "Ορίστε τον νέο κωδικό πρόσβασης σας.",
"reset": "Επαναφέρετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας.",
"forgot": "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό σας;",
"enter": {
"current_password": "Εισάγετε τον τρέχον κωδικό σας.",
"invite": "Εισαγάγετε τον κωδικό πρόσκλησής σας.",
"password": "Εισάγετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης σας.",
"email": "Εισάγετε το email σας.",
"username": "Εισάγετε ένα όνομα χρήστη."
"current_password": "Τρέχων κωδικός",
"invite": "Kωδικός Πρόσκλησης",
"password": "Κωδικός Πρόσβασης",
"email": "Email",
"username": "Όνομα Χρήστη",
"register": "Εγγραφή",
"title": "Σύνδεση"
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"UploadFiles": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να ανεβάζουν αρχεία σε κανάλια κειμένου.",
"t": "Μεταφόρτωση αρχείων"
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να εμφανίζουν ενσωματωμένο περιεχόμενο σε συνδέσμους που δημοσιεύουν σε κανάλια κειμένου.",
"t": "Ενσωμάτωση συνδέσμων"
"InviteOthers": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να προσκαλούν άλλους χρήστες σε ένα κανάλι.",
"t": "Αλλαγή ψευδωνύμου"
"VoiceCall": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να συμμετέχουν σε κανάλια φωνής.",
"t": "Φωνητική κλήση"
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να επεξεργάζονται ή να διαγράφουν ένα κανάλι.",
"t": "Kick Μέλη"
"ManageMessages": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη τη διαγραφή μηνυμάτων που αποστέλλονται από άλλα μέλη.",
"t": "Διαχείριση μηνυμάτων"
"SendMessage": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να στέλνουν μηνύματα σε κανάλια κειμένου.",
"t": "Στείλε μηνύματα"
"View": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να βλέπουν κανάλια στα οποία έχουν άδεια.",
"t": "Προβολή καναλιού"
"server": {
"RemoveAvatars": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να καταργήσουν τα είδωλα του διακομιστή άλλων μελών σε αυτόν τον διακομιστή.",
"t": "Αφαιρέστε τα είδωλα"
"ChangeAvatar": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να αλλάξουν το avatar του διακομιστή σε αυτόν τον διακομιστή.",
"t": "Αλλαγή Avatar"
"ManageNicknames": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να αλλάξουν τα ψευδώνυμα άλλων μελών.",
"t": "Διαχείριση ψευδώνυμων"
"ChangeNickname": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να αλλάξουν το ψευδώνυμό τους σε αυτόν τον διακομιστή.",
"t": "Αλλαγή ψευδωνύμου"
"BanMembers": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να καταργήσουν μόνιμα μέλη από αυτόν τον διακομιστή.",
"t": "Απαγόρευση μελών"
"KickMembers": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να αφαιρέσουν μέλη από αυτόν τον διακομιστή. Τα μέλη που έχουν κλωθεί μπορούν να επανέλθουν με πρόσκληση.",
"t": "Kick Μέλη"
"ManageServer": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να αλλάξουν το όνομα, την περιγραφή, το εικονίδιο και άλλες σχετικές πληροφορίες αυτού του διακομιστή.",
"t": "Διαχείριση διακομιστή"
"ManageChannels": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη τη δημιουργία, επεξεργασία και διαγραφή καναλιών.",
"t": "Διαχείριση καναλιών"
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Επιτρέπει στα μέλη να δημιουργούν, να επεξεργάζονται και να διαγράφουν ρόλους με χαμηλότερη κατάταξη από τους δικούς τους. Επίσης τους επιτρέπει να τροποποιήσουν τα δικαιώματα ρόλου στα κανάλια.",
"t": "Διαχείριση ρόλων"
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"general": {
"disabled": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"off": "Ανενεργό",
"on": "Ενεργό",
"loading": "Φόρτωση…",
"image_by": "Εικόνα από",
"privacy": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου",
"tos": "Όροι Χρήσης",
"about": "Σχετικά",
"unavailable": "Μη διαθέσιμο"
......@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
"about": "About",
"tos": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
"image_by": "Image by"
"image_by": "Image by",
"loading": "Loading…",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"unavailable": "Unavailable"
"login": {
"title": "Login",
......@@ -24,14 +29,15 @@
"reset": "Reset password.",
"set_password": "Set new password.",
"remembered": "Go back to login.",
"new": "New to REVOLT?",
"new": "New to Revolt?",
"existing": "Already have an account?",
"create": "Create a new account.",
"missing_verification": "No email?",
"resend": "Resend verification.",
"cancel": "Cancel request.",
"check_mail": "Check your mail.",
"check_spam": "Be sure to check spam if you can't find it.",
"email_delay": "Please allow up to 10 minutes for it to arrive.",
"check_spam": "Please check spam if you can't find it",
"open_mail_provider": "Open {{provider}}",
"successful_registration": "Successfully registered!",
"error": {
......@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@
"status": {
"online": "Online",
"idle": "Idle",
"busy": "Busy",
"busy": "Do Not Disturb",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"offline": "Offline"
......@@ -55,20 +61,21 @@
"dev": "Developer",
"friends": "Friends",
"unreads": "Unreads",
"saved": "Saved Messages"
"saved": "Saved Notes"
"main": {
"categories": {
"conversations": "Conversations",
"participants": "Participants",
"channels": "Channels",
"members": "Members"
"channel": {
"message_where": "Message {{channel_name}}",
"message_who": "Message {{person}}",
"message_saved": "Save to your messages",
"uploading_file": "Uploading file...",
"message_saved": "Save to your notes",
"uploading_file": "Uploading",
"failed_upload": "Failed to upload!",
"attached_file": "Attached {{filename}}",
"typing": {
......@@ -77,17 +84,79 @@
"several": "Several people are typing…"
"system": {
"user_joined": "joined.",
"user_left": "left.",
"added_by": "added by",
"removed_by": "removed by"
"user_joined": "{{user}} joined",
"user_left": "{{user}} left",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} was kicked",
"user_banned": "{{user}} was banned",
"added_by": "{{user}} was added by {{other_user}}",
"removed_by": "{{user}} was removed by {{other_user}}",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} renamed the channel to {{name}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} changed the channel description",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} changed the channel icon"
"start": {
"group": "This is the start of your conversation."
"voice": {
"connected": "Voice connected",
"leave": "Leave",
"mute": "Mute",
"unmute": "Unmute"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Viewing older messages",
"jump_present": "Jump to present",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"failed_load": "Couldn't load message.",
"no_sending": "You don't have permission to send messages in this channel.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} blocked messages",
"blocked_user": "Blocked User",
"sent_file": "Sent an attachment",
"sent_multiple_files": "Sent multiple attachments"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "This channel is marked as NSFW.",
"confirm": "Enter Channel"
"confirm": "I confirm that I am at least 18 years old."
"unknown_user": "<Unknown User>",
"bot": "bot"
"edited": "(edited)",
"bot": "bot",
"notifications": {
"default": "Use Default",
"all": "All Messages",
"mention": "Mentions Only",
"none": "None",
"muted": "Muted"
"search": {
"title": "Search",
"sort": {
"relevance": "Relevance",
"latest": "Latest",
"oldest": "Oldest"
"groups": {
"create": "Create a group.",
"name": "Group Name"
"create": "Create a group",
"name": "Group Name",
"description": "Group Description",
"owner": "Group Owner"
"servers": {
"create": "Create a server",
"name": "Server Name",
"description": "Server Description",
"channel_name": "Channel Name",
"channel_type": "Channel Type",
"channel_description": "Channel Description",
"custom_banner": "Custom Banner",
"owner": "Server Owner",
"text_channel": "Text Channel",
"voice_channel": "Voice Channel"
"settings": {
......@@ -96,56 +165,226 @@
"user_settings": "User Settings",
"client_settings": "Client Settings"
"actions": {
"remove": "Remove",
"upload": "Upload",
"max_filesize": "(max {{filesize}})"
"pages": {
"account": {
"title": "My Account",
"change_field": "Change"
"change_field": "Change",
"unique_id": "This is a unique user identifier for your account.",
"2fa": {
"title": "Two-factor Authentication",
"description": "Add an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA on your account.",
"add_auth": "Add Authenticator",
"remove_auth": "Remove Authenticator"
"manage": {
"title": "Account Management",
"description": "Disable or delete your account at any time. This action will log you out and fully delete your account, including your chat history and friends.",
"disable": "Disable Account",
"delete": "Delete Account"
"profile": {
"title": "Profile",
"info": "Information",
"fetching": "Fetching your profile…",
"placeholder": "Write something about yourself…",
"profile_picture": "Profile Picture",
"custom_background": "Custom Background",
"edit_background": "Edit Background",
"edit_profile": "Edit Profile"
"sessions": {
"title": "Sessions",
"active_sessions": "Active Sessions",
"this_device": "This Device",
"created": "Created {{time_ago}}"
"created": "Created {{time_ago}}",
"logout": "Log out of all other sessions"
"audio": {
"title": "Voice Settings",
"input_device": "Microphone",
"output_device": "Speaker / Headset"
"appearance": {
"title": "Appearance",
"theme": "Theme",
"display": {
"default": "Default",
"compact": "Compact",
"default_description": "Beautiful, sleek and modern.",
"compact_description": "Good old IRC."
"color": {
"light": "light",
"dark": "dark"
"accent_selector": "Accent Colour",
"emoji_pack": "Emoji Pack",
"message_display": "Message Display",
"advanced": "Advanced Options",
"overrides": "Theme Overrides",
"reset_overrides": "Reset overrides.",
"export_clipboard": "Export to clipboard.",
"import_clipboard": "Import from clipboard.",
"import_manual": "Import manually.",
"import_theme": "Import theme from string.",
"theme_data": "Theme Data"
"reset_overrides": "Reset overrides",
"import": "Import a theme",
"import_theme": "Import theme from string",
"theme_data": "Theme Data",
"custom_css": "Custom CSS",
"sync": "Sync Options",
"font": "Font",
"mono_font": "Monospace Font Selector",
"ligatures": "Font Ligatures",
"ligatures_desc": "For supported fonts, ligatures combine characters together, for example, turning -> into an arrow. Switch to Inter and try toggling this option."
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"push_notifications": "Push Notifications",
"enable_desktop": "Enable Desktop Notifications.",
"enable_push": "Enable Push Notifications.",
"enable_sound": "Play Sound on Message.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Play Send Sound.",
"sounds": "Sounds",
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "This will give you notifications while your app is open.",
"enable_push": "Enable to receive notifications when you're offline.",
"enable_sound": "Enable for incoming message sounds.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Enable to play sound when you send a message."
"enable_push": "Enable to receive notifications when you're offline."
"sound": {
"message": "Message Received",
"outbound": "Message Sent",
"call_join": "User Joined Call",
"call_leave": "User Left Call"
"language": {
"title": "Language"
"title": "Language",
"select": "Select your language",
"const": "Constructed languages",
"other": "Other language options"
"sync": {
"title": "Sync",
"categories": "Sync Categories",
"descriptions": {
"appearance": "This will sync options such as emoji packs and message density.",
"theme": "This will sync your chosen theme, colours and any custom CSS.",
"locale": "This will sync your currently chosen language."
"native": {
"title": "Desktop Settings"
"experiments": {
"title": "Experiments",
"features": "Available Features",
"not_available": "No experiments are available at this time."
"donate": {
"title": "Donate"
"source_code": "Source",
"feedback": "Feedback",
"source_code": "Source Code",
"bots": {
"title": "My Bots",
"create_bot": "Create a Bot",
"copy_invite": "Copy Invite Link",
"add": "Add Bot",
"token": "Token",
"public_bot_tip": "Bot is public. Anyone can invite it.",
"private_bot_tip": "Bot is private. Only you can invite it.",
"public_bot": "Public Bot",
"public_bot_desc": "Whether to allow other users to invite this bot.",
"interactions_url": "Interactions URL",
"reserved": "Note: This field is reserved for the future."
"feedback": {
"title": "Feedback",
"suggest": "Submit feature suggestion",
"suggest_desc": "Suggest new Revolt features on GitHub discussions.",
"issue": "Create a new issue",
"issue_desc": "To help us more easily triage issues, you can create an issue on GitHub.",
"bug": "Bug Tracker",
"bug_desc": "View currently active bug reports here."
"logOut": "Log Out"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Overview",
"name": "Channel Name",
"description": "Channel Description"
"permissions": {
"title": "Permissions"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Overview",
"name": "Server Name",
"description": "Channel Description",
"system_messages": "System Message Channels"
"members": {
"title": "Members"
"invites": {
"title": "Invites",
"code": "Invite Code",
"invitor": "Inviter",
"channel": "Channel",
"revoke": "Revoke"
"bans": {
"title": "Bans",
"user": "User",
"reason": "Ban Reason",
"revoke": "Revoke",
"no_reason": "No ban reason."
"roles": {
"title": "Roles"
"categories": {
"title": "Categories"
"tips": {
"account": {
"a": "Looking to customise your public profile?",
"b": "Head over to your profile settings."
"languages": {
"a": "Missing a language you want?",
"b": "Help contribute more translations."
"sessions": {
"a": "If you see an unknown session on the list,",
"b": "secure your account by changing your password and using 2FA."
"permissions": {
"default_role": "Default",
"server": "Server Permissions",
"channel": "Channel Permissions",
"create_role": "Create a new role",
"role_name": "Role Name"
"special": {
"copy_username": "Click to copy username",
"copy": "Click to copy",
"friends": {
"pending": "Pending",
"pending": "Pending requests",
"sent": "Outgoing",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"incoming": "Incoming friend request.",
"outgoing": "Outgoing friend request."
"outgoing": "Outgoing friend request.",
"nobody": "Nobody here yet!",
"from": {
"single": "From {{user}}",
"multiple": "From {{userlist}} and {{user}}",
"several": "From {{userlist}} and {{count}} more…"
"status": {
"offline": "Offline.",
......@@ -157,17 +396,32 @@
"error": "An error occurred!",
"clipboard": {
"unavailable": "Clipboard is unavailable!",
"https": "You are not currently in a HTTPS context.",
"https": "You are currently not in a HTTPS context.",
"copy": "Manual Copy:"
"signed_out": "You were signed out!",
"token_reveal": "{{name}}'s Token",
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "Welcome to",
"pick": "Pick a username that you want people to be able to find you by, this can be changed later in settings."
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "Leave {{group_name}}?",
"confirm_leave_long": "You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited."
"confirm_leave": "Leave {{name}}?",
"confirm_leave_long": "You won't be able to rejoin unless you are re-invited.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Close conversation with {{name}}?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "You can re-open it later but it will disappear on both sides.",
"confirm_delete": "Delete {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete_long": "Once it's deleted, there's no going back.",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Are you sure you want to delete this?",
"create_invite_generate": "Generating invite…",
"create_invite_created": "Here is your new invite code:",
"confirm_kick": "Are you sure you want to kick {{name}}?",
"confirm_ban": "You are about to ban {{name}}",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Ban Reason",
"unfriend_user": "Remove {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user_long": "You may not be able to talk to them again until you add them back.",
"block_user": "Block {{name}}?",
"block_user_long": "Are you sure you want to block {{name}}? They will also be removed from your friends list."
"account": {
"change": {
......@@ -177,14 +431,32 @@
"failed": "Failed to change!"
"external_links": {
"title": "External links can be dangerous!",
"short": "Are you sure you want to go to: ",
"trust_domain": "Trust this domain"
"actions": {
"ok": "Ok",
"ban": "Ban",
"kick": "Kick",
"save": "Save",
"hide": "Hide",
"edit": "Edit",
"block": "Block",
"close": "Close",
"leave": "Leave",
"back": "Go back",
"remove": "Remove",
"delete": "Delete",
"create": "Create",
"reveal": "Reveal",
"update": "Update",
"send_email": "Send Email",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"preview": "Preview",
"reload": "Reload App",
"continue": "Continue",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"send_email": "Send Email"
"popovers": {
......@@ -192,102 +464,237 @@
"profile": "Profile",
"mutual_friends": "Mutual Friends",
"mutual_groups": "Mutual Groups",
"mutual_servers": "Mutual Servers",
"empty": "It's a bit empty in here…",
"no_users": "No mutual friends!",
"no_groups": "No mutual groups!"
"no_groups": "No mutual groups!",
"no_servers": "No mutual servers!",
"sub": {
"badges": "Badges",
"information": "Information",
"connections": "Connections"
"badges": {
"translator": "Translator",
"supporter": "Supporter",
"responsible_disclosure": "Responsibly Disclosed Bug(s)",
"early_adopter": "Early Adopter"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Select friends to add."
"create_bot": {
"title": "Create a new bot",
"failed": "Failed to create a bot!"
"requires_online": "You need to be online to view this."
"requires_online": "You need to be online to view this.",
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Invited by {{user}}",
"login": "Login to Revolt",
"accept": "Accept Invite",
"user_count": "{{member_count}} users",
"invalid": "Invalid invite!",
"invalid_desc": "The invite may not exist or you don't have permission to join."
