insert authoredd0e56ac4
Last updated: 21. April 2021
0.4: Voice
This update introduces voice support to REVOLT.
Beta entry is now closed for this version as we have reached maximum capacity, if you do really want access, contact me directly through https://insrt.uk.
Release Features
[x] Voice Chat [ ] Deafening [ ] Volume Sliders [ ] Show Call Status Globally [ ] Ringing
General Features
[x] Ability to change username. [x] Markdown User Profiles [x] User Badges [x] User Status [x] Status Indicators [x] Re-designed languages page in settings. [x] Ability to change group name / description. [x] Mention auto-complete. [x] Emoji auto-complete.
[x] Combo box design. [x] User selector design. [x] Show participants on sidebar. [x] Improve call design. [ ] Use server configuration to determine endpoints for voso.
0.4.1: CDN Rework
This update aims to refine how the CDN works.
[x] Add support for S3. [x] Remove EXIF data. [ ] Link embeds. [ ] Image proxy. [x] Announce max file limit through server configuration. [x] Save file size to database, and display it in client. [x] Improve image / video detection, hence allow more file types. [ ] Ability to change group icons. [ ] Ability to change user profile picture. [ ] Ability to change user profile background image.
[ ] Use combined environment file for docker deployment. [x] Allow failed image / video uploads to be uploaded as a normal file.
0.5: Servers
[ ] Ability to create a server. [ ] Creating server channels. [ ] Deleting server channels. [ ] Ability to change server name. [ ] Mini member pop out. [ ] Bot support. [ ] Permission editor. [ ] Invites. [ ] Webhooks for groups / guild channels.