"context_menu": {
"copy_id": "Copy ID",
"copy_text": "Copy Text",
"copy_uid": "Copy User ID",
"copy_cid": "Copy Channel ID",
"copy_mid": "Copy Message ID",
"copy_selection": "Copy selection",
"copy_text": "Copy text",
"copy_uid": "Copy user ID",
"copy_sid": "Copy server ID",
"copy_cid": "Copy channel ID",
"copy_mid": "Copy message ID",
"copy_message_link": "Copy message link",
"mention": "Mention",
"message_user": "Message",
"mark_as_read": "Mark As Read",
"retry_message": "Retry Send",
"cancel_message": "Cancel Send",
"quote_message": "Quote Message",
"edit_message": "Edit Message",
"delete_message": "Delete Message",
"remove_member": "Remove From Group",
"open_file": "Open File",
"save_file": "Save File",
"open_image": "Open Image",
"save_image": "Save Image",
"open_video": "Open Video",
"save_video": "Save Video",
"copy_link": "Copy Link",
"open_link": "Open Link",
"block_user": "Block User",
"unblock_user": "Unblock User",
"add_friend": "Add Friend",
"remove_friend": "Remove Friend",
"cancel_friend": "Cancel Request"
"view_profile": "View profile",
"mark_as_read": "Mark as read",
"retry_message": "Retry send",
"cancel_message": "Cancel send",
"reply_message": "Reply",
"quote_message": "Quote message",
"edit_message": "Edit message",
"delete_message": "Delete message",
"remove_member": "Remove from group",
"kick_member": "Kick member",
"ban_member": "Ban member",
"open_file": "Open file",
"save_file": "Save file",
"open_image": "Open image",
"save_image": "Save image",
"open_video": "Open video",
"save_video": "Save video",
"copy_link": "Copy link",
"open_link": "Open link",
"block_user": "Block user",
"unblock_user": "Unblock user",
"add_friend": "Add friend",
"remove_friend": "Remove friend",
"cancel_friend": "Cancel request",
"custom_status": "Custom status",
"clear_status": "Clear status",
"set_custom_status": "Set a custom status",
"leave_group": "Leave group",
"leave_server": "Leave server",
"close_dm": "Close DM",
"delete_server": "Delete server",
"edit_identity": "Edit identity",
"delete_channel": "Delete channel",
"create_channel": "Create channel",
"create_category": "Create category",
"create_invite": "Create invite",
"open_notification_options": "Notification options",
"open_channel_settings": "Channel settings",
"open_server_settings": "Server settings",
"open_group_settings": "Group settings"
"permissions": {
"required": "Permissions required"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "1 Member",
"many": "{{count}} Members"
"one": "1 Member",
"many": "{{count}} Members"
"dayjs": {
"lastDay": "[Yesterday at] LT",
"sameDay": "[Today at] LT",
"nextDay": "[Tomorrow at] LT",
"lastWeek": "[Last] dddd [at] LT",
"nextWeek": "dddd [at] LT",
"sameElse": "L"
"lastDay": "[Yesterday at] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Today at] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Tomorrow at] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Last] dddd [at] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [at] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "traditional",
"twelvehour": "no"
"notifications": {
"sent_request": "@{{person}} sent you a friend request.",
"now_friends": "You are now friends with @{{person}}!"
"error": {
"network_error": "Network error.",
"unauthorized": "Unauthorized.",
"unlabelled": "Something happened.",
"failed_validation": "Failed to validate fields.",
"database_error": "Database error.",
"internal_error": "Internal error.",
"missing_permission": "Missing permission.",
"unknown_error": "See console.",
"operation_failed": "Operation failed.",
"render_fail": "Template rendering failed.",
"missing_headers": "Missing headers.",
"invalid_session": "Invalid session.",
"unverified_account": "Unverified account.",
"unknown_user": "Unknown user.",
"email_in_use": "Email in use.",
"email_failed": "Email failed to send.",
"invalid_credentials": "Email or password is wrong.",
"invalid_token": "Invalid token",
"missing_invite": "Missing invite code in request.",
"invalid_invite": "Invalid code",
"already_onboarded": "Already finished onboarding.",
"username_taken": "Username is taken.",
"already_friends": "Already friends with this user.",
"already_sent_request": "Already sent a request to this user.",
"blocked": "You have blocked this user.",
"blocked_other": "This user has blocked you.",
"no_effect": "This request had no effect.",
"required_field": "Required",
"too_short": "Too short",
"too_long": "Too long",
"invalid_email": "Invalid email address",
"unavailable": "Unavailable.",
"file_too_large": "File is too large.",
"failed_to_receive": "Server failed to receive your file.",
"missing_data": "Request is missing data.",
"probe_error": "Failed to get file metadata.",
"io_error": "Server encountered an I/O error.",
"unsupported_browser": "Browser is missing support for this feature.",
"denied_notification": "You denied notification access, check page settings."
"NetworkError": "Network error.",
"Unauthorized": "Unauthorized.",
"Unlabelled": "Something happened.",
"FailedValidation": "Failed to validate fields.",
"DatabaseError": "Database error.",
"InternalError": "Internal error.",
"MissingPermission": "Missing permission.",
"UnknownError": "See console.",
"OperationFailed": "Operation failed.",
"RenderFail": "Template rendering failed.",
"MissingHeaders": "Missing headers.",
"InvalidSession": "Invalid session.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Unverified account.",
"UnknownUser": "Unknown user.",
"EmailInUse": "Email in use.",
"EmailFailed": "Email failed to send.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Email or password is wrong.",
"InvalidToken": "Invalid token",
"MissingInvite": "Missing invite code in request.",
"InvalidInvite": "Invalid code",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Already finished onboarding.",
"UsernameTaken": "Username is taken.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Already friends with this user.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Already sent a request to this user.",
"Blocked": "You have blocked this user.",
"BlockedOther": "This user has blocked you.",
"NoEffect": "This request had no effect.",
"RequiredField": "Required",
"TooShort": "Too short",
"TooLong": "Too long",
"InvalidEmail": "Invalid email address",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable.",
"FileTooLarge": "File is too large.",
"FailedToReceive": "Server failed to receive your file.",
"MissingData": "Request is missing data.",
"ProbeError": "Failed to get file metadata.",
"IoError": "Server encountered an I/O error.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Browser is missing support for this feature.",
"DeniedNotification": "You denied notification access, check page settings.",
"CompromisedPassword": "This password is compromised.",
"ReachedMaximumBots": "You've reached the maximum amount of bots."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageRoles": {
"t": "Manage Roles",
"d": "Allows members to create, edit and delete roles with a lower rank than theirs. Also allows them to modify role permissions on channels."
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "Manage Channels",
"d": "Allows members to create, edit and delete channels."
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Manage Server",
"d": "Allows members to change this server's name, description, icon and other related information."
"KickMembers": {
"t": "Kick Members",
"d": "Allows members to remove members from this server. Kicked members may rejoin with an invite."
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Ban Members",
"d": "Allows members to permanently remove members from this server."
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "Change Nickname",
"d": "Allows members to change their nickname on this server."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Manage Nicknames",
"d": "Allows members to change the nicknames of other members."
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "Change Avatar",
"d": "Allows members to change their server avatar on this server."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Remove Avatars",
"d": "Allows members to remove the server avatars of other members on this server."
"channel": {
"View": {
"t": "View Channel",
"d": "Allows members to view any channels they have this permission on."
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Send Messages",
"d": "Allows members to send messages in text channels."
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Manage Messages",
"d": "Allows members to delete messages sent by other members."
"ManageChannel": {
"t": "Manage Channels",
"d": "Allows members to edit or delete a channel."
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "Voice Call",
"d": "Allows members to join voice channels."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Invite Others",
"d": "Allows members to invite other users to a channel."
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "Embed Links",
"d": "Allows members to show embedded content on links they post in text channels."
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Upload Files",
"d": "Allows members to upload files in text channels."
\ No newline at end of file
"general": {
"about": "About",
"tos": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
"image_by": "Image By",
"loading": "Loading…",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"unavailable": "Unavailable",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"login": {
"title": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"invite": "Invite Code",
"email": "Email"
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"typing": {
"several": "Pluraj homoj skribas…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} kaj {{user}} skribas…",
"single": "{{user}} skribas…"
"failed_upload": "Malsukcesis alŝuti!",
"uploading_file": "Alŝutante…",
"message_saved": "Konservi en viajn notojn"
"categories": {
"members": "Membroj",
"channels": "Kanaloj",
"participants": "Partoprenantoj",
"conversations": "Konversacioj"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"saved": "Konservitaj Notoj",
"unreads": "Nelegitoj",
"friends": "Amikoj",
"dev": "Programisto",
"home": "Ĉefpaĝo"
"status": {
"offline": "Elreta",
"invisible": "Nevidebla",
"busy": "Ne Ĝeni",
"idle": "Senokupa",
"online": "Enreta"
"login": {
"error": {
"resend": "Malsukcesis resendi!",
"reset": "Malsukcesis restarigi!",
"login": "Malsukcesis ensaluti!",
"create": "Malsukcesis registriĝi!"
"successful_registration": "Sukcese registriĝita!",
"open_mail_provider": "Malfermi {{provider}}",
"check_spam": "Bonvolu kontroli trudujon, se vi ne povas trovi ĝin",
"email_delay": "Bonvolu lasu 10 minutoj por ke alvenu ĝin.",
"check_mail": "Kontrolu vian repoŝton.",
"cancel": "Nuligi peton.",
"resend": "Resendi kontrolon.",
"missing_verification": "Ĉu neniun repoŝton?",
"create": "Krei novan konton.",
"existing": "Ĉu vi jam havas konton?",
"new": "Nova al Revolt?",
"remembered": "Reiri al ensalutejo.",
"set_password": "Agordi novan pasvorton.",
"reset": "Restarigi pasvorton.",
"forgot": "Ĉu vi forgesis vian pasvorton?",
"enter": {
"current_password": "Entajpu vian aktualan pasvorton.",
"invite": "Entajpu vian invitkodon.",
"password": "Entajpu pasvorton.",
"email": "Entajpu retpoŝton.",
"username": "Entajpu uzantnomon."
"current_password": "Aktuala Pasvorto",
"invite": "Invitkodo",
"password": "Pasvorto",
"email": "Retpoŝto",
"username": "Uzantnomo",
"register": "Registriĝi",
"title": "Ensaluti"
"general": {
"unavailable": "Nedisponebla",
"disabled": "Malebligita",
"loading": "Ŝargante…",
"image_by": "Bildo de",
"privacy": "Privateca politiko",
"tos": "Servokondiĉoj",
"about": "Pri"
......@@ -2,26 +2,695 @@
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"message": "Message {{name}}"
"message": "Message {{name}}",
"system": {
"user_joined": "{{user}} unido",
"user_left": "{{user}} salió",
"added_by": "{{user}} añadido por {{other_user}}",
"removed_by": "{{user}} eliminado por {{other_user}}",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} renombrado el canal a {{name}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} cambió la descripción del canal",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} cambió el icono de canal",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} fue pateado",
"user_banned": "{{user}} fue prohibido"
"message_where": "Mensaje {{channel_name}}",
"bot": "bot",
"unknown_user": "<Usuario desconocido>",
"message_saved": "Guardar en sus notas",
"uploading_file": "Subiendo…",
"failed_upload": "¡Error al cargar!",
"attached_file": "Adjunto {{filename}}",
"typing": {
"single": "{{user}} Esta escribiendo…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} y {{user}} están escribiendo…",
"several": "Varios personas están escribiendo…"
"message_who": "Mensaje {{person}}",
"start": {
"group": "Este es el comienzo de tu conversación."
"edited": "(editado)",
"voice": {
"connected": "Conectado a voz",
"leave": "Salir",
"mute": "Silenciar",
"unmute": "Desilenciar"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Viendo mensajes antiguos",
"jump_present": "Saltar al presente",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} mensajes bloqueados",
"failed_load": "No se pudo cargar el mensaje.",
"no_sending": "No tienes permiso para enviar mensajes en este canal.",
"blocked_user": "Usuario bloqueado",
"sent_file": "Envió un archivo",
"sent_multiple_files": "Envió múltiples archivos"
"notifications": {
"default": "Uso por defecto",
"all": "Todos los mensajes",
"mention": "Solo menciones",
"none": "Ninguno",
"muted": "Apagado"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "Este canal está marcado como NSFW.",
"confirm": "Entrar al canal"
"confirm": "Confirmo que tengo al menos 18 años."
"search": {
"sort": {
"relevance": "Relevancia",
"latest": "Último",
"oldest": "Más antiguo"
"title": "Buscar"
"categories": {
"members": "Miembros",
"conversations": "Conversaciones",
"channels": "Canales",
"participants": "Participantes"
"groups": {
"create": "Crear un grupo",
"name": "Nombre del grupo",
"owner": "Propietario del grupo",
"description": "Descripción del grupo"
"servers": {
"text_channel": "Canal de texto",
"voice_channel": "Canal de voz",
"channel_type": "Tipo de canal",
"create": "Crea un servidor",
"name": "Nombre del servidor",
"description": "Descripción del servidor",
"channel_name": "Nombre del canal",
"channel_description": "Descripción del canal",
"custom_banner": "Banner personalizado",
"owner": "Propietario del servidor"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"dev": "Desarrollador",
"saved": "Notas guardadas",
"unreads": "No leídos",
"home": "Inicio",
"friends": "Amigos"
"settings": {
"title": "Ajustes",
"pages": {
"profile": {
"title": "Perfil",
"info": "Información",
"fetching": "Obteniendo tu perfil…",
"placeholder": "Escribe algo sobre ti…",
"profile_picture": "Foto de perfil",
"custom_background": "Fondo personalizado",
"edit_background": "Editar fondo",
"edit_profile": "Editar perfil"
"sessions": {
"this_device": "Este dispositivo",
"title": "Sesiones",
"active_sessions": "Sesiones activas",
"created": "Creado hace {{time_ago}}",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión en todas las demás sesiones"
"account": {
"title": "Mi cuenta",
"change_field": "Cambio",
"unique_id": "Este es un identificador de usuario único para su cuenta.",
"2fa": {
"title": "Autenticación de dos factores",
"add_auth": "Agregar autenticador",
"remove_auth": "Eliminar autenticador",
"description": "Agregue una capa adicional de seguridad habilitar 2FA en su cuenta."
"manage": {
"title": "Administración de cuentas",
"description": "Deshabilite o elimine su cuenta en cualquier momento. Esta acción cerrará la sesión y eliminará por completo su cuenta, incluido su historial de chat y amigos.",
"disable": "Deshabilitar cuenta",
"delete": "Borrar cuenta"
"donate": {
"title": "Donar"
"language": {
"select": "Seleccione el idioma",
"title": "Idioma",
"other": "Otras opciones de idioma",
"const": "Idiomas construidos"
"notifications": {
"descriptions": {
"enable_sound": "Habilita esto para reproducir sonido cuando te llegue un mensaje.",
"enable_push": "Habilita esto para recibir notificaciones cuando estés desconectado.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Habilita esto para reproducir sonido cuando envíes un mensaje.",
"enable_desktop": "Esto te enviará notificaciones cuando la app este abierta."
"title": "Notificaciones",
"enable_push": "Habilitar notificaciones push.",
"enable_desktop": "Habilitar notificaciones de escritorio.",
"push_notifications": "Notificaciones push",
"sounds": "Sonidos",
"enable_sound": "Reproducir sonido en mensaje.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Habilitar sonido de mensaje enviado.",
"sound": {
"message": "Mensaje recibido",
"outbound": "Mensaje enviado",
"call_join": "Usuario unido la llamada",
"call_leave": "Llamada izquierda del usuario"
"feedback": {
"title": "Sugerencias",
"report": "Qué te gustaría reportar?",
"bug": "Localizador de Bugs",
"send": "Enviar sugerencias",
"feature": "Solicitar características",
"other": "Otro",
"describe": "Por favor describe el problema.",
"suggest": "Enviar sugerencia de un característica",
"issue": "Crear un nuevo asunto",
"suggest_desc": "Sugerir nuevas características de Revolt en discusiones de GitHub.",
"bug_desc": "Ver reportes de bugs activos aquí.",
"issue_desc": "Para ayudarnos a intervenir en problemas fácilmente, puedes crear un asunto en GitHub."
"appearance": {
"theme_data": "Datos de tema",
"emoji_pack": "Paquete de emoji",
"overrides": "Anular tema",
"reset_overrides": "Resetear anulaciones",
"export_clipboard": "Exportar al portapapeles",
"import_clipboard": "Importar desde portapapeles",
"title": "Apariencia",
"display": {
"default": "Por defecto",
"compact": "Compacto",
"default_description": "Bonito, elegante y moderno.",
"compact_description": "Buen viejo IRC."
"accent_selector": "Color de acento",
"import_manual": "Importar manualmente",
"theme": "Tema",
"color": {
"light": "claro",
"dark": "oscuro"
"message_display": "Vista de mensajes",
"custom_css": "CSS personalizado",
"sync": "Sincronizar opciones",
"advanced": "Opciones avanzadas",
"import_theme": "Importar tema desde hilo",
"font": "Fuente",
"ligatures": "Ligaduras de fuentes",
"mono_font": "Selector de fuente monoespaciado",
"ligatures_desc": "Para las fuentes compatibles, las ligaduras combinan caracteres, por ejemplo, convirtiendo -> en una flecha. Cambie a Inter e intente alternar esta opción.",
"import": "Importar un tema"
"logOut": "Cerrar sesión",
"source_code": "Código fuente",
"sync": {
"title": "Sincronizar",
"descriptions": {
"theme": "Esto sincroniza el tema elegido, los colores y cualquier CSS personalizado.",
"appearance": "Esto sincronizar opciones como paquetes de emoji y densidad de mensajes.",
"locale": "Esto sincronizar su idioma elegido actualmente."
"categories": "Sincronización de categorías"
"experiments": {
"not_available": "No hay experimentos disponibles en este momento.",
"title": "Experimentos",
"titles": {
"servers": "Servidores"
"features": "Funciones disponibles",
"descriptions": {
"servers": "Esto te permitirá crear servidores con canales, invitaciones, bans, moderación y más."
"bots": {
"title": "Mis bots"
"native": {
"title": "Opciones de escritorio"
"audio": {
"title": "Opciones de voz",
"output_device": "Altavoz / Auriculares",
"input_device": "Micrófono"
"categories": {
"user_settings": "Ajustes de usuario",
"client_settings": "Configuración del cliente"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Resumen",
"name": "Nombre del canal",
"description": "Descripción del canal"
"permissions": {
"title": "Permisos"
"tips": {
"account": {
"b": "Ir a la configuración del perfil.",
"a": "Estás buscando cómo personalizar tu perfil público?"
"languages": {
"a": "No hay un idioma que quieras?",
"b": "Ayuda contribuyendo traducciones."
"sessions": {
"a": "Si ves una sesión desconocida en la lista,",
"b": "mejora tu seguridad cambiando tu contraseña y activando autenticación de dos factores."
"actions": {
"remove": "Borrar",
"upload": "Subir",
"max_filesize": "(max {{filesize}})"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"name": "Nombre del servidor",
"title": "Descripción general",
"description": "Descripción del canal",
"system_messages": "Canales de mensajes del sistema"
"bans": {
"title": "Prohibiciones",
"revoke": "Revocar",
"no_reason": "Sin motivo de expulsión.",
"user": "Usuario",
"reason": "Razón de expulsión"
"members": {
"title": "Miembros"
"invites": {
"title": "Invita",
"code": "Código de invitación",
"channel": "Canal",
"revoke": "Revocar",
"invitor": "Invitador"
"roles": {
"title": "Roles"
"categories": {
"title": "Categorías"
"permissions": {
"server": "Permisos del servidor",
"channel": "Permisos de canal",
"create_role": "Crea un nuevo rol",
"role_name": "Nombre de rol",
"default_role": "Defecto"
"status": {
"offline": "Desconectado",
"idle": "Inactivo",
"busy": "No molestar",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"online": "Activo"
"context_menu": {
"retry_message": "Reintentar envío",
"copy_link": "Copiar enlace",
"open_group_settings": "Configuración del grupo",
"copy_selection": "Copiar selección",
"copy_cid": "Copiar ID del canal",
"mention": "Mencionar",
"cancel_message": "Cancelar envío",
"quote_message": "Citar mensaje",
"open_file": "Abrir archivo",
"save_image": "Guardar imagen",
"open_link": "Abrir enlace",
"block_user": "Bloquear usuario",
"unblock_user": "Desbloquear usuario",
"custom_status": "Estado personalizado",
"clear_status": "Quitar estado personalizado",
"set_custom_status": "Establecer un estado personalizado",
"open_channel_settings": "Configuración del canal",
"open_video": "Abrir vídeo",
"copy_id": "Copiar ID",
"save_file": "Guardar archivo",
"open_image": "Abrir imagen",
"save_video": "Guardar vídeo",
"add_friend": "Añadir amigo",
"cancel_friend": "Cancelar solicitud",
"remove_friend": "Quitar amigo",
"copy_text": "Copiar texto",
"copy_uid": "Copiar ID de usuario",
"copy_mid": "Copiar ID del mensaje",
"message_user": "Enviar mensaje",
"mark_as_read": "Marcar como leído",
"edit_message": "Editar mensaje",
"delete_message": "Borrar mensaje",
"remove_member": "Quitar del grupo",
"view_profile": "Ver perfil",
"kick_member": "Expulsar miembro",
"ban_member": "Prohibir miembro",
"reply_message": "Responder",
"leave_group": "Salir del grupo",
"leave_server": "Salir del servidor",
"delete_server": "Eliminar servidor",
"delete_channel": "Eliminar canal",
"close_dm": "Cerrar DM",
"create_invite": "Crear invitación",
"create_channel": "Crear canal",
"open_notification_options": "Opciones de notificación",
"open_server_settings": "Configuración del servidor",
"copy_sid": "Copiar ID del servidor",
"copy_message_link": "Copiar enlace de mensaje",
"edit_identity": "Editar identidad",
"create_category": "Crear categoría"
"special": {
"modals": {
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "Bienvenido a",
"pick": "Escoge un nombre de usuario por el cual la gente te pueda encontrar, este se puede cambiar luego en ajustes."
"account": {
"failed": "Cambio fallido!",
"change": {
"email": "Cambiar tu email",
"username": "Cambiar tu nombre de usuario",
"password": "Cambiar tu contraseña"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave_long": "No podrás volver a entrar a no ser que seas invitado de nuevo.",
"confirm_leave": "Salir de {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user_long": "Es posible que no pueda volver a hablar con ellos hasta que los vuelva a agregar.",
"block_user": "¿Bloquear a {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user": "¿Eliminar {{name}}?",
"block_user_long": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres bloquear a {{name}}? También se eliminarán de tu lista de amigos.",
"confirm_close_dm": "¿Cerrar conversación con {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esto?",
"confirm_kick": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres patear a {{name}}?",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Motivo de prohibitar",
"confirm_delete_long": "Una vez que se elimina, no hay vuelta atrás.",
"confirm_ban": "Estás a punto de prohibir a {{name}}",
"create_invite_created": "Aquí está su nuevo código de invitación:",
"confirm_delete": "¿Eliminar {{name}}?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Puede volver a abrirlo más tarde, pero desaparece por ambos lados.",
"create_invite_generate": "Generando invitación…"
"error": "Ha ocurrido un error!",
"actions": {
"save": "Guardar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"update": "Actualizar",
"ok": "Vale",
"close": "Cerrar",
"send_email": "Enviar correo",
"reload": "Recargar aplicación",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"continue": "Continuar",
"reveal": "Revelar",
"create": "Crear",
"ban": "Prohibir",
"kick": "Patear",
"block": "Cuadra",
"leave": "Salir",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"delete": "Borrar",
"hide": "Ocultar",
"back": "Volver"
"clipboard": {
"unavailable": "El portapapeles no esta disponible!",
"copy": "Copia manual:",
"https": "Ahora mismo no estás en un contexto HTTPS."
"signed_out": "Tu sesión ha sido cerrada!"
"friends": {
"pending": "Solicitudes pendiente",
"outgoing": "Solicitud de amistad saliente.",
"incoming": "Solicitud de amistad entrante.",
"blocked": "Bloqueado",
"nobody": "Todavia no hay nadie!",
"from": {
"single": "De {{user}}",
"multiple": "De {{userlist}} y {{user}}",
"several": "De {{userlist}} y {{count}} más…"
"sent": "Saliente"
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"badges": {
"early_adopter": "Pionero",
"supporter": "Apoyante",
"translator": "Traductor",
"responsible_disclosure": "Error(es) divulgado responsablemente"
"no_users": "¡Sin amigos en común!",
"empty": "Esto esta un poco vacío…",
"sub": {
"badges": "Medallas",
"information": "Información",
"connections": "Conexiones"
"mutual_friends": "Amigos mutuos",
"mutual_groups": "Grupos en común",
"no_groups": "¡Sin grupos en común!",
"profile": "Perfil",
"no_servers": "¡Sin servidores en común!",
"mutual_servers": "Servidores mutuos"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Seleccionar amigos para añadir."
"status": {
"connecting": "Conectando…",
"offline": "Desconectado.",
"disconnected": "Desconectado.",
"reconnecting": "Reconectando…"
"requires_online": "Necesitas estar conectado para ver esto.",
"copy_username": "Haz click para copiar nombre de usuario",
"copy": "Haga clic para copiar",
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Invitado por {{user}}",
"accept": "Aceptar invitación",
"user_count": "{{member_count}} usuarios",
"login": "Iniciar sesión en Revolt"
"permissions": {
"required": "Permisos requeridos"
"login": {
"create": "Crear una nueva cuenta.",
"new": "¿Nuevo a REVOLT?",
"new": "¿Nuevo a Revolt?",
"forgot": "¿Olvidó su contraseña?",
"enter": {
"password": "Pon tu contraseña.",
"email": "Pon tu email."
"email": "Introduce tu correo electrónico.",
"current_password": "Introduce tu contraseña actual.",
"invite": "Ingresa tu código de invitación.",
"username": "Introduzca un nombre de usuario."
"password": "Contraseña",
"email": "Email",
"title": "Login"
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"title": "Iniciar sesión",
"error": {
"login": "¡Error al iniciar sesión!",
"create": "¡Fallo el registro!",
"reset": "¡No se pudo restablecer!",
"resend": "¡No se pudo reenviar!"
"successful_registration": "¡Registrado exitosamente!",
"open_mail_provider": "Abierto {{provider}}",
"check_spam": "Asegúrese de revisar el correo no deseado si no puede encontrarlo.",
"check_mail": "Revisa tu correo.",
"cancel": "Cancelar petición.",
"resend": "Reenviar verificación.",
"missing_verification": "¿Sin correo electrónico?",
"existing": "¿Ya tienes una cuenta?",
"remembered": "Regrese para iniciar sesión.",
"set_password": "Establecer nueva contraseña.",
"reset": "Restablecer la contraseña.",
"current_password": "Contraseña actual",
"invite": "Código de invitación",
"username": "Nombre de usuario",
"register": "Registrarse",
"email_delay": "Espere hasta 10 minutos para que llegue."
"general": {
"image_by": "Imagen de",
"privacy": "Política de privacidad",
"tos": "Términos de servicio",
"about": "Sobre nosotros"
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"tos": "Condiciones",
"about": "Sobre nosotros",
"loading": "Cargando…",
"on": "Encendido",
"off": "Apagado",
"disabled": "Deshabilitado",
"unavailable": "No disponible"
"dayjs": {
"nextDay": "[Mañana a las] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [a las] {{time}}",
"sameElse": "L",
"sameDay": "[Hoy a las] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[El último] dddd [a las] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Ayer a las] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"twelvehour": "no",
"date_format": "traditional"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "1 miembro",
"many": "{{count}} miembros"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Ahora tú y @{{person}} sois amigos!",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} te envió una solicitud de amistad."
"error": {
"MissingPermission": "Falta permiso.",
"FileTooLarge": "Archivo demasiado grande.",
"MissingData": "Faltan datos en la solicitud.",
"TooLong": "Demasiado largo",
"NetworkError": "Error de conexión.",
"InternalError": "Error interno.",
"MissingHeaders": "Faltan headers.",
"InvalidSession": "Sesión invalida.",
"UsernameTaken": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso.",
"InvalidEmail": "Correo inválido",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Tu navegador no tiene soporte para esta característica.",
"DeniedNotification": "Has denegado permisos para notificaciones, comprueba la configuración de la página.",
"RenderFail": "Error en el dibujado de plantilla.",
"EmailInUse": "Correo ya en uso.",
"EmailFailed": "Envío de correo fallido.",
"InvalidCredentials": "El correo o la contraseña no son correctos.",
"Unauthorized": "Sin permisos.",
"Unlabelled": "Algo ha pasado.",
"FailedValidation": "Error al validar campo.",
"DatabaseError": "Error de base de datos.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Ya eres amigo de este usuario.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Ya has enviado una solicitud a este usuario.",
"Blocked": "Has bloqueado a este usuario.",
"BlockedOther": "Este usuario te ha bloqueado.",
"NoEffect": "Esta solicitud no ha tenido resultado.",
"FailedToReceive": "El servidor no ha podido recibir tu archivo.",
"ProbeError": "Error obteniendo metadatos del archivo.",
"IoError": "El servidor se ha encontrado con un error I/O.",
"UnknownError": "Ver consola.",
"OperationFailed": "Operación fallida.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Cuenta no verificada.",
"UnknownUser": "Usuario no conocido.",
"InvalidToken": "Identificador inválido",
"MissingInvite": "Falta código de invitacion en la solicitud.",
"InvalidInvite": "Código inválido",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Configuración ya terminada.",
"RequiredField": "Requerido",
"TooShort": "Demasiado corto",
"Unavailable": "No disponible.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Esta contraseña está comprometida."
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Administrar mensajes",
"d": "Permite a los miembros eliminar los mensajes enviados por otros miembros."
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Enviar mensajes",
"d": "Permite a los miembros enviar mensajes en canales de texto."
"View": {
"d": "Permite a los miembros ver cualquier canal en el que tengan este permiso.",
"t": "Ver canal"
"ManageChannel": {
"t": "Miembros de kick",
"d": "Permite a los miembros editar o eliminar un canal."
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "Llamada de voz",
"d": "Permite a los miembros unirse a los canales de voz."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Cambiar apodo",
"d": "Permite a los miembros invitar a otros usuarios a un canal."
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "Incrustar enlaces",
"d": "Permite a los miembros mostrar contenido incrustado en enlaces que publican en canales de texto."
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Subir archivos",
"d": "Permite a los miembros cargar archivos en canales de texto."
"server": {
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "Cambiar apodo",
"d": "Permite a los miembros cambiar su apodo en este servidor."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Administrar apodos",
"d": "Permite a los miembros cambiar los apodos de otros miembros."
"BanMembers": {
"d": "Permite a los miembros eliminar miembros de forma permanente de este servidor.",
"t": "Prohibir miembros"
"RemoveAvatars": {
"d": "Permite a los miembros eliminar los avatares del servidor de otros miembros en este servidor.",
"t": "Eliminar avatares"
"ChangeAvatar": {
"d": "Permite a los miembros cambiar el avatar de su servidor en este servidor.",
"t": "Cambiar avatar"
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Administrar servidor",
"d": "Permite a los miembros cambiar el nombre, la descripción, el icono y otra información relacionada de este servidor."
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "Administrar canales",
"d": "Permite a los miembros crear, editar y eliminar canales."
"ManageRoles": {
"t": "Administrar roles",
"d": "Permite a los miembros crear, editar y eliminar roles con un rango más bajo que el de ellos. También les permite modificar los permisos de roles en los canales."
"KickMembers": {
"t": "Miembros de kick",
"d": "Permite a los miembros eliminar miembros de este servidor. Los miembros expulsados pueden volver a unirse con una invitación."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"general": {
"off": "Väljas",
"privacy": "Privaatsuspoliitika",
"image_by": "Pilt kasutajalt",
"loading": "Laadimine…",
"on": "Sees",
"disabled": "Keelatud",
"unavailable": "Mitte saadaval",
"about": "Tarkvarast",
"tos": "Kasutustingimused"
"app": {
"settings": {
"server_pages": {
"bans": {
"no_reason": "Keelu põhjus puudub.",
"user": "Kasutaja",
"revoke": "Tühista",
"title": "Keelud",
"reason": "Keelu põhjus"
"roles": {
"title": "Rollid"
"overview": {
"title": "Ülevaade",
"name": "Serveri nimi",
"description": "Kanali kirjeldus",
"system_messages": "Süsteemisõnumite kanalid"
"invites": {
"title": "Kutsed",
"code": "Kutsekood",
"channel": "Kanal",
"invitor": "Kutsuja",
"revoke": "Tühista"
"members": {
"title": "Liikmed"
"categories": {
"title": "Kategooriad"
"pages": {
"donate": {
"title": "Anneta"
"source_code": "Lähtekood (source)",
"bots": {
"title": "Minu botid"
"feedback": {
"title": "Tagasiside",
"suggest": "Saada soovitus",
"suggest_desc": "Soovita Revoltile uus funktsionaalsus läbi GitHub Discussions'i.",
"issue": "Teavita veast",
"bug": "Vigade jälgija",
"bug_desc": "Vaata hetkel aktiivsete vigade listi siit.",
"issue_desc": "Teavita meid veast läbi GitHub'i et aidata meil probleeme märgata ja lahendada."
"logOut": "Logi välja",
"account": {
"change_field": "Muuda",
"unique_id": "See on unikaalne kasutaja identiteet teie kontole.",
"2fa": {
"title": "Kahefaktoriline autentimine",
"add_auth": "Lisa autentikaator",
"description": "Lisage kiht turvalisust oma kontole lubades kasutada 2FA'd.",
"remove_auth": "Eemalda autentikaator"
"manage": {
"title": "Kontohaldus",
"disable": "Keela konto",
"delete": "Kustuta konto",
"description": "Keela või kustuta oma konto ükskõik millisel ajal. Sellega logitakse teid välja ning teie konto kustutatakse täielikult, sealhulgas teie sõnumid ja sõbralist."
"title": "Minu kasutaja"
"profile": {
"info": "Informatsioon",
"edit_background": "Muuda taustapilti",
"title": "Profiil",
"fetching": "Hangin su profiili…",
"placeholder": "Kirjuta midagi enda kohta…",
"profile_picture": "Profiilipilt",
"custom_background": "Kohandatud taustapilt",
"edit_profile": "Muuda profiili"
"sessions": {
"created": "Loodud {{time_ago}}",
"logout": "Logi välja kõikidest teistest sessioonidest",
"title": "Sessioonid",
"active_sessions": "Aktiivsed sessioonid",
"this_device": "See seade"
"audio": {
"title": "Helisätted",
"input_device": "Mikrofon",
"output_device": "Kõlarid / Kõrvaklapid"
"appearance": {
"title": "Välimus",
"theme": "Teema",
"display": {
"compact": "Kompaktne",
"default": "Vaikimisi",
"default_description": "Ilus, nägus ja modernne.",
"compact_description": "Vana hea IRC."
"color": {
"dark": "tume",
"light": "hele"
"accent_selector": "Värviaktsent",
"emoji_pack": "Emoji paketid",
"advanced": "Täpsemad sätted",
"message_display": "Sõnumi kuva",
"import": "Impordi teema",
"theme_data": "Teema andmed",
"custom_css": "Kohandatud CSS",
"sync": "Sünkroniseerimis sätted",
"font": "Font",
"mono_font": "Monospace Font valija",
"ligatures": "Fondi ligatuur",
"overrides": "Teema muudatused",
"reset_overrides": "Taasta muudatused",
"import_theme": "Impordi teema tekstist",
"ligatures_desc": "Kui font lubab ja säte on sisse lülitatud, ligatuur kombineerib automaatselt karaktereid kokku, näiteks muutes -> nooleks. Valige oma fondiks Inter ning proovige säte sisse lülitada."
"notifications": {
"title": "Teated",
"push_notifications": "Tõukemärguanded (push)",
"enable_desktop": "Luba töölaua märguanded.",
"enable_push": "Luba tõukemärguanded (push).",
"sound": {
"message": "Saabuv sõnum",
"outbound": "Saadetud sõnum",
"call_join": "Kasutaja ühines helikõnega",
"call_leave": "Kasutaja lahkus helikõnest"
"sounds": "Helid",
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "See annab teile märguandeid kui programm on teil avatud.",
"enable_push": "Luba et saada sõnumeid kui te olete võrgust väljas."
"language": {
"title": "Keel",
"select": "Valige oma keel",
"const": "Tehiskeeled",
"other": "Teised keeltevalikud"
"sync": {
"title": "Sünkroniseerimine",
"categories": "Sünk. kategooriad",
"descriptions": {
"appearance": "See sünkroniseerib teie emoji paketide ja sõnumite tiheduste valikud.",
"theme": "See sünkroniseerib teie valitud teema, värvid ja kohandatud CSS'i.",
"locale": "See sünkroniseerib teie valitud keele."
"native": {
"title": "Töölaua sätted"
"experiments": {
"title": "Eksperimendid",
"features": "Saadaval olevad lisad",
"not_available": "Praegusel hetkel pole ühtegi lisa võimalik valida."
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Ülevaade",
"name": "Kanali nimi",
"description": "Kanali kirjeldus"
"permissions": {
"title": "Õigused"
"title": "Sätted",
"categories": {
"client_settings": "Kliendisätted",
"user_settings": "Kasutajasätted"
"actions": {
"remove": "Eemalda",
"upload": "Lae üles",
"max_filesize": "(kuni {{filesize}})"
"tips": {
"languages": {
"a": "Teie soovitud keel puudub?",
"b": "Anna oma panus tõlketööle."
"sessions": {
"a": "Kui sa näed tundmatut sessiooni listis,",
"b": "kaitse oma kontot muutes oma parooli ning kasutades 2FA'd."
"account": {
"a": "Soovid muuta oma avalikku profiili?",
"b": "Mine oma profiilisätete alla."
"permissions": {
"default_role": "Vaikimisi",
"server": "Serveri õigused",
"channel": "Kanali õigused",
"create_role": "Loo uus roll",
"role_name": "Rolli nimi"
"special": {
"modals": {
"prompt": {
"block_user": "Blokeeri {{name}}?",
"confirm_leave": "Lahkud {{name}} hulgast?",
"confirm_leave_long": "Te ei saa uuesti ühineda kui teid pole uuesti kutsutud.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Sulge vestlus kasutajaga {{name}}?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Te saate selle uuesti avada ka hiljem kuid see kaob mõlemal küljel ära.",
"confirm_delete": "Kustuta {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete_long": "Peale kustutamist tagasiteed kahjuks pole.",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Olete kindel et soovite seda kustutada?",
"create_invite_generate": "Loon kutset…",
"create_invite_created": "Siin on teie uus kutsekood:",
"confirm_ban": "Te olete määramas keeldu kasutajale {{name}}",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Keelu põhjus",
"unfriend_user": "Eemalda {{name}}?",
"confirm_kick": "Olete kindel et soovite {{name}} välja visata?",
"unfriend_user_long": "Teil ei pruugi enam olla võimalust temaga rääkida enne kui te kasutaja tagasi lisate.",
"block_user_long": "Olete kindel et soovite blokeerida {{name}}? Ta eemaldatakse ka peale seda teie sõbralistist."
"error": "Tekkis viga!",
"clipboard": {
"unavailable": "Lõikebuffer (clipboard) ei ole kättesaadav!",
"https": "Teie hetkene sisu pole HTTPS taga.",
"copy": "Kopeeri manuaalselt:"
"signed_out": "Teid logiti välja!",
"account": {
"change": {
"username": "Muuda oma kasutajanime",
"email": "Muuda oma emaili",
"password": "Muuda oma parooli"
"failed": "Muutmine ebaõnnestus!"
"actions": {
"ok": "Ok",
"ban": "Keela",
"kick": "Viska välja",
"save": "Salvesta",
"hide": "Peida",
"block": "Blokeeri",
"close": "Sulge",
"back": "Mine tagasi",
"remove": "Eemalda",
"delete": "Kustuta",
"create": "Loo",
"update": "Uuenda",
"reveal": "Ilmuta",
"cancel": "Tühista",
"preview": "Eelvaade",
"reload": "Lae programm uuesti",
"continue": "Jätka",
"send_email": "Saada email",
"leave": "Lahku"
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "Tere tulemast",
"pick": "Määra omale kasutajanimi mille järgi teised inimesed saavad teid otsida. Seda annab ka hiljem muuta sätete alt."
"copy_username": "Vajuta kasutajanime kopeerimiseks",
"copy": "Vajuta et kopeerida",
"friends": {
"pending": "Ootel olevad taotlused",
"sent": "Väljaminevad",
"blocked": "Blokeeritud",
"incoming": "Sissetulev sõbrakutse.",
"nobody": "Kedagi pole veel siin!",
"from": {
"single": "Kasutajalt {{user}}",
"multiple": "Kasutajatelt {{userlist}} ja {{user}}",
"several": "Kasutajatelt {{userlist}} ja veel {{count}} kasutajalt…"
"outgoing": "Saadetud sõbrakutse."
"status": {
"offline": "Võrgust väljas.",
"disconnected": "Võrgust välja ühendatud.",
"connecting": "Ühendamine…",
"reconnecting": "Taasühendan…"
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"mutual_friends": "Ühised sõbrad",
"mutual_groups": "Ühised grupid",
"mutual_servers": "Ühised serverid",
"empty": "Tundub veidi kõle siin…",
"no_users": "Ühised sõbrad puuduvad!",
"no_groups": "Ühised grupid puuduvad!",
"sub": {
"badges": "Tunnustused",
"information": "Informatsioon",
"connections": "Ühendused"
"badges": {
"translator": "Tõlkija",
"supporter": "Toetaja",
"responsible_disclosure": "Vastutustundlikult avalikustatud viga/vead",
"early_adopter": "Varajane kasutuselevõtja"
"profile": "Profiil",
"no_servers": "Ühised serverid puuduvad!"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Vali sõbrad keda lisada."
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Kustutud {{user}} poolt",
"login": "Logi Revolti sisse",
"user_count": "{{member_count}} kasutajat",
"accept": "Aktsepteeri kutse"
"requires_online": "Sa pead olema võrgus et seda näha."
"status": {
"online": "Kättesaadav",
"idle": "Eemal",
"invisible": "Nähtamatu",
"offline": "Võrgust väljas",
"busy": "Mitte segada"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"home": "Kodu",
"dev": "Arendaja",
"friends": "Sõbrad",
"unreads": "Lugemata",
"saved": "Salvestatud märkmed"
"main": {
"categories": {
"conversations": "Vestlused",
"participants": "Osalised",
"channels": "Kanalid",
"members": "Liikmed"
"channel": {
"message_who": "Sõnum {{person}}",
"message_saved": "Salvesta oma märkmete hulka",
"uploading_file": "Üleslaadmine…",
"failed_upload": "Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus!",
"attached_file": "Manus {{filename}}",
"typing": {
"several": "Mitu inimest trükivad…",
"single": "{{user}} trükib…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} ja {{user}} trükivad…"
"system": {
"user_joined": "{{user}} liitus",
"user_left": "{{user}} lahkus",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} visati välja",
"user_banned": "Kasutajale {{user}} määrati keeld",
"added_by": "{{user}} lisati {{other_user}} poolt",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} nimetas kanali ümber nimele {{name}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} muutis kanali kirjeldust",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} muutis kanali ikooni",
"removed_by": "{{user}} eemaldati {{other_user}} poolt"
"start": {
"group": "Siit algab teie vestlus."
"voice": {
"connected": "Heli ühendus",
"leave": "Lahku",
"mute": "Vaigista",
"unmute": "Eemalda vaigistus"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Vaata vanemaid sõnumeid",
"jump_present": "Liigu praeguste juurde",
"failed_load": "Sõnumi laadimine ebaõnnestus.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} blokeeritud sõnumit",
"blocked_user": "Blokeeritud kasutaja",
"sent_file": "Saatis manuse",
"sent_multiple_files": "Saatis mitu manust",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"no_sending": "Teil puudub õigus saata sõnumeid selles kanalis."
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "See kanal on määratud kui NSFW ehk mittetöösõbralik.",
"confirm": "Sisene kanalisse"
"confirm": "Ma kinnitan, et olen vähemalt 18 aastane."
"unknown_user": "<Tundmatu kasutaja>",
"edited": "(muudetud)",
"bot": "bot",
"notifications": {
"default": "Kasuta vaikimisi",
"all": "Kõik sõnumid",
"none": "Mitte ükski",
"muted": "Vaigistatud",
"mention": "Ainult mainitused"
"search": {
"title": "Otsi",
"sort": {
"relevance": "Asjakohasus",
"latest": "Viimane",
"oldest": "Vanim"
"message_where": "Sõnum {{channel_name}}"
"groups": {
"create": "Loo grupp",
"name": "Grupi nimi",
"owner": "Grupi omanik",
"description": "Grupi kirjeldus"
"servers": {
"create": "Loo server",
"name": "Serveri nimi",
"description": "Serveri kirjeldus",
"channel_description": "Kanali kirjeldus",
"owner": "Serveri omanik",
"text_channel": "Tekstikanal",
"voice_channel": "Helikanal",
"channel_name": "Kanali nimi",
"channel_type": "Kanali tüüp",
"custom_banner": "Kohandatud pealkiri"
"context_menu": {
"copy_id": "Kopeeri ID",
"copy_selection": "Kopeeri valik",
"copy_text": "Kopeeri tekst",
"copy_uid": "Kopeeri kasutaja ID",
"message_user": "Sõnum",
"mark_as_read": "Märgi loetuks",
"retry_message": "Proovi uuesti saata",
"cancel_message": "Katkesta saatmine",
"reply_message": "Vasta",
"edit_message": "Muuda sõnumit",
"quote_message": "Tsiteeri sõnumit",
"delete_message": "Kustuta sõnum",
"open_file": "Ava fail",
"save_file": "Salvesta fail",
"open_image": "Ava pilt",
"save_image": "Salvesta pilt",
"open_video": "Ava video",
"save_video": "Salvesta video",
"copy_link": "Kopeeri link",
"open_link": "Ava link",
"unblock_user": "Deblokeeri kasutaja",
"add_friend": "Lisa sõber",
"remove_friend": "Eemalda sõber",
"cancel_friend": "Katkesta kutse",
"custom_status": "Kohandatud staatus",
"clear_status": "Eemalda staatus",
"leave_group": "Lahku grupist",
"leave_server": "Lahku serverist",
"close_dm": "Sulge vestlus",
"delete_server": "Kustuta server",
"edit_identity": "Muuda identiteeti",
"delete_channel": "Kustuta kanal",
"create_channel": "Loo kanal",
"create_category": "Loo kategooria",
"create_invite": "Loo kutse",
"open_channel_settings": "Kanali sätted",
"open_server_settings": "Serveri sätted",
"open_group_settings": "Grupi sätted",
"kick_member": "Eemalda liige",
"ban_member": "Keela liige",
"copy_sid": "Kopeeri serveri ID",
"copy_cid": "Kopeeri kanali ID",
"copy_mid": "Kopeeri sõnumi ID",
"copy_message_link": "Kopeeri sõnumi link",
"mention": "Mainitus",
"view_profile": "Vaata profiili",
"remove_member": "Eemalda grupist",
"block_user": "Blokeeri kasutaja",
"set_custom_status": "Määra kohandatud staatus",
"open_notification_options": "Teavituste sätted"
"permissions": {
"required": "Vajalikud õigused"
"login": {
"title": "Logi sisse",
"register": "Registreeri",
"username": "Kasutajatunnus",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Parool",
"invite": "Kutsekood",
"current_password": "Praegune parool",
"enter": {
"email": "Sisesta oma email.",
"password": "Sisesta oma parool.",
"invite": "Sisesta oma kutsekood.",
"current_password": "Sisesta oma praegune parool.",
"username": "Sisesta kasutajatunnus."
"forgot": "Unustasid oma parooli?",
"reset": "Vaheta parool.",
"set_password": "Määra uus parool.",
"new": "Revolt konto puudub?",
"existing": "Konto on juba olemas?",
"create": "Loo uus konto.",
"missing_verification": "Email puudub?",
"resend": "Saada kinnitus uuesti.",
"check_mail": "Vaata oma postkasti.",
"check_spam": "Palun kontrollige oma rämpsposti kui te kirja ei leia",
"open_mail_provider": "Ava {{provider}}",
"successful_registration": "Registreerumine oli edukas!",
"error": {
"create": "Registreerumine ebaõnnestus!",
"login": "Sisselogimine ebaõnnestus!",
"reset": "Muutmine ebaõnnestus!",
"resend": "Uuesti saatmine ebaõnnestus!"
"remembered": "Mine tagasi sisse logima.",
"cancel": "Katkesta päring.",
"email_delay": "Palun lubake kuni 10 minutit kirja saabumiseks."
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "Üks liige",
"many": "{{count}} liiget"
"dayjs": {
"lastDay": "[Eile kell] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Täna kell] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Homme kell] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [kell] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": ".",
"date_format": "traditional",
"twelvehour": "no"
"lastWeek": "[Eelmine] dddd [kell] {{time}}"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Olete nüüd sõbrad kasutajaga @{{person}}!",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} saatis teile sõbrakutse."
"error": {
"NetworkError": "Võrgu viga.",
"Unauthorized": "Volitamata.",
"Unlabelled": "Midagi nüüd juhtus.",
"DatabaseError": "Andmebaasi viga.",
"InternalError": "Sisemine viga.",
"MissingPermission": "Õigus puudub.",
"UnknownError": "Vaata konsooli.",
"OperationFailed": "Tehe ebaõnnestus.",
"RenderFail": "Malli esitamine ebaõnnestus.",
"MissingHeaders": "Päised puuduvad.",
"InvalidSession": "Kehtetu sessioon.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Kinnitamata konto.",
"EmailInUse": "Email on kasutuses.",
"EmailFailed": "Emaili saatmine ebaõnnestus.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Email või parool on vale.",
"InvalidToken": "Kehtetu token",
"MissingInvite": "Kutsekood puudub päringus.",
"InvalidInvite": "Kehtetu kood",
"UsernameTaken": "Kasutajanimi on juba võetud.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Kasutaja on teie sõbralistis.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Olete juba kasutajale kutse saatnud.",
"Blocked": "Te olete selle kasutaja blokeerinud.",
"NoEffect": "See päring ei andnud tulemust.",
"RequiredField": "Nõutud",
"TooShort": "Liiga lühike",
"TooLong": "Liiga pikk",
"InvalidEmail": "Vale emaili aadress",
"Unavailable": "Pole saadaval.",
"FileTooLarge": "Fail on liiga suur.",
"MissingData": "Päringus on andmed puudu.",
"ProbeError": "Ebaõnnestus hankida faili metaandmed.",
"IoError": "Serveril tekkis I/O viga.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Brauseil puudub tugi selle featuuri kasutamiseks.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Antud parool on kompromiteeritud.",
"FailedValidation": "Väljade valideerimine ebaõnnestus.",
"UnknownUser": "Tundmatu kasutaja.",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Pardale minek juba lõpetatud.",
"BlockedOther": "See kasutaja on teid blokeerinud.",
"FailedToReceive": "Serveril ei õnnestunud teie faili kätte saada.",
"DeniedNotification": "Te blokeeritise teavituste ligipääsu, palun kontrolli lehe sätteid."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageRoles": {
"t": "Halda rolle",
"d": "Luba liikmetel luua, muuta ja kustutada rolle mis on nende õigustasemest madalam. Samuti lubab neil muuta rolli õigusi kanalites."
"ManageChannels": {
"t": "Halda kanaleid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel luua, muuta või kustutada kanaleid."
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Halda serverit",
"d": "Luba liikmetel muuta serveri nime, kirjeldust, ikooni ja muud sellega seonduvat infot."
"KickMembers": {
"t": "Eemalda liikmeid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel eemaldada teisi liikmeid serverist. Välja heidetud liikmed võivad uuesti liituda kutsega."
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Keela liikmeid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel püsivalt eemaldada teisi liikmeid serverist."
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "Muuda hüüdnime",
"d": "Luba liikmetel muuta nende hüüdnime serveris."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Halda hüüdnimesid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel muuta teiste liikmete hüüdnimesid."
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "Muuda avatari/kehastust",
"d": "Luba liikmetel muuta nende avatari/kehastust selles serveris."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Eemalda avatare/kehastusi",
"d": "Luba liikmetel eemaldada teiste kasutajate avatare/kehastusi selles serveris."
"channel": {
"View": {
"t": "Vaata kanaleid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel vaadata kõiki kanaleid kuhu neil on ligipääs antud."
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Saada sõnumeid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel saata sõnumeid tekstkanalites."
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Halda sõnumeid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel kustutada teiste liikmete poolt saadetud sõnumeid."
"ManageChannel": {
"t": "Halda kanaleid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel muuta või kustutada kanaleid."
"VoiceCall": {
"t": "Helikõne",
"d": "Luba liikmetel liituda helikanalitega."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Kutsu teisi",
"d": "Luba liikmetel kutsuda teisi kasutajaid kanalisse."
"EmbedLinks": {
"t": "Manuslingid",
"d": "Luba liikmetel näidata manustatud sisu läbi linkide mida saadetakse tekstkanalites."
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Lae faile",
"d": "Luba liikmetel üles laadida faile tekstkanalites."
......@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
"general": {
"tos": "Käyttöehdot",
"privacy": "tietosuojakäytäntö",
"about": "Mikä on REVOLT",
"image_by": "Kuvan tekijä"
"about": "Mikä on Revolt",
"image_by": "Kuvan tekijä",
"loading": "Ladataan…",
"on": "Päällä",
"off": "Pois päällä",
"disabled": "Pois käytöstä"
"login": {
"email": "Sähköpostiosoite",
......@@ -11,16 +15,607 @@
"forgot": "Unohtuiko salasana?",
"enter": {
"password": "Anna salasanasi.",
"email": "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi."
"email": "Anna sähköpostiosoitteesi.",
"current_password": "Anna nykyinen salasanasi.",
"username": "Anna käyttäjätunnus.",
"invite": "Anna kutsukoodisi."
"new": "Uusi REVOLTin käyttäjä?",
"new": "Uusi Revoltin käyttäjä?",
"create": "Rekisteröidy.",
"title": "Kirjaudu sisään"
"title": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"check_spam": "Tarkista roskaposti, jos et löydä sitä",
"reset": "Nollaa salasana.",
"current_password": "Nykyinen salasana",
"error": {
"login": "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui!",
"create": "Rekisteröinti epäonnistui!",
"reset": "Nollaaminen epäonnistui!",
"resend": "Uudelleen lähettäminen epäonnistui!"
"successful_registration": "Rekisteröinti onnistui!",
"check_mail": "Tarkista sähköpostisi.",
"set_password": "Aseta uusi salasana.",
"invite": "Kutsukoodi",
"username": "Käyttäjätunnus",
"register": "Rekisteröidy",
"resend": "Lähetä vahvistus uudelleen.",
"missing_verification": "Etkö saanut sähköpostia?",
"existing": "Onko sinulla jo tili?",
"remembered": "Palaa kirjautumiseen.",
"open_mail_provider": "Avaa {{provider}}",
"cancel": "Peruuta pyyntö.",
"email_delay": "Joudut odottamaan jopa 10 minuuttia sen saapumista."
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"message": "Lähetä viesti {{name}}lle"
"message": "Lähetä viesti {{name}}lle",
"uploading_file": "Lähetetään…",
"system": {
"user_left": "{{user}} poistui",
"user_joined": "{{user}} liittyi",
"removed_by": "{{other_user}} poisti {{user}}",
"added_by": "{{other_user}} lisäsi {{user}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} muutti kanavan kuvausta",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} antoi kanavalle uuden nimen {{name}}",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} muutti kanavan kuvaketta",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} potkittiin",
"user_banned": "{{user}} sai porttikiellon"
"voice": {
"leave": "Poistu",
"connected": "Ääni yhdistetty",
"unmute": "Poista mykistys",
"mute": "Mykistä"
"misc": {
"jump_present": "Siirry nykyisiin",
"viewing_old": "Katselet vanhempia viestejä",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoileri",
"no_sending": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia lähettää viestejä tähän kanavaan.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} Estetyt viestit",
"blocked_user": "Estetty Käyttäjä",
"sent_file": "Liitä tiedosto",
"sent_multiple_files": "Liitä monta tiedostoa",
"failed_load": "Viestin lataaminen epäonnistui."
"edited": "(muokattu)",
"bot": "botti",
"typing": {
"multiple": "{{userlist}} ja {{user}} kirjoittavat…",
"single": "{{user}} kirjoittaa…",
"several": "Useat ihmiset kirjoittavat…"
"message_saved": "Tallenna muistiinpanoihisi",
"attached_file": "Liitetty {{filename}}",
"start": {
"group": "Tämä on keskustelusi alku."
"message_who": "Viesti henkilölle {{person}}",
"failed_upload": "Lataus epäonnistui!",
"unknown_user": "<Tuntematon käyttäjä>",
"message_where": "Viesti {{channel_name}}",
"notifications": {
"all": "Kaikki viestit",
"default": "Käytä oletusta",
"muted": "Mykistetty",
"mention": "Maininnat vain",
"none": "Ei mitään"
"nsfw": {
"confirm": "Vahvistan olevani vähintään 18 vuotta vanha.",
"channel": {
"marked": "Tämä kanava on merkitty NSFW."
"search": {
"sort": {
"latest": "Viimeisin",
"oldest": "Vanhin",
"relevance": "Relevanssi"
"title": "Etsi"
"categories": {
"members": "Jäsenet",
"conversations": "Keskustelut",
"channels": "Kanavat",
"participants": "Osallistujat"
"groups": {
"owner": "Ryhmän omistaja",
"create": "Luo ryhmä",
"name": "Ryhmän nimi",
"description": "Ryhmän kuvaus"
"servers": {
"channel_name": "Kanavan nimi",
"name": "Palvelimen nimi",
"create": "Luo palvelin",
"owner": "Palvelimen omistaja",
"channel_description": "Kanavan kuvaus",
"description": "Palvelimen kuvaus",
"channel_type": "Kanavan Tyyppi",
"voice_channel": "Puhekanava",
"text_channel": "Teksti kanava",
"custom_banner": "Muokattu banneri"
"context_menu": {
"set_custom_status": "Aseta mukautettu tila",
"clear_status": "Tyhjennä tila",
"custom_status": "Mukautettu tila",
"remove_member": "Poista ryhmästä",
"message_user": "Viesti",
"open_group_settings": "Ryhmän asetukset",
"open_channel_settings": "Kanavan asetukset",
"remove_friend": "Poista kaveri",
"add_friend": "Lisää kaveri",
"unblock_user": "Poista käyttäjän esto",
"block_user": "Estä käyttäjä",
"open_link": "Avaa linkki",
"copy_link": "Kopioi linkki",
"save_video": "Tallenna video",
"open_video": "Avaa video",
"save_image": "Tallenna kuva",
"open_image": "Avaa kuva",
"save_file": "Tallenna tiedosto",
"open_file": "Avaa tiedosto",
"delete_message": "Poista viesti",
"edit_message": "Muokkaa viestiä",
"mark_as_read": "Merkitse luetuksi",
"mention": "Mainitse",
"copy_text": "Kopioi teksti",
"copy_id": "Kopioi tunniste",
"copy_mid": "Kopioi viestin tunniste",
"cancel_friend": "Peruuta pyyntö",
"copy_selection": "Kopioi valinta",
"copy_cid": "Kopioi kanavan tunniste",
"cancel_message": "Peruuta lähetys",
"retry_message": "Yritä lähettää uudelleen",
"delete_channel": "Poista kanava",
"delete_server": "Poista palvelin",
"leave_server": "Poistu palvelimelta",
"leave_group": "Poistu ryhmästä",
"close_dm": "Sulje yksityisviesti",
"open_server_settings": "Palvelinasetukset",
"copy_sid": "Kopioi palvelimen tunniste",
"copy_uid": "Kopioi käyttäjän tunniste",
"create_channel": "Luo kanava",
"view_profile": "Näytä profiili",
"kick_member": "Erota jäsen",
"create_invite": "Luo kutsu",
"copy_message_link": "Kopioi viestin linkki",
"ban_member": "Anna porttikielto käyttäjälle",
"edit_identity": "Muokkaa identiteettiä",
"open_notification_options": "Ilmoitusasetukset",
"create_category": "Luo luokka",
"reply_message": "Vastaa"
"special": {
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"sub": {
"information": "Tiedot",
"connections": "Yhteydet",
"badges": "Merkit"
"badges": {
"translator": "Kääntäjä",
"supporter": "Tukija"
"mutual_groups": "Yhteiset Ryhmät",
"mutual_friends": "Yhteiset kaverit",
"profile": "Profiili",
"no_users": "Ei yhteisiä ystäviä!",
"no_groups": "Ei yhteisiä ryhmiä!",
"empty": "Täällä on vähän tyhjä…",
"mutual_servers": "Yhteiset palvelimet",
"no_servers": "Ei yhteisiä palvelimia!"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Valitse lisättävät ystävät."
"create_bot": {
"title": "Luo uusi botti",
"failed": "Botin luominen epäonnistui!"
"modals": {
"actions": {
"continue": "Jatka",
"update": "Päivitä",
"preview": "Esikatsele",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"close": "Sulje",
"save": "Tallenna",
"ok": "Ok",
"send_email": "Lähetä sähköposti",
"reload": "Lataa sovellus uudelleen",
"delete": "Poista",
"kick": "Erota",
"hide": "Piilota",
"create": "Luo",
"remove": "Poista",
"edit": "Muokkaa",
"reveal": "Paljasta",
"block": "Estä"
"clipboard": {
"copy": "Manuaalinen kopiointi:",
"unavailable": "Leikepöytä ei ole saatavilla!",
"https": "Et ole tällä hetkellä HTTPS-kontekstissa."
"account": {
"change": {
"email": "Vaihda sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"username": "Vaihda käyttäjätunnus",
"password": "Vaihda salasanasi"
"failed": "Muutos epäonnistui!"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave_long": "Et voi liittyä uudelleen, ellet ole kutsuttu uudelleen.",
"confirm_leave": "Poistutaanko ryhmästä {{group_name}}?",
"confirm_delete": "Poista {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete_long": "Kun se on poistettu, ei ole paluuta.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Suljetaanko keskustelu käyttäjän {{name}} kanssa?",
"confirm_kick": "Haluatko varmasti erottaa {{name}}?",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän?",
"create_invite_generate": "Luodaan kutsua…",
"block_user": "Estäkö {{name}}?",
"unfriend_user": "Poistetaanko {{name}}?",
"create_invite_created": "Tässä on uusi kutsukoodisi:",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Porttikiellon syy"
"error": "Tapahtui virhe!",
"onboarding": {
"pick": "Valitse käyttäjätunnus, jolla haluat ihmisten löytävän sinut. Tätä voi muuttaa myöhemmin asetuksissa.",
"welcome": "Tervetuloa"
"signed_out": "Sinut on kirjauduttu ulos!",
"external_links": {
"title": "Ulkoiset linkit voivat olla vaarallisia!"
"copy_username": "Paina kopioidaksesi käyttäjätunnus",
"status": {
"reconnecting": "Yhdistetään uudelleen…",
"connecting": "Yhdistetään…",
"offline": "Ei paikalla.",
"disconnected": "Yhteys katkaistu."
"friends": {
"pending": "Odottavat pyynnöt",
"blocked": "Estetty",
"nobody": "Täällä ei ole viellä ketään!",
"outgoing": "Lähtevä kaveripyyntö.",
"incoming": "Saapuva kaveripyyntö.",
"sent": "Lähtevä Pyyntö",
"from": {
"single": "Käyttäjältä {{user}}",
"multiple": "Käyttäjiltä {{userlist}} ja {{user}}"
"requires_online": "Sinun on oltava verkossa nähdäksesi tämä.",
"copy": "Kopioi napsauttamalla",
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Kutsuja: {{user}}",
"login": "Kirjaudu sisään Revolttiin",
"accept": "Hyväksy kutsu",
"invalid": "Virheellinen kutsu!"
"settings": {
"pages": {
"feedback": {
"feature": "Ominaisuuspyyntö",
"bug": "Vika Seuranta",
"report": "Mitä haluat ilmoittaa?",
"other": "Muu",
"title": "Palaute",
"send": "Lähetä palautetta",
"describe": "Kuvaile ongelmaa.",
"suggest": "Lähetä ominaisuusehdotus",
"issue": "Luo uusi ongelma",
"bug_desc": "Katso tällä hetkellä aktiivisia bugi reportteja täällä.",
"suggest_desc": "Lähetä uusi Revolt ominaisuus Githubin keskusteluissa."
"notifications": {
"sounds": "Äänet",
"push_notifications": "Push-ilmoitukset",
"enable_push": "Ota push-ilmoitukset käyttöön.",
"enable_desktop": "Ota työpöytäilmoitukset käyttöön.",
"title": "Ilmoitukset",
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "Tämä antaa sinulle ilmoituksen kun sovellus on auki.",
"enable_push": "Ota käyttöön ilmoitusten vastaanottaminen offline -tilassa."
"sound": {
"message": "Viesti vastaanotettu",
"outbound": "Viesti Lähetetty",
"call_join": "Käyttäjä Liittyi Puheluun",
"call_leave": "Käyttäjä Poistui Puhelusta"
"appearance": {
"sync": "Synkronointiasetukset",
"title": "Ulkoasu",
"import_manual": "Tuo manuaalisesti",
"import_clipboard": "Tuo leikepöydältä",
"export_clipboard": "Vie leikepöydälle",
"color": {
"dark": "tumma",
"light": "vaalea"
"display": {
"compact": "Kompakti",
"default": "Oletus",
"compact_description": "Vanha kunnon IRC.",
"default_description": "Kaunis, tyylikäs ja moderni."
"theme": "Teema",
"reset_overrides": "Nollaa ohitukset",
"emoji_pack": "Emoji paketti",
"message_display": "Viestinäyttö",
"advanced": "Edistyneet asetukset",
"import": "Tuo teema",
"accent_selector": "Korostusväri",
"theme_data": "Teeman Data",
"custom_css": "Muokattu CSS",
"import_theme": "Tuo teema tekstistä",
"font": "Fontti",
"mono_font": "Monoscapen fontti valitsin"
"donate": {
"title": "Lahjoita"
"language": {
"select": "Valitse kieli",
"title": "Kieli",
"other": "Muut kieli vaihtoehdot",
"const": "Rakennetut kielet"
"sessions": {
"active_sessions": "Aktiiviset istunnot",
"title": "Istunnot",
"this_device": "Tämä laite",
"created": "Luotu {{time_ago}}",
"logout": "Kirjaudu ulos kaikista muista istunnoista"
"profile": {
"placeholder": "Kirjoita jotain itsestäsi…",
"profile_picture": "Profiilikuva",
"title": "Profiili",
"edit_background": "Muokkaa taustaa",
"info": "Tiedot",
"fetching": "Haetaan profiiliasi…",
"custom_background": "Muokattu Taustakuva",
"edit_profile": "Muokkaa profiilia"
"account": {
"title": "Minun tili",
"change_field": "Muuta",
"manage": {
"description": "Poista käytöstä tai poista käyttäjäsi milloin vain. Tämä tulee kirjaamaan sinut ulos ja poistamaan kokonaan sinun käyttäjätilisi, myös sinun keskustelu historian ja kaverit.",
"title": "Tilin hallinta",
"disable": "Poista tili käytöstä",
"delete": "Poista tili"
"2fa": {
"title": "Kaksivaiheinen todennus",
"description": "Lisää suojaustasoa ottamalla 2FA käyttöön tililläsi.",
"remove_auth": "Poista Authenticator",
"add_auth": "Lisää Authenticator"
"logOut": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"source_code": "Lähdekoodi",
"sync": {
"categories": "Synkronoi luokat",
"title": "Synkronoi",
"descriptions": {
"locale": "Tämä synkronoi valitsemasi kielen.",
"appearance": "Tämä synkronoi vaihtoehtoja kuten emoji paketteja ja viestien tiheyttä.",
"theme": "Tämä synkoroi sinun valitsemaasi teemaa, värejä ja mitä tahansa muokattua CSS."
"experiments": {
"features": "Saatavilla olevat ominaisuudet",
"title": "Kokeet"
"native": {
"title": "Työpöytä Asetukset"
"bots": {
"title": "Minun Botit",
"copy_invite": "Kopioi kutsulinkki",
"add": "Lisää Botti",
"public_bot": "Julkinen botti",
"create_bot": "Luo botti"
"audio": {
"title": "Ääniasetukset",
"input_device": "Mikrofoni"
"categories": {
"user_settings": "Käyttäjäasetukset",
"client_settings": "Clientin Asetukset"
"title": "Asetukset",
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Yleiskatsaus",
"description": "Kanavan kuvaus",
"name": "Kanavan nimi"
"permissions": {
"title": "Oikeudet"
"actions": {
"remove": "Poista",
"upload": "Lataa",
"max_filesize": "(enimmäiskoko {{filesize}})"
"tips": {
"languages": {
"a": "Puuttuuko haluamasi kieli?",
"b": "Auta lisäämään käännöksiä."
"sessions": {
"b": "suojaa tilisi vaihtamalla salasanasi ja käyttämällä kaksivaiheista tunnistautumista.",
"a": "Jos näet tuntemattoman istunnon luettelossa,"
"account": {
"a": "Haluatko muokata julkista profiiliasi?",
"b": "Siirry profiiliasetuksiisi."
"server_pages": {
"invites": {
"title": "Kutsut",
"code": "Kutsu Koodi",
"invitor": "Kutsuja",
"channel": "Kanava",
"revoke": "Peruuta"
"members": {
"title": "Jäsenet"
"overview": {
"description": "Kanavan kuvaus",
"name": "Palvelimen nimi",
"title": "Yleiskatsaus",
"system_messages": "Järjestelmä Viesti Kanavat"
"roles": {
"title": "Roolit"
"categories": {
"title": "Luokat"
"bans": {
"title": "Porttikiellot",
"user": "Käyttäjä",
"reason": "Porttikiellon Syy",
"revoke": "Peruuta",
"no_reason": "Ei porttikielto syytä."
"permissions": {
"server": "Palvelimen Oikeudet",
"channel": "Kanavan Oikeudet",
"create_role": "Luo uusi rooli",
"role_name": "Roolin nimi",
"default_role": "Oletus"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"dev": "Kehittäjä",
"unreads": "Lukemattomat",
"friends": "Kaverit",
"home": "Koti",
"saved": "Tallennetut muistiinpanot"
"status": {
"offline": "Ei paikalla",
"online": "Paikalla",
"idle": "Toimeton",
"invisible": "Näkymätön",
"busy": "Älä häiritse"
"dayjs": {
"sameDay": "[Tänään klo] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Eilen klo] {{time}}",
"sameElse": "L",
"nextDay": "[Huomenna klo] {{time}}",
"lastWeek": "[Viime] dddd [klo] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [klo] {{time}}",
"defaults": {
"date_separator": ".",
"date_format": "traditional",
"twelvehour": "no"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"many": "{{count}} Jäsentä",
"one": "1 Jäsen"
"error": {
"TooShort": "Liian lyhyt",
"TooLong": "Liian pitkä",
"InvalidInvite": "Virheellinen koodi",
"InvalidEmail": "Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite",
"FileTooLarge": "Tiedosto on liian suuri.",
"UnknownError": "Katso konsoli.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Sähköposti tai salasana on väärä.",
"EmailInUse": "Sähköposti käytössä.",
"UnknownUser": "Tuntematon käyttäjä.",
"RequiredField": "Pakollinen",
"Unlabelled": "Jotain tapahtui.",
"NetworkError": "Verkkovirhe.",
"InternalError": "Sisäinen virhe.",
"DatabaseError": "Tietokanta virhe.",
"ProbeError": "Tiedoston metatietojen hakeminen epäonnistui.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Selaimesta puuttuu tämän ominaisuuden tuki.",
"BlockedOther": "Tämä käyttäjä on estänyt sinut.",
"Blocked": "Olet estänyt tämän käyttäjän.",
"Unauthorized": "Luvaton.",
"NoEffect": "Tällä pyynnöllä ei ollut vaikutusta.",
"IoError": "Palvelin kohtasi I/O virheen.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Olet jo lähettänyt pyynnön tälle käyttäjälle.",
"OperationFailed": "Toimenpide epäonnistui.",
"UsernameTaken": "Käyttäjänimi on otettu.",
"InvalidToken": "Virheellinen token",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Vahvistamaton tili.",
"InvalidSession": "Virheellinen istunto.",
"RenderFail": "Mallin hahmottaminen epäonnistui.",
"FailedValidation": "Kenttien vahvistus epäonnistui.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Olet jo ystäviä tämän käyttäjän kanssa.",
"Unavailable": "Ei saatavilla.",
"DeniedNotification": "Estit ilmoitusten käytön, tarkista sivun asetukset.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Tämä salasana on vaarantunut.",
"MissingData": "Pyynnöstä puuttuu tietoja.",
"MissingInvite": "Kutsukoodi puuttuu pyynnöstä.",
"EmailFailed": "Sähköpostin lähettäminen epäonnistui.",
"ReachedMaximumBots": "Saavutit botien enimmäismäärän."
"notifications": {
"sent_request": "@{{person}} lähetti sinulle kaveripyynnön.",
"now_friends": "Olet nyt ystävä käyttäjän @{{person}} kanssa!"
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Kutsu muita"
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Lähetä viestejä"
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Lähetä tiedostoja"
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Anna jäsenten näyttää upotettua sisältöä linkkeissä jotka he lähettävät tekstikanaviin."
"View": {
"t": "Näytä kanava"
"server": {
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Anna porttikieltoja jäsenille"
"app": {
"status": {
"invisible": "Hindi makikita",
"busy": "Huwag istorbohin",
"offline": "Naka-patay",
"online": "Online",
"idle": "Nakatigil"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"friends": "Mga kaibigan",
"unreads": "Mga hindi pa nababasa",
"dev": "Tagalikha"
"main": {
"channel": {
"message_where": "I-message ang {{channel_name}}",
"message_who": "I-message si {{person}}",
"system": {
"user_left": "Umalis si {{user}}",
"channel_renamed": "Pinalitan ni {{user}} ang pangalan ng channel sa {{name}}",
"user_joined": "Sumali si {{user}}",
"added_by": "Si {{user}} ay dinagdag ni {{other_user}}",
"removed_by": "Si {{user}} ay inalis ni {{other_user}}",
"channel_description_changed": "Pinalitan ni {{user}}ang deskripsiyon ng channel",
"user_kicked": "Pinaalis si {{user}}"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Tinitignan ang mga lumang message",
"jump_present": "Bumalik sa kasalukuyan",
"no_sending": "Wala kang permiso na magpadala ng mga mensahe sa channel na ito."
"typing": {
"single": "Nag ta-type si {{user}}…",
"multiple": "Nag ta-type si {{userlist}} at {{user}}…",
"several": "Madaming tao ang nag ta-type…"
"start": {
"group": "Dito ang simula ng iyong usapan."
"voice": {
"leave": "Umalis",
"mute": "Mag-mute",
"unmute": "Mag-unmute"
"nsfw": {
"confirm": "Kinukumpirma ko na ako ay hindi bababa sa 18 na taong gulang.",
"channel": {
"marked": "Ang channel na ito ay may markang NSFW."
"notifications": {
"muted": "Naka-mute",
"all": "Lahat ng Mensahe",
"none": "Wala"
"search": {
"title": "Hanapin",
"sort": {
"latest": "Pinaka-bago",
"oldest": "Pinakaluma"
"uploading_file": "Nag-a-upload…",
"failed_upload": "Bumagsak ang upload!"
"groups": {
"owner": "May-ari ng grupo",
"create": "Gumawa ng grupo",
"name": "Pangalan ng Grupo",
"description": "Deskripsiyon ng grupo"
"servers": {
"channel_description": "Deskripsiyon ng Channel",
"description": "Deskripsiyon ng Server",
"create": "Gumawa ng server",
"name": "Pangalan ng Server",
"channel_type": "Klase ng Channel",
"owner": "May-ari ng Server",
"channel_name": "Pangalan ng Channel"
"categories": {
"members": "Mga miyembro",
"conversations": "Mga usapan",
"participants": "Mga kahalok",
"channels": "Mga channel"
"context_menu": {
"message_user": "I-message",
"cancel_friend": "Ikansela ang request",
"create_category": "Gumawa ng kategorya",
"view_profile": "Tignan ang profile",
"retry_message": "Ulitin ang pag-send",
"cancel_message": "Ikansela ang pag-send",
"add_friend": "I-add na kaibigan",
"open_file": "Buksan ang file",
"save_file": "I-save ang file",
"open_image": "Buksan ang larawan",
"save_image": "I-save ang larawan",
"open_video": "Buksan ang bidyo",
"save_video": "I-save ang bidyo",
"remove_friend": "Tanggalin ang kaibigan",
"custom_status": "Sariling status",
"clear_status": "Tanggalin ang status",
"set_custom_status": "Maglagay ng sariling status",
"leave_group": "Umalis sa grupo",
"leave_server": "Umalis sa server",
"close_dm": "Isarado ang DM",
"create_channel": "Gumawa ng channel",
"create_invite": "Gumawa ng imbita"
"settings": {
"pages": {
"profile": {
"placeholder": "Maglagay ng tungkol sayo…",
"title": "Profile",
"info": "Impormasyon",
"fetching": "Kinukuha ang iyong profile…",
"profile_picture": "Larawan ng Profile",
"custom_background": "Sariling Background",
"edit_background": "I-edit ang Background",
"edit_profile": "I-edit ang Profile"
"account": {
"title": "Account Ko",
"change_field": "Baguhin",
"2fa": {
"add_auth": "Maglagay ng Taga-authenticate",
"remove_auth": "Tanggalin ang Taga-authenticate"
"manage": {
"delete": "Tanggalin ang account"
"sessions": {
"title": "Mga sesyon",
"active_sessions": "Mga Aktibong Sesyon",
"created": "Ginawa noong {{time_ago}}"
"audio": {
"input_device": "Mikropono"
"appearance": {
"theme": "Tema",
"color": {
"light": "maliwanag",
"dark": "madilim"
"reset_overrides": "I-reset and mga overrides",
"display": {
"default_description": "Maganda, makinis at moderno."
"notifications": {
"sounds": "Mga tunog",
"title": "Mga Abiso",
"descriptions": {
"enable_push": "I-enable upang makatanggap ng mga abiso habang offline ka.",
"enable_desktop": "Bibigyan ka nito ng mga abiso habang bukas ang iyong app."
"sound": {
"message": "Natanggap ang Mensahe",
"outbound": "Ipinadala ang Mensahe"
"language": {
"title": "Wika",
"select": "Piliin ang iyong wika"
"experiments": {
"title": "Mga Experimento",
"not_available": "Walang mga eksperimento na magagamit ngayon."
"donate": {
"title": "Mag-abuloy"
"feedback": {
"issue": "Gumawa ng bagong issue",
"bug_desc": "Tignan and mga aktibong bug reports dito.",
"issue_desc": "Upang matulungan kaming mas madaling maayos ang mga issue, maaari kang gumawa ng issue sa GitHub."
"logOut": "Mag-log out",
"bots": {
"title": "Ang aking mga Bot"
"actions": {
"remove": "Tanggalin",
"upload": "Mag-upload",
"max_filesize": "(hanggang {{filesize}})"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"name": "Pangalan ng Channel",
"description": "Deskripsyon ng Channel"
"permissions": {
"title": "Mga Permiso"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"name": "Pangalan ng Server",
"description": "Deskripsyon ng Channel"
"members": {
"title": "Mga Miyembro"
"invites": {
"title": "Mga Imbitasyon",
"invitor": "Ang nag-imbitasyon"
"categories": {
"title": "Mga Kategorya"
"tips": {
"account": {
"a": "Nais mo bang i-customise ang iyong pampublikong profile?",
"b": "Tumungo sa iyong mga profile settings."
"permissions": {
"server": "Mga Permiso ng Server",
"channel": "Mga Permiso ng Channel",
"create_role": "Gumawa ng isang bagong role",
"role_name": "Pangalan ng Role"
"special": {
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Inimbita ni {{user}}",
"login": "Mag-login sa Revolt"
"copy_username": "I-click upang ikopya ang username",
"copy": "I-click upang ikopya",
"friends": {
"sent": "Paalis",
"blocked": "Pinigilan",
"from": {
"multiple": "Galing kay {{userlist}} at {{user}}",
"several": "Galing kay {{userlist}} at {{count}} pa…",
"single": "Galing kay {{user}}"
"nobody": "Wala pang tao dito!"
"status": {
"disconnected": "Na-disconnect.",
"connecting": "Kumokonekta…",
"reconnecting": "Kumokonekta ulit…"
"modals": {
"clipboard": {
"unavailable": "Hindi magagamit ang clipboard!",
"copy": "Manual na pag-kopya:"
"error": "May pagkakamaling naganap!"
"general": {
"on": "Naka-bukas",
"image_by": "Ang imahe ay galing kay",
"loading": "Naglo-load…",
"off": "Naka-patay",
"unavailable": "Hindi available",
"about": "Tungkol dito"
"login": {
"enter": {
"username": "Maglagay ng username.",
"email": "Ilagay ang iyong email.",
"password": "Ilagay ang iyong password.",
"current_password": "Ilagay ang iyong kasalukuyang password.",
"invite": "Ilagay ang iyong code ng pagimbita."
"set_password": "Maglagay ng bagong password.",
"check_spam": "Pakisuri ang spam kapag hindi mo ito makita",
"current_password": "Kasalukuyang password",
"title": "Mag-login",
"register": "Mag-rehistro",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"username": "Username",
"invite": "Code ng pagimbita",
"forgot": "Nakalimutan ang iyong password?",
"reset": "I-reset ang password.",
"email_delay": "Pakibigyan ito ng hanggang 10 minuto para dumating.",
"resend": "I-send ulit ang verification.",
"cancel": "Ikansela ang request.",
"new": "Bago lang sa Revolt?",
"existing": "Mayroon nang account?",
"create": "Gumawa ng bagong account.",
"missing_verification": "Walang email?",
"check_mail": "Tignan ang iyong email.",
"remembered": "Bumalik sa pag-login.",
"open_mail_provider": "Buksan ang {{provider}}",
"error": {
"login": "Bagsak ang pag-login!",
"reset": "Bagsak ang pag-reset!",
"create": "Bagsak ang pag-rehistro!",
"resend": "Bagsak ang pag-resend!"
"permissions": {
"server": {
"ManageNicknames": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na palitan ang palayaw ng ibang mga miyembro."
"ManageServer": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na palitan ang pangalan, deskripsiyon, imahe at iba pang kaugnay na impormasyon ng server na ito."
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na gumawa, i-edit, at tanggalin ang mga roles ng mga may mababang ranko kaysa sa kanila. Pinapayagan rin sila na baguhin ang mga permiso ng mga role sa mga channel."
"ChangeNickname": {
"t": "Palitan ang palayaw",
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na palitan ang kanilang mga palayaw sa server na ito."
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "Palitan ang avatar",
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na palitan ang kanilang server avatar sa server na ito."
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Tanggalin ang mga avatar",
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na tanggalin ang server avatar ng mga ibang miyembro sa server na ito."
"ManageChannels": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na gumawa, i-edit, at magtanggal ng mga channel."
"BanMembers": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na permanenteng tanggalin ang mga ibang miyembro sa server na ito."
"channel": {
"View": {
"t": "Tignan ang channel"
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na i-edit o tanggalin ang isang channel."
"VoiceCall": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na sumali sa mga voice channel."
"InviteOthers": {
"t": "Imbitahin ang mga iba",
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na mag imbita ng ibang tao sa isang channel."
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na magpakita ng kontento na naka-embed sa mga link na kanilang pinopost sa mga text channel."
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Mag-upload ng mga file",
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na mag-upload ng mga files sa mga text channel."
"SendMessage": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na mag-send ng mga message sa mga text channel."
"ManageMessages": {
"d": "Pinapayagan ang mga miyembro na tanggalin ang mga message ng ibang tao."
"error": {
"MissingPermission": "Kulang ng permiso.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Magkaibigan na kayo ng user na ito.",
"Unlabelled": "May nangyari.",
"TooLong": "Masyadong mahaba",
"InvalidEmail": "Hindi tama ang email address",
"Unavailable": "Hindi pa magagamit.",
"RequiredField": "Kailangan",
"UsernameTaken": "Nakuha na ang username.",
"NoEffect": "Walang epekto ang request na ito.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Ang email o password ay mali.",
"TooShort": "Masyadong maiksi",
"FileTooLarge": "Masyadong malaki ang file.",
"UnknownError": "Tignan ang console."
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Kayo ay magkaibigan na ni @{{person}}!"
"dayjs": {
"defaults": {
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "simplified",
"twelvehour": "yes"
"sameDay": "Ngayon ng {{time}}",
"nextDay": "Bukas ng {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Kahapon ng] {{time}}"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "1 Miyembro",
"many": "{{count}} na mga Miyembro"
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
......@@ -3,24 +3,717 @@
"about": "À propos",
"tos": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"privacy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"image_by": "Image par"
"image_by": "Image par",
"loading": "Chargement…",
"on": "Activé",
"off": "Désactivé",
"disabled": "Désactivé",
"unavailable": "Indisponible"
"login": {
"title": "Identifiant",
"title": "Connexion",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Mot De Passe",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"enter": {
"email": "Ajoutez votre Email.",
"password": "Entrée vôtre Mot De Passe."
"email": "Entrez votre adresse mail.",
"password": "Entrez votre mot de passe.",
"invite": "Entrez votre code d'invitation.",
"username": "Entrez un nom d'utilisateur.",
"current_password": "Entrez votre mot de passe actuel."
"forgot": "Mot De Passe oublié?",
"new": "Nouveau à REVOLT?",
"create": "Créer un nouveau compte."
"forgot": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
"new": "Nouveau sur Revolt ?",
"create": "Créer un nouveau compte.",
"open_mail_provider": "Ouvrir {{provider}}",
"successful_registration": "Compte créé avec succès !",
"set_password": "Définir un nouveau mot de passe.",
"missing_verification": "Pas d'email ?",
"cancel": "Annuler la requête.",
"error": {
"reset": "Échec de réinitialisation !",
"create": "Échec de création de compte !",
"login": "Nous n'avons pas réussi à vous connecter !",
"resend": "Nous n'avons pas réussi à renvoyer la requête !"
"reset": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe.",
"remembered": "Retour à la page de connexion.",
"register": "Inscription",
"invite": "Code d'invitation",
"current_password": "Mot de passe actuel",
"resend": "Renvoyer la vérification.",
"existing": "Avez-vous déjà un compte ?",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"check_mail": "Vérifiez votre boite mail.",
"check_spam": "Veuillez vérifier dans vos pourriels (spams) si le message est introuvable",
"email_delay": "Merci d'attendre jusqu'à 10 minutes pour qu'il arrive."
"app": {
"main": {
"channel": {
"message": "Message {{name}}"
"message": "Message {{name}}",
"system": {
"user_left": "{{user}} est parti",
"added_by": "{{other_user}} a ajouté {{user}}",
"user_joined": "{{user}} a rejoint",
"removed_by": "{{other_user}} a enlevé {{user}}",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}} a modifié le nom du salon en {{name}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} a modifié la description du salon",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} a modifié l'icône du salon",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} a été éjecté",
"user_banned": "{{user}} a été banni"
"bot": "bot",
"message_where": "Envoyer un message dans {{channel_name}}",
"unknown_user": "<Utilisateur Inconnu>",
"uploading_file": "En cours de téléversement…",
"failed_upload": "Échec du téléversement !",
"typing": {
"single": "{{user}} est en train d'écrire…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} et {{user}} sont en train d'écrire…",
"several": "Plusieurs utilisateurs sont en train d'écrire…"
"message_who": "Envoyer un message à {{person}}",
"message_saved": "Enregistrer dans vos notes",
"start": {
"group": "Voici le début de votre conversation."
"edited": "(modifié)",
"attached_file": "Pièce jointe {{filename}}",
"voice": {
"connected": "Connecté en vocal",
"leave": "Quitter",
"mute": "Rendre muet",
"unmute": "Activer la voix"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "Vous regardez d'anciens messages",
"jump_present": "Revenir aux messages récents",
"spoiler_attachment": "Spoiler",
"no_sending": "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'envoyer des messages dans ce salon.",
"failed_load": "Les messages n'ont pas pu être chargés.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} messages bloqués",
"blocked_user": "Utilisateur bloqué",
"sent_file": "Envoi d'une pièce jointe",
"sent_multiple_files": "Envoi de plusieurs pièces jointes"
"notifications": {
"all": "Tous les messages",
"default": "Utiliser les options par défaut",
"mention": "Mentions uniquement",
"none": "Aucun",
"muted": "Muet"
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "Ce salon est marqué comme NSFW.",
"confirm": "Entrez dans le salon"
"confirm": "Je confirme être âgé d'au moins 18 ans."
"search": {
"title": "Rechercher",
"sort": {
"relevance": "Pertinence",
"latest": "Nouveaux",
"oldest": "Derniers"
"categories": {
"conversations": "Conversations",
"channels": "Salons",
"participants": "Participants",
"members": "Membres"
"groups": {
"create": "Créer un groupe",
"name": "Nom du groupe",
"owner": "Propriétaire du groupe",
"description": "Description du groupe"
"servers": {
"create": "Créer un serveur",
"name": "Nom du serveur",
"channel_name": "Nom du salon",
"owner": "Propriétaire du serveur",
"description": "Description du serveur",
"channel_description": "Description du salon",
"custom_banner": "Bannière personnalisée",
"channel_type": "Type de salon",
"text_channel": "Salon textuel",
"voice_channel": "Salon vocal"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"dev": "Développeur",
"saved": "Notes enregistrées",
"home": "Accueil",
"friends": "Amis",
"unreads": "Non lus"
"status": {
"offline": "Hors ligne",
"idle": "Absent",
"busy": "Ne pas déranger",
"invisible": "Invisible",
"online": "En ligne"
"context_menu": {
"retry_message": "Réessayer d'envoyer",
"edit_message": "Éditer le message",
"copy_text": "Copier le texte",
"copy_uid": "Copier l'identifiant utilisateur",
"quote_message": "Citer le message",
"save_video": "Sauvegarder la vidéo",
"clear_status": "Supprimer le status",
"message_user": "Message",
"mark_as_read": "Marquer comme lu",
"delete_message": "Supprimer le message",
"remove_member": "Enlever du groupe",
"open_file": "Ouvrir le fichier",
"save_file": "Sauvegarder le fichier",
"open_image": "Ouvrir l'image",
"save_image": "Sauvegarder l'image",
"copy_link": "Copier le lien",
"open_link": "Ouvrir le lien",
"block_user": "Bloquer l'utilisateur",
"unblock_user": "Débloquer l'utilisateur",
"add_friend": "Ajouter en ami",
"remove_friend": "Supprimer des amis",
"set_custom_status": "Définir un statut personalisé",
"cancel_message": "Annuler l'envoi",
"open_video": "Ouvrir la vidéo",
"copy_id": "Copier l'identifiant",
"copy_cid": "Copier l'identifiant du salon",
"copy_mid": "Copier l'identifiant du message",
"mention": "Mentionner",
"cancel_friend": "Annuler la demande",
"custom_status": "Statut personnalisé",
"open_channel_settings": "Paramètres du salon",
"open_group_settings": "Paramètres du groupe",
"copy_selection": "Copier la sélection",
"copy_sid": "Copier l'identifiant du serveur",
"leave_server": "Quitter le serveur",
"close_dm": "Fermer le MP",
"delete_server": "Supprimer le serveur",
"delete_channel": "Supprimer le salon",
"create_channel": "Créer un salon",
"open_server_settings": "Paramètres du serveur",
"leave_group": "Quitter le groupe",
"create_invite": "Créer une invitation",
"view_profile": "Voir le profil",
"kick_member": "Expulser le membre",
"ban_member": "Bannir le membre",
"open_notification_options": "Options de notification",
"reply_message": "Répondre",
"copy_message_link": "Copier le lien du message",
"edit_identity": "Éditer l'identité",
"create_category": "Créer une catégorie"
"settings": {
"pages": {
"appearance": {
"import_manual": "Importer manuellement",
"overrides": "Priorité des thèmes",
"theme_data": "Données du thème",
"title": "Apparence",
"display": {
"default": "Défaut",
"compact": "Compact",
"default_description": "Beau, élégant et moderne.",
"compact_description": "Le bon vieil IRC."
"accent_selector": "Couleur accentuée",
"reset_overrides": "Réinitialiser les dérogations (paramètres)",
"theme": "Thème",
"color": {
"light": "clair",
"dark": "sombre"
"message_display": "Affichage des messages",
"custom_css": "CSS personalisé",
"sync": "Options de synchronisation",
"advanced": "Paramètres avancés",
"export_clipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"import_clipboard": "Importer depuis le presse-papier",
"import_theme": "Importer le thème depuis une chaine de caractères",
"emoji_pack": "Collection d'émoji",
"import": "Importer un thème",
"font": "Police de caractère",
"mono_font": "Sélecteur de police à taille fixe",
"ligatures": "Ligature de police d'écriture",
"ligatures_desc": "Pour les polices de caractères le supportant, les ligatures combinent certains caractères ensemble, par exemple en transformant -> en une flèche."
"notifications": {
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "Ceci vous permettra de recevoir des notifications tant que l'application est ouverte.",
"enable_sound": "Jouera un son a la réception d'un message.",
"enable_push": "Possibilité de recevoir des notifications hors ligne.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Jouera un son lors de l'envoi de messages."
"title": "Notifications",
"enable_push": "Activer les notifications Push.",
"enable_sound": "Jouer un son lors de la réception.",
"enable_desktop": "Activer les notifications de Bureau.",
"enable_outgoing_sound": "Jouer un sond a l'envoi.",
"push_notifications": "Notifications push",
"sounds": "Sons",
"sound": {
"message": "Message reçu",
"outbound": "Message envoyé",
"call_join": "Appel rejoint par un utilisateur",
"call_leave": "Appel quitté par un utilisateur"
"profile": {
"title": "Profil",
"info": "Information",
"fetching": "Récupération de votre profil…",
"placeholder": "Écrivez quelque chose a votre propos…",
"profile_picture": "Photo de profil",
"edit_background": "Éditer l'arrière-plan",
"custom_background": "Arrière-plan personnalisé",
"edit_profile": "Éditer le profil"
"feedback": {
"title": "Suggestions",
"report": "Que souhaitez vous signaler ?",
"bug": "Traqueur de bugs",
"feature": "Ajout de fonctionalité",
"other": "Autre",
"describe": "Veuillez décrire le problème.",
"send": "Envoyer un retour",
"suggest": "Proposer une fonctionnalité",
"suggest_desc": "Suggérer une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour Revolt dans les discussions GitHub.",
"issue": "Créer un nouveau ticket",
"issue_desc": "Pour nous aider à trier plus facilement les demandes, vous pouvez créer une issue sur GitHub.",
"bug_desc": "Visionnez les rapports de bugs actifs ici."
"account": {
"title": "Mon Compte",
"change_field": "Modifier",
"2fa": {
"title": "Authentification à deux facteurs",
"description": "Ajoutez une couche de sécurité supplémentaire en activant 2FA à votre compte.",
"remove_auth": "Supprimer un facteur d'authentification",
"add_auth": "Ajouter un facteur d'authentification"
"unique_id": "Ceci est un identifiant utilisateur unique à votre compte.",
"manage": {
"title": "Gestion du compte",
"description": "Désactiver ou supprimer votre compte à tout moment. Cette action va vous déconnecter et entièrement supprimer votre compte, y compris vos messages et amis.",
"delete": "Supprimer le compte",
"disable": "Désactiver le compte"
"sessions": {
"this_device": "Cet appareil",
"created": "Créé {{time_ago}}",
"title": "Sessions",
"active_sessions": "Sessions actives",
"logout": "Se déconnecter de toutes les autres sessions"
"language": {
"title": "Langue",
"select": "Sélectionner votre langue",
"other": "Autres options de langue",
"const": "Langues construites"
"source_code": "Code source",
"logOut": "Déconnexion",
"donate": {
"title": "Faire un don"
"sync": {
"title": "Synchronisation",
"categories": "Synchronisation des catégories",
"descriptions": {
"appearance": "Ceci va synchroniser vos options telles que les collections d'emojis et la densité des messages.",
"theme": "Ceci va synchroniser les thèmes et couleurs choisis, ainsi que tout le code CSS personnalisé.",
"locale": "Ceci va synchroniser votre langue actuellement sélectionnée."
"experiments": {
"title": "Expériences",
"features": "Fonctionnalités disponibles",
"titles": {
"servers": "Serveurs"
"descriptions": {
"servers": "Ceci vous permet de créer des serveurs avec des salon, invitations, modération et plus."
"not_available": "Aucune expérience n'est disponible actuellement."
"native": {
"title": "Paramètres de bureau"
"bots": {
"title": "Mes bots",
"reserved": "Note : Ce champ est réservé pour le futur.",
"create_bot": "Créer un bot",
"token": "Jeton d'authentification",
"public_bot_tip": "Votre bot est public. N'importe qui peut l'inviter.",
"private_bot_tip": "Votre bot est privé. Il ne peut être invité que par vous-même.",
"public_bot": "Bot public",
"interactions_url": "Adresse d'Interactions",
"copy_invite": "Copier le lien d'invitation",
"add": "Ajouter un bot",
"public_bot_desc": "Autoriser d'autres utilisateurs à inviter ce bot."
"audio": {
"title": "Options vocales",
"input_device": "Microphone",
"output_device": "Haut-parleur / Casque"
"channel_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Aperçu",
"name": "Nom du salon",
"description": "Description du salon"
"permissions": {
"title": "Permissions"
"title": "Paramètres",
"categories": {
"user_settings": "Paramètres utilisateur",
"client_settings": "Paramètres de l'Application"
"tips": {
"account": {
"a": "Vous cherchez à personnaliser votre profil public ?",
"b": "Rendez-vous dans vos paramètres utilisateurs."
"languages": {
"a": "La langue voulue n'est pas disponible ?",
"b": "Contribuez à la traduction."
"sessions": {
"a": "Si une session inconnue est présente dans la liste,",
"b": "sécurisez votre compte en changeant votre mot de passe et en utilisant l'A2F."
"actions": {
"remove": "Retirer",
"upload": "Téléverser",
"max_filesize": "(max. {{filesize}})"
"server_pages": {
"overview": {
"title": "Vue d'ensemble",
"name": "Nom du serveur",
"description": "Description du salon",
"system_messages": "Salons des messages systèmes"
"members": {
"title": "Membres"
"invites": {
"title": "Invitations",
"code": "Code d'invitation",
"invitor": "Membre ayant invité",
"channel": "Salon",
"revoke": "Révoquer"
"bans": {
"title": "Bannissements",
"no_reason": "Pas de raison de bannissement.",
"user": "Utilisateur",
"reason": "Raison du bannissement",
"revoke": "Révoquer"
"categories": {
"title": "Catégories"
"roles": {
"title": "Rôles"
"permissions": {
"create_role": "Créer un nouveau rôle",
"role_name": "Nom du rôle",
"server": "Permissions du serveur",
"default_role": "Défaut",
"channel": "Permissions du salon"
"special": {
"friends": {
"pending": "Demandes en attente",
"blocked": "Bloqué",
"incoming": "Demande d'ami reçue.",
"nobody": "Il n'y a encore personne ici !",
"outgoing": "Demande d'ami envoyée.",
"from": {
"single": "De {{user}}",
"multiple": "De {{userlist}} et {{user}}",
"several": "De {{userlist}} et {{count}} autres…"
"sent": "Envoyées"
"modals": {
"error": "Une erreur est survenue !",
"actions": {
"update": "Mettre à jour",
"preview": "Prévisualiser",
"reload": "Recharger l'application",
"ok": "Ok",
"close": "Fermer",
"send_email": "Envoyer un mail",
"continue": "Continuer",
"save": "Enregistrer",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"ban": "Bannir",
"kick": "Expulser",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"reveal": "Afficher",
"create": "Créer",
"remove": "Retirer",
"back": "Retour",
"leave": "Quitter",
"block": "Bloquer",
"hide": "Masquer",
"edit": "Modifier"
"signed_out": "Vous avez été déconnecté !",
"account": {
"change": {
"email": "Changer votre adresse e-mail",
"username": "Changer votre nom d'utilisateur",
"password": "Changer votre mot de passe"
"failed": "La modification a échoué !"
"clipboard": {
"copy": "Copie manuelle :",
"https": "Vous n'êtes actuellement pas connecté en utilisant HTTPS.",
"unavailable": "Le presse-papier n'est pas disponible !"
"prompt": {
"confirm_leave": "Quitter le serveur {{name}} ?",
"confirm_leave_long": "Vous ne pourrez pas revenir à moins d'y être ré-invité.",
"confirm_close_dm": "Fermer la conversation avec {{name}} ?",
"confirm_close_dm_long": "Vous pouvez la fermer plus tard mais elle disparaîtra des deux côtés.",
"confirm_delete": "Supprimer {{name}} ?",
"confirm_delete_long": "Une fois que c'est fait, il n'y a pas de retour en arrière possible.",
"create_invite_generate": "Génération d'une invitation en cours…",
"create_invite_created": "Voici votre nouveau code d'invitation :",
"confirm_delete_message_long": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ça ?",
"confirm_kick": "Êtes vous certain de vouloir expulser le membre {{name}} ?",
"confirm_ban": "Vous êtes sur le point de bannir {{name}}",
"confirm_ban_reason": "Raison du bannissement",
"block_user_long": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir bloquer {{name}} ? Il/elle va également être retiré·e de votre liste d'amis.",
"unfriend_user_long": "Vous pourriez ne plus être capable de lui parler tant que vous ne le rajoutez pas dans vos amis.",
"block_user": "Bloquer {{name}} ?",
"unfriend_user": "Retirer {{name}} de vos amis ?"
"onboarding": {
"welcome": "Bienvenue sur",
"pick": "Sélectionnez un nom d'utilisateur avec lequel vous souhaitez être trouvable, il peut être changé plus tard."
"external_links": {
"title": "Les liens externes peuvent être dangereux !",
"short": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir aller vers : ",
"trust_domain": "Faire confiance à ce nom de domaine"
"token_reveal": "Jeton de {{name}}"
"status": {
"offline": "Hors ligne.",
"reconnecting": "Reconnexion…",
"disconnected": "Déconnecté.",
"connecting": "Connexion…"
"popovers": {
"user_profile": {
"profile": "Profil",
"mutual_groups": "Groupes en commun",
"mutual_friends": "Amis en commun",
"no_users": "Aucun ami en commun !",
"no_groups": "Aucun groupe en commun !",
"badges": {
"translator": "Traducteur",
"early_adopter": "Adopteur de longue date",
"supporter": "Supporter",
"responsible_disclosure": "Bug(s) divulgué(s) de manière responsable"
"sub": {
"connections": "Connexions",
"badges": "Badges",
"information": "Information"
"empty": "C'est un peu vide ici…",
"mutual_servers": "Serveurs en commun",
"no_servers": "Aucun serveur en commun !"
"user_picker": {
"select": "Sélectionnez des amis à ajouter."
"create_bot": {
"title": "Créer un nouveau bot",
"failed": "La création du bot a échouée !"
"requires_online": "Vous devez être en ligne pour voir cela.",
"copy_username": "Cliquez pour copier le nom d'utilisateur",
"copy": "Cliquez pour copier",
"invite": {
"invited_by": "Invité par {{user}}",
"login": "Se connecter à Revolt",
"accept": "Accepter l'invitation",
"user_count": "{{member_count}} membres",
"invalid": "Invitation invalide !",
"invalid_desc": "L'invitation n'existe peut-être pas ou vous n'avez pas la permission de rejoindre le serveur."
"permissions": {
"required": "Permissions requises"
"quantities": {
"members": {
"one": "1 membre",
"many": "{{count}} membres"
"dayjs": {
"lastWeek": "dddd [dernier, à] {{time}}",
"lastDay": "[Hier à] {{time}}",
"sameDay": "[Aujourd'hui à] {{time}}",
"nextDay": "[Demain à] {{time}}",
"nextWeek": "dddd [à] {{time}}",
"sameElse": "L",
"defaults": {
"twelvehour": "no",
"date_separator": "/",
"date_format": "traditionnel"
"notifications": {
"now_friends": "Vous êtes maintenant ami avec @{{person}} !",
"sent_request": "@{{person}} vous a envoyé une demande d'ami."
"error": {
"Unlabelled": "Une erreur est survenue.",
"RenderFail": "Échec du rendu du modèle.",
"InvalidToken": "Token invalide",
"MissingInvite": "Code d'invitation manquant dans la requête.",
"AlreadyFriends": "Vous êtes déjà ami avec cet utilisateur.",
"Blocked": "Vous avez bloqué cet utilisateur.",
"FailedToReceive": "La réception de votre fichier par le serveur a échoué.",
"MissingData": "Données de la requête manquantes.",
"IoError": "Le serveur a rencontré une erreur de connexion.",
"UnsupportedBrowser": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas cette fonctionalité.",
"DeniedNotification": "Vous avez refusé l'accès aux notification, vérifiez les paramètres.",
"FailedValidation": "Échec de la validation des champs.",
"DatabaseError": "Erreur de la base de données.",
"InternalError": "Erreur interne.",
"MissingPermission": "Permissions manquantes.",
"InvalidSession": "Session invalide.",
"UnverifiedAccount": "Compte non vérifié.",
"UnknownUser": "Utilisateur inconnu.",
"InvalidCredentials": "Adresse e-mail ou mot de passe invalide.",
"InvalidInvite": "Invitation invalide",
"AlreadyOnboarded": "Configuration déjà terminée.",
"UsernameTaken": "Nom d'utilisateur déjà pris.",
"AlreadySentRequest": "Vous avez déjà une demande en attente pour cet utilisateur.",
"TooShort": "Trop court",
"FileTooLarge": "Fichier trop volumineux.",
"NetworkError": "Erreur réseau.",
"Unauthorized": "Non autorisé.",
"UnknownError": "Voir la console.",
"OperationFailed": "Échec de l'opération.",
"EmailFailed": "Échec de l'envoi du mail.",
"BlockedOther": "Cet utilisateur vous a bloqué.",
"NoEffect": "Cette requête n'a pas pris effet.",
"RequiredField": "Requis",
"TooLong": "Trop long",
"InvalidEmail": "Adresse e-mail invalide",
"Unavailable": "Indisponible.",
"ProbeError": "Échec de la récupération des métadonnées du fichier.",
"MissingHeaders": "En-têtes manquants.",
"EmailInUse": "Adresse e-mail déjà utilisée.",
"CompromisedPassword": "Ce mot de passe est compromis.",
"ReachedMaximumBots": "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de bots."
"shortcuts": {
"ctrlc": "Ctrl + C"
"permissions": {
"server": {
"BanMembers": {
"t": "Bannir les membres",
"d": "Permet aux membres de retirer définitivement des membres de ce serveur."
"KickMembers": {
"d": "Permet aux membres d'expulser les autres membres du serveur. Les membres expulsés peuvent rejoindre à nouveau avec une invitation valide.",
"t": "Expulser les membres"
"ChangeNickname": {
"d": "Permet aux membres de modifier leur surnom sur le serveur.",
"t": "Modifier le surnom"
"ManageChannels": {
"d": "Permet aux membres de créer, éditer et supprimer les salons.",
"t": "Gérer les salons"
"ManageServer": {
"t": "Gérer le serveur",
"d": "Permet aux membres de modifier le nom, la description, l'icône et d'autres informations liées au serveur."
"ManageNicknames": {
"t": "Gérer les surnoms",
"d": "Permet aux membres de modifier les surnoms d'autres membres."
"ChangeAvatar": {
"t": "Modifier l'avatar",
"d": "Permet aux membres de changer leur avatar sur ce serveur."
"ManageRoles": {
"d": "Permet aux membres de créer, éditer et supprimer les rôles hiérarchiquement inférieurs aux leurs. Leur permet également de modifier les permissions des rôles pour les salons.",
"t": "Gérer les rôles"
"RemoveAvatars": {
"t": "Retirer les avatars",
"d": "Permet aux membres de retirer les avatars de serveur d'autres membres de ce serveur."
"channel": {
"EmbedLinks": {
"d": "Permet aux membres d'afficher du contenu intégré aux liens affichés dans un salon textuel.",
"t": "Intégration de liens"
"View": {
"t": "Voir le salon",
"d": "Permet aux membres de voir n'importe quel salon pour lequel l'utilisateur en a la permission."
"ManageMessages": {
"t": "Gérer les messages",
"d": "Permet aux membres de supprimer les messages envoyés par d'autres membres du serveur."
"ManageChannel": {
"d": "Permet aux membres d'éditer ou de supprimer les salons.",
"t": "Expulser des membres"
"SendMessage": {
"t": "Envoyer des messages",
"d": "Permet aux membres d'envoyer des messages dans des salons textuels."
"VoiceCall": {
"d": "Permet aux membres de rejoindre des salons vocaux.",
"t": "Appel vocal"
"InviteOthers": {
"d": "Permet aux membres d'inviter d'autres utilisateurs à un salon.",
"t": "Changer le surnom"
"UploadFiles": {
"t": "Téléverser des fichiers",
"d": "Permet aux membres d'envoyer des fichiers dans des salons textuels."
"general": {
"tos": "Tearmaí Seirbhís",
"privacy": "Beartas Príobháideachais",
"about": "Faoi",
"on": "ar siúl",
"disabled": "faoi mhíchumas",
"unavailable": "níl sé ar fáil",
"off": "buailte le",
"loading": "Luchtú…",
"image_by": "Íomhá le"
"app": {
"context_menu": {
"reply_message": "Freagair",
"ban_member": "Ball toirmeasc",
"cancel_message": "Cealaigh seol",
"kick_member": "Ball ciceáil",
"open_file": "Oscailt comhaid",
"save_file": "sábhail on comhaid"
"status": {
"online": "Ar líne",
"idle": "Díomhaoin",
"busy": "Ná cur as",
"offline": "As líne",
"invisible": "Dofheicthe"
"navigation": {
"tabs": {
"home": "Baile",
"dev": "Forbróir",
"friends": "Cairde",
"unreads": "Gan léamh",
"saved": "Nótaí Sábháilte"
"main": {
"categories": {
"conversations": "Comhráite",
"participants": "Rannpháirtithe",
"channels": "Cainéil",
"members": "Baill"
"channel": {
"message_where": "Teachtaireacht {{channel_name}}",
"message_saved": "Sábháil le do chuid nótaí",
"failed_upload": "Theip ar uaslodáil!",
"typing": {
"several": "Ta roinnt daoine ag clóscríobh…",
"single": "{{user}} ag clóscríobh…",
"multiple": "{{userlist}} agus {{user}} ag clóscríobh…"
"system": {
"user_joined": "{{user}} isteach",
"user_kicked": "{{user}} ciceáil",
"user_banned": "{{user}} bhí meirge",
"added_by": "{{user}} chuir {{other_user}}",
"channel_renamed": "{{user}}an cainéal a athainmniú go {{name}}",
"channel_description_changed": "{{user}} athraigh an tuairisc ar an gcainéal",
"channel_icon_changed": "{{user}} athraigh deilbhín an chainéil",
"user_left": "{{user}} ar chle",
"removed_by": "{{user}} baineadh le{{other_user}}"
"voice": {
"connected": "Guth ceangailte",
"leave": "fág",
"mute": "balbh",
"unmute": "cealaigh balbh"
"misc": {
"viewing_old": "feachaint ar theachtaireachtaí níos sine",
"jump_present": "Léim go dti seo",
"spoiler_attachment": "bacoir",
"failed_load": "Níorbh fhéidir an teachtaireacht a luchtu.",
"blocked_messages": "{{count}} teachtaireachtaí blocailte",
"blocked_user": "usaideoir blocáilte",
"sent_file": "ceangaltán a sheoladh",
"sent_multiple_files": "ceangaltán iolrach seolta",
"no_sending": "Níl cead agat teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh sa chainéal seo."
"nsfw": {
"channel": {
"marked": "il Tá an cainéal seo marcáilte mar NSFW ple.",
"confirm": "isteach cainéal"
"confirm": "Dearbhaím go bhfuil me 18 mbliana d'aois ar a laghad."
"edited": "curtha in eagar",
"bot": "róbó",
"notifications": {
"default": "réamhshocraithe usaid",
"all": "gach teachtaireacht",
"mention": "luann amháin",
"none": "aon chean",
"muted": "fuaim"
"search": {
"title": "cuardach",
"sort": {
"relevance": "ábharthacht",
"latest": "is déanaí",
"oldest": "sine is"
"message_who": "teachtaireacht {{person}}",
"uploading_file": "Uaslódáil…",
"attached_file": "caengailte {{filename}}",
"start": {
"group": "seo tus do chomhrá."
"unknown_user": "<Usaideoir aineoil>"
"groups": {
"create": "grúpa a chruthú",
"name": "ainm grúpa",
"description": "tuairisc ghrúpa",
"owner": "úinéir an ghrúpa"
"servers": {
"create": "freastalaí a chruthú",
"description": "tuairisc ar an bhfreastalaí",
"channel_name": "ainm caineil",
"channel_type": "cineál cainéil",
"channel_description": "tuairisc ar an gcainéal",
"custom_banner": "meirge saincheaptha",
"owner": "úinéir an fhreastalaí",
"voice_channel": "cainéal téacs",
"name": "ainm an fhreastalaí",
"text_channel": "cainéal téacs"
"settings": {
"title": "suíomh",
"categories": {
"user_settings": "socruithe úsáideora",
"client_settings": "socruithe cliant"
"actions": {
"remove": "bain",
"upload": "uaslódáil",
"max_filesize": "(uas {{filesize}})"
"pages": {
"account": {
"title": "mo chuntas",
"change_field": "athrú",
"2fa": {
"title": "Fíordheimhniú Dhá-fhachtóir",
"description": "Cuir sraith bhreise slándála leis trí 2FA a chumasú ar do chuntas.",
"add_auth": "Cuir Fíordheimhnitheoir leis",
"remove_auth": "Bain Fíordheimhnitheoir"
"manage": {
"title": "Bainistíocht Cuntas",
"disable": "Cuntas Díchumasaithe",
"delete": "scrios Cuntas",
"description": "Díchumasaigh no scrios do chuntas ag am ar bith. Daenfaidh an gníomh seo tú a logáil amach agus do chuntas a scriosadh go hiomlán, lena n-áirítear do stair comhrá agus do chairde."
"unique_id": "Is aitheantóir uathúil úsáideoira e seo do do chuntas."
"profile": {
"title": "Próifíl",
"info": "Eolas",
"fetching": "Ag bailiú do phróifíl…",
"placeholder": "Scríobh rud éigin fút féin …",
"profile_picture": "Próifíl Pictiúr",
"custom_background": "Cúlra Saincheaptha",
"edit_background": "Cuir Cúlra Eagar",
"edit_profile": "Cuir Próifíl Eagar"
"sessions": {
"title": "Seisiúin",
"active_sessions": "gniomhach seisiúin",
"this_device": "na feistí seo",
"logout": "Logáil amach as gach seisiún eile",
"created": "Cruthaíodh {{time_ago}}"
"audio": {
"title": "socruithe gutha",
"input_device": "Micreafón",
"output_device": "Callaire / Cluasáin"
"appearance": {
"display": {
"default_description": "Álainn, slíoctha agus nua-aimseartha.",
"default": "Loiceadh",
"compact": "Dlúth",
"compact_description": "An seansaol breá, de IRC."
"custom_css": "CSS saincheaptha",
"ligatures_desc": "Do roinnt clónna, comhcheanglaíonn comharthaí na litreacha. Mar shampla, athraíonn sé '->' go saighead. Aistrigh go Inter agus bain triail as an socrú seo.",
"mono_font": "Cló Monospás roghnóir",
"font": "Cló",
"ligatures": "Comharthaí clónna",
"title": "Cuma",
"theme": "Téama",
"color": {
"light": "geal",
"dark": "dorcha"
"accent_selector": "Dath Ábhar",
"emoji_pack": "Paca d'emoji",
"message_display": "Cuma Teachtaireacht",
"advanced": "Roghanna chun cinn",
"overrides": "Téama Sáraímí",
"reset_overrides": "Athshuím sáraímí",
"import": "Iompórt téama",
"import_theme": "Iompórt téama ó téacs",
"theme_data": "Sonraí Téama",
"sync": "Roghanna Sync"
"sync": {
"descriptions": {
"appearance": "Beidh seo sioncrónaigh roghanna, mar shampla paca emoji agus dlús na teachtaireachtaí.",
"theme": "beidh seo sioncrónaigh do téama de rogha, dathanna agus CSS saincheaptha.",
"locale": "Beidh seo sioncrónaigh do teanga de rogha."
"title": "Sync",
"categories": "Lasán Earnáilí"
"experiments": {
"not_available": "Níl aon ceannaithe ar fáil anois.",
"title": "Triailí",
"features": "Ceannaithe ar fáil"
"feedback": {
"suggest_desc": "Tabhair ceannaithe nua de Revolt ar GitHub discussions.",
"title": "Aischothú",
"suggest": "Tabhair moladh ceannaithe",
"issue": "Chruthú tál nua"
"notifications": {
"enable_push": "Cuir fógraí push ar siúl.",
"title": "Fógraí",
"push_notifications": "Fógraí Push",
"enable_desktop": "Cuir fógraí córas ar siúl.",
"sounds": "Fuaimeanna",
"descriptions": {
"enable_desktop": "Tabharfaidh seo fógraí duit nuair a bíonn an aip oscailte.",
"enable_push": "Cuir seo ar siúl chun fógraí a fháil nuair a théann tú as líne."
"sound": {
"message": "Teachtaireacht a fuarthas",
"outbound": "Teachtaireacht seolta",
"call_join": "Chuaigh Úsáideoir isteach glao",
"call_leave": "D'imigh Úsáideoir glao"
"language": {
"title": "Teanga",
"select": "Roghnaigh do theanga",
"const": "Teangacha tógthaí",
"other": "Roghannaí teanga eile"
"native": {
"title": "Roghanna Córas"
"donate": {
"title": "Deonaigh"
"source_code": "Cód Bunaidh",
"bots": {
"title": "Mo Róbataí"
"permissions": {
"channel": {
"UploadFiles": {
"d": "Lig do bhaill comhaid a uaslódáil i gcainéil téacs.",
"t": "Uaslódáil Comhaid"
"login": {
"username": "ainm úsáideora",
"email": "ríomhphost",
"invite": "Cuireadh a thabhairt do chód",
"current_password": "Pasfhocal Reatha",
"enter": {
"email": "Cuir isteach do r-phost.",
"password": "Cuir isteach do phasfhocal.",
"current_password": "Cuir isteach do phasfhocal reatha.",
"username": "Cuir isteach ainm úsáideora.",
"invite": "Cuir isteach do chód cuireadh."
"forgot": "Ar rinne tú dearmad ar do Phásfhocail?",
"reset": "Athshocraigh Pasfhocal.",
"remembered": "Téigh ar ais chun logáil isteach.",
"new": "Nua don Revolt?",
"existing": "Cuntas agat cheana?",
"create": "Cruthaigh cuntas nua.",
"cancel": "Cealaigh iarratas.",
"check_mail": "Seiceáil ar do r-phost.",
"check_spam": "Seiceáil spam le do thoil mura féidir leat é a fháil",
"open_mail_provider": "Oscail {{provider}}",
"error": {
"login": "Theip ar logáil isteach!",
"resend": "Theip ar athdhéanamh!",
"create": "Theip ar chlárú!",
"reset": "Theip ar athshocrú!"
"title": "Logáil isteach",
"register": "clár",
"password": "pasfhocal",
"set_password": "Socraigh pasfhocal nua.",
"missing_verification": "Gan aon ríomhphost?",
"resend": "Fíorú a athdhéanamh.",
"email_delay": "Lig suas le 10 nóiméad dó le do thoil.",
"successful_registration": "Cláraithe go rathúil!"
"general": {
"tos": "सेवा की शर्तें",
"privacy": "गोपनीयता नीति",
"about": "तकरीबन",
"image_by": "द्वारा छवि",
"loading": "लोड हो रहा है…"
"login": {
"title": "लॉग इन करें",
"register": "रजिस्टर करें",
"username": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम",
"email": "ईमेल",
"password": "कुंजिका"